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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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[Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament Arc] - Complete

There's spoilers for the series up to this point present, unmarked, in this review.

Wrapping up the Dark Tournament Arc on this series has left me with decidedly mixed feelings, both on the show itself and the 'trope' of Tournament Arcs in general.

This particular arc was thoroughly entertaining helped in no small part by the excellent production values throughout and well established 'villain' of the piece. While I'm not thrilled by Toguro's character design, or some of his later character development he served as a fitting rival and end point. In addition the pacing is surprisingly brisk for an arc of this nature and so they avoid the awful slog that these tournaments can turn into.

My only problem with the Dark Tournament Arc is my problem with the series in general - with this particular event wound up the series has no forward momentum and the characters have no goals. Yusuke started out as a character with a very defined goal (do good deeds and reclaim his body) and then another defined goal (work as a Spiritual Detective and ensure you do good things or else). Unfortunately that just left him as Koenma's muscle, to be deployed wherever he needed something punched in the head. He has as much agency as a GTA character, forever pulled by someone else's strings.

It feels like Togashi radically re-wrote the series as he was going along and it really shows, not just in Yusuke's lack of any goals but in other things as well. For example, Keiko feels like a vestige of a completely different series, she has no reason to exist for much of the show up to this point and she brings nothing to the series. She only made sense in a show grounded in school and in the real world, not a world of demon combat. Then there's the storyline with Sakayo and Shizuru which Togashi appears to have written a start and end for but literally no middle at all. Really bizarre stuff.

All this makes me feel distinctly uneasy about pursuing the rest of the show because I just don't know if it will hold my interest. I do want to see Shinbo's next episode but beyond that I have little motivation to continue. I can only imagine some bigger, badder threat lies in wait. As always.

On Tournaments

I just wanted to drop a few thoughts on Tournament Arcs in general. I know that they generally have a bad reputation and that's not undeserved. Rather than writing a story where characters travel from location to location with some goals and fight bad guys along the way you simply toss out all the work of actually creating a story and just have an endless series of fights in one location. Moreover, in a tournament you know that the main good guys will have to fight the main bad guys in the final round and so every other round should be completely tension free as you know the outcome in advance.

Now there are a number of reasons why The Dark Tournament isn't a boring series of pointless fights against scrubs until the 'main event':

- Firstly, the aforementioned production values really help. While Shinbo's episodes stand head and shoulders above the rest on a whole the fights look pretty decent throughout.

- The pacing is certainly a god send. Each individual round will generally be two episodes at the most and sometimes they'll be far shorter than that.

- Most fights have an interesting and unique gimmick both from the hero character and the opposing fighter. This is important to stop us from getting bored of the action.

- There are things going on besides the main fights e.g. Yusuke's training.

- The tournament is heavily weighed against the heroes. In other words, the tournament is actively trying to screw the main heroes. I know people can find this plot device annoying but it is extremely useful. Most people have a clear sense of what is just and unjust so when the heroes are treated unfairly it makes the audience more sympathetic to their cause. In addition it's another source of tension.

- The composition of the hero team varies wildly depending on their circumstances. Sometimes they'll fight as 5 against 5, other times they'll only have 3 or less available to bring to the fight because of outside reasons. This adds more tension to each individual round.

- For the most part, the fights are tense. You actually don't know for sure which members of the hero team will triumph over which competitor because many fights are fairly close. Crucially, sometimes the heroes will lose a round so you can't be sure they'll just streamroll the whole thing. Theoretically some of them could even die although considering the nature of this show I always considered that impossible.

- The characterisation of the other fighters is surprisingly robust. Considering how little time some of them get I feel they all look and feel sufficiently different from each other to make them stand out as defined characters who could theoretically exist outside this structure.

- With regards to the last two points, Gundam Build Fighters Try could really learn a thing or three from YYH. Every single fight feels like our main team vs faceless goods who we know they're eventually going to be beat with some kind of super-robot move. The opponents feel flat and boring. Heck, you just need to go back to Gundam Build Fighters to see a near-perfect representation of a classic tournament arc.

That show did it even better than Yu Yu Hakusho because a number of the main fighters in that tournament were present in that show way before the tournament even began and so the cast had a real chance to develop relationships with each other before they got down to the main battle arc. This really added weights to fights against known rivals such as Ricardo Fellini. That show also had lots of weird, crazy gimmick fights to keep things interesting AND comedy stuff on the side AND great pacing. It was a real refinement of the essence of the tournament arc.
[Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament Arc] - Complete

There's spoilers for the series up to this point present, unmarked, in this review.

Wrapping up the Dark Tournament Arc on this series has left me with decidedly mixed feelings, both on the show itself and the 'trope' of Tournament Arcs in general.

This particular arc was thoroughly entertaining helped in no small part by the excellent production values throughout and well established 'villain' of the piece. While I'm not thrilled by Toguro's character design, or some of his later character development he served as a fitting rival and end point. In addition the pacing is surprisingly brisk for an arc of this nature and so they avoid the awful slog that these tournaments can turn into.

