Oh boy, shitty rant incoming.
What if there's simply nothing to say yet?
It's not like you have Spencer out there talking about unannounced products that aren't scheduled for release any time soon.
In a way, I agree. Teasing can lead to unreasonable expectations that are impossible to meet. Just look over at the gaming side (wait, no, don't!) and check the Spencer/Rare thread. It's dumb rambling and speculation of a bunch of kids (literally!) that have no idea what's going on.
On the other hand, that's your community and they appreciate it to get a bone thrown to them every once in a while. So yeah, is there ever something to say outside of an obscure event that happens maybe once a year? If not, then there definitely should be.
On the Windows Phone side there are exactly 0 things to discuss or speculate about and it's been like that for months. Update 2 was so low key and uninteresting, that I still can't be bothered to update the OT for it. In fact, I actually didn't notice that it was released at all. Is there I change log? e: Wait, Live Folders!
If you're not capable to deliver a flagship for the fall, blow one of your "partners" some money up their ass. The One M8 could've taken that role, if it wasn't a late "port" of a phone and was outdated the moment it was announced. HTC now has the Desire EYE for this fall. Is it gimmicky as shit? Sure. Would a Windows Phone variant of that be better than nothing? Absolutely. That makes me think, why is Microsoft the only manufacturer with a flagship coming out in the probably most important shopping season of the year? They have a ton of partners again and none of them care? That's weird!
Instead users and enthusiasts are met with a wall of silence. Of course you don't want to acknowledge your failures ("yeah, it sucks guys, but we had to cancel our flagship"), but there's absolutely nothing to look forward to or talk about either. At least not as far as I know. We've been in this for god knows how long (Nov 2010, actually). It's always been either the software or the hardware that was lacking and we're still in this never ending cycle of "wait for X". First it was Mango, then Apollo, then 8.1, now it's 10. Other platforms have their problems and might take a while to get shit fixed, but at least developers support them in a meaningful way. The quality of Candy Crush doesn't matter at all, but the fact that it took them two years to bring it to Windows Phone does. Who gives a shit about Candy Crush Saga anymore? And it was the exact same shit with Angry Birds or Instagram or Draw Something (remember that one?). And don't get me started on that fucking Xbox Music app, something that's supposed to be a core functionality of the OS. Holy fucking shit, what the fuck went wrong there.
But hey, January 21 everyone. New event. New stuff to talk about. Lets just wait until then.
e: And I dare anyone to accuse me of shitting up this thread again. Check the OT and tell me I put that much work into it, just to shit all over it again. I fucking dare you. I didn't make this to be some circle jerk thread.