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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Gundam Try Fighters 15
Feel bad for the other teams Gunpla. That shit is in itty bitty pieces right now. Total overkill.

they totally pulled some shit badguys usually do. Did not stop at disabling the kid, cracked his gunpla, then completely shattered it into a million pieces... that was pretty cold. Talk about in it to win it.

Worse part is, after completely bodying their first round like super villains they are going to be the genki, nice school kids team again next episode.
they totally pulled some shit badguys usually do. Did not stop at disabling the kid, cracked his gunpla, then completely shattered it into a million pieces... that was pretty cold. Talk about in it to win it.

Worse part is, after completely bodying their first round like super villains they are going to be the genki, nice school kids team again next episode.

They were vastly overpowered, they could have taken them down without all that showboating. Even though they havent revealed everything, their rivals now know a lot more about their gunpla now.

It really was a dick move. That one kid is gonna give up gunpla battling because of this team. Ironic too considering what happened to Kousaka.
I kinda wanna get what Shabadadoo means but I'm afraid I will never understand

I just take it as any kind of chunni - catchphrase like "abracadabra" and proceed to try to understand the rest of the show.

I like it so far.

They were vastly overpowered, they could have taken them down without all that showboating. Even though they havent revealed everything, their rivals now know a lot more about their gunpla now.

It really was a dick move. That one kid is gonna give up gunpla battling because of this team. Ironic too considering what happened to Kousaka.

First season teached me that a loss is a way to get better !!

And kousaka didn't go out of his way to tell them that "they suck , have no talent and so on".

Slight différence , but stilla difference.... that can be solved by more building !!!


I kinda wanna get what Shabadadoo means but I'm afraid I will never understand

Pretty sure this was Fred Flinstone's mating call.

Grendizer 64

Blushing because she just accidentally confessed her love. Cuz it's that old.

So it's sort of endearing how Nagai introduced Duke Fleed's little sister 50 episodes into an 80 episode show, and how he quickly established the teen by making her have a crush on Kouji (her age isn't clear. Subs said 14, but subs also spent an entire episode accidentally making puns about beating off, sooooo) but what bothers me is that it feels to me like Nagai doesn't have much of a grip on what to do with Kouji's love life.

Like, it's sort of the same thing that irked me about Gundam. Except that at least Tomino took some small amount of time to make throwaway remarks hinting at Amuro and Sayla breaking up. As far as I knew, until Kouji had admitted to himself that he was in love with Hikaru Makiba, he was still in a relationship with Sayaka Yumi. And now Nagai's been dropping hints that Maria's feelings for Kouji aren't very unrequited at all.

It's weird, though, because both Tomino and Nagai show in their middle works (Z-ZZ and Great Mazinger, respectively) that they're quite capable of making the hero settle down with one girl. Not sure if it's better or worse than having all three of the Getter dudes be in love with Michiru Saotome.

In any case, something else I noticed about the show's transition is that over time the typical Super Robot bully character Bunta just up and vanished.
Ping Pong 5

Damn. Akuma :( The whole genius/hard work thing is something I can really relate to.

The lack of "animation" is really bugging me now. Its just a slideshow of squiggly lines at this point. Enjoying everything else though.

First season teached me that a loss is a way to get better !!

And kousaka didn't go out of his way to tell them that "they suck , have no talent and so on".

Slight différence , but stilla difference.... that can be solved by more building !!!

I wasn't being totally serious but yeah I agree. Bad losses should motivate, though for a couple of days that kid is going to stay holed up in his room by himself.
That video does make a good point that it's particularly the late '00s and beyond LN adaptations that become so tediously samey and so often awful. Really though, the issue with LNs (and junior novels in the West) is that the writing quality isn't any better than that in manga and particularly in stuff like those overly-long-name ones is sometimes even worse, but they've got lots more words so they end up much more verbose versions of the same awful kinds of writing and storytelling. It's not a good combination.

Kancolle 03

As long as she returns as one of the Abyssal Girls I'm fine with this result.

Yeah, it's kind of surprising that this would happen, considering that
no shipgirls seem to ever die in the official mangas, but this is a good point; it makes sense that they'd get to the 'shipgirls and abyssals come from the same thing' stuff eventually. They're just doing that a little sooner than I thought they would.

I wonder if they can save her, or if they'll have to "sink" her in the end... how dark do they want to make this?

