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Windows Phone 8.1 |OT| Update 1


Unconfirmed Member
Went back to my 1520. Calling ShopBlackberry to return my Priv.

Should I install W10M on it or wait on WP8.1 for a bit longer?

Haha, that didn't last long. I'm still enjoying my G4. The contacts/Facebook stuff is a pain in the ass and my least favourite thing about Android.

I like the Outlook Calendar widget a lot.


Haha, that didn't last long. I'm still enjoying my G4. The contacts/Facebook stuff is a pain in the ass and my least favourite thing about Android.

I like the Outlook Calendar widget a lot.

Outlook on Android doesn't have an option to not automatically download pictures. :(

Installed W10M and it works fine on my 1520. Not bad. Let's see how long it lasts.


So charged the 1520 to 100%. Phone is hot. Restarted the phone at 96%. Turns back on and shows 76% battery left.

uhhhhh lol


Really tempted to jump back onto Windows phone. Was a loyal and happy 920 user but have been using Android for the past year.

I know the app situation has improved a little bit but are there many universal windows 10 apps yet? Does it seem to have made a difference that apps are now easily ported or are devs still ignoring Windows?


Really tempted to jump back onto Windows phone. Was a loyal and happy 920 user but have been using Android for the past year.

I know the app situation has improved a little bit but are there many universal windows 10 apps yet? Does it seem to have made a difference that apps are now easily ported or are devs still ignoring Windows?

There's an android app that lets you compare what you have installed to with what's available on the WP marketplace in case you're wondering.


Really tempted to jump back onto Windows phone. Was a loyal and happy 920 user but have been using Android for the past year.

I know the app situation has improved a little bit but are there many universal windows 10 apps yet? Does it seem to have made a difference that apps are now easily ported or are devs still ignoring Windows?

Not many universal apps.

They seem to be ignoring Windows. However, the iOS bridge works, so we might get iOS ports instead.


The Translator
I dropped my 1020 for about the 10th time yesterday.

This time the screen didn't survive it :(

Fucking lucky that it happened with a week to go until a new phone, though.


I dropped my 1020 for about the 10th time yesterday.

This time the screen didn't survive it :(

Fucking lucky that it happened with a week to go until a new phone, though.

It knew... it wanted to end it's existence...

So sad I can't get one this year or early next year :(
Getting the urge to grab a 950XL. Especially now that the boss gave me the go ahead to wipe my Pro 3 and get whatever Pro 4 I want.

Play with 950XL yesterday at Microsoft "store" (the kiosk in the middle of the mall, that I don't know why they don't turn into a full store by now). It's bigger than the 950 but actually thinner. It doesn't feel bulky or big like my One Plus or 6s+ but I think I would prefer the 950 size. That to me is a sweep spot for a phone.


Really tempted to jump back onto Windows phone. Was a loyal and happy 920 user but have been using Android for the past year.

I know the app situation has improved a little bit but are there many universal windows 10 apps yet? Does it seem to have made a difference that apps are now easily ported or are devs still ignoring Windows?

Actually it seemed like the app situation got worse in the last year with companies (especially banks) dropping support. Let's hope the iOs porting tools and/or universal apps reverse the situation at least a little bit.


Did W10M lose the ability to use geofencing for WiFi? On my 1020 (WP 8.1) when I turned off WiFi it had an option to turn back on when near my favourite place and would automatically turn back on when I got home. On the 950 XL when I turned WiFi off this morning there were only options for manual or timed.

Also, does the W10M email app no longer show unread email count on the tile?

Some other quick observations from using the XL for an evening and morning commute.

- The phone does get a bit warm, but I'm using it "naked" for now while my 1020 had a case on it so it could be normal.
- It is obviously much bigger than the 1020, but it doesn't feel any heavier (not sure if it actually is). After 2+ years of holding the 1020 with the "hump", it is a lot different to hold a large phone that is basically flat. The stock back doesn't do any favours for grip either, which is why I usually opt for a case.
- I'm going to wait for a few days to see if it settles down, or if there are any settings on that I'm not aware of, but battery life isn't great yet. Took it off my old wireless charger this morning ~6:30 AM and with about an hour and a half of screen time usage and listening to music with Groove I'm at 75% at 10 AM.
- Speaking of Groove, other than suspending the downloads of my playlists over night it worked quite well this morning. Much quicker than Xbox Music on the 1020.
- Not a big fan of the volume/power button layout on the XL. I don't know if it would be enough to make me consider swapping for the 950, but it does bug me that they flanked the power with the volume. If they could enable Double Tap to Wake again though that would probably help.
- I claimed the Display Dock through the Lumia Offers app. We'll see how quickly they send them out.
- I think it might have been better to do a clean start with the XL rather than restoring the backup from my 1020. The differences in screen make the start screen settings useless and I'm not sure I need all of the apps/games that I haven't used in a long time. I might to do a reset and start from scratch.


I think the geofencing is tied to Cortana, so have you set that up and does it recognize home and work locations?

