Serious question: is the Verge going to ignore the iPhone bending situation other than the satirical article that made fun of the people complaining? Would they do the same if it was a Samsung, HTC, or Microsoft flagship phone?
They will definitely ignore it.
Nine people have complained to Apple about bent iPhones. This. Is. A. Non. Issue.
Wake me up if the verge ever defend a Microsoft product so rigorously.
Know what else was a non-issue? The 920 commercial that blew up when people found out the entire commercial wasn't shot on the phone. Remember that? The reflection of the van that was caught in the mirror during the commercial and the entire tech press (Verge included) ran articles about Nokias "deceptive advertising" neverminding the fact that EVERYONE simulates stuff in their smartphone commercials (screens are most common). But that being a non-issue didn't stop them then.
Verge has really gone to shit.