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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Strike Witches 11-12 END
Well that was supremely random.

I'm not quite sure if I understand the logic of disbanding a unit that just managed to liberate the whole of France tfuu Galia in one instant but okay. It's an anime after all.


Something I stumbled upon and thought others might be interested. A tumblr of an American animator working currently at the much renowned Studio Pierrot. Worked on Akatsuki no Yona, Naruto, Tokyo Ghoul and Gundam Build Fighters (?) among others.
Yurikuma Arashi 7:
Lulu is so clever!

This was another really strong episode from this show. This makes four in a row, and I think it's very obvious that the first three episodes were simply the outliers here. Ikuhara still has it for sure. This episode did a great job of mixing in the hilarious moments with some really sincere ones. Probably the funniest parts were
the salmon pizza bit, and then the war serial-esque bit showing the humans and bears fighting, complete with some propaganda type music playing (and fucking bear tanks!)
That latter part was then followed up by one of the more heartfelt moments in the episode. Some of this is reminiscent of the way Penguindrum would move between Ringo's fantasy scenes and serious moments quiet well.

The ending of the episode felt like a very deserved moment.
I was glad to see Kureha realizing who Ginko was, and hopefully that will lead to some good places.
I also have to say that I felt quite dumb when I finally realized that
the quotes from Kureha's mother asking about her friend had been about Ginko. I really should have put that together a couple of episodes ago, because it all lines up so well.
The storybook scenes were good again, too.
Lulu reading from the book as Kureha approached Ginko was very well done.


Yuri Kuma Arashi Episode 7:

This episode bordered on the infuriating because
holy shit I get that Kureha has had her memorys erased for her for some reason but the amount of fucking hint dropping about Ginko being her old snuggle bear rug just was absurd and she should have picked p on this fact so much quicker then she did.



How do you hook up to Virtual Boy to a PSP? Needed more Haqua...

Also...what the FUCK is this abomination?



I'm assuming that the estimates are for bigger name titles than what we usually talk about (late night equivalents). TBS producer Nakayama commented in an interview regarding the K-On! movie that they took out more advertisements than usual for a movie and they also had TV specials/promotional stunts/increased amount of theatres. For something more mainstream, of course 1 billion is needed to make a profit, but if you're something like Sora no Otoshimono or Expelled From Paradise in about 20-30 theatres to start, I doubt you're needing to earn that much to make a profit. If not, welp, nearly everything bombed since 2010.
That's kinda what I'm getting out of this. Even with merchandising, movies would seemingly be a blackhole.

Sure sure. Specifically on that topic:

However, the business analyst Masuda Hiromichi allows that such trends in theatrical exhibition only apply to those films that get a national release...A 'cinema release' does not need to be national, and indeed in most cases it is regional, 'limited' or a even a run in a single cinema with concomitant drops for promotion, advertising and distribution. Masuda notes that even a film shown in a single cinema would need to sell 100 million yen's worth of tickets in order to generate a profit, but the same amortisation principles apply on a small scale as on the large. It is, arguably, less important for the forty-four minute anime Hotaburi no Mori E that is only screen in Japan in a single cinema, that it is for the cinema to serve as a venue for the sale of DVD's, CD's and merchandise tied to the film, potentially doubling or tripling the owners income from each ticket sold.
Mashiroiro Symphony 12 (End)

It wasn't anything particular special and hit all the usual notes expected of a harem VN adaptation. It wasn't necessarily good, but it presented a simple story of generic romance and heartbreak and followed through with it well enough.
Death Parade 06

A pretty light hearted episode when compared to the previous ones. Ginti rather enjoys making his guests suffer tho. I don't know if that's a bad or good thing for his line of work.


Katanagatari 02

Both of those kanji in the title are important. This isn't just a story about swords. It's a story about stories. First Togame trying to decide on a finishing move, and then trying to decide on a catchphrase. And this is all being done in a time period before postmodernism was even a thing. If I'd known the story had this dimension to it, I would've jumped at it a lot sooner. Togame and Shichika's chemistry is of a different sort from Koyomi and Hitagi's - for one, Shichika has no ill intentions about anything - yet, it's holding my attention.

The super sharp, fast battle in this case was more of a puzzle than the first one, and the wielder a more tragic figure. Shichika
using Togame as a stepping stone
was funny. So far, so good. There's a nice balance between the action scenes and the buildup to them, and as I said above, I like that the action scenes aren't entirely the main draw, either.

I can see how this would've worked as a series of 24 2-part episodes, but being able to see each part as one complete story allows for greater impact. It's certainly an outlier as far as TV anime go.