My only problem with the Dark Tournament Arc is my problem with the series in general - with this particular event wound up the series has no forward momentum and the characters have no goals. Yusuke started out as a character with a very defined goal (do good deeds and reclaim his body) and then another defined goal (work as a Spiritual Detective and ensure you do good things or else). Unfortunately that just left him as Koenma's muscle, to be deployed wherever he needed something punched in the head. He has as much agency as a GTA character, forever pulled by someone else's strings.

It feels like Togashi radically re-wrote the series as he was going along and it really shows, not just in Yusuke's lack of any goals but in other things as well. For example, Keiko feels like a vestige of a completely different series, she has no reason to exist for much of the show up to this point and she brings nothing to the series. She only made sense in a show grounded in school and in the real world, not a world of demon combat. Then there's the storyline with Sakayo and Shizuru which Togashi appears to have written a start and end for but literally no middle at all. Really bizarre stuff.

All this makes me feel distinctly uneasy about pursuing the rest of the show because I just don't know if it will hold my interest. I do want to see Shinbo's next episode but beyond that I have little motivation to continue. I can only imagine some bigger, badder threat lies in wait. As always.

There are elements in YYH that are more due to editors and JUMP, in comparison to how Togashi got to handle to HxH. The final arc in general actually shows, although the anime itself takes some creative liberties for the better.

That being said, I agree with Keiko not belonging there... but for a different reason. I'm pretty sure you remember tropes of someone not fitting in with school, but something life changing happens, and then suddenly they're not a social reject anymore.

Keiko, like you said, is a character grounded to the real world, as well as school. Yusuke isn't. And before the Dark Tournament, he never got better unlike some characters (like Kuwabara, and other shounen heroes adhering to such a thing). Yusuke does nothing to fit in with the "real world", and thus, continues to feel more and more out of place in comparison to Keiko. On the flipside, Keiko is not, and cannot be a Spirit Detective, and therefore, she does not fit in Yusuke's world, despite the fact that they are both love interests.

I feel that another thing to note is that Keiko never really mentions Yusuke being happy in the real world, but during the tournament, she actually comments on his happiness, because she feels as if he found a place where he belongs. A sort of mutual understanding, if you will between the two of them. She's effectively a contrast of Yusuke at this point.

At best, Yusuke doesn't really gain much agency until the final arc

....eugh... I can't say I'm good at reasoning...

As for Sakayo love time....... I have no fucking clue about that either. I don't really know what happened there, or why it wasn't fleshed out.
Cross Ange 20

The series has "fallen" in some heavy fanservice use in the last two episodes. Not that it never stopped of having fanservice in any episode, mind you.


Game, set and match, Tusk.


Is Embryo supposed to use that suit? Oh Salia...
Elektra explains her case, HIlda assumes command, Embryo try to break Ange with both pain and pleasure, Salia helps Ange in part because she was being the object of devotion of Embryo and not her and wanted Ange gone, in part because she still had some of respect of her, Momoka saves the dragon spy who calls Salako who enters in scene now. Oh, and a nice moment between Rosalie and Hilda. Not bad.
Low point of the episode: Ange calling for Tusk while being tortured. I just don't buy into Ange+Tusk. Like most people, from what I've seen.

edit: lol the death flags talk in the preview


Cross Ange 20

Embryo-Sama is experimenting on the boundaries of how much of a scumbag he can be.
Well, not really, all of this was implied to have happened before. Now we just had some testimony and live footage on the matter.
I wonder how he thinks that the 3rd attempt will be any different...

I loved the way Ange tried to off him at tea-time. Beside her stupid attachment to Tusk, she really is an outstanding character.

It was also good to see Salia get a clue and become a decent human being again.

A good episode, I'd say, and a good setup for action on the next one. Bonus points for the lewd. And lol that the preview.
Kokkuri-san 1-9

Given the feeling behind both genders of Kokkuri, I feel cheated. I didn't get the Crime against humanity feeling from him being a male, and his female counterpart being the best ultimately didn't do much for me. Probably because he was already the least scummy freeloader, that him changing genders didn't mean much.

Inugami, our P3MC and whose voice initially made me think of Ikuto from Shugo Chara, is... eugh. He lacks any class like Ikuto did. But moving on.

There's a cast that becomes more dynamic, although I don't feel like it was always for the better. There's glimpses where at least our drunk isn't a complete scumbag, but Inugami was pretty much the worst of the bunch.

It also feels like we forgot why Kokkuri was even sticking near the girl. Does her becoming human really matter?

Feels like everything just sat back due to the rapidly expanding cast set.
Koufuku Graffiti - 07

This was weak on the food consuming front, instead the focus was to engage Kirin and Shiina in the cooking process. The maid Tsuyuko returns and acts as their teacher.
It was cute to see them try their hardest to make a dish, in order to show their gratefulness for Ryou's hard work. From now on we'll most likely see Kirin and Shiina's journey as they become more experienced with cooking, a change I welcome.
Kill La Kill 03

So this is where I left off when I first tried watching KLK. The magical girl transformations were kinda funny (if not a bit cringy) with the crazy gainaxing going on. Mako was... kinda aggravating I must say.

