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Windows Phone |OT2|

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I think there's something severely wrong with my Lumia 800. When I let it lie there for a few minutes, it won't turn on again. I soft reset it, it seems to work fine, the same thing happens. And a few crashes in between. All within the last hour.

No real problems before.


It knows about the Lumia 920.


Wow, this is seriously killing my mood right now.

I guess I should be glad that I recently backed up a huge amount of photos from a recent trip. But there's still a huge number of them that will be lost.



Wow, this is seriously killing my mood right now.

I guess I should be glad that I recently backed up a huge amount of photos from a recent trip. But there's still a huge number of them that will be lost.


I fear mine will end up with a similar fate.

Anyways, wp8 reveal cant come soon enough! Decision to go android is contingent on the Oct. 26(?) reveal for me now.


glad surface pricing was revealed. at that price, I can focus my thoughts only on my new WP8 device. I still haven't decided between the 920, 810, or 8X.


Did I understand correctly that plugging my phone into a different PC won't wipe anything on WP? Like, for sure? Because I don't have a backup for most of my stuff, and the PC I was using before is in another city...



Did I understand correctly that plugging my phone into a different PC won't wipe anything on WP? Like, for sure? Because I don't have a backup for most of my stuff, and the PC I was using before is in another city...


You are correct. The phone shows up as a guest on another PC. This isn't iOS here.
I had the same feeling.

More money for my iPad 4 and accessories.

My wife want a tablet, and I was going to get her Surface but for the price I might as well get a full Windows 8 hybrid / tablet machine. She needs a new computer but spend most of her time lately using my iPad (it's her iPad now, according to her). I understand they want to have competitive pricing but Microsoft seems to forget they are not the market leader anymore. They are the new kid that want in on already establish market. At 499, I can pick up two Nexus 7 and have money left over to buy apps.

Oh well, let get back to Windows Phone 8, let see if their OEM partner have more sense when it come to pricing underperform products.


My wife want a tablet, and I was going to get her Surface but for the price I might as well get a full Windows 8 hybrid / tablet machine. She needs a new computer but spend most of her time lately using my iPad (it's her iPad now, according to her). I understand they want to have competitive pricing but Microsoft seems to forget they are not the market leader anymore. They are the new kid that want in on already establish market. At 499, I can pick up two Nexus 7 and have money left over to buy apps.

The price is not that bad. Especially if you value Office. If you plug in mouse, keyboard, screen, printer, camera, or usb stick, the competition can't match it, either.
The one to get is the 32GB base version, with a colored touch cover. Then add a 64 GB SD card. Not bad compared to iPad/Nexus which are really lacking when it comes to ports/sd card.
The price is not that bad. Especially if you value Office. If you plug in mouse, keyboard, screen, printer, camera, or usb stick, the competition can't match it, either.
The one to get is the 32GB base version, with a colored touch cover. Then add a 64 GB SD card. Not bad compared to iPad/Nexus which are really lacking when it comes to ports/sd card.

I think the price is $100 too high. $399 would have been a good deal, I never expect $200 or 300 that some people were hoping for. But at $499, I would rather get a hybrid for her, so she can ditch her old barely working laptop and at the same time have a "tablet" she can wander around the house with. The main thing is, it's run RT which only run Metro, so apps selection is going to be anemic. Pricing won't help adoption so at this point we just have to hope that Windows 8 will be breakout hit and will trickle down apps for Windows RT and Windows Phone 8. Looking at Surface, I just get that Zune vibe, great hardware but about 3 years too late to the market.
I think the price is $100 too high. $399 would have been a good deal, I never expect $200 or 300 that some people were hoping for. But at $499, I would rather get a hybrid for her, so she can ditch her old barely working laptop and at the same time have a "tablet" she can wander around the house with. The main thing is, it's run RT which only run Metro, so apps selection is going to be anemic. Pricing won't help adoption so at this point we just have to hope that Windows 8 will be breakout hit and will trickle down apps for Windows RT and Windows Phone 8. Looking at Surface, I just get that Zune vibe, great hardware but about 3 years too late to the market.

At least the good thing is that this market isn't dying. When Zune came around, the market's dominance was already showing heavy cracks. There was no major consumer need for a large harddrive mp3 player. Whether Surface will be a success is a different story. I just don't think the zune comparison is a very good comparison.

Tablets are a market that will only get bigger. Personally, I can't wait for sundays. FF team on snap-state and Neogaf/the web in the main 4/5th state while I'm watching football. No need for heavy duty laptop time.

EDIT: Interesting enough, I was a big apple fan (other than the iPod) and thought they had the best design in UI until the second-gen Zune. The 'Metro' UI (beginnings) in that update is what probably made me a WP employee today. The blossoming of that design language, and its realization in W8 astonishes me.
At least the good thing is that this market isn't dying. When Zune came around, the market's dominance was already showing heavy cracks. There was no major consumer need for a large harddrive mp3 player. Whether Surface will be a success is a different story. I just don't think the zune comparison is a very good comparison.

Tablets are a market that will only get bigger. Personally, I can't wait for sundays. FF team on snap-state and Neogaf/the web in the main 4/5th state while I'm watching football. No need for heavy duty laptop time.

