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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Aquarion Evol - 03

Welp, I can't understand a single lick of the over arching plot (Probably need to see the prequel..?) but i'll continue watching I guess.
Persona 4 22

I would want a kotatsu.
Started out good, hit a boring medium, and finishes with a very good dramatic end.
I always like the showing off the new Persona and this battle didn't disappoint. Not surprised to see them I think shoehorn in and maybe redoing Fortune's social link. Sadly, I don't really like the next part or at least probably the next half of the next episode.
Well note that there's a clear distinction between how I enjoy something and how it stands up independent of subjective tastes. The latter is such a nebulous concept though, and while I like to amuse myself by considering and discussing an anime work's objective qualities, the thing is that A) I have neither extensive knowledge of the medium nor an extensive set of works to act as frames of reference from my own point of view and B) ultimately, there's no vested interest in me doing so. In all, I don't think I'm qualified to make any serious attempt at objectively analyzing what I watch.

This is apparent to me by contrasting it with my own experience with video games, where I DO have extensive knowledge of the medium and many different works to draw upon, and I do have an interest in that type of analysis because I'm an aspiring game designer myself. And even then, I'm not going to let my critical analysis directly color my actual impressions of the games in question.

On a completely separate note, I'm expecting Kizu to be better than Nise if the source material is any indication.

That's a fair position to take.
Mouretsu Pirates 10

Great episode. In terms of what the Bentenmaru went through as well as seeing Marika rise to making decisions, space storms never looked and were more intense. I like all the cast of the crew and Sandaime is funny, tripping and shivering. Nice graphics with the
lasers and attack --> fleeing


Moretsu Pirates - 10

I think this is the first episode where the preview from the last episode wasn't a complete lie.

And pirate Chiaki YEEEEES!


Mouretsu Pirates 10

Great episode. In terms of what the Bentenmaru went through as well as seeing Marika rise to making decisions, space storms never looked and were more intense. I like all the cast of the crew and Sandaime is funny, tripping and shivering. Nice graphics with the
lasers and attack --> fleeing

Moretsu Pirates - 10

I think this is the first episode where the preview from the last episode wasn't a complete lie.

And pirate Chiaki YEEEEES!

Oh shit.
Moe Pirates 10

Do all japanese space dramas refer space stuff like its the ocean? I recall it being like that in infinite space as well.

Anyhow, fun eps! I do kinda wish/hope this series goes looooonnnng.


Blood+ 1

It occured to me while I was out that I had Netflix on my phone and could increase my anime watching efficiency. Fired up Blood+ and it seemed decent enough. The opening sequence was crazy but alas we end up back in high school. Dub wasn't so bad until that guy with the awful french accent though.

Kaiji 4-5

Once again I totally lost track of time watching this. So tense! I'm surprised the game could spawn such strategies too. That soundtrack is something else.

Masou Kishin Cybuster 5

To simulate Cybuster appearing, DC set up giant fans to blow around air which seems a bit ridiculous and reactionary. I'm sure they'll explain it further later but hte plot right now is someone on Earth is dumping its trash in another world called La Gias. One pilot ends up there and is returned to find no one believes her as there's no proof of such a place. Except y'know the huge freaking Cybuster that's nothing like they've ever seen and both appears and disappears mysteriously. The DC conspiracy deepens as said pilot becomes targetted more and more often by the very organization that hired her when in hindsight if they'd have just left her alone she'd probably have moved on by now.

Shin Mazinger Z 8

Weaker episode, I thought. Lots of setup and I suppose humbling Kouji was inevitable but still. My appreciation for Ashura grew at least and it was almost touching when Pygman showed him some concern.

