Tomodachi wa Mahou
Thanks for the food porn. Now I'm hungry
Why do you crave sinburgers?
Thanks for the food porn. Now I'm hungry
Why do you crave sinburgers?
Why do you crave sinburgers?
Inferno Cop - 1
What the FXXX did I just watch.
It's pork though, not beef. Totally different.
Soooo looking forward to this ...
Best reaction moment i've seen in a while.
Meat is meat. Do you differentiate between Meatballs made out of meat and ones made out of pork? How about sausages? They are clearly the same thing.
Also if you ever come across a BurgerFi you should eat there. They have the best veggie burger so I'd imagine the ones actually made with meat would be pretty good too.
Meat is delicious murder![]()
Pork is even more sinful!It's pork though, not beef. Totally different.
I got that.Girls und Panzer 10
I would have liked to have seen Montana.
OI! Please don't shit on Komi Naoshi. He is really great mangaka, whose attemps at really awesome stories were shot down.Another really well directed episode. Just it's such a shame that the manga is dog shit.
They are literally Hisler.Hyperbolists are the Hitlers of human interaction.
burgers are kinda meh. Ive had a few good ones.
I still believe that we will get 20 episodes. They will just announce the three other BD/DVD volumes at a later point.
I got that.
Split cour is more likely.
OI! Please don't shit on Komi Naoshi. He is really great mangaka, whose attemps at really awesome stories were shot down.
Just read his Oneshots (e.g. Island, Apple and Personant) and Double Arts. And don't be shocked by the decay of the last Double Arts chapters. That's just because Jump Readers destroyed it in the votings and they tried to appeal somehow at the audience.
Also I think that the Nisekoi manga is really nice, especially the cute expressions. It's really fun, if not great. The stretching only happens because Jump readers are mean and kill good things manga like Double Arts, Asklepios, Mx0, Psyren and so on in favor of Bleach and Naruto.
Nisekoi is not bad at all but it doesn't really seem to have a bigger plot anymore. I don't really care and just enjoy the chapter but sometimes I wish that I could be reading Double Arts instead of a nice romcom.
My wish is that Nisekoi turns into a huge success, making people look for Double Arts. And then for some reason Sueisha would resurrect it in SQ, X or Ultra. Just like Shaman King rose from its grave.
And I haven't even heard of Asklepios. Guess I have to read one more cancelled manga to hate Jump's weird voting system even more.I don't really hate it but I'm salty
burgers are kinda meh. Ive had a few good ones.
They are literally Hisler.
I would totally watch a Girls und U-Boat spinoff.
Never understood this train of logic, I thought episode 1 was awesome in its own right.Episode 2 should sell you on it.
Girls und Panzer 11
Man using ais just cheating.Maus
I don't care what people say about it being a commercial for Kamogawakamogawakamogawa I loved that show.
Kuroko no Basket S2 15
Nothing big happen this episode but foreshadow that.Momoi is about to take over next episode
Also a nice end card
My apologies, I'll not do that in the future.This has been bugging me for a while - just because it's Precure and most people watch it live doesn't mean you should spoil almost the entire episode.
I enjoyed the show, but I feel like that held it back, that it had the potential to be a lot more interesting if the setting and events weren't shackled to Kamogawa. Also the whole "look how great Kamogawa is" thing got kind of silly.
Murder never tasted so good.
I find it pretty weird if Nisekoi is 11 episodes becausewas in the OP and I find it highly unlikely they'll get to that in that short amount of time.Marika
Man whatevs. In Brazil they come with corn, tato bits, egg and pineapple. Brazilian style burgers are where it is AT.
I don't care what people say about it being a commercial for Kamogawakamogawakamogawa I loved that show.
The Hisler sounds like a Dr. Seuss monster.
Aikatsu! 36
Why was Ran having so much trouble with the dance? It was the same one she did in all of those auditions. It has that stupid duck waddle. Also I'm fucking tired of the goddamn Tristar song. And when this concert is held, is that the only song they sing? Who pays to go watch one song being performed? How do you sell out Big Stadium with one song? Also what kind of name is "Big Stadium"? If Portland or Montreal or wherever gets a major league baseball team in the future, I hope they name their park "Big Field".
And if Ichigo and Aoi are so lonely, why don't they go hang out with Otome and Yurika and Sakura?
This has been bugging me for a while - just because it's Precure and most people watch it live doesn't mean you should spoil almost the entire episode.
I guess in the summer since Mekaku City Days is only one cour.
When will they start announce VA's for it? I need to know Hibiya's.