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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Death Parade 04
Well, it was okay, I guess. I have higher hopes for the next episode for the simple reason that it seems we see more of the other characters, and I am way more interested in that currently.
Icusa - 02

So the MC is going to be a maid and use kisses to transfer life force to support the group. Funny enough it's a guy, and the girls do the fighting. Besides that it's your standard uninteresting harem/ecchi MC so far.
What I find interesting about this show is that it can go quite.. I think raw is the word? Well, when it's not showing Battlefield Lens Flares, it can go quite lewd. I find the design of the Spectres appealing, though it wasn't as evident in this episode.
Overall it's entertaining enough for me to watch, and I guess that's what matters in the end. Bonus end card


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Season 2, Episode 4:

Best stand fight we have in a good long while and a Stand User who is a cut above the usual fare, yes, I liked this, looking forward to next week.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 28


Nice touch.

Ah, another episode of "Polnareff gets separated from the group and gets into a fight with a Stand user alone because he's stupid"

Anubis is one of the weirder Stands, because it has no apparent user and "chooses" who will yield it.
I don't really get the censoring in this show. Sword falls on man's head = no-no. Man is chopped in half, hardly censored at all besides the bisecting parts.
Pretty good episode, forgot a lot of details of this part so I can't tell but I think some of the Iggy scenes were original.


Death Parade 4

Think I'm just gonna curl up in bed and cry for like, ever.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Season 2, Episode 4:

Best stand fight we have in a good long while and a Stand User who is a cut above the usual fare, yes, I liked this, looking forward to next week.

actually this just made me sadder than the Death Parade ep.


Watched Pupipo! last night.

Wasn't completely in love with it but it was still surprisingly compelling.

Kinda figured out the "truth" early on at a certain point but it was still enjoyable. Not a moment of its limited airtime felt wasted nor rushed and that itself is pretty admirable.


Hey man are you trying to put podcasts out of business? hater

Certainly shutting squarespace would.

And really the only box of things I hear about on podcasts are boxes of snacks/candy. One being Japanese candies, and other being a company that sells boxes of 'healthy' snacks that TWiT advertised for a while.
Death Parade 04

This episode is..kinda goofy, the game being Death Street Fighter and all. But it still made me kind of sad.

Was Decim sympathizing with them at the end?
Next episode is kids? Unless the boy was an Arbiter as well.

PK Gaming

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 28

Ah, another episode of "Polnareff gets separated from the group and gets into a fight with a Stand user alone because he's stupid"

Anubis is one of the weirder Stands, because it has no apparent user and "chooses" who will yield it.
I don't really get the censoring in this show. Sword falls on man's head = no-no. Man is chopped in half, hardly censored at all besides the bisecting parts.
Pretty good episode, forgot a lot of details of this part so I can't tell but I think some of the Iggy scenes were original.

This is the main reason why Part 3 is one of my least favorite parts. The most obnoxious character with the most boring stand gets the most fights.
The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls 04

Does Anastasia's VA actually speak Russian? It sounds pretty good.
I'm enjoying this show, more then I thought I would. I am beginning to understand idorus.

Part 3 might see a marked improvement if it were only Polnareff.

And Iggy!
If you want a goofball protag like Joseph again wait until Part 4 gets animated


Azumanga Daioh 21-23

The trip to Okinawa was pretty fun. Again, a few more gags in these episodes that really stretch the breaking point of how long a gag can run without stopping being funny. Like the part where Chiyo attempts to cheer up Tomo... and Osaka... and Yukari. Speaking of Yukari, that segment of her speaking English was something special. The soundless segment at the end of the relay race was also really well done. The usual rhythms of the punchlines are established pretty well by this point, but the show still finds time to break away from them. Also, that part with Kagura and her tanlines. Very yes. Way to imply a lot without necessarily showing it. Until later at the beach, but even then. The last three episodes tomorrow, and the journey through the backlog continues. There is a certain fun in seeing a series you can be certain almost everyone else has seen, especially one that had such a lasting impact on the state of anime.
Garo - 16

I really liked this episode. I like the creativity of the horrors that Garo offers, such in this case with a famous unidentified wandering doctor. Maybe I'm biased cause I find plague masks to be really cool looking.
What's more interesting is that it actually really helped people,
well, besides the ones he ate.
As always German continues to be the best Garo with his style and expressions. I was almost worried for the lady this time, Xamina is 10/10 would wife and
hold hands
Reconguista in G 18

Fighting was pretty intense this episode.

Dear lord that next episode preview, Madp will be happy.
And another faction being added? These guys look like Space Pirates.

Cinderella Girls 04

Introducing the rest of the girls and their individual quirks. Pretty fun episode I thought. Producer giving a chuckle at the end was great, as well.

Uesaka Sumire is a noted Russophile, from what I hear. https://twitter.com/uesakasumire

Yup, She's Russian language major. She voice Nonna from Girl und Panzer, and sang Katyusha



Well that IS distracting.

Just got the Railgun S1 BluRay set and the sub has onee-sama! translated as Sissy!

Makes me want to apply fan subs to my blurays.