EDIT: Interesting enough, I was a big apple fan (other than the iPod) and thought they had the best design in UI until the second-gen Zune. The 'Metro' UI (beginnings) in that update is what probably made me a WP employee today. The blossoming of that design language, and its realization in W8 astonishes me.

I know you are drinking a lot of Kool-Aid but if you think Microsoft have a chance at the next generation of PC, I think you are just kidding yourself.

The stage is set for the next 10-20 years, it will be dominated by Apple and Google with Microsoft as also ran if they are still in this space. Please don't get me wrong, I LOVE Microsoft products from Xbox to Windows Phone. While it is true that the market is still growing for tablet and mobile, people are going to the brand that they know about, one with plenty of Apps and great track record or good price like Google Android.

Microsoft is very late and the players already carp out their space, but it won't be anything more than 1/3 of market. I would be happy just to see people not making funny face when I told them I have Windows Phone and glad if we can get to 10 percent.

Pricing is way off on the Surface, especially the RT, unless on the 26th Microsoft could unveil that it has all the Apps that are on Androids and iOS. No consumers is going to wait for their tablet to catch up, just like no one is buying Windows Phone because quite frankly it is just behind the curve.

I hope I am wrong, because I want to use Microsoft products for many years to come but the pricing on Surface, the slowness of Windows Phone 8 just doesn't show me that Microsoft finally get it.


The stage is set for the next 10-20 years, it will be dominated by Apple and Google with Microsoft as also ran if they are still in this space.

Ugh, no. How could this be the case when the penetration of the "Post PC" era devices in the enterprise is in its infancy.

While I agree they are really late on phones, the tablet market is still fair game as far as im concerned. The iPad has dominated but Android's devices and tablet ecosystem aren't strong at all. Microsoft will use Windows 8 to close the app gap.


I know you are drinking a lot of Kool-Aid but if you think Microsoft have a chance at the next generation of PC, I think you are just kidding yourself.

The stage is set for the next 10-20 years, it will be dominated by Apple and Google with Microsoft as also ran if they are still in this space. Please don't get me wrong, I LOVE Microsoft products from Xbox to Windows Phone. While it is true that the market is still growing for tablet and mobile, people are going to the brand that they know about, one with plenty of Apps and great track record or good price like Google Android.

Microsoft is very late and the players already carp out their space, but it won't be anything more than 1/3 of market. I would be happy just to see people not making funny face when I told them I have Windows Phone and glad if we can get to 10 percent.

Pricing is way off on the Surface, especially the RT, unless on the 26th Microsoft could unveil that it has all the Apps that are on Androids and iOS. No consumers is going to wait for their tablet to catch up, just like no one is buying Windows Phone because quite frankly it is just behind the curve.

I hope I am wrong, because I want to use Microsoft products for many years to come but the pricing on Surface, the slowness of Windows Phone 8 just doesn't show me that Microsoft finally get it.

You're crazy if you think the stage is set for the next three years, let alone ten to twenty.


I had the same feeling.

More money for my iPad 4 and accessories.

I went a slightly different way. I'm much more interested in the Surface Pro given the RT pricing. If the Pro is near $1000 and it can run some light games (League of Legends, TF2, Torchlight 2) than the choice is clear. Either way i'm going to end up with a lot more accessories for my Lumia since the $500 price point has killed my enthusiasm to get a Surface RT.

I'll be sad not playing Skulls of the Shogun day one, though. I'll probably pop in to the MS Store on the 26th and see if a hands on can't convince me to pick one up.


the stage is set for the next 10-20 years? you must be kidding lol
thats the kind of mentality nokia had with the symbian and look where she is now


Yep. I talked to the devs at PAX and played a couple of matches. I can't wait to play it.

I know if it were happening you couldn't say anything, but is there at least talk of trying to work out some sort of buy-once play anywhere type of deal for games/apps in the ecosystem? Cross platform games would be a lot more useful :p

Maybe there will be a way to emulate it with free + paid DLC.


Hmmmm.. Just listening to a Mix album through Zune and all of a sudden there was a really, really bad pause..



(waiting patiently to pre-order Lumia 920)
I know you are drinking a lot of Kool-Aid but if you think Microsoft have a chance at the next generation of PC, I think you are just kidding yourself.

The stage is set for the next 10-20 years, it will be dominated by Apple and Google with Microsoft as also ran if they are still in this space. Please don't get me wrong, I LOVE Microsoft products from Xbox to Windows Phone. While it is true that the market is still growing for tablet and mobile, people are going to the brand that they know about, one with plenty of Apps and great track record or good price like Google Android.

Microsoft is very late and the players already carp out their space, but it won't be anything more than 1/3 of market. I would be happy just to see people not making funny face when I told them I have Windows Phone and glad if we can get to 10 percent.

Pricing is way off on the Surface, especially the RT, unless on the 26th Microsoft could unveil that it has all the Apps that are on Androids and iOS. No consumers is going to wait for their tablet to catch up, just like no one is buying Windows Phone because quite frankly it is just behind the curve.

