Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Well I havent watched a whole lot of the Lupin series so I can't really tell what Lupin is supposed to be like outside of the movie that I really loved enough to watch over a dozen times.


Lupin the Third

Saint Seiya Omega

Mild Anticipation
Eureka Seven AO

Mysterious Girl Friend X
Space Bros

Fate/Zero 2

Watching because I hate myself
Medaka Box

What an amazing season.
It actually sounds like the polar opposite of Castle of Cagliostro Lupin. 'Character focused', 'sensual', 'daring.' And that Koike


so good.

Yeah. It certainly doesn't look anything like Cagliostro Lupin either!

I much preferred when the series became more light hearted though... For example; I really didn't enjoy the first few episodes of Part I (the green jacket series) and liked it a lot more once directors changed (from episode 8 onwards.) I get the feeling this new series might end up with a "darker" theme like the early Part I episodes, which would be a tad disappointing for me (although there are others that prefer the darker style Lupin, which is fair enough.) This is all going by one promo picture though, so shouldn't make any judgements until the promo video hits the net. Shouldn't grumble anyway. The more Lupin the better in my books.


Lupin The Third (Sayo Yamamoto + Takeshi Koike)
Saint Seiya Omega (Yoshihiko Umakoshi)
Hyouka (KyoAni)
Apollon (Watanabe + NeoMadhouse)

Eureka Seven AO by Bones

And the wildcards:
Zetman by Takaya
Mysterious Girl Friend X by Ayumu Watanabe Konishi
Space Bros by Ayumu Watanabe and Yabuno


Do Ozuma or Tsuritama rank on the possible sakuga list?

In any case, should be one of the most visually pleasing seasons in a long time.


It actually sounds like the polar opposite of Castle of Cagliostro Lupin. 'Character focused', 'sensual', 'daring.' And that Koike:


so good.

on nom nom, the world needs more Koike.

Someone needs to give this man more piles of money to burn.


I'm employed, but they keep saying we'll be going back to our 7 on/7 off schedule. That's 168 hours of anime watching time. FUCK YEAHHHHH SON.


Well yeah K-ON is reason enough to look forward to Hyouka, since it seems like more of the same sort of show minus DAT MUSIC. then again, most of K-ON was minus DAT MUSIC too.


I dont think people are hating on studio-seekers. Just pointing out that studios really arent that important really. It just depends on how good or interesting subject matter is.
Jot down what animes you've liked and rank them by how much you've enjoyed them. Then see who was involved. The disparity is there. You might be surprised.

If a good studio is making something boring, are you really going to watch it just because that studio did it?
If you're not interested in No.6, you're not going to watch it because of Bones. If you're wary of a work yet see a studio like Deen involved, would you not be concerned from their past successes?

I'm hoping whoever writes this doesn't end up sucking all of the humour out of Lupin. Even in the original manga's there was a good deal of slapstick and OTT sillyness. Creating a daring and edgy take on the franchise is great, but it wouldn't be Lupin without the laughs. I'm assuming she's in charge of writing this as well, then? :X
Are you referring to Okada here?


Are you referring to Okada here?

they're probably referring to the press release

ANN said:
The series revolves around the character of Fujiko Mine, depicting her and the rest of the Lupin III cast during their younger days. The series will reportedly capture the "sensuality" present in Monkey Punch's original Lupin III manga in its "daring interpretation" of the franchise.

dem buzzords.


Jot down what animes you've liked and rank them by how much you've enjoyed them. Then see who was involved. The disparity is there. You might be surprised.

If you're not interested in No.6, you're not going to watch it because of Bones. If you're wary of a work yet see a studio like Deen involved, would you not be concerned from their past successes?

Are you referring to Okada here?

Well my favorite 3 are probably Haibane Renmei, Kino's Journey, and Millenium Actress, but those are done by vastly different studios and directors. no real indicator of anything in particular.
they're probably referring to the press release

Yeah. I know nothing of Okada except that she writes for Black Rock Shooter (thanks to Branduil.) Then again, I know nothing of Black Rock Shooter. /shrug

will air on NTV starting on April 4 at 1:29 a.m.

Wait... 1:29am? I guess this really is going to be very different. I'm not 100% sure, but wasn't the old series broadcast more towards evening times?


Well my favorite 3 are probably Haibane Renmei, Kino's Journey, and Millenium Actress, but those are done by vastly different studios and directors. no real indicator of anything in particular.
Except if you've watched as much anime as you have (supposedly), you wouldn't at least notice why you like JC Staff shows more than Studio Deen's output?


Well some studios have a better grasp of hnnng than others so maybe that's one thing. I guess Ill have to go look through all my shit and see what the most common studios and directors are. This will take a LOT of work though. I dont have the time right now to research it. I mean there are certain art styles and character types I prefer and certain scenarios but an studio can pull that sort of thing off.
I stumbled upon The Galaxy Railways the other day, so I watched the first episode. Is it any good to proceed further? I do not have much time to watch more than a couple episodes of anything weekly.


Cure Moonlight's sister confirmed for Saint Seiya Omega:



Hated K-On, passing on Hyouka. Total consistency here!

I am such a hipster when it comes to KyoAni

Why are you passing on Hyouka if the staff is completely different? It's supposed to be a mystery, not a SoL.