Railgun is on bluray? Somehow I missed that >_<

No doubt, I actually in general like digipaks, but like you said only when done correctly. The backing for the digipak in my opinion must be high quality. When you use flimsy, cheap and/or thin card it becomes an issue as it doesn't go well with the hard and rigid plastic trays that house the discs. What you find is that the trays end up breaking away and falling off, or you feel like your going to bend the card every time you try to take the discs out.

It also doesn't help they Anime Limited in general tend to use weird mechanisms for taking the discs out. The Patema Inverted UE set for example has springs at the bottom edge of the tray that you have to push the disc towards for it to eject out. Maybe that's just me, but I tend to dislike those types of finicky mechanisms.

I own the Beez Gurren Lagann DVD set for example, and the digipaks there are really solid, as is the digipak for the US Gunbuster DVD set and such. Even Anime Limited's very own Kill la Kill release was pretty solid overall. I've echoed to Anime Limited my sentiments that I'd rather have a standard amaray (maybe a different color other than Blue) in a rigid box over a crappy digipak if you can't do them correctly. I own the Japanese Gunbuster Blu-ray set and I think it looks pretty awesome and wouldn't mind future sets looking like so:

Like you said, the Japanese sets generally have no issues with this and they release quite a few sets that utilize digipaks. I own the Haibane Renmei and Lain Japanese Blu-rays and they looks pretty awesome and are most importantly solid in build.

The famous Lagann Japanese/US set is also hefty (you could kill someone with it!) as is the Garden of Sinners set. The Japanese just get it right 9 times out of 10. Funny thing is as expensive as the Japanese releases are, a lot of them are just different colored amarays (usually black or white) in a rigid box, but you know what? They look cool and are solid with awesome artwork and that's good enough for me.

I asked sekai no hajimari about the Haibane discs but they recommended to just stick with my old Pioneer ones for now. Apparently its a bad upscale, which is kind of expected given the shows age.

I keep mistaking Saekano for Saikano.

I have on a few occasions. Saikano was...memorable.

I agree ... hopefully , those who don't like the anime will drop it so that people who enjoy it can at least talk about it in peace.

Thats...not gonna happen. They will cling to it, dragging themselves through untold agonies, describing it all in lurid detail until the END.

finally got my packages after the snow delay. A-Channel is my first double dip because I got it for $15. Also not sure if I like the new smaller size of the NISA sets.

I need to double dip A Channel and Familiar of Zero. Thanks for reminding me!

Yup, She's Russian language major. She is the seiyuu of Nonna from Girl und Panzer and she sang Katyusha

Im actually bitter about this not being in the US version, though I understand why.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Saekano 3
The girls are cute, and Eri sporting Zettai Ryouki. Enough reason to like this show for me. It's not going to offer a deep story or anything. Just mindless fun with a bit of meta and 4th wall joke.


Death Parade - 04
In the end I teared up for both terrible person ;_;

BTW so does the celeb mom gonna became one of these underlifers?


My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU- S1
So I decided on watching this due to Kayos harping on about it. I had dropped it the first time I watched it as I found it boring, trite, and full of monologues. I went into this show with the worst expectations and actually expected on dropping it a 2nd time. I finished it three days ago and for the past three days I've been thinking about it. This has the best character development and analysis I've seen in any anime since Hyouka and in some ways surpasses it. Despite how stupid the title is and some of the underlying aspects, this is a fantastic character study. Oh and the title is certainly right, this is definitely not a comedy.

Hachiman, the main character is warped. That's the best way to describe him, is just a warped human. The way he processes information and outputs these answers is on par with Rust in True Detective. In fact both of them are pretty much dead-on with not only how they view the world but why. Rust's nihilism is a shield he uses to reflect his own suffering and inner guilt on to a world that is hostile to him. He has no way to come to terms with his own emotions and so makes himself an outsider under the guise that he's better than the plebs around him. Hachiman is very much similar to that in that, although
he didn't have anything near as dramatic as Rust's background
, he shuts himself out from human contact due to trauma in his middle school days. Instead of trying to fit back into society, he hates everything around him as a coping mechanism. It's his way of putting off his own internal self-hatred on to something else so that he doesn't have to focus on his own weaknesses. What's the truly scary thing is that just like Rust, Hachiman's conclusions are utterly fucking logical but also so full of bullshit at the same time.

Sensei is truly the best route
Having a great main character is one thing but the fact that the rest of the cast was fleshed out as well as they are, is what is truly impressive. Hachiman doesn't really play off anyone, like Rust does with Marty. The closest back and forth he has is with Yukino, the female lead, and that's more like a Senjougahara/Ararararagi type banter. What I found so intriguing about the anime was the multi-faceted component to the side characters such as Hayama. Hayama is a person who plays his role yet despises it at the same time, he's a person trapped in the Japanese societal system and in a way serves as the direct counterpart to Hachiman.


