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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Death Parade - 03

D'aaaw, that was pretty sweet. And I had a laugh at Decim's 'joke'. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the episode is that both players can get the same outcome. Imagine two assholes comes in and Decim says fuck this and Voids them both, ayy.
As for the game itself and the 'body connections', this episode didn't offer much entertainment in that field. When I saw the hearts in the balls I thought they were both in an accident and there were some sort of heart surgery in real life happening, were the 'winner' would live.
Ah well, I think this was a cute way to demonstrate the show and I'm glad it was shown. However for me it's for the best if this is a one time thing, which I imagine it will be. No Nona is disappointing though.


Death Parade - 03

You know what I expecting the twist is the girl is prostitute or something >_>
And despite the actual twist is on melodrama side I thought its very sweet.. left me some of feels.

Like it better than eps 1.
Isuca - 01

I uh.. this is sort of interesting? The opening scene [NSFW?] had me all sort of 'What the fuck is this?' I mean the monster designs are pretty cool. These Specters enter our world and kill to stay here, while the heroine is trying to banish them. And I assume the Specter Catgirl is joining up?
Honestly I'm kinda intrigued, it had this eerie feeling sort of. At the same time it keeps having these weird ecchi moments [NSFW?] and stupid censor. I left with a positive impression, so there's that I guess.


isuca 1 - well thats rather different to the manga, with lot of gratuitousness and monster fighting that the manga didn't have.
What makes an anime qualify for an OT?

Usually people make one if the series is already popular so that fans can post in it or if they think it deserves more attention that it probably wouldn't get without some pushing.

Death Parade would fall into the latter category.


Isuca - 01

I uh.. this is sort of interesting? The opening scene [NSFW?] had me all sort of 'What the fuck is this?' I mean the monster designs are pretty cool. These Specters enter our world and kill to stay here, while the heroine is trying to banish them. And I assume the Specter Catgirl is joining up?
Honestly I'm kinda intrigued, it had this eerie feeling sort of. At the same time it keeps having these weird ecchi moments [NSFW?] and stupid censor. I left with a positive impression, so there's that I guess.

All this censoring, srsly. And of course in the easy and bad way. And I thought the JoJo cigarette censor was bad.
Death Parade 03

I wasn't expecting such a cute and tender episode like this for the series at all. Certainly is a nice break from the gloom and doom of death.


Isuca - 01

I uh.. this is sort of interesting? The opening scene [NSFW?] had me all sort of 'What the fuck is this?' I mean the monster designs are pretty cool. These Specters enter our world and kill to stay here, while the heroine is trying to banish them. And I assume the Specter Catgirl is joining up?
Honestly I'm kinda intrigued, it had this eerie feeling sort of. At the same time it keeps having these weird ecchi moments [NSFW?] and stupid censor. I left with a positive impression, so there's that I guess.

Just... what the fuck at both of those clips. On one hand, that looks really interesting and I want to give it a try, but on the other, it's got really shitty censorship and really dumb fanservice.
Death Parade 03

That was an unexpectedly nice episode! I was just waiting for some huge reveal that sours the mood and makes them both turn on each other, but it never came. The rules of the games seems geared less towards winning the game but judging how the other person reacts in the game itself.

Next week is the Arcade duel! Just in time for the EVO announcements.
Ping Pong 8

Its crazy how 6-7 episodes ago I didnt give a shit about any one of these characters. Now, I just want every one of them to win.

But we all know thats not possible :( First one bites the dust.
Death Parade - 03
I liked it ... I do not seek in death parade some drama but facets of human nature and this episode delivered .. the date was a nice bonus. i guess those 2 people deserved it.

Lol @ that explanation of the rules.
Overall i'm quite satisfied

Next week with death arcade can't come soon enough ....
Tokyo Ghoul Root A Episode 3

Man is this season soooo good, it's way better than the first season. The pacing is great and isn't rushed like last season. The characters are actually getting some development which again was lacking in season 1. Also no censoring, like holy shit. The OST is God Tier like the best of winter season.

The begining action scene was quite nice, seeing Kaneki and Ayato hijack the CCG vehicles to free a prisoner. Also it had a brief scene of two mysterious Ghouls that take an interest in Kaneki. I hope we get to see more of them.