Yeah. I know nothing of Okada except that she writes for Black Rock Shooter (thanks to Branduil.) Then again, I know nothing of Black Rock Shooter. /shrug

She is certainly a big question mark for the show depending on her involvement and how much input she has. Black Rock Shooter is Okada at her worst, but having said that she has done good work in the past when doing adaptions or working with certain directors.


oh shit that SS artwork. Fucking Cure Moonlight.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Cure Moonlight's sister confirmed for Saint Seiya Omega:[IMG]

I love that style.
She is certainly a big question mark for the show depending on her involvement and how much input she has. Black Rock Shooter is Okada at her worst, but having said that she has done good work in the past when doing adaptions or working with certain directors.

So, is Black Rock Shooter TV the main reason GAFfers seem to be hating so hard on her?

I've never seen either version of BRS and I was only made aware of this thread when someone on my forums mentioned the grumbling. Is BRS the only "problem" in recent memory, or is there more to it?


So, is Black Rock Shooter TV the main reason GAFfers seem to be hating so hard on her?

I've never seen either version of BRS and I was only made aware of this thread when someone on my forums mentioned the grumbling. Is BRS the only "problem" in recent memory, or is there more to it?
Aquarion Evol, Ano Hana, Toradora, Fractale, etc.


A Good Citizen
So, is Black Rock Shooter TV the main reason GAFfers seem to be hating so hard on her?

I've never seen either version of BRS and I was only made aware of this thread when someone on my forums mentioned the grumbling. Is BRS the only "problem" in recent memory, or is there more to it?
Eh, pretty much everything she's done work on is pretty not good except for Wandering Son.

People are putting too much stock into her importance anyways. She's just worked with a lot of incompetent people -- Hanasaku Iroha is one of the least offensive show that had her work, and it's no coincidence that a talented director like Ando was the one who directed it. Same with Wandering Son even though I can't say anything about too definitive about the quality of the director since he's new to it, but he seems to be fresh talent.


The Light of El Cantare
Why are you passing on Hyouka if the staff is completely different? It's supposed to be a mystery, not a SoL.

Half of the fun of a new anime season is using the least amount of information possible to determine what you're watching.

I think the thread consensus is that the people who like K-ON are hipsters. I don't say that myself though, I'm just passing on information!

I also thought that thread consensus was that K-On is good, though. Can't be hipster if most people like it!
I have zero intention to get into any actual "hipster" debates because I know how quickly they go to shit on GAF. I was using the term self-deprecatingly, not about anyone else

Aquarion Evol, Ano Hana, Toradora, Fractale, etc.

When I think AnoHana and Fractale, I think shitting up potentially interesting subject matters with tired anime tropes. I don't know how much that describes the entirety of Okada's work, though.


I don't really watch modern anime anymore (hence why I run some silly little Lupin fan site). So is someone willing to "sum up" what was wrong with these shows for me? Thanks. :)
Oh, wrong with the shows. That's a different discussion entirely.

Problems with the shows, however, included terrible love triangles, risque humor, and melodrama off the top of my head.
I don't really watch modern anime anymore (hence why I run some silly little Lupin fan site). So is someone willing to "sum up" what was wrong with these shows for me? Thanks. :)

I'm on this boat. All I ever watch is Lupin, Dragonball and Space Adventure Cobra. Although, with the (now confirmed) rumors flying around of Takeshi Koike working on the character designs for this Lupin series, I did give Redline a watch. Absolutely loved it,
though the ending was pretty damn weak
. Amazing animation, I can see why a lot of people have been crazy for it. Thinking of grabbing this from HMV at the end of the month too.


I don't think Okada will have much influence in KoikeLupin; she always gets "neutered" and "pushed around" by the directors, anyway.
I don't think Okada will have much influence in KoikeLupin; she always gets "neutered" and "pushed around" by the directors, anyway.

Sounds like that's a good thing, based on what I'm hearing so far....

Edit: Fujiko was never my favorite character, and although I can appreciate the appeal of a more risque, manga-esque "Lupin," I never really cared much for it personally. "Mystery of (Mamo/Mamaux)" was a great movie, though.


Oh, wrong with the shows. That's a different discussion entirely.

Problems with the shows, however, included terrible love triangles, risque humor, and melodrama off the top of my head.

These things make shows fun to me. I guess different strokes.
I have a certain affinity for bad shows when they are entertaining though. I dont like shows that are just plain shit like eiken though.
I didn't see it posted earlier, but if anyone wants a general idea of how the Lupin series might look in motion, here's a "sneak peek":

In actuality, this is a trailer of a Pachi-Slot machine by Heiwa released late last year. It was also Fujiko-centric ("Fujiko: 10-Billion-Dollar Goddess") and featured character designs by Takeshi Koike, also the character designer for the upcoming TV Series. I've long speculated that it was going to be a tie-in with the TV series, but the series was delayed several times from its initial announcement for Fall 2011, and I imagine Heiwa just got impatient and wanted to launch.

This user also has several chunks of off-screen footage from the final game:

There's a sequence in the first chapter using Seamo's "Lupin the Fire" that feels like it would make a good OP, but I think it's unlikely to be from the Series:
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