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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Assasination classroom - 06

Noooo i don't want to end in E class !!

Anyway , really liking AC POv of seeing problems as giant monsters ..it's a nice change of pace suitable for a shonen franchise.

They really did well with question 4 & question 11 .


PriPara 33

Ditching the Pretty Rhythm Club segments allowed for more runtime and a more fleshed out show, but I was also impressed that the show ditched the courly recap episodes. They served their purpose, but going 33 episodes without one... I guess the streak can't be unbroken forever. Falulu's tabula rasa status provides a decent enough frame story for a recap, and I get to see some of my favorite performances again, but I don't have as much analysis to offer this week. Other than that not even the gods of the Pripara world know the truth about Falulu. Her very existence defies the understood technomagic of the idol city-state. Perhaps, she is not the opposite of the heavenly messengers to come, but instead, the first one.

And she's going into the outside world. Can she even exist there?


I've never seen Dog & Scissors but the feeling I'm getting is that he feels your statement is akin to: "This Strawberry Shortcake would be so good if it didn't have all these strawberries and cake in it" :p

A bit. Its core is the relationship between the guy reincarnated as a dog and his tsundere owner. I was entertained by it considerably. Not sure why as I'd normally not be with that kind of material.


Perfect Blue (1997)
I’ve been meaning to watch this for a long time and often felt weird having gone on all these years watching anime…without ever seeing this. Make no mistake, it’s been on my radar for over a decade but I’ve often felt intimidated by the premise of this film, not feeling up to the challenge. But as with all good things, they come to those who wait and since I have Perfect Blue on Blu-ray and was well in the mood to watch it, finally maturing I finally thought that tonight was as good as any to pop it in and give it a spin…and boy was that a ride.

To attempt to go too in-depth with this would be foolhardy on my behalf and would inevitably leave me flat on my face, so I don’t feel like exposing myself too much, but to just shrug and say “it’s alright” isn’t going to do this movie justice either. After watching Perfect Blue I felt like I had just witnessed a master class in direction…and make no mistake it is a master class performance. The late director Satoshi Kon demonstrates just why his name is so known and just why he’s so revered here within this 1 hour 20 minute roller-coaster. The story here is manipulated with such finesse and fine tuning it’s reminiscent of a puppeteer, orchestrating its every move. Everything is placed where it is for a reason, in order to tell the story. Simple gestures come back to haunt you maybe an hour later, mundane activities are woven into the story to such a degree that it almost boggles the mind. So much scrutiny is at play here, everything has been stressed over. Satoshi Kon is a master of his art, one that should and is no doubt studied.

Some of the emotions this movie conjured up from within me were maybe something I was uncomfortable expressing. I felt exposed and bare. A certain scene in this film had me tear up at just how uncomfortable I was, sick to my stomach and my heart beating as I reached out with one hand to switch the movie off…but I didn’t. I watched on, I’m glad I did, but the feelings were tangible. I felt terrible, but that was the plan. Perfect Blue fully engrosses its audience and makes them truly invested in this story before it stabs you in the heart and twists the knife.

The cinematography and choreography at play here is truly astonishing and a sight to behold. Being a movie about an idol dancing and singing, I guess that’s to be expected. Nothing is sacred here, what is a dream and what is reality? The way in which Satoshi Kon weaves each and every story thread and each and every scene truly makes you the viewer feel like the main character herself, an ex-Pop star who wants to make a career change as an actress. This allows for a movie that truly has its audiences guessing as to what reality is indeed, what a dream is and what the acting is as it jumps from scene to scene, moment to moment as you try to string it all together. This truly mirrors the mind of the main character, Mima Kirigoe, who cannot discern dream from reality or from her on screen counterpart to her real self.

In terms of art style, Madhouse utilizes a more realistic approach in the way that the characters and the world itself are depicted. The Blu-ray doesn’t look perfect, with (no pun intended) some scenes looking a little blue, but considering the films age it looks great overall with strong character designs and amazing uses of visual cues such as pink outfits, mirrors and such in order to distinguish characters and make them pop out in an otherwise dull (purposely so) world. Architecture and the world itself is pretty simple in design here, but effective and works well and a heavy use of bloom and scan lines are evident throughout in order to contrast one scene from the next, from dream and reality.

