Neither do most people, but I imagine some do find it funny. In my case, I just tolerate it because at least the humor is different, even in its lack of restraint, from the same tired old jokes about grabbing boobs and falling all over someone else. Ultimately it's still juvenile humor, of course, but not anime 101 in my opinion. That said, I wouldn't argue the show is actually focused on "fanservice" as a whole. Yes, there is dialogue about sexual topics, often used for comedy purposes, but the amount of actual fanservice being used as fanservice is rather low by anime standards, let alone those of other series where titillation is in fact the main focus. There is no shortage of proper points of comparison this season.
Granted, they did combine scenes from different chapters of the manga this time around and managed to cram in the closest the manga ever gets to being "explicit" in a single episode, but I would advise against expecting something like that to happen every week. If anything, part of me is thankful they got this out of the way so quickly, rather than dragging it out. The episode ended on a far better note than how it started.