I'm so happy that Naki got introduced, I really loved his character in the manga. He's just that dumb type of character you can't hate. Also the ending pictures of Naki and Yamori drawn by Ishida were amazing. And as always Funimation screwed up by not translating the text because it provide a bit more depth to Naki's and Yamori's relationship. It really made me feel bad for Naki and it also showed that even Yamori had a soft side. Here's the full translation http://i.imgur.com/RWmF1gE.jpg.

Blushing Touka is best Touka. I really love how they are developing Touka's character and deepening the relationship she had with Kaneki. I know that scene is coming. It was also nice of them for adding the chin habit info about Kaneki and how he's a good actor. That foreshadowing.

Tatsuki Sen is finally introduced and she looks so amazing, Maaya Sakamoto her VA fits so well, love that voice of hers. Anyways I have to say Hinami looks so cute in this episode.

Hide for best bro of 2015 because he's like the friend you wished you had. This dude is brilliant in his investigation skills and the way he looks out for Kaneki is just amazing. I'm really glad they are developing his character.

FORTISSIMO! Man am I glad this lovely bastard is back, he's so hilarious. Miyano his VA is really talented. The way he voices Tskuiyama is just amazing, TRES BIEN.


Tokyo Ghoul Root A Episode 3

Man is this season soooo good, it's way better than the first season. The pacing is great and isn't rushed like last season. T

Glad to hear that. As someone who actually enjoyed the first season despite the criticism I am looking forward in starting this season.
Futurecard Buddyfight! Episode 54

Wow everyone is fighting for friendship, Tasuku and Jack, Kirie and Gao Mikada, everyone else and Gao Mikado, Team Purgatory for Gaen, Ryoga for Gao and Gaea. I love all this friendship, best card anime of 2015.

Good battle, Ryoga laughing and having fun is a great improvement from first year Buddyfight.
Glad to hear that. As someone who actually enjoyed the first season despite the criticism I am looking forward in starting this season.

Yeah the first season was a bit lackluster due to rushing. Though this new season is great because it's adding new material but also retaining some things from the manga without going wicked fast.


AssClass is up on Australia's streaming service. I guess they don't care lol

"Everyone's delaying the episode mate, we probably shouldn't put it up"
"nah mate, get that thing up and grab a cold one from the freezer"

Then they proceeded to put shrimps on barbies and get killed by poisonous animals or whatever it is people do over there.

Hit the beach to dig up clams, ~chu.


Death Parade - 03

Gah, where was the despair? The violence!? I suppose it makes sense that there'd be a couple like this eventually, though. Her secret ended up being kind of underwhelming for me, though; I was thinking they were going to reveal that
Mai's operation was actually a male-to-female surgery as a dude who liked Shigeru but couldn't catch his attention.
Also, it seemed like they were both
sent to 'Heaven' in the end, so I guess it doesn't have to be one or the other.

I thought they same thing too. Honestly, I think it would have made more sense that way, judging by the way everyone acted.
Assassination classroom - 03

Koro-sensei started to polish people , now the character develloppement can begin for everyone !!!

The crackling face effect during the flashback was really well done


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast


The amount of material we're missing out on because these two among many other top tiers aren't part of the main cast makes my heart ache

Excellent episode. I was so sure
Mio would been the morale booster of the team so its certainly surprising to see Rin of all people being the one to lift the groups' spirits up before they went on stage. As stated with the first episode, they're making quite the effort in making this installment more serious and genuine than its predecessor. And I am absolutely pleased with that.

This show man. So fucking good.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Golden Boy 06:

Harem anime production team is the best anime production team of all time!
ISUCA - 01 ( the first 9 minutes )

I haven't seen so many clichés in an anime so fast , so condensed in such a short time.
If that was a 90' anime i wouldn't say anything but goddamn it sure feels like this anime was made for another generation.

