So I've taken the plunge into the world of Android to see what it's all about with a OnePlus 3. I still have my 950XL so I can go back and forth while I decide which I prefer, but I'll probably keep both and possibly let me son use the odd one out.
Build-wise, the OP3 feels nice and despite being similar size to the 950XL it feels much smaller and is easier to use one handed, likely due to being less wide and slightly more curved on the edges. The screen is "only" 1080p though, and while it looks nice still it is definately noticeable compared the 950XL, particularly with how large most text is. I do like the alert slider on the OP3 though.
As for apps... I'm torn. There are some apps that I can use now that I didn't have before, but not everything is better.
- My banking app is there now, but it's honestly almost exactly what the mobile site is except for the ability to cash a cheque so it's not really a big deal at all for me.
- Twitter... I find it way worse on Android as it seems my timeline is half sponsored tweet or ads, none of which show up on W10M. Honestly, it seems really bad so far.
- Facebook is similar to Twitter in that I'm getting lots of sponsored/ad content that I'm not used to, but I guess there might be other features (extra Like options maybe?).
- Offical Reddit app is ok I guess, but not sure yet if it's better than Readit (first impressions aren't great).
- My contact list is screwed up and keeps bringing in old contacts, even after I delete them from the phone. My contact photos also keep disappearing even after manually updating them.
- I don't really like that the Outlook mail and calendar is all in one app on Android. I guess I can get used to it, but it doesn't seem any better to me.
- YouTube is YouTube... but now I have to see ads again. Maybe I can find a decent 3rd party app that is like MyTube.
- Official apps in general are nice I guess, but 3rd party W10M apps had some unique features that are missing on Android, like my Ecobee thermostat Live Tile. I also haven't found a weather app that I like as much as Appy Weather or Amazing Weather, using 1Weather and it seems ok, but not as good.
It's only been a few days, but it's been a little underwhelming thus far.