The audio is great here too, with the voice acting being topnotch. Every line is delivered believably and you really fall into the trap of believing that these animated characters are in fact real and tangible. The cast here does feel real, and genuine with the performances they deliver alongside the great animation and character designs. Being a story about an ex-pop star, pop music is no doubt a cornerstone to the soundtrack of Perfect Blue and it works effortlessly used in juxtaposition between the gritty onscreen accounts and the lively vocals of CHAM!, the fictional pop group the movie here focuses on.

Perfect Blue is a deep movie, one tackling the issues surrounding identity and the fragility of it all, especially for a person who is in the limelight of sorts. Does your work define you? How do you make sense of yourself when the lines blur? The use of both mirrors, puddles and reflections are used in order to visually articulate such ideas in a way that only animation would be able to do. The question is often brought up, why is Perfect Blue animated? Well it’s true that a live action adaptation was released years later, with Perfect Blue itself originally slated to be a live action itself back in 1993. Throughout the years, many films have also tried incorporating themes and images from the film into their own as well, however I’d make the argument that Perfect Blue, the story told here in its animated incarnation uses the medium to its full advantage, and does so masterfully.

Whether it’s the use of a nonlinear, non-chronological layout, the ghosts of the main character representing her former image, dancing mockingly around her current self or the depiction of this innocent animated image being marred and muddied as its carried through this fascinating story, Perfect Blue is without doubt a movie that is not only a master class, but no doubt genre defining. Not for the faint of heart, but given that you’re ready to open your mind and appreciate this artistic take on a girl struggling to find her identity, you’ll have something to think about for a long time with the meandering plot, powerful imagery and many twists that will have you satisfied by the end.


*Heavy sexual content, violence and many uncomfortable scenes and imagery are present here, for people 18 and over. Requires viewing with 100% attention, but don’t be intimidated, it’s truly rewarding.
Perfect BLue is Satoshi Kon's most visceral picture, but not his absolute best. I always trumpet Millennium Actress a lot but I really do think its the absolute best thing he has done and one of the best anime movies ever created. It maintains the psychological themes and confusion of Perfect BLue but in a more family friendly, but no less adult themed way. I highly recommend it and I dont want to spoil anything in it whatsoever if you have not watched it. Just watch it as soon as you are able to!

Another thing that Shirobako has taught me is good god, anime fans can be such entitled pricks.

This is true, but so can fans of just about everything. People expect things to be a certain way and if changes happen, its seen as a personal affront and a vocal minority will let you damned well know it!
It is kind of silly but we all do it sometimes.

I feel like the only reason people give these companies slack is some strange cult of personality that goes on with this stuff. At the end of the day, these people are being paid to sell a product that you have to buy, and if you find something wrong with that product, you should be entitled to complain.

Now, some people will just complain for the sake of complaining, and you really can't stop that since that's just how the Internet works. But for something specific like Mass Effect 3, if I spent two hundred dollars on your stupid game trilogy and I'm fed a piece of shit, it's not "entitled" for me to think that the ME3 ending is the worst game ending in the history of video games. In any other context, I'd demand a refund, but since these products ride the line between commercial commodity and "art", we seem to confuse the issue.

I post on Car Age Forums all the time brah.

I guess I'm just thinking about the stuff with Ready at Dawn and The Order 1886 more than stuff like the Skull Girls kickstarter.

That said, there are insanely boneheaded decisions that I think are fairly indefensible anyway. Nintendo SHOULD get flack for making the Gamecube adapter impossible to find, or example. Or creating this 5 retailer exclusive situation with Amiibos that emboldens scalpers like the guy who bought a hundred Rosalina amiibos.

What if anime was a steak?

Let me tell you something that happened to me that really pissed me off. I was with my brother at Gamestop, we preordered Smash bros with the Gamecube adapter very early but in his name. Gamestop never informed me that this might present any problem.
Release day arrives, my brother is away in Missouri for 5 months. I went to pick up the game and..."we cant allow you to pay for this preorder its in your brothers name". So I couldnt pick up the preorder at all even though we share the same name. So I lost out on the adapter. Still pissed about that.