Black★Rock Shooter TV 6


I'll finish it out but only because I've gone this far.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Only One Bodacious Space Pirate Here 10:

Can we change protagonists? I want to watch the adventures of the Bodacious Space Pirate Chiaki! :3 Seriously that whole bit was awesome. Actually this was the best episode of the show in my opinion in that it combined the normal thoughtful approach of it's prior episodes with some actual action to go with it! :D Marika was actually pretty awesome in this episode too, but the show really belongs to Chiaki! :3 :3 :3 :3


Blood+ 1

It occured to me while I was out that I had Netflix on my phone and could increase my anime watching efficiency. Fired up Blood+ and it seemed decent enough. The opening sequence was crazy but alas we end up back in high school. Dub wasn't so bad until that guy with the awful french accent though.

As a fellow human being I advise you not to waste any more of your life on this series.


The forums at Mania.com is one good option (http://www.mania.com/aodvb/forumdisplay.php?f=19). I hope muhootsaver keeps posting there, even if he isn't going to continue with a blog dedicated to this kind of matters.

The analysis from RURIN are a valuable resource for many people, as well:


Looking through the Mania forums I read about a Roujin Z blu-ray. Why did I not know about this? It looks great!

Stellvia of the Universe 10


lol so someone thought it would be amusing to have the potential
end of humanity due to intense radiation from an exploding star
happen on December the 25th. Merry Christmas, bitches! Look's like EVERYONE'S getting coal this year!

Oh man I'm so nervous, we've been only building up to this moment for ten freaking episodes. This is going to be totally epic. I better go evacuate my bladder before something happens. Aaaaaand back. Hey wait a minute, why is everyone celebrating and hugging each other? Are they in Heaven? Did Stellvia win Heaven's Astroball tournament? What's going on? I only left a few seconds ago...

Seems everything gets off to a better than expected start. Stellvia get the Great Wall up and running and people on Earth ("Somewere in Japan" features again) WATCH THE WHOLE THING LIVE. Sick.
Anyway, the radiation itself is indeed stopped by the wall. What hadn't been taken into consideration apparently was the er...space rocks...that came from the star.
Before having time to contemplate how such a thing, contrary to the rational laws of physics, could be possible, the Big Four, Shima and
potential love interest Kouta are dispatched off to destroy the space rocks with lasers.


Meanwhile back on Stellvia, someone switches the live feed with the Nise toothbrush scene.

Finally some action and Stellvia does not disappoint. We even get some really classy sci-fi music in the background making it's debut. It somewhat reminds me of old school Metroid on steroids, or metroids if you will. An eclectic mix of synth and what appears to be some Japanese sci-fi fanboy going wild on a theremin. A dream come true. The animation here too is the best so far and even though this whole event (come on, it's episode 10 out of 26) is a foregone conclusion, I confess I got really excited just watching it.
Shima literally risks her life to save another pilot from a rogue "space rock" before getting escorted back to the Stellvia by potential love interest Kouta

After defeating the small fry, it's time for the boss! And it's a special guest appearence from
Black Materia's Meteor from Final Fantasy VII! The lasers seem ineffective and for lack of backup sharks or white materia to counter it with, central command looks on helpless as it hurtles toward Earth. Don't they have nukes in the future? This is all Obama's fault.

To make matters worse, the hole that the black materia meteor made in the Great Wall is so big that the wall itself is in danger of collapse. This would lead to the destruction of the Earth, Luna and the colonies. Why didn't the Reapers think of this?

Fortunately the giant fighting robot "The Infinity" (as spoiled on today's half-time card) should be able to take care of the meteorite with it's weaponry and the Great Wall hole with it's technobabble. Guess who's piloting it? Yep, Shima and potential love interest Kouta.
And with that, this show is now a mecha.


Like a boss.

What follows are some of the most batshit insane but frankly outright awesome moments in this show so far. Suffice it to say, day is saved, humanity is saved, series is saved, anime is saved. lol jk. Not even Stellvia can save anime.

This was a powerful episode. Serious at every turn, almost making fun of the fact it hadn't been up till now by trolling with several false happy endings. It's like Nisemonogatari pretending it actually has a plot. Though the
second wave
is now over, things are really just beginning for the Stellvia crew. Where it goes from here I don't know, but it's nice to see that the narrative continues to shine when the material isn't overly optimistic.