But there are good LNs though. Fate/Zero, Baccano!, Kino's Journey, etc.
While you're probably right that there are a few LN series that aren't awful, they are definitely very much in a small minority.

Other than those though, I just really want to see what would seem to be another generic harem LN adaptation turn out to be something actually amazing. Twintails seemed to be something like that at first, in how ridiculous it was. But its joke got old really fast. :(
Part of the problem here is that harem isn't a genre that pretty much EVER is good enough to be 'actually amazing'. It's a genre for terrible shows and stupid fanservice, not actual quality... some harem shows are a lot better than others, certainly, but are they ever actually legitimately great?

As for Twintails, I quite liked it; my main issue was, as I kept saying in my reviews of the episodes, how the series kept going back and forth between playing some tropes straight and making others into jokes, without ever acknowledging what it was doing. It's kind of weird when you never know which anime tropes the series is going to mess with and which it's going to follow exactly...

Boat Girls 3

I still don't know what is going on. They literally pulled a mini plane out of thin air with a living person inside of it. They held newly created life within their hand!
The pilots of the little planes, and ground crews on the carriers and such, are, like, fairies or something. It's not explained too well. (Every time one of those planes get shot down, does one die?)

Also the fact that the Admiral is a complete non entity is such a poor decision. Either make them a character or don't have them at all. Or say they are currently on a tropical island somewhere on holiday and phoning orders in. Anything but Mr Creepy Small Silent Weirdo.
Yeah, they clearly are trying to have a self-insert protagonist, but are trying too hard to have him be a complete self-insert cypher, and it ends up kind of weird. Either make him a mostly detached character (but an actual character) like the producer in Idolmaster Xenoglossia, or get rid of him and don't have an admiral at all (as in those H-game adaptations which get rid of the male lead and just have girls for characters; Koihime Musou, etc.).

And as for the ending
she is with a group and then one second later on her own. And then none of them noticed the big explosion that happened. Death for death's sake.
Contrived stuff like that is so common... definitely kind of annoying.
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid - 10


Well, that's quite the license plate!

Well it's not a mecha show without
the main character admitting he just can't do it anymore and quitting is it? Though to be fair, in the good ones I've seen, they've all had believable reasons for wanting to leave, and there's no difference here.

I've been told Al becomes the biggest bro in this show. I doubt he'll be as awesome as Chambro, but we'll see.


AnimeGAF wouldn't be AnimeGAF without passive aggressive backhanded comments.

"it's ok if you don't get it, the show is intended for intellectual individuals" lol

Joke, hence the
and the rest of that post which wasn't in the quote.

No but really, I understand why people hate it. Ikuhara's an acquired taste, and we all have different levels of tolerance for his antics. This is the most undiluted "Ikuhara" show so far.

If I didn't enjoy the show on a surface level, I guess I'd share your opinion of the show. But personally, with Ikuhara I've learned to just sit back and let myself be entertained by the randomness. I don't take the confusing stuff seriously until I dig into and understand the subtext, if that makes sense.

I mean no disrespect to people who dislike YKA. It's all preferences in the end.


[Yoru no Yatterman] - 2

So this particular series remains fairly solid and but I still feel like I need at least some exposure to a Yatterman property to give me a little bit of grounding. It probably won't enhance my experience in some exponential fashion but I just feel like there's a number of things I'll probably be missing due to my ignorance.

As a number of folk have pointed out, the strangest thing about this episode is the numerous references to the works of Mamoru Oshii most noticeably Angel's Egg, Patlabor, Patlabor 2 and Gosenzosama Banbanzai!. Now, I know that Oshii has previously worked on the Yatterman franchise but it just seems odd that there's so many overt visual call backs to his work in this episode. For once, I feel a bit like firehawk12, slightly puzzled as to the reasoning behind these references. It's just like of like "I really like Oshii, here's some of his iconic images".

I'm ok with this.

Reading all these Parasyte impressions are not encouraging me to pick the series up again. I feel pretty happy letting it go a few weeks ago.

Numerous people have suggested that the manga is far better, which I can easily believe, so I may well check that out.

Yeah I dumped it a few weeks back, probably should have done it sooner, but I was invested I suppose. Initial concept was interesting and strange, but the show pretty much became dull as dishwater fairly quickly.
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid - 12


The way they built his comeback up was great. I mean, I saw the hints. The design of the mecha, the constant referring of "Sensei", and all those familiar terms being tossed around.