Strike Witches 11-12 END

Well that was supremely random.

I'm not quite sure if I understand the logic of disbanding a unit that just managed to liberate the whole of France tfuu Galia in one instant but okay. It's an anime after all.

You have S2 to look forward to now. It's a refinement on all areas so it's legit good rather than kinda good ~chu


Koufuku Graffiti - 06





Shaft is well honed in its craft.
None can compare.

Goddamnit Toei.

Its still better than how Rob Liefield draws girls.

Last few bits and bobs from Anime A History that you may find interesting:

On Space Cruiser Yamato

On Film Revenue

On Animators around the world

On Subcontracting Studios

Im getting more and more worried about the future of anime, as the fragile tiny buying base gets older along with the rest of the population. Who will be left to buy it? Anime really might die or go completely CG. Its a very real possibility.

Too late cajun , dog days has :
-dog girls
-cat girls
-bunny girls
-horse girls
-squirrel girls
-bunny boys
-lion boys
-lion girls
-fox girls

and the list goes and goes and goes on ..

You name it , it's in dog days

Wait why haven't you watched this show already ?

WATCH IT !! it's an order !

I do watch it. I just didnt recall a bunnygirl kingdom anywhere and thought maybe yall were talking about manga, which I would require pictures of said bunnygirl cuties.

Just finish the show few minutes ago and I am trying to let the entire show sink it down a bit here (beside, just watch the show in 3 days). For the time been, I will say this, this show feel fresh and like the new style of storytelling. You don't see this too often in anime and for this, I like it quite a bit to the point I might consider to look at the director other work he did now.

The ending (or how it get to the end of the show) was weird but after thinking about it a bit and try to understanding the character dialogue, you start to understanding quite well of the whole situation and what is happening. Basically, in short forum, the whole situation is happening because the 1st victim character basically lie about her past incident and didn't face it directly. This become a major issue during the show as the person who cause the issue become a monster and difficult to fight it. All she have to do is to face her issue direct then just try to run away from it.

The only nick-pick I will say is wishing the cop wife didn't die. The flashback of her life and the cop basically explain the situation and also cop trying to escape his reality. Seeing her pass away break the spell and force him to realize he can't live in his fantasy world anymore (almost the same as the female character). Still, kinda wish his wife survive in the end but I don't see it in the final scene.

Overall, love the show quite a bit and might re watch it later this year as I like the character development for the character who is victim in the show and also the story and plot development.

Now, I am off to watch my next anime which I never have a chance to watch yet but watch the OVA, TV series, side series, and many more......but never watch the movie. I am going to stop myself and watch Ah My Goddess The Movie, a series I have fond watching it even though they're few issue you can say for this series. Who here is a fan of Ah My Goddess?

Told you Paranoia Agent was aces!
Satoshi Kon was a genius director taken way WAY too soon.
Millennium Actress is his finest work although just a movie. It has some similar themes to his other work, like blurring fantasy with reality scenes, dreams affecting the real, and psychological problems.

As for Oh my goddess, I have the original OVAs, movie, and the entire new series that was made later.


‘Memories’ (1995) is one of the more well-known compilation films out there, so chances are you’ve probably heard of it, but in case you haven’t, it’s an animated movie consisting of 3 films and each one is helmed as usual by a different director. I wouldn’t really consider this a short of sorts as the film overall lasts over 112 minutes, but for formalities sake these are three shorts. Each one of these shorts differs from the one that came before it, well except for the one thing they all hold in common, the fact that they’re amazing, and masterfully directed. It’s no wonder the people who directed these shorts are considered to be the best in the business because they shine here and demonstrate just how much they are indeed capable of. These 112 minutes will have you taking in a whole gamut of emotions and will leave an impression on you long after the credits stop.

‘Memories’ is the brainchild of Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira, Steamboy) and is based on the Manga written by him (Memories of Her…) which itself consists of many short stories, three of which were adapted here for your viewing pleasure with the last of the three shorts also being directed by Otomo.

The first of the three shorts is called Magnetic Rose and is a beautiful sci-fi tale chronicling the space expedition of a bunch of ‘space salvagers’ who go around collecting wreckages and such in order to make a living. Directed by Kouji Morimoto (Studio 4°C Founder, assistant animation director on Akira, animation director on Mind Game, Genius Party, The Animatrix, Robot Carnival) and legend in general and a script by Satoshi Kon. On what seems like just another day on the job they receive an SOS transmission from someone and go forth into the unknown in order to respond to it. The music (Yoko Kanno) is of an operatic nature and blew me away at the opening scene alone and this moment alone cemented the fact that I’d go on to love this piece. The music makes heavy use of Giacomo Puccini’s Madama Butterfly (Maria Callas) and works with the art in order to conjure up feelings of awe and wonder as you gaze into the dark abyss that shrouds the main characters as they drift around the endless space. The music is seriously phenomenal and is masterfully composed and adds an unrelenting punch to each and every scene.

