Arkane tried something new and it didn't work out. Why do people get so upset over this.
That was a simple innocent attempt to put an always on camera/mic in everyone’s living room with an NSA back door as well as stripping everyone’s purchasing rights back to the Stone Age.Were you not around for the Don Mattrick era, it can go lower, a lot lower
Better than that, releasing a Next Gen Console with no first party games, limited to 900p on most games which was less than the previous console, focussing on being the centre of the Entertainment Unit and including a fucking Camera that no one wanted and then the design of the console was akin to a VCR, and this was after their biggest success in the 360, this was such an easy win for them in theoryLike releasing a next gen console with no first party games?
We deserve it tbhThe highest people in the company trying to insult and bully the UK
True. Just not from a mega conglomerate that avoids paying tax here.We deserve it tbh
I can't speak to the MVP program but if it's anything like the Windows/Office MVPs, they at least have some sort of actual direct connection to and oversight from Microsoft. If a Windows MVP starts handing out bogus information on their support forums, for example, they can (and will) be stripped of their status.
Ambassadors are just a viral marketing campaign that turns Xbox fans into brand marketers. I know, I'm in the program. It's literally just a web "game" within the brand. They have seasons, each of which have a different theme, and then you visit every month or so and they have "missions" for you to do which consist solely of visiting videos, visiting blogs, or visiting official forums to earn "XP" toward your next level. Then they encourage people to go to other forums and post what they're given through the Ambassador program. They also have a Discord server to reinforce the narrative.
Here, see for yourself. They just switched over to promoting Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in addition to their normal game promotions and newly added accessibility "quest" hub. I enrolled years ago. I realized how pointless it all was when I hit "level 2 ambassador". I have better things to do with my time than constantly doing these meaningless quests.
Arkane tried something new and it didn't work out. Why do people get so upset over this.
Did Forza not release on day 1? I thought it had. There is a bit of contortion on first party games (I believe that if the console maker own the studio or are the publisher it is first party), I imagine you call Ryse a second party game so that doesn't count. What second party games released day 1 on Xbox Series?Better than that, releasing a Next Gen Console with no first party games, limited to 900p on most games which was less than the previous console, focussing on being the centre of the Entertainment Unit and including a fucking Camera that no one wanted and then the design of the console was akin to a VCR, and this was after their biggest success in the 360, this was such an easy win for them in theory
The sheer failure of the Xbox One launch should be studied on what not to do, no wonder Sony got a massive lead with both Xbox and Nintendo fumbling hard
Arkane tried something new and it didn't work out. Why do people get so upset over this.
Yes, Forza 5 was day one, was 1 of my launch games .Did Forza not release on day 1? I thought it had. There is a bit of contortion on first party games (I believe that if the console maker own the studio or are the publisher it is first party), I imagine you call Ryse a second party game so that doesn't count. What second party games released day 1 on Xbox Series?
critical people at arkane left years ago. Including the head of arkane Lyon, who is working on Darwin’s paradox, and an arkane co-founder and creator of dishonored and prey who founded a new studio that made weird west. The timing very much tracks with the change of direction at arkane and the ending of their “immersive sim” stuff in pursuit of experimental stuff with integrating multiplayer. They’ll have lost other staff in that journey too. If it is indeed the case that they simply aren’t the studio they were, then I wouldn’t be opposed to them closing, so the remaining key people can reform in some way in the spirit of what they once were.Time to close the studio
You know why. If MS didn't have bought them we would have a two pages long thread about that crap game and everbody would have moved on. Same goes for Forspoken. But exclusive games always cause drama, because fanboys are weird.Arkane tried something new and it didn't work out. Why do people get so upset over this.
The information is most likely true though, and it kinda falls in line with existing information about MS studio autonomy. Just look at 343 and how they've been allowed to screw up for years seemingly without intervention. ..Which is baffling to me. With all of this going on Microsoft need to set up some sort of oversight mechanisms.
Why would you blame the acquiring company for the outcome of a project that started before the acquisition? Do you people not realize how long it takes to integrate all the parts and that it takes years after a deal closes for management to fully sync up? Of course not because it is easy to have no clue, make assumptions and point fingers. The most Xbox could really do for a game is make some high level decisions. It is just as possible that Xbox implied they wanted the game released as it is that Arkane management wanted to push the release to impress the bosses.![]()
Xbox wasn't involved with Redfall, but it's still blamed for its quality
Fair or not, Bethesda games now reflect on
Don't blame Xbox, Phil and Matt for Redfall![]()
So you're telling me that the only involvement from MS was them telling Harvey & and the rest of the team at Arkane Austin to cancel the PS5 version of Redfall?![]()
Default response on Neogaf.Time to close the studio
This may be true... but that doesn't change anything. Its still the choice, action, or whatever of MS to be hands-off and give their studios that much autonomy. When all they need is to have a small team of people that goes around from Xbox HQ to these studios to make sure certain minimum standards are met. Because MS of all people should know that no matter how they go around dealing with these things, the final product would be reflective of their brand.The information is most likely true though, and it kinda falls in line with existing information about MS studio autonomy. Just look at 343 and how they've been allowed to screw up for years seemingly without intervention. ..Which is baffling to me. With all of this going on Microsoft need to set up some sort of oversight mechanisms.
