Some notes after spending a year on Android and buying a L950:
-The base experience is still the best for me. Texting, quick browsing, phone calls, emails still comprise the bulk of my usage during working hours, and it's still best on Windows Phone
-One of those base areas that USED to be better on Windows Phone and now imo is not is camera+photos. Part of this is that the photos app is still garbage on Win10 mobile. It just takes too long to load and is not visually appealing. The other part is that competitors have just gotten flat better at this. LG and Samsung offer excellent photo viewing apps. The actual camera apps are both excellent for LG and Samsung. Apple's camera app is still the worst among the flagships. The camera experience on other flagships is also better in terms of the processing times to view your shot. This has to get better. I know it will get better, because it is unacceptable to have to wait so long to see how your photo came out. The first 4K video I took was screwed up. Taking pictures and recording video is not something you want to leave up to chance. It simply has to work. Every time. I changed the default video setting to save on internal rather than SD, let's see if that improves the 4k video experience.
-Another one of those base areas that USED to be better on Windows phone was the "Out of the Box" experience. But because Win10 mobile shipped in such a rough state, it takes some time to really have the phone working well. I'm glad the firmware upgrade made things much more stable (previously, you'd have to do a lot of rebooting). A lot of the annoyances I've had early on were eventually fixed once I got some app software updates, but I can imagine a lot of people being turned off by slow, buggy software and not waiting for updates.
-Speaking of updates, I LOVE the fact that just about every single part of this software is upgradeable through the Store, including the store itself. And because everything is so new, the updates actually fix and improve things. Unfortunately, on Android, you're just as likely to get a new battery drain bug with the latest Google services update as you are to get a new feature. I couldn't stand it, always feeling like an update would break something on my phone. To be fair to Google, it's hard to test the latest Gmail update against every phone and OEM skin to see where it would cause trouble, but I guess that's one benefit of MS scaling back to just a few phones
each phone gets optimized better. Another promising sign is just how much updates are available from MS. They are iterating at a pace that gives me confidence that they care about the platform. The phone is much better today than last week because of updates, and way way better than when it launched. 3rd party app updates, however, remain scarce.
-The ability to get rid of crapware is HUGE. Apple has slowly started to add a bunch of crapware that you can't remove. Google has always had that problem. It's such a headache for Android because you have duplication between OEM and Google apps, and you can't delete either one from your phone, just "disable" it, so it sits in your phone memory forever. Even if you have a Nexus phone, you can't delete crap like the google bootleg office apps. Just stupid.
-I'll just come out and say it: this is not the best camera on a smartphone. The Galaxy S6/Note5 still has the best camera imo. I'll go ahead and place the LG G4 camera slightly ahead of the 950 camera as well. I think that I can get better shots on my 950 in optimal conditions, but MOST times, the G4 will give me the best shot on automatic. The G4 also gives me truer colors in tricky conditions due to its additional color spectrum sensor, it really nails the colors of every scene. This one is so close it could go either way, because I've already taken shots on my 950 that I simply never took on my G4 which I owned for much longer, but I took a few more duds on the 950 as opposed to the G4. So 3rd best smartphone camera. That's nothing to sneeze at. Better than the new iPhone's cameras, but those of us with Lumias in the past have known this was ALWAYS true of Lumia flagships. I also feel like the G4 and S6 have better screens, but this is a non-factor because they are all so good.
-I work for a public education district. We are a Microsoft shop. I live in Outlook. As good as the outlook apps are on Android and iOS, the integration just isn't there yet. For example, syncing contacts on Android is a damn mess unless you live in Google apps (I don't). Adding calendar events in the Android app was also buggy in my experience, sometimes it wouldn't show up on the desktop app after I added it on phone. Can't have that. The tight integration with Outlook mail, calendar, and contacts on Windows Phone is still the best experience
-Hello Beta: Look at the camera and it improves recognition where it works almost 100% of the time for me. I also went through several rounds using the "improve recognition" feature. But, because my security is set so that it only asks for my PIN every 15 minutes, I can bypass Hello most of the time anyway. I did not know this, and maybe some of you using a 950/XL don't realize this, but if you have a similar setting where it doesn't ask for your pin every time, all you have to do is swipe up, even if the Hello camera is looking for you, and you'll get to your home screen. Because fingerprint scanners have gotten so good, Hello is not as fast or convenient as those methods. But it's not bad, just different. People think it's pretty cool when I show it to them, and it works well enough that I've kept it on. The G4 doesn't have biometric login and the S6 one wasn't reliable enough for me, so I like it. I don't think holding a phone up to my face once every 15 minutes (and even then only if I haven't used it at all in the meantime) is weird, ymmv.
-The look and design of the OS is still the best. I know this is subjective, but if you're in this thread, you probably agree. Nothing else comes close to how clean and nice you can get your home screen to look. In Win10, you do have to personalize it a bit more to get the elegance that was easier to achieve in 8.1, but having a background picture match your colors and your navigation bar allows for some real nice coordination and sleekness. And no other OS provides me the joy of watching my home screen come alive with moving pictures, notifications etc. I've even come around to the transparent tiles. This extends to the sounds of the OS. Again, silly to many people, but the ringtones, notification sounds, keyboard sounds etc. on Windows Phone is just SO GOOD.
-Continuum is a legit cool feature. I don't have the wired dock, so I figured I wouldn't be able to use it, but it connects perfectly with my TV wirelessly, so I was able to play around with the features. Makes big screen IE, photos, and videos effortless. I have a Surface 3 for work, which limits the usefulness of it for productivity purposes, but I'll probably pick up a wired dock when its on sale. As more apps become universal apps, the amount of things I can do with Continuum in my living room tv should grow. Speaking of UWP apps, I don't see any performance improvements compared to the traditional WP apps. They don't seem to open more quickly or perform more smoothly. We'll see if that changes.
-This is still not the phone for the young, socially plugged in person. That's a huge problem. Facebook, IG, Snapchat, and whatever the latest hot social media app is will either not be here or will function worse speed and feature-wise. For me, I use social media sparingly enough that's it not an issue, but that's a huge demographic that MS simply can not compete for with the current app environment.
-Ditto for games
-Finally, the issue of day-to-day use. My elderly mom owns a 950, she uses it every day to watch youtube videos, make calls, and surf Spanish-language news sites. I know some reviews have made it seem like the OS is so half-baked that it's not adequate for the average user, but with the updates to the OS and the various apps, that's not true. As a power user, I've run into much more bugs as I push the OS. So, for example, apps crashing on occasion, a reboot, the home screen taking an extra beat to show up, etc. Some of those errors you've seen in youtube reviews, and they are real. In my experience, the updates to software (such as the store, settings, photos app etc.) and the big update two weeks ago have stabilized the OS. I look forward to more updates, because there are still issues, but you can absolutely use this phone as your daily driver. It's important to note that I had issues with Android, a much more mature platform, with reboots, crashes, battery drain etc., so I don't think this is unique to Windows Phone, but of course MS is in a position where they don't have as much wiggle room because of their position in the market, I understand that.