This would be praiseworthy enough, but when coupled with the fantastic visuals it really goes hand in hand to create something that honestly upsets me, because I doubt I’ll see many other pieces that match this. The character designs are strong; everyone looks distinct but wholly realistic and tangible. The mechanical designs are grounded in reality and are intricate and well thought-out. Voice acting is superb and the script is grown up and in the end accumulates to what is a bunch of realistic and human characters that become host to a cluster of emotions in the 44 minutes that they are on screen for.

The story is haunting, sad, emotional and just downright powerful and will leave you thinking about it long after it’s over. Beautiful music, great characters and gorgeous art come together for this tsunami of emotions that will whisk you away.

The second of the three shorts is called Stink Bomb and is directed by Tensai Okamura (Medarot, Darker than Black, Wolf’s Rain) of Madhouse fame, the studio coincidentally bringing you this short and a script again by Satoshi Kon. The music here was composed by Jun Miyake, and unlike the first short this makes use of jazz and funk which works incredibly well with the nature of this film. The film itself is a black comedy of sorts and one that had me in stitches throughout its 40 minutes run time. Without delving too deep into the plot, the story revolves around a lab technician named Nobuo Tanaka who happens to have a bad case of the flu. After taking his flu shot he decides to go back to work where he spends most of his day sneezing at the detriment of his co-workers, one of which recommends that he take an experimental pill that they’ve been developing to rid his flu. Unfortunately for him the pill in questions happens to be something else entirely and reacts badly with his aforementioned flu shot as he starts to excrete a deadly odour that kills everyone near him...but of course he doesn’t know that!

The short is seriously hilarious and had me laughing the whole way through and I find that it is the perfect supplement to the first short which is super serious. Don’t let the comedic nature fool you however, the animation is top notch and looks superb with some spectacular scenes. A good laugh is needed every once in a while and this happens to be just what the doctor ordered.

The last of these shorts is Cannon Fodder and is both written and directed by Katsuhiro Otomo himself and is animated by Studio 4 °C. The music in this short was composed by Hiroyuki Nagashima. The whole thing is very unconventional from its art style to the way in which it appears be told in one shot with no breakaways throughout the 22 minute duration. The art style presents a bleak, smoggy world but one focusing on a young boy who is full of zest. This works well as juxtaposition between the innocence of the young boy and the grim world in which he inhabits. The world is one that is in a constant war as the city fires its cannons at an unseen enemy, and they do so ritualistically. Day in, day out they fire their cannons. The camera never pulls away from the action, swinging and swaying seamlessly from one scene to the next as you see the life of this one family in a world that never sleeps, one that is dark and bleak but one where the young ones still dream, even if it is misguided in what they want to become.

A futile world, presented with a beautiful art style, unique character designs and a strong message. A sad story, but one told in a way that isn’t heavy handed and one that will have you smile from time to time at the banter between the family members which adds to the emotional impact of it all.

These three shorts are phenomenal alone, each delivering something worth watching, but together as a compilation they truly complement each other and work together in order to create an astonishing visual/audio tour de force. The music blew me away in each of the three shorts, as did the art and visuals. It’s all remarkably high quality, undoubtedly so but truly distinct and gripping in presentation. You truly won’t be forgetting any one of these shorts any time soon and I without a doubt recommend you all to take 2 hours out of your day to watch these as soon as you get the chance. You’ll be left spellbound, you’ll laugh, and you’ll cry but one thing is for sure, you’ll be left with some great memories.



World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast

Episode was doing so well until Mio's bullshit/Producers' terrible communication skills happened. I'm conflicted on who I should be angry at. I mean you have Mio who for some crazy reason believed she'd be pulling a crowd similar to that of Mika (hahahahaha!) and then acted childishly when reality set in, then you have Producer who seems as oblivious to shit like a harem protagonist. Come on man, you have a group of young girls trying to become famous, and you're their prime source of encouragement and acknowledgement. You can't be dense in a setting like this. Geez!

