March is the month of death.March 18!
I had it preordered since walking out of the cinema after seeing it lol.
Thank you for reminding me this was out. I need more than just Sasami-san@Ganbaranai.
Hooray Futabu! gaining attention!
AnimeGAF, Robotics;Notes, yep or nope?
Yeah, it's not made for standing. lolOh hey, I think that's the same Kyubey I've got =D
Photo I posted when I originally got it for comparison:
yes it was a bitch getting him to stay in a decent pose like that
D-Frag 8
You know what this ep made me kind of depressed.
Japanese game industry with super long running franchise that stagnates for a while, then the original members try to make a game with a leap in quality.
It turns out it has PS2 graphics and not only that but they show it via CG render.
Now I'm under the suspicion that firehawk made his QB more Aria-shachouish since its head is noticeably bigger than your QB.Oh hey, I think that's the same Kyubey I've got =D
Photo I posted when I originally got it for comparison:
March is the month of death.![]()
AnimeGAF, Robotics;Notes, yep or nope?
Oh hey, I think that's the same Kyubey I've got =D
Photo I posted when I originally got it for comparison:
yes it was a bitch getting him to stay in a decent pose like that
Kino no Tabi 5
Hm, I feel like there was a bit of a missed opportunity here. I was expectingKino to keep travelling along the rails after meeting the third worker, ride a long way while watching as the rails grew more and more dirty and overgrown, and finally run into the first worker again.
If the rails were actually running in a big loop, it would complete the irony of all three workers doing completely meaningless work, as well as neatly answering the potential question of how all three workers managed to follow these rails for fifty years without running out of rails or getting anywhere. It would also tie in to the question of where Kino was actually going (nowhere) and even Kino's little spiel at the beginning of the episode about it being easiest to lose your way in a forest (since she would never have wound up going in circles if she hadn't been blindly relying on the rails). It would also require her to leave the rails at the very end of the episode, which sounds totally meaningful or something.
At any rate, the biggest question this episode left me wondering waswhat is actually going on back in the three rail workers' home country. Has the rail company really been paying all three of their families for the meaningless work they're doing? For fifty years? That's a pretty stupid company if so. But at the same time, it would presumably be a breach of contract for the company to just stop paying their families without notifying the workers that they were dismissed, so that scenario doesn't seem too likely either. And even if the company went bust, you'd think someone would have to send notification to their employees to stop working (their families would insist on it if nobody else did!)
So I suppose the most likely explanation for why the workers haven't heard anything for fifty years is that their entire country has somehow perished in the meantime. Oh god, please tell me it wasn't the democratic country. That would just be the icing on the cake.
What is that doll from? Looks cute but then the red eyes make it look a bit creepy.
Madoka MAgica. Its Kyubey.
I have a plastic figure of him.
Puella Madoka Magic right? I remember that show. Was going to watch it like a year ago or something and realised that apparently its quite violent despite appearances. Is it good? I mean Battleship Yamato good not Girls und Panzer good (which was bad).
Kino's Journey 5
So there are two obvious themes to this episode: the first is the absurdity of "work." Especially work for the sake of work. The man in the country with no work says a lot of common things we hear about why people must work (so they won't get lazy, for instance). As we carry on we meet the three men on the railroad, whose work negates one another, and for a time we find their work to be as absurd, too (though notably, these men have legitimate reasons to work: to support their families. The problem for them is more that they work for families they will never know, and they work without thought or reason.).
The second is the peril of unwillingness to compromise or to listen. The people in the Land of Too Much Democracy got all French Revolution on each other when they couldn't agree, and it somehow lead them to do far, far worse than their "playful" king.
Inserted in the middle of this is the question of "Where are you headed?" which is of course an expression of the idea that a journey should have an end. The idea comes from the men who have goals which, ironically, prevent their own journeys from ever ending.