Monthly Girls' Nozaki-Kun #1

It's a pretty good start! The opening, the jokes, and the gags were all quite good. I haven't really read or watched too many standard shoujo works, so some of the subversiveness may be lost on me, but even so I still like the humor. I'll definitely keep watching.

Sabagebu #1

I wouldn't have considered it, but combining guns and cute girls works well. I particularly enjoyed the narrator jokes. Once again, I feel like some of what's going on is lost on me, but despite that I like it.

Good recommendations Gaf!

These are great shows. You have made an excellent decision! Nozaki kun in particular!
Death Parade Episode 7

And here i thought i was ready for some Bombs to drop

What was that again ?

But i've got so many of them in this episode

The meaning of the elevator struck me because it answered some questions i had about that part , like
how the dead could have a psysical presence when they're all dead in various ways , the answer was that they were souls put in dolls and then the soul get sent to the void or not.
Makes much more sense that way.

And decim hobby..damn quite a 180. now that we know about him , this feels much much more different than in ep2

And don't get me started on quin new assistant , i mean i knew it since she was in the opening , but that change of mind make more sense than ever.

Overall excellent episode that trully made things much more entertaining and complex , for all parties involved.

I'm damn hyped for that "special case" , i hope decim will get some tough cases next week ... can't wait.


Saenai Heroine ep 6
God motherfucking dammit Tomoya!! Whats wrong with Utaha?! Best girl is right in front of you!!!!

Thats typically the case. Best girl wins in approximately 1% of these shows. Its usually on a technicality too.

Snow White with the Red Hair

Director: Masahiro Ando (Sword of the Stranger)
Series Composition: Deko Akao (Noragami)
Character Design: Kumiko Takahashi (Ouran High School Host Club)
Music: Michiru Oshima (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Animation Production: BONES

Snow White: Saori Hayami
Zen: Ryota Osaka

Summer 2015

Manga synopsis:
Shirayuki is a young woman born with unique apple-red hair. After catching word about her hair, Prince Raji sends orders for her to become his concubine. With nowhere else to go, Shirayuki cuts her hair and escapes to a neighboring country. While traversing through the forests, she meets a young man, Zen, who helps her after she boldly cures his wounds. He soon, however, becomes poisoned by an apple meant for Shirayuki. What will happen to Shirayuki? What is Zen’s true character? A refreshing fantasy story between an optimistic heroine and a prince who constantly stays on her watch.

I like the character design a lot. Cute! Snow White is typically a good story and I have fond memories of the Grimms Fairy Tale anime version. I have no idea how this compares though.

Just listened to the last ANnCast. They just sold me on Jupiter Rising by pitching it as a grand live action sf shojo. First time AnnCast has sold me on anything. Usually its the reverse.

Jupiter Ascending isnt great but its fun. The world building is PHENOMENAL. Go watch it!

I pretty sure remember he hyping up this

Captain Earth has its moments chu~


Perfect BLue is Satoshi Kon's most visceral picture, but not his absolute best. I always trumpet Millennium Actress a lot but I really do think its the absolute best thing he has done and one of the best anime movies ever created. It maintains the psychological themes and confusion of Perfect BLue but in a more family friendly, but no less adult themed way. I highly recommend it and I dont want to spoil anything in it whatsoever if you have not watched it. Just watch it as soon as you are able to!

Thanks for the reply as always, I have in fact just seen Millennium Actress coincidentally, and it's probably one of my favorite animated films of all time. I've actually owned the Blu-ray for some time as well as the DVD so I thought that I'd finally watch it. Couldn't stop crying, beautiful film :)


Ah, well that's usually the shtick of MOTW shows. Still, the final payoff that is the last few episodes of the show have to really shine in order to make sitting through all that worth it.

Case in point: GaoGaiGar, which had a ton of payoff in its FINAL OVA. That and that main show had essentially two halves. One consisting of the Zonder enemies and the other consisting of the Primeval enemies.

One thing I especially liked about GaoGaiGar was that there was a sense of progress as the MOTW episodes went on. The enemies tried different tactics, and you get shown that the finishing super move is slowly weakening the main character's body and they need to find a replacement.