Anyway let's talk about the best moment in this show: Love Laika's deubt. We were already teased at Minami and Anastasia's compatibility in prior episodes, but to see them work the stage together (not to mention the sweet private moment between the two before it) was incredibly beautiful. Their white dresses and that choreography weren't put together by mere coincidence. Without a doubt these two will be the yuri couple powerhouse that I've been hoping for!
I do watch it. I just didnt recall a bunnygirl kingdom anywhere and thought maybe yall were talking about manga, which I would require pictures of said bunnygirl cuties.

Bunny kingdom was confirmed in the manga and special blu-ray material of the last season but was introduced in this episode for everyone ...It's a country in the north of flyonnarde, no map yet.



Episode was doing so well until Mio's bullshit/Producers' terrible communication skills happened. I'm conflicted on who I should be angry at. I mean you have Mio who for some crazy reason believed she'd be pulling a crowd similar to that of Mika (hahahahaha!) and then acted childishly when reality set in, then you have Producer who seems as oblivious to shit like a harem protagonist. Come on man, you have a group of young girls trying to become famous, and you're their prime source of encouragement and acknowledgement. You can't be dense in a setting like this. Geez!

Anyway let's talk about the best moment in this show: Love Laika's deubt. We were already teased at Minami and Anastasia's compatibility in prior episodes, but to see them work the stage together (not to mention the sweet private moment between the two before it) was incredibly beautiful. Their white dresses and that choreography weren't put together by mere coincidence. Without a doubt these two will be the yuri couple powerhouse that I've been hoping for!

I am shipping Anastasia x Minami so hard.


It was official Fuck It Week at Toei Animation in general.


This is amazing to me.

Dammit Jarmel, now I'm going to have to explain:

Explanation does little to alleviate fears of an industry collapse though. It cant hold on forever :(

Gourmet Girl Graffiti 6

This episode. Damn. lol.

I think I will also start taking baths with at least one girl in order to conserve water. I care about the environment!

This is a great idea! Lets get this passed. Drought is no joke.


Gal providing that suffering and manning up all in one.

Now only if he could get rid of the die.

Shame about Bear man though.

His fault for not even trying to DODGE!!!

And I guess Goro is pretty likely to die now.

So I need to add this to my watchlist too.

No, but this episode had royalty who was a bunnyman. And we already have a bunnygirl.

That means there has to be a kingdom full of them, right?

I need it.

It needs to happen.

It's healing. Healing for the soul.

I know it exists. This show just delivers on every level. cutest mofuwa show in existence.

Fuuuuuuuck yeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

Dog Days needs a Season 4. Please. PLEASE.

Anime loves us, BEAR.

I saw one episode of that dubbed and its first episode left a negative impression on me. Everything seemed to go way too fast without any real breathing room.

I might go back to it at one point, since that show apparently actually IS mecha magical girls. But I don't know. Currently I'm watching Gaiking, Ryu Knight, and Mushishi. That and the last two episodes of Robot Girls Z.

Yeah MKR is fun but its an older series with some occasionally odd pacing. The action scenes are well worth it though! And then theres the ending.

Some great Sakuga in S3.
The direction took a huge hit though as did some other aspects of the production. More shitty CG and some of the commendable parts of S1/2 were toned down.

Seeing these two juxtaposed is pretty funny. One studio that clearly doesnt give a shit and one who does.

Show me then! Oreshura's is just insanely adorable though. Yuyushiki's is also up there for me.

Oh, and yes, Magic Knight Rayearth is awesome. Play the Sega Saturn game though.

Ill link you to some of the cutest ones later. Youll love them.
and yes MKR is the shizzsqueezy.

On the last episode of GTO and couldn't recommend it enough. My moms a teacher and I'm graduating in December to become a teacher so it was absolutely perfect for me.

What should I watch next? I'm thinking Golden Boy is that a good follow up to GTO?

YES. It is a great followup to anything.

You got that for a bargain considering how rare it is!
Gonna ask here too, should I marathon the crap out of Tokyo Ghoul's sub to watch the Tokyo Ghoul Va dub Wednesday with the Funimation simuldub block? Can I watch Tokyo Ghoul Va dub stand alone with no knowledge of what happened in the original season? Or should I just skip and wait for the whole series to be dubbed and watch it then?


Gonna ask here too, should I marathon the crap out of Tokyo Ghoul's sub to watch the Tokyo Ghoul Va dub Wednesday with the Funimation simuldub block? Can I watch Tokyo Ghoul Va dub stand alone with no knowledge of what happened in the original season? Or should I just skip and wait for the whole series to be dubbed and watch it then?
Just don't watch Tokyo Ghoul.


