Second season of Robot Girls Z when
There is one they are making six more eps
Second season of Robot Girls Z when
I think I'm growing fond of this? Something is wrong with me.
Yeah a lot of those shows are like that from that era, Lain translated amazingly to Blu-ray (they took the original 35mm film and telecined it, and ABe himself personally recolored parts and added details to others etc, an amazing job) but your right in saying Haibane Renmei isn't the best upscale to say the least, being a show that wasn't made in HD and all that (as with most anime, even today). Nice package thoStill not seen the show fully, just flicked through the Bu-ray a bit. Obviously had to own it when I found out about it
I hope the dynamic between him and the popular dude are getting more screentime in S2, the climax in S1 is so good. Shit goes total Harvey Dent there.
Starting reading the novels earlier today. Season 2 is going to be a ride.
Starting reading the novels earlier today. Season 2 is going to be a ride.
Upotte 09
Swim suits, group bathing, guns and explosions. Ear twitch and tail wag killed me.
Galil is best gun.
Everytime I look at Another gifs it reminds me what a blessing it is to have watched this brilliant show
Galil is best gun.
Thompson is best gun
If I had enough energy, that would be the gif I would edit into a Bish Ban Gif.
Saekano 3
The girls are cute, and Eri sporting Zettai Ryouki. Enough reason to like this show for me. It's not going to offer a deep story or anything. Just mindless fun with a bit of meta and 4th wall joke.
Haibane Renmei is my #1 anime so it follows that I want the best possible quality of it. I might eventually get blurays for durability but the dvds are still excellent. Its not as if the show was a graphical showcase to begin with.
Haibane Renmei is my #1 anime so it follows that I want the best possible quality of it. I might eventually get blurays for durability but the dvds are still excellent. Its not as if the show was a graphical showcase to begin with.
Death Parade-4
The ending got me emotionally but this is a fucking mess. This needs to be a lot longer than 23 minutes. This is just too short for what they're trying to do.
I think so too. They're doing the best they can with such a short format but I kinda think more of Death Billiards would've been better served as some longer OVAs or something like that
Upotte 10 END
Everything was animal girls.
Let's just say that I'm now expecting it to be the best show next season.
Musashi(voiced by Kugimiya Rie)
Shozo Chihaya(voiced by Jouji Nakata)
FG42 is best gun as confirmed by the OVA. Galil is number ~chu.
Tokyo Ghoul Root A 4
Is it me or was the animation quality really bad this week?
Most of it looked really bad and only got worse in motion. The action scenes didn't feel dynamic and lacked any sense of speed or impact, it was as if they were fighting in slow motion or something (except they weren't)
Death Parade 1-4
I still don't know what to think about this show. I sort of like the concept, and the chapters are fun to watch, but I agree with the people above saying it would work better with longer episodes. Plus I'm not sure how they are going to make this work as a show. This "story of the week" formula will work for 5 or so episodes but I hope to see a main plot at some point.
Oh and, damn, I love that Opening. First one I actually watch every episode since....damn, probably Cowboy Bebop
Countdown to a new anime project thingy.
The tagline is "The restoration of the world begins."
Whatever it is, I hope it's something I want to watch.
So I was watching ISUCA and something about the characters kept reminding me about the character designs from the Mezzo series. I did a little digging and found that the while the Character designs were attributed to two different people, the studio involved was ARMS. That got me wondering (since I don't know two much about the anime production process)...
Can a studio influence the designs of character in such a manner that the influence becomes visible in unrelated series with completely different staffs?