You are kidding, right? like... you cannot possibly be serious.Why would you blame the acquiring company for the outcome of a project that started before the acquisition? Do you people not realize how long it takes to integrate all the parts and that it takes years after a deal closes for management to fully sync up? Of course not because it is easy to have no clue, make assumptions and point fingers. The most Xbox could really do for a game is make some high level decisions. It is just as possible that Xbox implied they wanted the game released as it is that Arkane management wanted to push the release to impress the bosses.
Exactly, investors also just look at the bottom line which says: who did publish Redfall? The answer is Microsoft, the blame is entirely up to MS and all that nonsense about they just bought Bethesda 2 years ago and they couldn’t interfere if they wanted is such bullcrap.Whatever Xbox’s day to day influence on the making of this game was, they were happy to release it to consumers in the fucking state it’s in.
Xbox are entirely responsible for this disaster, because the buck stops with them.
Any squirming and gaslighting by its media shills is not going to change that cold, hard fact.
First become a moderator on that other forum that shall not be named, then you can apply for the ambassador program.How do I apply for that position?
Found Jez Corden's GAF account.Why would you blame the acquiring company for the outcome of a project that started before the acquisition? Do you people not realize how long it takes to integrate all the parts and that it takes years after a deal closes for management to fully sync up? Of course not because it is easy to have no clue, make assumptions and point fingers. The most Xbox could really do for a game is make some high level decisions. It is just as possible that Xbox implied they wanted the game released as it is that Arkane management wanted to push the release to impress the bosses.
Quoting this one for truth. The biggest justification for these mergers is the additional marketing power, resources, expertise and funding that a platform holder can provide. Hi-Fi Rush was shadow-dropped with almost no marketing support and now we're being told that Microsoft took little-to-no interest in Arkane's latest project. If the only outcome is that these games will just appear on fewer platforms than they would have, is this really in anyone's interest?If this were true this would be 1000x worse than just admitting it was rushed to support GP.
It also implies absolutely zero benefit to MS acquisitions beyond exclusivity, which would be sad to see and a massive waste of potential.
“Doesn’t approach the quality bar of Xbox”
Crackdown 3 disagrees.
I mean,taken in isolation you make a fair point......but I don't think people are taking this in isolation,but more of in the context of Microsofts handling of game releases.....and some of that may well be console warrior nonsense but I think there is a strong case to argue,they seem to have issues over there......just look at the whole release of Halo Infinite and that first gameplay demo,I don't think people are making this stuff up.Arkane tried something new and it didn't work out. Why do people get so upset over this.
Jimbo, not the man we want, but the hero MS need!It's Jimbo Ryan again. How can he keep getting away with this?
First he pays for timed exclusives and now he's actually paying Bethesda to cancel the PS5 version and deliberately make a bad game for Xbox......
His stance towards Microsoft's involvement would change.The game would have been 90+ if it didn't have numerous problems it has so yeah - if the game is successful it's mostly because of some quality.
The game has 20 dollars indie production values dude, hell i think that even fucking hades has better production values...They have. I'm just going off my own definition. I literally wouldn't call any Arkane game AAA. I think the game would have been received a lot better at $40-50.
Arkane tried something new and it didn't work out. Why do people get so upset over this.
Deathloop was a GOTY contender at the Game awards. Stop it.2 back to back duds from Arkane. They need to be reined in.
He can try, but most people are saying the same thing and he can't ban 90% of people in a topic.A certain mod, who’s been mentioned in other topics as being a shill, was patrolling that thread. Not a surprise….
Fervent discussion about this on my WhatsApp group, certainly not kind to Microsoft at all.
Not sure what Jez expected to achieve with this article, but it’s backfiring pretty badly…and makes them look really silly.
Sometimes there are things you don’t defend. There’s nothing undeserved about the response. Arkane made a bad game, and made the choice to make a game with such unappealing visuals and poor AI. Microsoft should have much better quality control.
Some years ago, Phil promised to ensure better quality from Xbox after the Crackdown 3 debacle and Sea of Thieves launch reviews. To be fair, they’ve upped the quality game since then, but this is a terrible retrogression and Xbox bears ultimate responsibility