Flashless at the Golden Globes
Microsoft to Redfall

Todd: we need more money for another year.Are they not "involved" with Starfield as well?
... what? The talents of the team behind Dishonoured and Dishonoured 2 are self-evidently wasted on a "open-world looter shooter".And what talents are those? You don’t even know who works there.
But I agree that they should’ve been able to call a spade a spade.
No control yet their games have magically become exclusive.
Lunatic asylum
I think people err on the side of giving Phil a pass because MS arguably wouldn’t shut down Xbox by now if not for him. I agree though, the buck stops with him and he’s just not doing what needs to be done to make sure that his studios are properly managed.This is like saying Jim Ryan and co aren't to blame if next project by Bungie is a disaster, lol. Absolutely laughable take. I mean we've seen enough of these 60 rated games from Microsoft to know where they come from. People have been calling out Microsoft gaming division's quality control for a long time and here it is reeling its ugly face yet again. But Phil Spencer is protected as always from any sense of responsibility. Weve seen ir enough times to know how it goes.
I thought this was common knowledge that Bethesda studios still operated outside of the MS umbrella and answered to Pete Hines or whoever. We’ve also heard from numerous current and former XGS devs that MS is completely and totally hands off and allows their teams absolute freedom. Too much freedom according to some of those devs.
Im sure MS made some decisions, like canceling the PS5 version, and removing some of the GaaS elements. And it’s not like this acknowledgement that Bethesda controls the game absolves MS of blame, because Bethesda is still MS. If the Bethesda big wigs were in charge of QC and this game released, that’s still on Microsoft.
They're not blame free and they need to be more hands on with their devs.
A certain mod, who’s been mentioned in other topics as being a shill, was patrolling that thread. Not a surprise….Lunatic asylum
... what? The talents of the team behind Dishonoured and Dishonoured 2 are self-evidently wasted on a "open-world looter shooter".
“In June 2017, he departed Arkane, though he stayed with the Lyon branch of Arkane to help with transition to new management, while Harvey Smith oversaw the Austin studio. Colantonio stated that he wanted to spend more time with his son and re-evaluate his goals for the future.[5] In a 2020 interview, he said that part of his reason for leaving was "creative anxiety" around delivering a triple Aquality game where it felt like more like making a product instead, as well as wanting to take a break to focus on other matters.”
Zenimax as a whole is part of Xbox Game Studios. I can guarantee no Zenimax/Bethesda game goes out the door without someone on Matt's team having a look at it.Which part of XBox Games Studios and Bethesda are two separate entities you don't understand? Matt Booty has as much to say about anything happening in Bethesda as guy running Office team. Bethesda as a whole is run by Pete Hines and he is responsible for ensuring quality of their games.
"Should Microsoft create a stronger pipeline for oversight?"...
Hi Fi Rush director also said they weren't involved.When it is a good game they are involved. When it is a crap they were not involved.
They'll let you know after reviews hit.Are they not "involved" with Starfield as well?
Their games have never been great sellers. But with the high critical praise for Dishonored they got a pass for years. But the dream was bound to die at some point.2 back to back duds from Arkane. They need to be reined in.
THe mod ghostcrew is supposedly an XBOX influencer. He bans people for anything he deems negative towards Phil/XBOX. Since the acquisition and it's failure a lot of PS fans have been booted. I keep my place there by not posting lol.
Fair enough. I did some reading when the initial reviews landed, because Arkane usually puts out much better games than this. It looks like Redfall wasn't created by the studio who did Deathloop, it was the Dishonoured 2 studio. With that said, you're absolutely correct - the team itself may have changed makeup considerably, and this may not really be the same team.I say it because they have two teams and I’m having trouble understand which one worked on Dishonored...
Just get yourself banned, it's good for your own sanityTHe mod ghostcrew is supposedly an XBOX influencer. He bans people for anything he deems negative towards Phil/XBOX. Since the acquisition and it's failure a lot of PS fans have been booted. I keep my place there by not posting lol.
What is Xbox Ambassador and Xbox MVP?
What is Xbox Ambassador and Xbox MVP?
What is Xbox Ambassador and Xbox MVP?
How do I apply for that position?
They have. I'm just going off my own definition. I literally wouldn't call any Arkane game AAA. I think the game would have been received a lot better at $40-50.
Cancelling a project we barely knew about right after taking over the company isn't as bad as cancelling something after announcing it to huge fanfare.Its nowhere close to that bad. Picture the cost to MS reputation if they canceled it. Scalebound ×1000.
Oh the mental gymnastics from some here....
They won't, they're giving away day 1 sales to push gamepass.Only way their $7B valuation is justified if they have another Skyrim level hit