Beneath all of this, though, I think there's a message of "Is it better to be oblivious to pain and happy living a futile life, or is it better to know the truth, even if it consumes you?" The New King knows full well what he had done and what had become of his nation, and it drives him to end himself when it is all made clear. He is a miserable man whose awareness of the horrible state of his life has profited him nothing. The men on the rail way are utterly oblivious to the fates of their loved ones, and so they continue on with their labors, oblivious even of the futility of their tasks. They are, however, hopeful and happy. They believe, however wrongly, that their honest labors and sacrifices are helping others, and that their course is right, since no one has ever once told them they were wrong. The workers in the land of no work are people who think that, without pain there can be no knowledge, therefore the best way to find their fulfillment in life is to suffer meaninglessly. They're a sort of unusual parody of both sides of the scenario, I think.
What I find most interesting, though, is that Kino never really judges these people. She asks questions of them, such as "are you happy you live here?" and "don't you think it's strange that these tracks are so polished if they're supposed to be unused?" but when the people she asks these questions of do not respond, she simply carries on, pressing the point no further than the recipient was willing to go with it. I like that, because I think if you're going to be a real traveler you only have two options: either you dive right into the affairs of people everywhere you go and assume responsibility for it, or you stay out of their affairs and just learn about them.
1) You're crazy.Gintama': Enchouson 265 END
February 9th, 2014 to February 25th
Final Sadaharu episode. A shock considering how little attention he really got over time. And oddly enough, reduced the Odd Jobs to their lowest point I've ever seen.Eating dog food really?
....16 days. 16 days watching Gintama. That's quite a lot of time. And I can't say it was wasted, because I enjoyed the 16 days spent on watching Gintama.
It has a rather expansive cast list, and makes a lot of call backs to characters when it's necessary for them to come out. As for this short season, it was pretty much focused on story arcs, in a way, to say "hey, sorry if you weren't fond of multiple not-arc episodes".and if you weren't fond, there's a problem
This also gave me more fondness of Sugita's work. Good lord, he played a great Gin. Loved the range of his voice and how it was utilized. Enjoyed when a lot of characters gained quirks to stand out. Although, in regards to Shinpachi-is-the-glasses quirk, I feel like I've seen it somewhere before... I can't put my finger on it though. It feels like something I was watching not too long ago.
...anyway, I would like to thank AnimeGAF, for building me up to take on this behemoth, as well as steering me in the way through recommendations and peer pressure. I thank you, Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart, for making me unlock my drive as Cure Marathon, and the constant tempering of being able to take on shows I set my sights on.
In some ways... I need a break... a refresher of sorts before the next big wave. What it'll be.... who knows... there's already candidates lined up.
AnimeGAF, Robotics;Notes, yep or nope?
Most detonated explosives wouldn't explode by being shot. That's the point of the detonator in the first place. C4 for instance will only explode by a very dramatic change in pressure and heat, and is detonated with a primary explosion. It will otherwise just burn.That aside there's more bullshit foreshadowing at the start and a rather confusing hostage situation in a cafe which makes no sense. They run and don't demand any money but just take the cafe hostage and demand an unmarked car. Even if they were asking for money, why rob a cafe? Why rob a cafe with 3 people? Why rob a cafe WHILE WEARING A FUCKING EXPLOSIVE JACKET? Also, how the fuck do you disable a highly volatile explosive like that by shooting it.
Remember that stupid pool montage retardedness at the end? Well it was even more awful montagey.I watched the "Special Edition" of episode 1 which I presume is the same thing. What did it change, Oracle of the IS, firehawk-sama?
nopeAnimeGAF, Robotics;Notes, yep or nope?
Well UY moved up 10 spaces in the backlog right now. Will depend on how readily I can source it in HD.Urusei Yatsura - 43
AnimeGAF, Robotics;Notes, yep or nope?
Well UY moved up 10 spaces in the backlog right now. Will depend on how readily I can source it in HD.
Its very good and it actually sold really really well.