And while the guy may not have any arms or legs to pilot a mecha anymore, he still knows how to break stuff. Specifically Sousuke's heart, by dropping a bombshell on him that I'm very positive is a lie (I mean, the Funimation thumbnail for episode 13 outright shows it), causing him to both metaphorically and quite literally go out with a bang.

Well, one episode left, not counting the OVA. It should be very interesting on how Sousuke recovers from this right before the final battle. And while I'm not expecting something along the likes of TTGL episode 11, I have a feeling it'll still be pretty awesome nonetheless.
Been slowly catching up on UBW... man, I somehow forgot that all the girls just throw themselves on Shirou and how much I hate all the harem elements in an otherwise interesting fantasy story. Wish F/Z looked as good as this adaptation of UBW.
Been slowly catching up on UBW... man, I somehow forgot that all the girls just throw themselves on Shirou and how much I hate all the harem elements in an otherwise interesting fantasy story. Wish F/Z looked as good as this adaptation of UBW.

F/Z still looks pretty damn good imho. And I'll take it over FSN. I couldn't even finish FSN.
F/Z still looks pretty damn good imho. And I'll take it over FSN. I couldn't even finish FSN.
Yeah, it does, but F/SN definitely feels more polished, and the action scenes just flow very well. Probably one of the few things it does better than F/Z. I knew I wasn't going to like the anime much unless it took huge liberties and deviated from the source material (the VN is shit and no one can tell me otherwise), but at least it looks absolutely fantastic.

I was also gonna rant about F/SN's bullshit in general, but I'd rather not deal with its defence force, so I'll just leave it at that.


Well, I must confess that I didn't know AnimeGAF held an overall negative impression toward the series. I've just recently been made aware of these seasonal threads so I'm still attempting to gain a general sense of the community and their respective taste in animation. It does appear to be well received based on remarks from American critics and its placement within the top rankings on MAL; however, I respect the opinion held by other viewers regardless of whether they share similar sentiments on a subject matter or otherwise. I'm simply glad that I have forum in which I can express my thoughts on an storytelling art form and I believe contrary views can serve a healthy basis in critique as the individual, ultimately, has the freedom to choose to dismiss, accept or alter perspectives on their own volition. In other words, I'm absolutely fine with any critical views of Psycho-Pass on GAF whether in the majority or minority as it won't adjust my appreciation for the material.

Thank you very much for the kind words. If I had to be honest, I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a novice to culture after spending my entire childhood with classic anime that I experienced on my own accord, like Speed Racer (1967) and Voltron: Defender of the Universe (1984), whereas Toonami primarily served as the foundation in which I saw the most breath of the medium in the late '90s/early 2000s. I posted my personal fifteen recommendations in the previous thread and I'll gladly state Ghost in the Shell has been one of my favorite series, especially the 1995 film adaptation.

Out of respect for a lady, I'd probably compliment her as beautiful more than anything else. Admittedly, the property isn't completely immune from moe/kawaii qualities, but I admire Psycho-Pass for refraining from them on an overall level.

Akane is definitely moe af.
I wish I liked the show more. It was promising but I lost interest early on for some reason.

I'm befuddled by HOW that number keeps getting higher and higher.

Like, how did that get so popular? I mean, I enjoyed it, but compared to what everyone else was watching this season it would have made more sense to me for it to rank among the 4k's at the very best.

Magical Girl shows seem to have a high potential ceiling, but also a low floor. Either they hit it big and get quite popular or they crash and burn. Yuuki Yuuna struck a chord.


Cinderella Girls 2

Can some idoru expert tell me if the whole vampire thing is common? Cause that one girl seems like a pretty blatant ripoff of Yurika Toudou...




After a brief hiatus and silence from the project on the Kickstarter page, the team managing the UTD project, Creative Intelligence Arts (CIA) is announcing its departure from the UTD project and handing over the management of the project to Kinema Citrus. Hiroaki Yura and his company, CIA, spearheaded the overall production and Kickstarter campaign for UTD.

“In order to comply with certain requests from members of the UTD creative team, and to deliver an unhindered product to our backers, CIA is hereby removing itself from the UTD project,” said Producer for UTD and CIA founder Hiroaki Yura.



