So glad to be back on my 930
Hey guys, Microsoft is sending me the 640XL to review and I just wanted to see what the consensus on GAF was regarding this handset.
So glad to be back on my 930
That was a quick iOS detour!
That was a quick iOS detour!
Whenever Google has a keynote, I can but feel that they are just so far ahead of everyone else in virtually anything they do.
More than a billion users for Android, Chrome, Youtube, Search. And gmail is pretty close, too, at twice the size of
Microsoft will soon make Cortana available via an Android app? Google is injecting Google Now into every Android app. You just can't match that.
If I were a car manufacturer, I'd be very afraid of Google's car...
(and if I were the EU or the FCC, I'd keep a veeery close eye on them)
Tsk tsk GoogleAbsolutely no hints of plans on any Windows support at the Google conference, I assume. To no one's surprise.
Anyone know what the plans are for the sale of 640 XL in the US? My daughter needs a phone soon and I would like to get this model.
Teenager? I was first thinking why a Windows Phone, then I realized she'd waste much less time on apps and games so it's actually a great idea.
Oh geez I just thought of a what if.
Imagine if the 940 and 940XL were carrier exclusive to ATT and Verizon but the phone you wanted was exclusive to the other carrier?
So glad to be back on my 930
Man, I'm ready to dump this note 4 and go back to the 930. How is the Microsoft band? Anyone here use it?
What's wrong with the Note 4?
It's a great device for someone not me. I keep forgetting to sell it. Any interest in a large?Man, I'm ready to dump this note 4 and go back to the 930. How is the Microsoft band? Anyone here use it?
Man, I'm ready to dump this note 4 and go back to the 930. How is the Microsoft band? Anyone here use it?
It's a great device for someone not me. I keep forgetting to sell it. Any interest in a large?
Not with my girly wrists, lol.
Edit: schuey, I don't want to pay a lot, and I don't know how long I would keep it depending on other announcements this year, so I will try to score it for cheap.
Man, I'm ready to dump this note 4 and go back to the 930. How is the Microsoft band? Anyone here use it?
I really like my band. Deeper analytics & insights than fitbit, especially on the website.
I Was thinking of buying the Lumia 640 XL, but not sure if it'll be too big. Anyone recommend this phone? I did have a 735 but I broke it like a numpty.
How are people finding w10 on surface pros? Tempted to install the insider build now.
How are people finding w10 on surface pros? Tempted to install the insider build now.
Is it?
Wait for 10134.
Bad news when someone who used to work at Microsoft tweets this:
Getting an update here in the UK on my 735 :-S
Yeah ^^^
Updated to 8.10.15148.160
hard to believe that sinofsky doesn't know someone irl that would help him with that
So Mobile will adopt hamburgers now then go back to pivots and gutters?Lol, Sinofsky trolling. Dude can't be happy with what they've done to his baby (win8). Really, he just moved too quickly. Win 10 should've been win 8, then you gradually move towards what win 8 was.
So Mobile will adopt hamburgers now then go back to pivots and gutters?
Different than my version of Update 2 through the Preview
I've got 8.10.15116.125 on my 735
So Mobile will adopt hamburgers now then go back to pivots and gutters?