Managed to get a 435 for £10. Interested to see how it performs.
Like what it costs
Managed to get a 435 for £10. Interested to see how it performs.
At this point MS is just waiting for that flagship Android Lumia. Bank on it.
Microsoft Lumia 940 with Cyanogen Mod.
Windows 11 might as well be Windows 7 with an Android Start Screen.
Edit: I was joking but come to think of it, just fork Android like Amazon does.
Here is why Microsoft wants hamburger menus in Windows 10 for phone
About that, I was wondering: it's just us or the Windows Phone's specific design (action bar at the bottom, etc) is truly ergonomic?
Android uses hamburgers, so it just seems from an outsider's standpoint, Microsoft is copying Google.
Can't disagree with this man. My hatred of the current phone situation is quickly growing close to my hatred of iOS. Microsoft you have until the iPhone 6s.Lets be honest. What this platform needs is more manufacturers. Microsoft can't cover every price range in every region with all kinds of variants (even if it seems like they're trying). If consumers want a Windows Phone, they have no choice but to buy a Lumia and that can't be great. I'm sure carriers don't like it either. There's little differentiation in the hardware line-up and even if you slim it down to 6 Lumia phones, there wouldn't be much that sets them apart. You want a phone that's not made of plastic? Nothing. Something waterproof or -resistant? Nope. Something between 5" and 6"? Go away.
If you get some rare Windows Phone announcement from a different manufacturer, it's usually some non-commitment throw-away stuff made by interns or something. Even the HTC One M8 with Windows was basically a proof of concept. "Look, you totally can put Windows on your Android flagship without doing anything! Now sell it exclusively on one carrier!"
And remember this?
That went nowhere as well.
Can't disagree with this man. My hatred of the current phone situation is quickly growing close to my hatred of iOS. Microsoft you have until the iPhone 6s.
My friends trust my opinion and I've gotten so many people on windows phones. My friend just finished his two year contract and asked me last night what to get and I told him an iPhone. The whole table looked at me shocked and asked if I was the same person who came back from Japan.
Give me a fucking super phone now with the promise I get wp10 within the first month. This waiting bs has gone further than I can handle. I can't believe after so much time and love with this platform that I'm about to revoke my membership. I remember when it seemed like they had a plan. After buying Nokia I thought things would be more clear and simplified to the fans of the platform. Microsoft has made this platform more frustrating than exciting.
And why would I want to use a copy when I can use the original? That article pushed me closer to switching to Android.
Exactly, it would be far easier getting Android developers to bring their Android apps over to the "Windows Store" than it would to get developers to develop for Windows.Amazon or Samsung stores are way better than Windows Phone store can ever be, surely MS can manage something on par if they went that route. It's more probable to achieve that than improving WP store at this point.
Amazon or Samsung stores are way better than Windows Phone store can ever be, surely MS can manage something on par if they went that route. It's more probable to achieve that than improving WP store at this point.
They could certainly go that route, but that would also mean that everything they've done since Windows 7 has been a waste of time -- all the work on the unified app model and on supporting all kinds of device types.
Wow, they are very brisk!
Cutting off 3rd party Snapchat apps concerned everyone (Android + iOS + WP) but now they made a special statement for Rudy and his app.
Does that mean that Snapchat is looking closely to Windows platforms?
LMAO the only thing they're closely looking at is putting their boot heel on the neck of windows phone.Wow, they are very brisk!
Cutting off 3rd party Snapchat apps concerned everyone (Android + iOS + WP) but now they made a special statement for Rudy and his app.
Does that mean that Snapchat is looking closely to Windows platforms?
our future?
Come on man it's not that bad the Lumia 640 XL is hero phone Microsoft thinks we all deserve.If live tiles go, I'll never come back to WP, not even if they made the 1" sensor camera phone I want, I've been on iPhone 6 for a month and don't really like it, the OS is better than the last time I had an iPhone (4S) as my main driver, but it still is very much an enter app, exit app to do anything which I never liked, android is more integrated, but needs so much mantaining for a person like me (I know me, and i would install a new CFW every third day) so WP was/is (at this moment) what I want on an OS, services that comunicate with each other (I have eveything on MS cloud so that is a plus), UI that I enjoyed miles ahead of other OSes, great visual language, and so on. The mainstream may not have liked WP as it is, but is like it was tailor made for me. And if they are going to copy everything for other OSes no only they will lose the WP identity that masses rejected, but they will have an abortion of OS that masses will also reject because why go to the copy when they can easily go to The original (Android-iOS)
They have like 80million plus wp active which is small potatoes compared to the big boys, but instead of keeping us fans happy, they want us to go where everyone already is, and they keep hanging that carrot in front of us and delivering so, so little
our future?
LMAO the only thing they're closely looking at is putting their boot heel on the neck of windows phone.
Yeah, if that happens I'm so done with this platform, I'll get a mod to close this thread.
Yeah, if that happens I'm so done with this platform, I'll get a mod to close this thread.
The Blu Win HD LTE doesn't look too bad. $200, dual-SIM.
I wonder how Windows Phone is doing for Blu. They've been constantly releasing new devices.The Blu Win HD LTE doesn't look too bad. $200, dual-SIM.
Recycling HTCs recycled design.
That BLU phone is exactly what I was looking for, a cheap high-end phone that I can use for dev work.