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Windows Phone |OT2|

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Ever since Josh's stupid reviewtorial on the 900 and the increased traffic/engagement it drew, I'm not surprised to see more tech blogs shitting on the OS.

Makes WP owners angry = get's more clicks.
Makes iOS & Android owners schadenfreudig = get's more clicks.


He could have used one since WP7 came out, but he did not. What's your point?
And evangelist? Really?
Technology evangelist is a thing. Similar to community manager. I suppose Thurott, in reality, is more of an evangelist.

Anyways, I fail to see why this is news.


Microsoft employee/XBox evangelist uses Microsoft product.


He's all over the place, PAX, E3, big following on twitter. He was using a competitors product all this time, now when he's in public he hopefully will be adding to the WP mind share. It is never good to have someone like Larry using an iPhone, no matter how you look at it.


First time I encounter this as a standard term. It is still stupid and kinda worrying you guys are familiar with it. Anyway, way too much drama about him getting a 900.


First time I encounter this as a standard term. It is still stupid and kinda worrying you guys are familiar with it. Anyway, way too much drama about him getting a 900.



I'm one of those people that still has a dumb phone. But with telemarketers forcing my phone into silence 100% of the time and donotcall being a joke, I want to get a smart phone for the ability to block calls. I want to get Apollo because Metro's GUI shits over Droid's and Apple's, but I'm not finding call blocking apps. That's more important...even if Droid and Apple's GUI looks like a sea of Windows XP desktop icons.

So are there call blocking apps? Ideally I would like the ability to load a wiki style file that black lists ALL telemarketer numbers and blocks ALL of them. Really tired of these fuckers.

But if that's not possible, something like not getting a ring for unknown numbers and the ability to tap a block button when receiving a call.

If no such feature or app exists, I'm probably going Droid.

Samsung apparently has a blocking app that doesn't work. and as to 3rd party apps to manage the calls I don't think MS have opened the api enough to allow that sort of app, if call blocking is that important to you Droid is best bet
Given up. I just do not get any notifications for WhatsApp or other iM apps. I've spoken to the devs and even Joel Belfiore about this, suffice to say I'm disappointed with the response. I'm now looking for an iPhone :( Sucks


They said its an issue devs know about but haven't had much support from MS on. Every app like WhatsApp has negative reviews because notifications not working. Basically, all IM apps are broken on the platform as a result

at least we have confirmation it is WP7 that is borked.

Did Joe add anything or deny knowledge?


has calmed down a bit.
Given up. I just do not get any notifications for WhatsApp or other iM apps. I've spoken to the devs and even Joel Belfiore about this, suffice to say I'm disappointed with the response. I'm now looking for an iPhone :( Sucks

If there was anything on the platform that I used and/or needed that absolutely did not work, I'd move on as well. Hopefully Apollo fixes the IM situation and you can come back "home". I'm not big on IM, and the times I've used the built in FB/MSN stuff, its worked fine.

I will say, if you're open on the OS situation, perhaps someone can shed light on iOS vs. Android for instant messaging. I remember Android worked better for IM back before I switched, not sure if iOS is on par now, its been a while since I used iOS on a phone extensively.
I remember Android worked better for IM back before I switched, not sure if iOS is on par now, its been a while since I used iOS on a phone extensively.

I don't know about how the specific applications that he is referring to work on iOS or Android specifically. I use IMO IM on my ipad and also on my galaxy nexus (when i'm feeling like using android.. which hasn't been since I got the lumia 900) and I'd say at this point the experience is comparable.

Android I feel is a bit smoother in terms of multitasking simply due the fact that you're not really relying on pushed notifications.. the app itself maintains a connection in the background. Notifications on iOS are good enough that it is practically a non-issue now, though..

If you were to ask me about IRC applications specifically, Android would win hands down.. so a lot of it depends on the specific app and its level of quality for your platform of choice.

Now that iOS has a notification area pull down, that is one less area where Android wins.


If there was anything on the platform that I used and/or needed that absolutely did not work, I'd move on as well. Hopefully Apollo fixes the IM situation and you can come back "home". I'm not big on IM, and the times I've used the built in FB/MSN stuff, its worked fine.

I will say, if you're open on the OS situation, perhaps someone can shed light on iOS vs. Android for instant messaging. I remember Android worked better for IM back before I switched, not sure if iOS is on par now, its been a while since I used iOS on a phone extensively.

Whatsapp is almost defacto on iOS so I'd imagine it works well enough
It's not really confusing, though.

The device is designed to be people centric.. all of your social notifications (someone replies to a post you make, someone mentions you in a tweet, etc.) are all in a central location under the "me" tile. By default, this is pinned to the first screen on the phone after you add your accounts to the device and it updates with new notifications.

I keep mine pinned at the very top of my start page.. I can go there and see all of my social notifications, update my status on facebook, see everything I've posted recently to any of the supported social networks, etc. For me, that stuff is a tap and a couple of swipes away.

If you want to see what other people have been up to, you look at their contact entry and the "what's new" section.

It's no more confusing than opening the facebook application and looking at your own wall or a friends' wall from there.

This is simply a case of not knowing how to use the device properly.
bingo. not intuitive, hence sounds confusing.

Oh shit! Major Nelson got a Lumia 900! He had an iPhone before this, hopefully it sticks.


that's pretty good news, he has a pertty huge following.
bingo. not intuitive, hence sounds confusing.

There's nothing intuitive about smart phones. I don't care if it is an iphone or an android, they still had to learn how to use it.