How many clichés can you insert in one franchise ? it's been only 9 minutes ... and goddamn main guy , can you think a little ????
After being attacked by a woman that turned into a giant centipede the previous night , AFTER seeing a classmate slashed and meeting an apparition-like creature , you meet a defenseless girl in a kimono that ask you to pull out that arrow , you touch the arrow and see that it's NOT NORMAL and you still can't piece things together ?
At least have some suspicions , i don't know SOMETHING , ANYTHING !!

Why the hell do you think a "girl like this" can't handle a arrow by herself ??
i can support the annoying male classmate that only talks about girls , rating and stuff , i can stomach , the perverted nurse that is way too ahead of herself , i can support the "oh god classic" my parents are overseas and i live alone setting , but seriously ??

9 minutes and this is just so much. Don't get me started on the lol censorship...


Space Battleship Yamato 2199 4-5

What an ending to the fifth ep. The Yamato is hit hard by the satellite weapon, turning around in the water in almost total silence, and then there's an extreme wide shot where it's just sinking, and a fade to black. I like how impersonal and physical it is. Fourth ep was kind of throw-away. At this point it's mostly the hard sci fi aspects keeping my attention because the characters sure don't.


ISUCA - 01 ( the first 9 minutes )

I haven't seen so many clichés in an anime so fast , so condensed in such a short time.
If that was a 90' anime i wouldn't say anything but goddamn it sure feels like this anime was made for another generation.

How many clichés can you insert in one franchise ? it's been only 9 minutes ... and goddamn main guy , can you think a little ????
After being attacked by a woman that turned into a giant centipede the previous night , AFTER seeing a classmate slashed and meeting an apparition-like creature , you meet a defenseless girl in a kimono that ask you to pull out that arrow , you touch the arrow and see that it's NOT NORMAL and you still can't piece things together ?
At least have some suspicions , i don't know SOMETHING , ANYTHING !!

i can support the annoying male classmate that only talks about girls , rating and stuff , i can stomach , the perverted nurse that is way too ahead of herself , i can support the "oh god classic" my parents are overseas and i live alone setting , but seriously ??

9 minutes and this is just so much. Don't get me started on the lol censorship...

It is odd how they changed it, to make it on one hand more actiony and gory, and on the other more ecchi. Of course that kind of thing is also the normal way various LN series are treated. I should be used to this enough my now.

For instance neither of the monster fights even happen in the manga.


Saenai Heroine ep 2

Man, I quite enjoy this. Kato although she is blander than vanilla but her snarky side sure is awesome. And that underneath kick fight is funny.
It is odd how they changed it, to make it on one hand more actiony and gory, and on the other more ecchi. Of course that kind of thing is also the normal way various LN series are treated. I should be used to this enough my now.

For instance neither of the monster fights even happen in the manga.

I just finished it ( the episode ) .. man that was kinda bad.
That was just so much mild. i cannot find one thing that is done properly .it's one of those anime where nothing stand out ..it's not bad but i can't find any incentive to look for more.

I'll give it 1 or 2 eps more , but so far this is quite bad.
All the stuff i said about is not a deal breaker , but everything was pushed at me so fast , it's like they didn't care
Mily Holmes TD 3

I like how the Feathers are pretty much irrelevant jobbers for the sake of comic relief. It's basically the staff saying "yeah, we know you hated the last series, so let's just fuck with the main characters of that".

Love it.


Koufuku Grafitti episode 3

We get a proper introduction to Shiina. And just who is Ryo talking to when she's making omelets?

John Blade


Just finish 5 episodes in 2 days and got to say, liking it so far. From what I saw, the story line is typical Anime sci-fi at that time. Basically, human live in a colony world. Aliens surround the planet and the human is fighting the alien to stay alive. Nothing much to say really on that side.

For character development in this 5 episodes, it`s as simple you can get. You have the main female characters who act like a kid but think of war in kinda a game until someone get hurt or die. Kinda liking her a bit mostly from her fun child personality. As for the rest of other main and support characters, they`re okay from what I see.

For now, the 5 episodes is trying to build the story line and plot of the show which is a bit interesting and will continue to watch what happened next. Still eager to found out what is happening in the next episode right now.