(never seen geofencing option for wifi on 8.1)


I think the geofencing is tied to Cortana, so have you set that up and does it recognize home and work locations?

(never seen geofencing option for wifi on 8.1)
Yeah, I think I have Cortana setup but most of my settings carried forward from my 8.1 backup. My home location is there, but no work setup though as I don't have WiFi here.

Yeah, the 1020 can get very warm too.
Yeah, I did notice the 1020 got warm occasionally during my commutes where my train goes in and out of cell coverage areas (and obviously for games). Typically I wouldn't notice it though due to the case shielding most of it.


Did W10M lose the ability to use geofencing for WiFi? On my 1020 (WP 8.1) when I turned off WiFi it had an option to turn back on when near my favourite place and would automatically turn back on when I got home. On the 950 XL when I turned WiFi off this morning there were only options for manual or timed.

Also, does the W10M email app no longer show unread email count on the tile?

Some other quick observations from using the XL for an evening and morning commute.

- The phone does get a bit warm, but I'm using it "naked" for now while my 1020 had a case on it so it could be normal.
- It is obviously much bigger than the 1020, but it doesn't feel any heavier (not sure if it actually is). After 2+ years of holding the 1020 with the "hump", it is a lot different to hold a large phone that is basically flat. The stock back doesn't do any favours for grip either, which is why I usually opt for a case.
- I'm going to wait for a few days to see if it settles down, or if there are any settings on that I'm not aware of, but battery life isn't great yet. Took it off my old wireless charger this morning ~6:30 AM and with about an hour and a half of screen time usage and listening to music with Groove I'm at 75% at 10 AM.
- Speaking of Groove, other than suspending the downloads of my playlists over night it worked quite well this morning. Much quicker than Xbox Music on the 1020.
- Not a big fan of the volume/power button layout on the XL. I don't know if it would be enough to make me consider swapping for the 950, but it does bug me that they flanked the power with the volume. If they could enable Double Tap to Wake again though that would probably help.
- I claimed the Display Dock through the Lumia Offers app. We'll see how quickly they send them out.
- I think it might have been better to do a clean start with the XL rather than restoring the backup from my 1020. The differences in screen make the start screen settings useless and I'm not sure I need all of the apps/games that I haven't used in a long time. I might to do a reset and start from scratch.
I've read you cannot turn off the second sim so it always shows. Has that annoyed the crap out of you yet.


I've read you cannot turn off the second sim so it always shows. Has that annoyed the crap out of you yet.
Actually, yes... that has been a bit of an annoyance. It is always in the notification bar, maybe they can add an option to hide it.

I sometimes travel to the US for 1-2 weeks at a time, so I guess it might be useful to get a pre-paid SIM to use when I'm there but it would depend on how much cheaper it is than just using my roaming for SMS and calls.

Another W10M question... how do I get it to load images in the mail app? In 8.1 when an email had images I would just need to tap part of the image for it all load. Doing this in W10M doesn't seem to do anything, none of the images have loaded for any my emails. I even tried changing the setting to automatically download but that didn't do anything either.



The geofencing is gone. I had that with WP8.1 and lost it when I downgraded to W10.

Outlook does show unread mail for me. But mine is 1x1 and I pinned outlook.

The images do load for me when I tap on any of them, just like WP8.1.

Maybe you need to update Outlook?
Fairly new Icon gets flashing screen that is software based issue. God, so done with WP. Complete shit. Fixed by reinstalling OS but will come up again since it is the 2nd time I get it after a few weeks of reinstalling.


Loving the XL so far! Still need a micro sim card though. Hope to pick one up tomorrow.
The XL uses a nano sim, not micro. That being said, the sim I picked up yesterday from my carrier was a multi size sim where you just break off the pieces until it is the size you need.
Experiencing frequent crashes with my 950..

Really not liking this phone as much as I thought I would :(

I still have a few days left if I want to return it... Not sure what to do.


Experiencing frequent crashes with my 950..

Really not liking this phone as much as I thought I would :(

I still have a few days left if I want to return it... Not sure what to do.
That's weird. W10M has been working fine for me on my 1520.

Do you think it could be the phone?
That's weird. W10M has been working fine for me on my 1520.

Do you think it could be the phone?

Glad it's working well on your phone. Idk, at times my 950 works fantastic, but it crashes a lot most of the time. If I have a few apps open or a lot of tabs open on Edge, it crashes frequently. It really shouldn't be struggling as much as it is, I mean, I thought the specs of the phone would prevent so much crashing/rebooting of the phone? I could try factory resetting the phone/restoring the phone to see if that helps first.

Not sure if any other 950 owners are experiencing frequent issues with theirs.


The Translator
They've updated glance screen.

The peek setting is gone, though it still works like before.

Is that how it works on the 950's too?


Speaking of glance, have they re-added the option of having one picture as Glance, and another as the lockscreen? That's how it worked with the Glance Background app on my 1020, before I upgraded. Sort of disappointed when I noticed that's not how it works with Glance in Windows 10 Mobile.
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