The movie is even better!

I told you from the start, S2 is GOOD.

I meant his implication about S1.:p

Gonna ask here too, should I marathon the crap out of Tokyo Ghoul's sub to watch the Tokyo Ghoul Va dub Wednesday with the Funimation simuldub block? Can I watch Tokyo Ghoul Va dub stand alone with no knowledge of what happened in the original season? Or should I just skip and wait for the whole series to be dubbed and watch it then?

The answer is simple. You should not under any circumstances watch Root A. I say this as a person that likes TG in general. But if you insist you should go through S1 first. You won't be able to make sense of anything without it.


Memories is such an important work to me, with Magnetic Rose being paramount among the shorts. Koji Morimoto's works are few and far between (and generally short when they do exist), but I'd love to see him direct one more thing of similar scope before the end of his career. Highlights for me include some of Hiroyuki Okiura's best work, and the entire soundtrack. There will never be anything quite like Memories— mandatory viewing for any fan of anime/animation.
Just don't watch Tokyo Ghoul.

Tokyo Ghoul is horrible just don't watch it

The answer is simple. You should not under any circumstances watch Root A. I say this as a person that likes TG in general. But if you insist you should go through S1 first. You won't be able to make sense of anything without it.

Ouch this is some harsh stuff, is it just a bad adaptation of a good manga or is the story just garbage in any form?
Herobank episode 45

No herobutt was sad, but at least it did give us some silly moments with Sekito. Its always great seeing him in these social occasions not knowing what to do and trying to act cool but clearly wanting to participate. He's the best.


Memories is such an important work to me, with Magnetic Rose being paramount among the shorts. Koji Morimoto's works are few and far between (and generally short when they do exist), but I'd love to see him direct one more thing of similar scope before the end of his career. Highlights for me include some of Hiroyuki Okiura's best work, and the entire soundtrack. There will never be anything quite like Memories— mandatory viewing for any fan of anime/animation.

Yup, after watching Memories, it's very easy to see why people hold it dearly and to high regards. I don't think I'll be forgetting Magnetic Rose anytime soon, the music is permanently playing in my head and I'm okay with that to be frank. Super glad that you posted a link to Chorale. I actually had goosebumps when it played during the opening title sequence, truly awestruck. That Emily scene really hit me in my heart, so powerful and understated. I sound hyperbolic to most, but it really did blow me away. I've been going on a 'short' binge of sorts and I'm super grateful for it. I've got a few more I might be reviewing soon, I hope people like them :) Also, mad envious about the poster! :)


Ouch this is some harsh stuff, is it just a bad adaptation of a good manga or is the story just garbage in any form?

It's some awful mix of anime original plot with the manga material. More rushed than anything in S1 and with non existent animation budget. (They didn't even have money for the opening :p)

Edit: i meant root a here. S1 is decent if rushed.



FInally things are happening!

This show is weird in a very non-suspecting way. I think I'm watching a secret harem show again. But this, this scene convinced me to watch it all the way through. I have to now. It doesn't take a lot for me to commit to a show.

She's so elegant. I love her design!
whats this about? Is it drama?

Do you guys hate the Yuno end-of-episode reflection scenes in Hidamari too? I think it always feels completely unoffensive and I treated it the same with this show.

How could anyone hate Yuno or anything to do with her?
There are monsters in this world BEAR.



Episode was doing so well until Mio's bullshit/Producers' terrible communication skills happened. I'm conflicted on who I should be angry at. I mean you have Mio who for some crazy reason believed she'd be pulling a crowd similar to that of Mika (hahahahaha!) and then acted childishly when reality set in, then you have Producer who seems as oblivious to shit like a harem protagonist. Come on man, you have a group of young girls trying to become famous, and you're their prime source of encouragement and acknowledgement. You can't be dense in a setting like this. Geez!

Anyway let's talk about the best moment in this show: Love Laika's deubt. We were already teased at Minami and Anastasia's compatibility in prior episodes, but to see them work the stage together (not to mention the sweet private moment between the two before it) was incredibly beautiful. Their white dresses and that choreography weren't put together by mere coincidence. Without a doubt these two will be the yuri couple powerhouse that I've been hoping for!

I can't understand why anyone would be mad at Producer. He gave Mio the hard truth when she was acting like a spoiled brat.
It's some awful mix of anime original plot with the manga material. More rushed than anything in S1 and with non existent animation budget. (They didn't even have money for the opening :p)

So the fma 03'd it despite having an almost completeled manga to work with? Lol fail
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