Vanadis - 13
No doubt about it , vanadis was ported high by his casting ...
So this is the end for Vanadis ...
Tigre Mastered the first rank of his skill with the bow , Get pushed Twice in the same episode on the right path by elen.
Tita was crying , then pouting ( because jealous ) , and finally happy .
Some light character hindsight here and there..
Stuff happenned , The thenardier and civil war arc is now over with some obvious lingering threads left open for season 2.
Overall this episode was alright should have been better but they did what they could in 24 minutes and we got an happy ending .
Well resolve or not , when you got a cheat code ....
Series impressions
Madan no Ou to Vanadis could have been better , they should have followed the source material better . Overall i have to admit that most of the changes they made are for the most part : better , but i really dislike all the stuff they cut.
Some of the leftovers was used for vanadi-chu, the chibi anime , but goddamit , so much was left on the road.
-The adaptation
Too many cuts , probably because of the 13 episodes size , they crammed most of the important stuff was there , we just missed :
-The entire Thenardier backstory ( his motivations were multi layered ) , but in the anime it feel like a matter of simple power struggle when his motivations were much higher than that.
-The entire rise to power of tigre during the invasion of brune was cut ( and before ) , we got only the fights , none of the stuff that happenned that was the key for the numerous reinforcement during the last battle , a total shame.
-The demons ( Yes he was there but it didn't attack tigre when he should have so i'm not happy with this change.) , too bad , it's not like they will be the focus of season 2 and that forshadowing them properly wouldn't have been that hard ..but hey.
-The visuals
Chess pieces took a while for me to get into... i don't mind them , they were a good way to cheaply show battlefield changes. If only the anime focused more on them..
Some episodes were spotless in their visuals , others quite laughable. vandis clearly suffered during production in the middle. A real shame because overall the anime is ok .. It just become so lifeless at times. Cg soldiers weren't pretty. many backgrounds for too many scenes need to be redone entirely.
-Music /SFX
I didn't mind it. Nothing that stood up ( it's average ) but there weren't any bad tracks.
-The characters
They trully did their best. the vanadis were the star of the show , the supporting cast was also good. Too bad tita respects tigre so much , she barely takes any actions
Vanadis is a 6.5/10 anime. It doesn't do much wrong , but doesn't break boundaries either. If it had better productions values it would have been another story , but.
If you add Vanadi-chu , the ensemble become a 7/10.
"May the blu-ray correct all those background problems", i might still buy them if so.