That and the show's got that super catchy theme song!

Oh dammit. As soon as you mentioned this show that OP popped into my head!

It really does. So much so I think you should check out 'Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu'.

That show was actually disappointingly dull.

And Upotte!!.

This was better.

Isnt merchandising the point of a show like PriPara? It really has no point otherwise.

delays :(
Poor Aoi.


Isnt merchandising the point of a show like PriPara? It really has no point otherwise.
Yes, but that merchandise is often things like CDs (which I like, very much), or fashion accessories and cards for the arcade game. Nendoroids are collectors' items, and are usually of late night anime. For a kids' anime like PriPara to get them is seen as a sign that it's made a strong impression, and I like that.
Death Parade 7
The serial elements of this just don't really interest me all that much, especially with how they've expanded the cast of regular characters. I wish the focus of the series had been on the actual death games.


While the Dark Tournament is one of the best tournaments I can think of, personally I think the Sensui arc is a much better overall arc. Sensui is a better antagonist than Toguro, and I think the general arc is a lot more memorable (I feel the same for the last arc, too, although I get why a lot of people aren't fond of that one, given how different it is0.

How can we trust someone who is co clearly biased!
Death Parade 7
The serial elements of this just don't really interest me all that much, especially with how they've expanded the cast of regular characters. I wish the focus of the series had been on the actual death games.

see I'm the complete opposite, you've seen one death game you've seen them all I would rather focus on the lore and the characters.


Death Parade 7
Interesting, we get to find out the story behind Decim in this episode. His hobby makes sense and it's good to know there is something more behind his stoic face.

The ending is ominous.
What kind of guests would require special arbiters?
Ah ok. I dunno, I feel like I run into a lot of "YYH sucked after the Dark Tournament arc" opinions and I can never figure out their origin. I will agree that the Dark Tournament in YYH is still probably the best tournament arc in a Shonen I've ever seen. Though considering how old it is, that's kind of sad :/

Yeah, there's some good tournament arcs out there, but few are even in the same league as Dark Tournament. I'd say really only Flame of Recca's is comparable, but that got accused of being plagiarism precisely because of that despite the fight content being quite different even if the setup was near-identical.
see I'm the complete opposite, you've seen one death game you've seen them all I would rather focus on the lore and the characters.

In theory I might agree, but I'm not finding the lore or characters compelling enough to warrant this much attention, especially the side characters. I found the latest episode to be really dull, and I wish they'd fit the serial elements within the structure of the show rather than devote entire episodes to it. There haven't been enough serious death games for me to get tired of the premise, much of the series so far has been distracted away from showing them.
In theory I might agree, but I'm not finding the lore or characters compelling enough to warrant this much attention, especially the side characters. I found the latest episode to be really dull, and I wish they'd fit the serial elements within the structure of the show rather than devote entire episodes to it. There haven't been enough serious death games for me to get tired of the premise, much of the series so far has been distracted away from showing them.

That's the thing though, we haven't learned enough about these characters to make them interesting yet. I mean one
and the others are all basically deadpan and/or monotone characters because
now we know they're all lifeless
. They way they've designed them is basically all of them need to be expanded on before we start caring. Some of the death games have shown a purpose though, this next one looks promising.
The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls 7

A well directed episode that actually handles conflict well? What is this doing in Cinderella Girls? It's easily the best episode since the first one. It's a shame that we'll probably go back to the usual (low) level of quality next episode.
Sailor Moon Crystal 16

So, Mamoru plays with himself in this version too :p

Some Chibi-Usa backstory is revealed, everything becomes about chess and then Ami gets kidnapped too.

Went really fast from getting to know about the chess tournament to the actual playing.


