Crash Station
Hunter x Hunter is amazing. I also have Hitman Reborn! in my list. Is that any good?
It has 1 or 2 good arcs followed by a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong mediocre one.
Hunter x Hunter is amazing. I also have Hitman Reborn! in my list. Is that any good?
It's almost as if you've never encountered him!
The difference being Kekkaishi ended in 2008.Unfortunately, No.
Man.. I wish Kekkaishi can get HxH 2011 treatment.. would be great.
SAOicide.gifHe never posted porn even in IRC! (as far as I know)
[Yamato 2199]
My only other real grievance is the ending, which I thought should have simply let the characters interact and, you know...breathe! It was such a frantic journey that preceded the finale, that I would have welcomed that calm. As it was, it veered into laying on the sentiment a little too thickly - coupled with the overall fatigue of everything being in absolutely dire straits, it softened the finale, just a tad. Yamato, you already had me! I probably couldn’t have cared more about that cast of characters by that point, so let me spend at least some moments of respite with them. That said, any quibbles I have are minor, and overall, it was an extremely satisfying journey.
Summary: Yamato 2199 is a sumptuous, Faberge egg of anime. It’s to be savored.
Well, that Monster Monpiece thread is going in the exact direction I thought it would. :lol (RIP ponpo)
I was disappointed by the last few episodes in general -and the constraints of dealing with a remake (along with the wriggle-room required to justify sequels) made for some silly moments. The ending itself (that is, wherethe contrivances start piling up without justification, so unlike the fantastic middle stretch of the show,) is so satisfying and thematically complete that these complaints felt somewhat frivolous after the credits rolled, but they're still there, nonetheless.Moses lays down his staff
Still, so damn good.
By far the most painful death in the series. ripAkame ga Kill will be animated by White Fox.
Akame ga Kill will be animated by White Fox.
Started opening up all the packages from Rightstuf's sale and I was greeted with this.
im so mad right now
Akame ga Kill will be animated by White Fox.
Started opening up all the packages from Rightstuf's sale and I was greeted with this.
im so mad right now
I was disappointed by the last few episodes in general -and the constraints of dealing with a remake (along with the wriggle-room required to justify sequels) made for some silly moments. The ending itself (that is, wherethe contrivances start piling up without justification, so unlike the fantastic middle stretch of the show,) is so satisfying and thematically complete that these complaints felt somewhat frivolous after the credits rolled, but they're still there, nonetheless.Moses lays down his staff
Still, so damn good.
Akame ga Kill will be animated by White Fox.
Started opening up all the packages from Rightstuf's sale and I was greeted with this.
im so mad right now
Akame ga Kill will be animated by White Fox.
Akame ga Kill will be animated by White Fox.
I got an Accel World one ._.
So is Monogatari SS going to be your #1?I was disappointed by the last few episodes in general -and the constraints of dealing with a remake (along with the wriggle-room required to justify sequels) made for some silly moments. The ending itself (that is, wherethe contrivances start piling up without justification, so unlike the fantastic middle stretch of the show,) is so satisfying and thematically complete that these complaints felt somewhat frivolous after the credits rolled, but they're still there, nonetheless.Moses lays down his staff
Still, so damn good.
lolgood thing they jacked up free shipping to canada. could you imagine how firehawk would have felt?
So is Monogatari SS going to be your #1?
why would you wish one of the worst directors at white fox on something you want to succeed?Hope that the same staff who worked on Maou-sama work on this, I suppose. Those designs are never going to look good unless they get to change out the colors though.
Arararararagi is waiting for you.0.01% chance of that happening.
Maybe I should go watch this after all. My friend was pestering me to watch it the other day, but I just couldn't see how they can make the premise not come out very silly or have some dumb preachy message at the end.Guys, if you enjoyed WataMote and want a more serious take on what life would be like if you tried to shun the outside world and lived in a society where you could have a relationship with your 2d waifu, then you should really watch Her. It's as awkward and cringeworthy as WataMote, but a bit more nuanced in its judgement of Ted, the main character, in that he's never quite condemned for his behavior or his desires.
In fact, imagine if the entire world was okay with you carrying around a copy of Love Plus and talking to it as if it was the love of your life. The film asks you to question the many possibilities of world that is beyond human relationships, but it never tells you how to feel when you see Ted go through his life affair. Are you supposed to empathize or sympathize with his situation? It's really all left to you to decide.
They still don't even have free shipping to where I'm at. orzgood thing they jacked up free shipping to canada. could you imagine how firehawk would have felt?
will trade if cgI got an Accel World one ._.
why would you wish one of the worst directors at white fox on something you want to succeed?
Akame ga Kill will be animated by White Fox.
Part of the problem.Tenchi GXP Dub 6
The series is really at it's best when Seina's horrible luck just causes the most insane slap stick moments. Also this series better end in a harem end because because there are at least 3 girls who should end up with Seina so far. If this series does a dance around ending and doesn't give an actual winner I'll be furious.
Maybe it will be the Maou-sama team. That had good animation at points. It's not like Akame has to be all sakuga all the time. Just during the good battles.
Part of the problem.
It's freenudemacusers. He's pulling y'all legs.
It's neither. Spike Jonez makes it all work, and the end is probably not what you'd expect from a movie about dating a computer waifu.Maybe I should go watch this after all. My friend was pestering me to watch it the other day, but I just couldn't see how they can make the premise not come out very silly or have some dumb preachy message at the end.
Well, unless you buy 250 bucks of anime every time, it's not really free here either. And we're stuck using crappy Fedex of all couriers.They still don't even have free shipping to where I'm at. orz
darkside/Kagami's alt.
god bless nudemac and the depths he's willing to plunge for his posts ;_;7He's no Astrolad but he gets the job done.
Arararararagi is waiting for you.
why would you wish one of the worst directors at white fox on something you want to succeed?
That's the point!He's no Kirito.
Super sonico
not seeing a real appeal to this.
Cute but not much else to it. I guess boobs.