I hope I am wrong, because I want to use Microsoft products for many years to come but the pricing on Surface, the slowness of Windows Phone 8 just doesn't show me that Microsoft finally get it.
that's crazy talk, look at how fast competition has risen and fallen before. NOTHING is assured. Not for MS. Not for Apple. Not for Google. Not even for .. ok, maybe for RIM.
the stage is set for the next 10-20 years? you must be kidding lol
thats the kind of mentality nokia had with the symbian and look where she is now

I am definitely a downer on Microsoft outlook but I am pretty sure I am still sane. And here I thought Flower is the only one drinking a lot of MS brand Kool-Aid because he works for them. You guys seriously think Windows Phone 8 will make a dent in what pretty much an already establish market players? It is set for the next 10 if not 20 years unless there is another paradigm shift in computing as we know (or the world end in 2012). Do you think Microsoft has what it take to bring the next change? They are currently playing catch up and even then they are playing that poorly.

Your example of Nokia is actually the exact reason why I felt this way. Nokia did not adapt with the emerging thread just as Microsoft didn't with their Windows Mobile. They scoff at the iPhone and laugh at Jobs for his crazy iPhone pitch. They think Android would go the way of the dinosaur once Google get bored but here we are several years later when iPhone displaced all Win Mobile and Blackberry and Android replaced all the Symbian.

Android is activating millions of devices per months (not to mention all the forked version like Amazon), Apple is set to shipping more iPad than Microsoft Surface and all the 3rd party OEM tablet combines just this coming quarter alone. If you guys don't think the trend for the current PC revolution is already set then I want what you guys are drinking.
that's crazy talk, look at how fast competition has risen and fallen before. NOTHING is assured. Not for MS. Not for Apple. Not for Google. Not even for .. ok, maybe for RIM.

I am not saying there would not be changes, all I am saying is as far as the "new" PC market (mobile PC) is concern the market has already settle on who is dominating. It already has been 5 years since the iPhone, and 3 years since the iPad, that might as well be eternity in tech space consider how fast technology sector is moving. Do you think people that are already deep in Apple on Androids eco will switch to Microsoft brand? Do you think people that just now getting into this mobile PC is going to pick Microsoft Windows over what they perceive to be market leaders? This is not unlike the 90's when people think Apple or Commodore could take away PC share from Microsoft. Back then the trend was set in the late 80's, MSDos was already taking the lion share of PC sold, while Apple is the distant second and Commodore and Atari are the "also ran".

I don't think the next 5 years the landscape will looks any different than what we have today (well may be RIM no longer around as you said). Microsoft will be just another "also ran" in this mobile space with great hardware and software (not unlike the Amiga). I would love to be proven wrong as I said I love Microsoft products and may be this cycle of PC will be shorter than the last one where Microsoft dominated and may be Google and Apple have only couple of good years left but do you really think that?


Just as an example of what can happen to an industry you only need to look as far as the console industry.

Firstly dominated by Sega and Nintendo.. Then then the playstation came along and changed the way we played games. Microsoft brought the XBox and people laughed. It looked clunky but had something the others weren't really doing in online games and with a pretty solid infrastructure. Then came the next gen and who'd of thought Microsoft would be the leader of the pack by the end of it. Not the best hardware, but the highest user base.

This isn't a sprint.. Its all about mindset and come the end of the month people will be talking about windows 8 and maybe connectivity with wp8. Might not be an overnight sucess, but in time, like they proved with the 360 it will have good momentum and will be there or there abouts in time to come. Competition is good.


I am not saying there would not be changes, all I am saying is as far as the "new" PC market (mobile PC) is concern the market has already settle on who is dominating.

The problem is that what a "new" PC is hasn't even been defined yet. We have mobile and PC converging on both the Apple side and Microsoft side. Both appear to be taking different approaches. The winner will likely see massive gains in the market that they currently don't own.


Tell me how you feel about bagged milk.

Bagged milk makes toff an unhappy bovine!

Never heard of it till now.. Just baaaaaaad (oops)

im sure I read somewhere earlier that black 920 will be available on Vodafone.. £37/month, free handset, 2 year contract, 1GB data not sure about calls and texts though. If I find the article I'll edit my post. Its on!





So if you go to Zune.net now, it detours to this: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/Live/Partners/Zune

And there's this little tidbit:

I am a Zune Music Pass Subscriber. Can I use my Zune Music Pass subscription to take advantage of the new Xbox Music service?

Yes. And the best part, there's nothing you need to do. Current Zune Music Pass customers will automatically become Xbox Music Pass customers and will have access to everything they love about Zune and more. However, to enjoy the enhanced features and full benefits, an Xbox Music Pass must be enjoyed on Windows 8 PC's and tablets, Windows Phone 8 devices, and Xbox 360. Learn more about the Xbox Music Pass. You can now manage your Xbox Music Pass by signing on xbox.com. Note: 10 songs keepers aren’t supported by the Xbox Music app on Windows 8.

So it looks like one of the cooler features of the Zune Pass is coming to an end, it softened the blow of canceling the subscription, and loosing access. At least we're getting cloud storage, streamable playlists (finally!) and giving everyone free access to make and share playlists ala Spotify.
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