Millennium Actress
A profoundly strange and yet touching movie. It sets up the life story of an actress named Chiyoko by framing it through an interview when she is old. The story told then takes an extremely dream like quality, melding her various roles and her situation in life and transitioning one situation to completely disparate scenarios out of nowhere. I know it's a weird comparison to make, but in a way it makes me feel like Inception didn't go far enough with its dream like qualities, this movie with a more mundane premise goes much farther with it. While at first taken aback, it all makes coherent sense and you pretty much know what the allegories are. The ending is bittersweet as it gets revealed that she never fulfills her promise from her early days, nor was it physically possible to do so, but at the same time she lived a life worth living. Overall, a great movie that feels like it melds dream and life together.
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic | 1-8

This surprised me quite alot. I didn't think much of it when I started the first episode but it completely sucked me in. For starters the arabic setting feels very fresh, since I haven't actually been exposed to it much. And the soundtrack feels pretty spot on.
The show so far has a done a good balance between the serious harsh reality and comedic scenes. Exploring magical dungeons and the fantasy elements in general also appeals to me very much.
Characters is perhaps the main selling point. They're all interesting in their own way and their stories that has been told so far has been interesting. For example the charismatic Sinbad was only introduced in the previous episode, but he is already one of my favorites.
With the range from Alibaba, Sinbad and Morgiana - some with their troubled upbringings, the show offers a very broad and colorful range of characters. While I can't quite yet determine who my favorite is, I'm leaning towards Morgiana. Her rising from being a mind-broken slave to the bad ass she currently is was very pleasant to watch (also good looord those legs). I have high hopes for this show, based on what I've seen so far.


Hey guys, where is this gif from?


Thanks in advance!

Apparently it's Monkey Punch no Sekai: Alice (The World of Money Punch: Alice - the text on there is actually Monkey Punch's credit). I've absolutely no idea what it is, though, because whilst I've obviously heard of MP (creator of Lupin that he is), I've never heard of this OAV.


Sailor Moon Crystal Episode 16:

I have come to the conclusion that Chibi-Usa is uniformly awful and watching this series try to give her character development that is tedium that will put me back to sleep for a good hour. That aside this was a much better episode then last time and roughly on par with the 1990s anime series equivalent. Not as good since that episode was all about the duality of Berthier and Ami on the road to the former's redemption. Ami still has roughly the same arc though as we see how far she has come from the depths of loneliness and isolation thanks to her friends. Though given that this series does not have 40 plus episode seasons character development for the Scouts is much more rarefied and is welcome when it can be found.


Apparently it's Monkey Punch no Sekai: Alice (The World of Money Punch: Alice - the text on there is actually Monkey Punch's credit). I've absolutely no idea what it is, though, because whilst I've obviously heard of MP (creator of Lupin that he is), I've never heard of this OAV.
i think i read about this ages ago. it's basically a really porny "derivative" (from monkey punch tho…) of lupin

e: based anipages
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic | 1-8

This surprised me quite alot. I didn't think much of it when I started the first episode but it completely sucked me in. For starters the arabic setting feels very fresh, since I haven't actually been exposed to it much. And the soundtrack feels pretty spot on.
The show so far has a done a good balance between the serious harsh reality and comedic scenes. Exploring magical dungeons and the fantasy elements in general also appeals to me very much.

Characters is perhaps the main selling point. They're all interesting in their own way and their stories that has been told so far has been interesting. For example the charismatic Sinbad was only introduced in the previous episode, but he is already one of my favorites.
With the range from Alibaba, Sinbad and Morgiana - some with their troubled upbringings, the show offers a very broad and colorful range of characters. While I can't quite yet determine who my favorite is, I'm leaning towards Morgiana. Her rising from being a mind-broken slave to the bad ass she currently is was very pleasant to watch (also good looord those legs). I have high hopes for this show, based on what I've seen so far.

You choose Morgiana , you have good taste.
Magi does manage to bring out the best of his characters in the limited time they had in the anime.


Log Horizon Season 2, Episode 20:
Well, we can safely cleave this episode in two parts. The first is the boss rush Naynta faces with the upper echelons of Plant Hwylden who go on some god damned long winded bordering on the nonsensical speeches about the nature of life and death within The World. I am not sure who is more unhinged Longdark or Trudy and in spite of the babbling that was certainly the highlight of this episode. I have said this before and I will say this again, in spite of the downgrade in art, Studio Deen for whatever reason has brought with them actual fight choreography that the flat and flavorless Satelight could never bring to the table. I find the overall plans of Plant Hwylden to still be rather inscrutable unless this is all still being planned as the big payoff to war with Akihabara. Meanwhile Nureha reflects on the joy being around Shiroe's scrub league gave her because she is god damned obsessed with Shiroe and decides to rescind the Red Night as a secret gift to him. I hope there is a method to this madness, we have certainly seen hint of something, something dark that is behind this drive. I wish to know more about it, I wish to know more about this antagonist. On the flipside, I have gotten enough to Iszuzu for one lifetime, I suppose I can appreciative what they are doing with all this chracter development they have been given her, but the fundamental problem is she just is not that interesting. Also, it doesn't help that her voice actress can't actually sing, bit of a hamper there.