Well this is interesting:
Dear UTD backers,
I sincerely apologise for the silence, it must have been a very painful few months for most of you as we weren’t able to make any kind of announcements. This will be the last update as the Producer of Under the Dog from me, as I attach the Press Release in which we are about to send to the media.
I hope you all understand that I did my best to do what’s right for the project, and I hereby regrettably resign from my post. Please feel assured that you will be in the good hands of the great creators I gathered for this project and they have given me their solemn vow to complete the Anime as intended.
Kindest regards,
Hiroaki Yura

Hello Backers! I am Koji Morimoto, newly appointed producer of “Under the Dog”. I am managing the company, ‘Aurora’, producing visual contents and developing & distributing Characterized sports products.
バッカーの皆様はじめまして。新しく「Under the dog」のプロデュースを担当することになりました、森本浩二と申します。現在は、キャラクタースポーツ用品の開発・発売とアニメーション等の映像コンテンツのプロデュースを行う、株式会社アウローラに所属しております。
This is very honorable and exciting opportunity to work with Mr. Ishii and Mr. Ando again since we did before when creating the TV Animation Series “CANAAN”. I will endeavor to make the comfortable circumstances that all creative staff members can create the great movie “Under the Dog” as you imagined. Please keep an eye on us! We will do the best for creating one of the best movies so that we will not make you regret to be the backers of this project. 「Under the dog」


So is the project like fucked then? Time to hit the panic button?

As long as Kinema Citrus can still produce it and Ando is still directing, it should be fine. It's probably not in production yet if there's nothing to update on that front. What we're losing here is the involvement of CIA and Yura, which seems to have been kinda unprofessional and suspect from the start. I guess they realized they were in over their head and bailed out.


Well the project is still continuing at least. Seemingly. I suppose I should not be be surprised anime production politics are more messy than videogames (where it seems when a team has a track record it seems smooth sailing for gaming kickstarters).


nusilver said:
Okay guys, Takahata box just came. I don't have time to look at the discs because it's almost dinner time, but here's the full language breakdown:

Hols/Horus: Japanese 2ch PCM, Japanese 1ch DTS-HD (no subs)
Panda Kopanda: Japanese 2ch PCM, Japanese 1ch DTS-HD (Japanese subs only, kind of surprisingly!)
Jarinko Chie: Japanese 2ch PCM, Japanese 1ch DTS-HD (Japanese subs only)
Gauche the Cellist: Japanese 2ch PCM, Japanese 1ch DTS-HD (Japanese, English and French subs)
The Story of Yanagawa's Canals: Japanese 2ch PCM, Japanese 1ch DTS-HD, English 1ch (Japanese and English subs)
Anne of Green Gables: 2ch PCM, Japanese 1ch DTS-HD (Japanese and ENGLISH subs!)

All other titles have the same language options as previous versions, but it looks like in higher bitrates. Will do my best to get caps of the 6 new discs over the weekend if I can!

OH: and Hols does look like it might be an SD upscale, though the title text is pretty sharp, so it's hard to tell. Definitely not a revelation though, sadly.

What the...

OH: and Hols does look like it might be an SD upscale, though the title text is pretty sharp, so it's hard to tell. Definitely not a revelation though, sadly.
OH: and Hols does look like it might be an SD upscale...
OH: and Hols does look like it might be an SD upscale...
AAAARGH! The worst suspicions are probably confirmed... and based on all the info available I don't find the asking price for this BD-BOX palatable in the least anymore.

Also, title cards, logos and effects panes should never be taken as a sure indicative because those could have been re-touched independently.

I forgot that even existed.
KINEMA CITRUS themselves recently did a little update on its status along their New Year's card illustration...

Like that LWA OVA.
Hey now, there have been more status updates about it for the backers than in the above mentioned!


Obviously. Just don't fully understand how this affects the project and the use of "bomba."

CIA is bombing their way out of the project, for the good of all mankind. So far they've managed to get a lot of money for two Kickstarters with basically nothing on their resume and very little results so far.

Here's the status of their "Japan's Indie RPG featuring AAA talent" Kickstarter which got over a million: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JixGwJ4YiLw



Assassination Classroom

I feel like this could be fun, but Kishi's melodrama is seeping in more and more. On course to be dropped soon.
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