You could say it would confuse someone who is used to an iPhone or an Android device.. but even then they could just download the facebook app and use it like they are used to.

I don't consider it to be a fair complaint from a tech journalist.
There's nothing intuitive about smart phones. I don't care if it is an iphone or an android, they still had to learn how to use it.

You could say it would confuse someone who is used to an iPhone or an Android device.. but even then they could just download the facebook app and use it like they are used to.

I don't consider it to be a fair complaint from a tech journalist.

but one of the WP7 selling points is the tight social media integration...
but one of the WP7 selling points is the tight social media integration...

True. It is tightly integrated, all you have to do is look at a person in your contact list and you're already seeing their social networking content.

I just don't think it is a fair argument to say that it is confusing to use when it is very simple. (the people tile even has a big-ass facebook "F" icon on it)

You tap people.. your personal contact icon is at the very top of the contact list, above everything.. along with your latest status update. You tap that and you have access to posting on your wall, updating your status, and checking your notifications.

I still think the problem is Gizmodo.


I swear I'm bipolar when it comes to deciding which phone to buy. All the while I'm stuck with a shitty half-functional borrowed blackberry.

But finally I've decided I'm getting a Rogers Lumia 900 if I can get it unlocked (it uses the same bands as my carrier). Does anyone know of a good place to unlock it?
wow, what did Nokia do to end the love affair between bloggers and WP7?!?sounds confusing.

It's only sound confusing because you are just being dense. How hard is it to click on People tile and find your contact and see all the info on that person. It is just people doesn't know that they are integrated because we are all raised on app-centric OS like Windows / iPhone and Androids.
Nokia Lumia sucks, yo.

European carriers: Lumia phones are 'not good enough' to compete with
iPhone and Android

They say everyone's a critic these days, but here's a group whose critique matters: European carriers. Reuters has been asking questions at four major European telecom operators and reports that they're all dissatisfied with the company's current range of Lumia handsets. Describing the Windows Phone devices as overpriced due to their lack of real innovation, glitchy due to early battery life issues, and inadequately supported by Nokia's own marketing, the carriers seem to be in consensus about the new phones' failure to put up real competition to iOS and Android. Put in starker terms, they don't believe that Nokia's Lumia phones are "good enough" to compete. An executive in charge of mobile phones at one of the big Euro carriers is cited as saying, "no one comes into the store and asks for a Windows Phone," placing at least some of the blame for the tepid start to Nokia's reboot on Microsoft's shoulders.

"If the Lumia with the same hardware came with Android in it and not Windows, it would be much easier to sell."

Credit rating agency Moody's has also been piling on, following Nokia's recent warning about lower-than-expected Q1 earnings, downgrading the Finnish company to a Baa3 rating and its outlook to "negative." Still, in Moody's more detailed assessment, Nokia is expected to be "accepted in the market in 2012," with Windows Phone becoming the third leading mobile platform behind iOS and Android.

I love how the bolded part is the biggest part in the article.

Makes WP owners angry = get's more clicks.
Makes iOS & Android owners schadenfreudig = get's more clicks.

I really don't think Josh Topolsky whores his reviews out for clicks. Fanboyism is dumb, people lose objectivity and assume that there is an agenda on his part. Smartphone wars are like sports these days. The
slightest hint of any controversy and objectivity tends to go out the window for the supposed wrong party.


I'm one of those people that still has a dumb phone. But with telemarketers forcing my phone into silence 100% of the time and donotcall being a joke, I want to get a smart phone for the ability to block calls. I want to get Apollo because Metro's GUI shits over Droid's and Apple's, but I'm not finding call blocking apps. That's more important...even if Droid and Apple's GUI looks like a sea of Windows XP desktop icons.

So are there call blocking apps? Ideally I would like the ability to load a wiki style file that black lists ALL telemarketer numbers and blocks ALL of them. Really tired of these fuckers.

But if that's not possible, something like not getting a ring for unknown numbers and the ability to tap a block button when receiving a call.

If no such feature or app exists, I'm probably going Droid.

Yeah that's a feature you'll only going to get on android or jailbroken iOS. You can't find call blocking apps (that work) in the Apple Appstore.

Nokia Lumia sucks, yo.



Windows Phone devices as overpriced due to their lack of real innovation
I love how the bolded part is the biggest part in the article.

Hahaha wow. This battle is getting really heated.

Communities Dominate Brands (April 12):

Funny you'd ask. Yes, as it happens, there is a huge, almost unprecedented problem specifically in the reseller channel, and very weirdly, it is across cities, across carriers, across countries, across continents. There seems to be a sudden comprehensive global reseller boycott organized against Nokia, Lumia and Microsoft.

Please reader, do not argue this point. I have gone through painstaking detail chronicling here on this blog how it happened and why it exists, what is caused by Nokia's actions, what separate boycott emerged last year against Microsoft and why these two combine to make Lumia the most hated phone in handset stores globally. I am not going to litigate that here now with you. Lets go to the facts...



Tomi is (also) full of shit. He only refers to his own analysis to prove his points.

true but he does have a point that the carriers are boycotting microsoft/nokia (apart from At&t's recent push with the lumia 900). whether you believe that's because the phones suck or because microsoft bought Skype, it's a point worth considering.


hope the t-mo rumors pan out. i'd immediately buy a lumia 900 without the battery sucking LTE and an improved camera. do it t-mo. 45 day exclusivo would expire at the end of May.
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