I wasn't ready for this scene

So there are two 'scenes' that I want to talk about. The first is the above in episode 7 where the larger group is trying to help this socially ostracized girl. This was the best clique study I've seen since Mean Girls. You have characters with all these different backgrounds come together to try and help this liittle girl and it's fantastic seeing all their opinions and backgrounds clash together.
Some of the characters literally can't understand the girl's problem but they never had social issues while Hachiman and Yukino understand fully what's she going through. There's just a fundamental communication issue. What I liked so much about this wasn't just the fact that there were people from different social circles but rather they were using their own experiences and backgrounds. I feel like the anime/LN for once really utilized the high school setting in a positive way, as many of these characters would have no reason to interact when they're older nor would they put up with each other.
Then we had this climax. First let me talk about how well directed the scene was. First there is the use of lighting and angles to conceal Hachiman's face. Even without seeing his eyes though, the audience can tell his face is full of sorrow, if you will. The lighting also puts Hachiman literally in the shadows, which conveys the morally grey/bankrupt thing that he just did. Afterwards as he slides down to the ground, the camera follows him and uses a series of low angle shots to show not only his decline physically but emotionally as well. He's 'hit the bottom' if you will, and the camera's position reflects that. There's also the use of long distance in the camera positioning to reflect the coldness in the scene, in that he's emotionally distant. This was also a great climax emotionally for Hachiman as he uses his low social standing and hatred towards the world for a positive outcome even if the manner in which he does it is deplorable. When a person talks about character progression, there is usually the indication that an individual has grown as a person or become a better human being in some aspect. Here however I can't call it progression because while he's developed as an individual in that he's twisted a weakness into a strength, he's also hurting himself in the process and lying about it. He later says that it didn't hurt but it's clear that it did and that he lost a part of himself on the roof. It also raises the notion of just because something is effective and right doesn't mean it's good.

I just wanted to point out that their position on the tennis court is wrong. Both sides have players too close to the net.
Yea the show has issues, mainly in that some of the side characters are annoying and feel unnecessary. In particular the tennis captain and the otaku friend(although being played by Nobuyuki Hiyama aka Viral did go a long long way), however thankfully both really don't show up that much outside of the first three/four episodes. Also the anime is a bit too dependent on monologues but it does spice up some of Hachiman's flashbacks. That said, the 2nd half of this, really earlier than that to be frank, is straight gold.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Im actually bitter about this not being in the US version, though I understand why.
Yeah, a real shame.

You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention
You'll love this show :3

Kantai Collection 4

Kongou sisterhood, and they're crazy. Shimakaze in this episode as well.I think this show can't focus on what it wanted to be. 3/4 of this show focus on cute girls doing cute thing, while the 1/4 focus on action and a bit of war drama. The tone is all over the place and not as well done as Yatterman, who can mix comedy and drama with good chemistry


Ah.. The Harem Batman..

Is this the part where I pull out Dark Knight quotes?

Honestly I feel like his tactics are worse and better in a way. Mainly in that underhanded tactics and scummy stuff is all he really can do. He's limited by his social position and so his options are reduced in the first place. However he's also 'spiking the ball' in that while he might be helping someone out, he's still directly hurting himself. It's worse in that he doesn't have a mask to hide behind.


Is this the part where I pull out Dark Knight quotes?

Honestly I feel like his tactics are worse and better in a way. Mainly in that underhanded tactics and scummy stuff is all he really can do. He's limited by his social position and so his options are reduced in the first place. However he's also 'spiking the ball' in that while he might be helping someone out, he's still directly hurting himself. It's worse in that he doesn't have a mask to hide behind.

I hope the dynamic between him and the popular dude are getting more screentime in S2, the climax in S1 is so good. Shit goes total Harvey Dent there.


I asked sekai no hajimari about the Haibane discs but they recommended to just stick with my old Pioneer ones for now. Apparently its a bad upscale, which is kind of expected given the shows age.

Yeah a lot of those shows are like that from that era, Lain translated amazingly to Blu-ray (they took the original 35mm film and telecined it, and ABe himself personally recolored parts and added details to others etc, an amazing job) but your right in saying Haibane Renmei isn't the best upscale to say the least, being a show that wasn't made in HD and all that (as with most anime, even today). Nice package tho :) Still not seen the show fully, just flicked through the Bu-ray a bit. Obviously had to own it when I found out about it :p


The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls 4


These two are so cute together.

As someone said earlier, this was quite reminiscent of the first episode of the original Idolm@ster series, but I enjoyed it a lot more this time. It was nice seeing a little tidbit of each girl. That ending scene makes me even more excited for the next ep!


Ranko please.
Assassination Classroom Episode 3

Animated perfection. This is how you do an adaptation of a jump manga properly.

Death Parade Episode 4

Second best episode, I like these type of stories in this type of show. First episode will no doubt remain the worst float in the whole parade.
Future Card Buddyfight! Episode 55 (engDub)

Team Darkness Masterminds is my favorite team (well with the 3 gramlin, davide and shido). Davide is my second favorite buddyfighter after Tetsuya and Gao Mikado. And Tetsuya, his dance moves were incredible and his lines. The person doing this adaptation needs more translation and scriptwriting jobs in our dub industry cause this was just plain stunning and unforgettable.
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