Minor Note: The animation look okay. This show was shown in 1984, so it age quite a bit which is either a hit or miss for people who`re watching it. Not really a major issue but from my DVD collection at full screen, you can see it doesn`t look too sharp. I guess the footage ADV got for this DVD isn`t the master but can`t say really. All I can say, it look like it can fix up a bit by cleaning the animation a bit more to make it look a bit nicer. Guess, this is what you can get here right now, till they release this on blu ray but don`t think they will for a while.
Cinderella Girls 3
Now I feel the shows on the right track. Strong focus on the main trio while giving enough support to the other girls to help individualize them.

Death Parade 3
Largely an episode exploring what they can do in an episode. They don't all have to be grim psychological thrillers though this episode was a bit strange.


PriPara 29

Oh, hey, it's "EZ DO DANCE". The song that was covered for Rainbow Live's second OP. Which is the time in the show when they did the trio songs and produced "Rosette Nebula." Good memories.

So, all of this is legally cleared, right? Japan has at least some jurisdiction over the goings-on of PriPara, given how much money it's making them? Because making a gym that functions more like a prison seems sketchy for training. The beds are nicer-ish, but they even have a place where visitors can come and only talk to their guests behind the glass.

Even if this is the continuation of Gloria's redemption arc, the survival traits she picked up in adulthood look to be influencing the way she treats being an idol. Entering this other world has heightened her prison warden tendencies, downplaying them only the slightest. A spoonful of Sugar makes the medicine go down (medicine being a somersault here), but I have to wonder what Meganee thinks of this brimstone and treacle training regimen. At least she has Love as her co-trainer, and we know we can trust her.

The new Making Drama was great. The moon over the cityscape, somersaulting across the air... it reminded me of the imagery used for Otoha's last year, and need I remind you, Otoha is the best. Yes, this arc of the show is all a big competition for a fancy new set of clothes, but the clothes are in service of becoming an idol, and as shown by learning how to do new tricks on stage, that's as much about singing skill and overcoming personal challenges as it is the stats of your clothing. (I'd say the same for Aikatsu, or even iM@S. A card's rarity may be reflected in the series, but ideally there's some context baked into it.)

Sophie getting through the whole thing without the power of Red Flash is a testament to how far she's come. She even rejected her secret service's offer of it in order to become better as herself, and not just her stage persona. Even though her time in the spotlight decreased with the formation of Solami Smile, her presence and growth remains as strong as ever.

As for that last scene with Falulu. Sure, the rabbit is a greedy, but Unicorn's proposal of
"You don't need friends, only fans."
is bad advice to be giving to Falulu. For one, it disqualifies her from any trio singing competitions or forming a unit, unless she sees them as purely disposable like New Mew did. Falulu's entire story arc has a minor sci-fi element to it, a nice departure from how Rinne was learning how to socialize last year.

And where's Lala's mom during all this?


Ping Pong: The Animation Episode 8

"You didn't watch me?"
"No. I knew you'd win."
"I lost."

So, start of the new competition. Man, why did
Kenge have to lose. I really like his character, and seeing him get defeated again sucks. All he wants to do is be accepted back home. They easily could've set it up so he'd make it to the top 4 with Hoshino, Kazuma and Tsukimoto.
But I guess that's competitive sports for you. Anyways, this was another good episode. This anime has been great so far. Action is great, and the music has been top-notch. Like for reals, it's awesome. Really gets you pumped up.
Slayers TRY 34 (i think)

You looked just like muh daughter! And muh wife, and muh other daughteru, and my son in law!

Poor Zelgatis, demoted to being an anchor. And he clearly blushed while Amelia was failing to say the proper words for CPR. MORE ZELMELIA OF COURSE, I got it. I watched enough anime to know how pears work.

And in the end, our cook wasn't actually bullshitting about the first line.

Thumbs UP


Ping Pong: The Animation Episode 9

What happened to Akuma? He's got so much hair now, lol. I still don't get why Kazuma hangs out in the washroom. Is that his comfort zone or something where he goes to cry? Anyways, Kazama vs Hoshino is next, and
Hoshino has a messed up knee. No way he's gonna win. Just hope he doesn't mess up his knee too badly.
Winner faces Tsukimoto, and we got a little more insight into his nick, which was nice.
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