Let's put a red ring round the interior of the laser because why not?


The movie is excellent, too.

Agreed. I only recently discovered it and was blown away. It's also an interesting movie for people who are into following staff since people like Hiroyuki Kitakubo, Mitsuo Iso, and Satoshi Kon, all worked on it.

Edit: Forgot about Otomo


Stellvia of the Universe 10


lol so someone thought it would be amusing to have the potential
end of humanity due to intense radiation from an exploding star
happen on December the 25th. Merry Christmas, bitches! Look's like EVERYONE'S getting coal this year!

Oh man I'm so nervous, we've been only building up to this moment for ten freaking episodes. This is going to be totally epic. I better go evacuate my bladder before something happens. Aaaaaand back. Hey wait a minute, why is everyone celebrating and hugging each other? Are they in Heaven? Did Stellvia win Heaven's Astroball tournament? What's going on? I only left a few seconds ago...

Seems everything gets off to a better than expected start. Stellvia get the Great Wall up and running and people on Earth ("Somewere in Japan" features again) WATCH THE WHOLE THING LIVE. Sick.
Anyway, the radiation itself is indeed stopped by the wall. What hadn't been taken into consideration apparently was the er...space rocks...that came from the star.
Before having time to contemplate how such a thing, contrary to the rational laws of physics, could be possible, the Big Four, Shima and
potential love interest Kouta are dispatched off to destroy the space rocks with lasers.


Meanwhile back on Stellvia, someone switches the live feed with the Nise toothbrush scene.

Finally some action and Stellvia does not disappoint. We even get some really classy sci-fi music in the background making it's debut. It somewhat reminds me of old school Metroid on steroids, or metroids if you will. An eclectic mix of synth and what appears to be some Japanese sci-fi fanboy going wild on a theremin. A dream come true. The animation here too is the best so far and even though this whole event (come on, it's episode 10 out of 26) is a foregone conclusion, I confess I got really excited just watching it.
Shima literally risks her life to save another pilot from a rogue "space rock" before getting escorted back to the Stellvia by potential love interest Kouta

After defeating the small fry, it's time for the boss! And it's a special guest appearence from
Black Materia's Meteor from Final Fantasy VII! The lasers seem ineffective and for lack of backup sharks or white materia to counter it with, central command looks on helpless as it hurtles toward Earth. Don't they have nukes in the future? This is all Obama's fault.

To make matters worse, the hole that the black materia meteor made in the Great Wall is so big that the wall itself is in danger of collapse. This would lead to the destruction of the Earth, Luna and the colonies. Why didn't the Reapers think of this?

Fortunately the giant fighting robot "The Infinity" (as spoiled on today's half-time card) should be able to take care of the meteorite with it's weaponry and the Great Wall hole with it's technobabble. Guess who's piloting it? Yep, Shima and potential love interest Kouta.
And with that, this show is now a mecha.


Like a boss.

What follows are some of the most batshit insane but frankly outright awesome moments in this show so far. Suffice it to say, day is saved, humanity is saved, series is saved, anime is saved. lol jk. Not even Stellvia can save anime.

This was a powerful episode. Serious at every turn, almost making fun of the fact it hadn't been up till now by trolling with several false happy endings. It's like Nisemonogatari pretending it actually has a plot. Though the
second wave
is now over, things are really just beginning for the Stellvia crew. Where it goes from here I don't know, but it's nice to see that the narrative continues to shine when the material isn't overly optimistic.


Let's put a red ring round the interior of the laser because why not?

I'm glad you were able to enjoy this series. Its one of the few that was sold as EIGHT volumes, like Kiddy Grade. Yes at one time companies were fleecing us with 8 discs instead of 6 or 7. And I bought it. I regret nothing >_>
The tin box the series is stored in is a really nice touch too.
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