Also, it doesn't help that her voice actress can't actually sing, bit of a hamper there.

I think that actually works pretty well. She's supposed to be an amateur who isn't that good. She's acknowledged in the Elder Tales world because previously
there were only the 42 songs and what she sings is new to the people of the land
, she isn't meant to be some musical prodigy.


It doesn't increase the enjoyment of having to listen to her sing I will you tell you that much. At least, she isn't butchering the ED this time.


I'm kinda of the fence with Death Parade. I like the themes, the atmosphere and the cast, but I kinda wish for it to be something else.

I feel like all this stuff about god and whatnot is kinda of a waste, I was hoping for it to be something like Mushishi, self-contained episodes about human drama and whatnot.


Garo 19

Christmas cake winning? My god AOTY, anime of the fucking year!!

I need to see the evidence. Its good to see Christmas cake winning sometimes.

Hmm, do you by chance own the Patema Inverted UE? The release mechanism is really weird, at first I was pulling on the disc (gently of course!), but literally gave up and came back to it later lmao, I'm pretty useless no doubt, but the way the disc comes out is really weird. You have to push the top of the disc towards the bottom edge of the digipak, weird stuff. I especially don't want to be pushing and pulling on a piece of what is literally card since I feel like I'll bend it.

Bah, it's weird getting so worked up over packaging, but when you spend a decent amount of money on something, the packaging is important. Most of the high end Japanese releases are just amarays in a sturdy box, and I prefer it! Just give me a black or white amaray with some nice artwork and a great show and call it a day.

That's more like it :) Looks beautiful on my shelf, unlike the Gurren Lagann Anime Limited set :(

I wish they were all designed with those little tabs where you press the center and its a little flexible claw thing that grabs the center of the disc. The worst is those with a deathgrip that you have to put the entire case on something soft like a cushion and push the whole thing until it bends.

Dog and Scissors episode 1

I'd been meaning to watch this for a long time, but because of video games and internet forums, and work and other things like that. I don't get enough of a chance to watch more.

So I finally watched it.

But it was...
Well, someone died on the first episode in a horrible violent way. Kirihime is abusive towards him. She doesn't talk about doing lewd things very much... she talks about doing dangerous violent things to him. And Harumi is always making fun of her breasts, which I don't like. I'm happy that there are more female characters who are adults and aren't curvy. But I'm a little disappointed by their personalities..

This anime is kind of bothering me so far. :<
And I'm kind of disappointed...

I like you, so I will only say avoid this show. Its not what you'd like at all and it caters to a lot of strange fetishes and a lot of cruelty to the dog. The masochistic editor is really cute but really, just dont watch this. Someone said watch Acchi Kocchi. Do that.

With regards to what Shinbo does these days, he's mainly an educator and coordinator. Which, to be honest, has given anime one of it's few modern "strong house styles" that have saved more than a few adaptations of weaker material over the years. Far fewer people would give a shit about something like Nisekoi if it had been adapted in a more conventional example. Continuing on the nise train, Nisemonogatari is absolutely weaker in terms of source material quality than Bake, but because it's able to lean on it's undiminished visual style, comedic pacing and simply strong direction it's nowhere near the trainwreck it should have been. Though that's kind of down to SHAFT basically acting as the editor Niso deserves half the time.

I just enjoy the style that Shaft consistently likes to use, whoever is behind that. They have a very distinctive style and approach to making a show that takes just about any subject or source and makes it a lot of fun. They kind of mis-stepped with Mekakucity but its not the norm for them. The patented blushing technology in Nisekoi was really something else.

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