It was enormously popular.
My condolences.In our family's case yes March has been a terrible month of death.
Puella Madoka Magic right? I remember that show. Was going to watch it like a year ago or something and realised that apparently its quite violent despite appearances. Is it good? I mean Battleship Yamato good not Girls und Panzer good (which was bad).
In our family's case yes March has been a terrible month of death.
While this saddens me greatly it matters not. I am willing to take the price.You should still prioritize it, but keep in mind that that's a one-episode character.
Puella Madoka Magic right? I remember that show. Was going to watch it like a year ago or something and realised that apparently its quite violent despite appearances. Is it good? I mean Battleship Yamato good not Girls und Panzer good (which was bad).
1) You're crazy.
2) Also, you need to watch the movie.
Madoka Magica is very well done. That's a show I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone. It's a deconstruction of the Magical Girl genre.
That's all I can say about it without spoiling the show.
Don't worry, I'm going to do that. Right now, it's time for me to catch up with some of the ongoing goods.
Girls und Panzer is not less legit than Yamato or whatever..
If I wrote that episode it wouldn't have ended as it did!Urusei Yatsura - 43
Who let hito near the script for this episode?
You never said you liked Ashita no Joe. The fight was hype and Jariten is spending too much time with Ataru.
Serious Ataru voice is so good. "Only an idiot would forget that our arms are of different lengths"
Not enough beards
Who need beard if you have tank?
And yeah Tank > Battleship.
KininarimasuIf I wrote that episode it wouldn't have ended as it did!
I mean Battleship Yamato good not Girls und Panzer good (which was bad).
Man, a battleship is like a tank but bigger and also in space. No contest.
Thanks! Should also credit Risette as she gave me the @ that url.
I think right now you should step outside for a bit.
Gintama': Enchouson 265 END
February 9th, 2014 to February 25th
....16 days. 16 days watching Gintama. That's quite a lot of time. And I can't say it was wasted, because I enjoyed the 16 days spent on watching Gintama.
It has a rather expansive cast list, and makes a lot of call backs to characters when it's necessary for them to come out. As for this short season, it was pretty much focused on story arcs, in a way, to say "hey, sorry if you weren't fond of multiple not-arc episodes".and if you weren't fond, there's a problem
This also gave me more fondness of Sugita's work. Good lord, he played a great Gin. Loved the range of his voice and how it was utilized. Enjoyed when a lot of characters gained quirks to stand out. Although, in regards to Shinpachi-is-the-glasses quirk, I feel like I've seen it somewhere before... I can't put my finger on it though. It feels like something I was watching not too long ago.
...anyway, I would like to thank AnimeGAF, for building me up to take on this behemoth, as well as steering me in the way through recommendations and peer pressure. I thank you, Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart, for making me unlock my drive as Cure Marathon, and the constant tempering of being able to take on shows I set my sights on.
In some ways... I need a break... a refresher of sorts before the next big wave. What it'll be.... who knows... there's already candidates lined up.
Don't watch more Shana watch Girls Und Panzer. Save yourself
This. Good advice.
TER is good. But if I can warn people against tripe then I will!It's my own rule and I like to abide by it. I passed up too many good animes because I didn't like the first and/or second episode. So now that's my Three Episodes Rule (TER). I figure if I am not getting into it by the third episode then I am just wasting my time. So far this rule hasn't failed me once.
The only exception to this rule was Excel Saga. I somehow made it to episode 2 but at that point it was either my sanity or keep watching. I chose to keep at least some of my sanity.
Thing that stuck with me about this episode is how Kino would tell the people she met on the track about the village she went to where nobody needed to work, but they worked anyway. And the first guy kinda laughed at them for working for no real reason at all, all while he was unknowingly doing the exact same thing. Second guy was kinda envious of the people for not having to work, even though the work he was doing was just as pointless as theirs.
Third guy, I think Kino declined to tell him about it. Still trying to figure out why that was.