Did W10M lose the ability to use geofencing for WiFi? On my 1020 (WP 8.1) when I turned off WiFi it had an option to turn back on when near my favourite place and would automatically turn back on when I got home. On the 950 XL when I turned WiFi off this morning there were only options for manual or timed.
Also, does the W10M email app no longer show unread email count on the tile?
Some other quick observations from using the XL for an evening and morning commute.
- The phone does get a bit warm, but I'm using it "naked" for now while my 1020 had a case on it so it could be normal.
- It is obviously much bigger than the 1020, but it doesn't feel any heavier (not sure if it actually is). After 2+ years of holding the 1020 with the "hump", it is a lot different to hold a large phone that is basically flat. The stock back doesn't do any favours for grip either, which is why I usually opt for a case.
- I'm going to wait for a few days to see if it settles down, or if there are any settings on that I'm not aware of, but battery life isn't great yet. Took it off my old wireless charger this morning ~6:30 AM and with about an hour and a half of screen time usage and listening to music with Groove I'm at 75% at 10 AM.
- Speaking of Groove, other than suspending the downloads of my playlists over night it worked quite well this morning. Much quicker than Xbox Music on the 1020.
- Not a big fan of the volume/power button layout on the XL. I don't know if it would be enough to make me consider swapping for the 950, but it does bug me that they flanked the power with the volume. If they could enable Double Tap to Wake again though that would probably help.
- I claimed the Display Dock through the Lumia Offers app. We'll see how quickly they send them out.
- I think it might have been better to do a clean start with the XL rather than restoring the backup from my 1020. The differences in screen make the start screen settings useless and I'm not sure I need all of the apps/games that I haven't used in a long time. I might to do a reset and start from scratch.