I know they had like no budget making this series, but I remember the animation being better than this you know. I'm not just talking about Satsuki's hilarious walk cycle, but most of the animation consists mainly of the impact frames and such.

Well everyone has their main power suit and the main plot is more or less established for this arc, so let's see if it can live up to the hype.


Kill La Kill 03

So this is where I left off when I first tried watching KLK. The magical girl transformations were kinda funny (if not a bit cringy) with the crazy gainaxing going on. Mako was... kinda aggravating I must say.

I know they had like no budget making this series, but I remember the animation being better than this you know. I'm not just talking about Satsuki's hilarious walk cycle, but most of the animation consists mainly of the impact frames and such.

Well everyone has their main power suit and the main plot is more or less established for this arc, so let's see if it can live up to the hype.

Mako's shtick got old after 2 episodes I agree.

But boy, 03 is like, the best looking episode of the series so don't expect a lot on the animation front further down the line.
Hunter x Hunter - 78

This turned dark pretty quickly with the consuming of humans, not even children are spared. I find this rise of the Chimera Ant kingdom quite entertaining so far. Maybe it's the feeling that they actually seem like a big threat.
I do find the explosive mix of variant creatures crossed with humans to be a little too much for my fantasy taste. Both of the bird dudes seem cool though.


Sister Testament - 06

The imouto was the cutest this episode. Dat ponytail.

3 more days.


Don't miss it. Or do miss it and watch the BDs when they come out.
My only problem with the Dark Tournament Arc is my problem with the series in general - with this particular event wound up the series has no forward momentum and the characters have no goals. Yusuke started out as a character with a very defined goal (do good deeds and reclaim his body) and then another defined goal (work as a Spiritual Detective and ensure you do good things or else). Unfortunately that just left him as Koenma's muscle, to be deployed wherever he needed something punched in the head. He has as much agency as a GTA character, forever pulled by someone else's strings.

These are definitely fair points. The next arc is also a bit of the characters being thrust into another big fight (although it's different in nature and I think the arc has some good development for all of them), but I will say that the final arc touches on a lot of this stuff, and is really all about the main characters trying to find their own path in life rather than just following what others have told them to do.

Personally I find the second half of the series more enjoyable than the first because it does give more focus to the personal motivations of the characters. It also feels to me like around this point is where you can start to see Togashi picking up on ideas that he'll develop further when Hunter x Hunter comes around in particular.
Mushi-Shi - 11

Yeesh, that's one messed up village.
I mean, they freaking dump babies into the wilderness because the women can't stop giving birth. :(

Also, I liked how this episode had another Mushishi. It was interesting to see Ginko talk with someone who was pretty much on the same level as him.


Cross Ange ep why the fuck am I still watching this
Seriously, how does Nana Mizuki endured herself to make such sounds. How can anyone kill this fucker embyro?



It's that time of the year again. Anime Mirai 2015. Starting in the top left and going clockwise we have:

Aki no Kanade by J.C Staff, Directed by Youhei Suzuki

Happy ComeCome by Synergy SP, Directed by Yumiko Suda

Kumi to Tulip by Tezuka Productions, Directed by Makoto Tezuka

Ongaku Shojo by DEEN, Directed by Kenichi Ishikura
Cardfight!! Vanguard G Episode 10 (engDub)

Be Still My Heart indeed. I love each of the seven times Jaime Alcarez said it. His voice actor made that line sound so good.

Kind of wanted more cardfighting, but at least it seems that will be next episode.
Cross Ange ep why the fuck am I still watching this
Seriously, how does Nana Mizuki endured herself to make such sounds. How can anyone kill this fucker embyro?

I imagine something in the style of Fallout New Vegas, and the real Embryo is super old in a cryogenic chamber hidden somewhere linked to the external world through computers. His... holograms are solid because they are Mana-based? dunno.

Cross Ange 20

This episode takes the cake for WTF moments in this series. I mean holy fucking shit, hiding the ring in there!?

You would think it was pretty risky... Embryo could have had his way with with her and discovered the ring very fast!


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention past week. I dropped Yuri Kuma Arashi and Maria the Virgin Witch, and now I think I'm going to drop Durarara S2.
Yatterman - 07

I found the part with the robots blatantly tricking the gang hilarious. Galina grew some, he managed to be of use. Leo was pretty cute this episode with her nyaa~. And apparently she is starting to like him, whether it's babbys first crush remains to be seen.
Don't know what the fuck was up with that guy with a constant hard on for sea creatures, but each to their own I guess. With some questionable poses, Odo-sama biting ass and junk, two pigs feeling each other up, and the fisherman fetish, this episode felt like it had a sort of lewd tone.
Anyway, fun episode nonetheless.


Graffiti 07

A Kirin and Shiina episode is a nice change of pace compared to the others. Kirara series always deliver.

Cross Ange 20

Well now.

Maria 07

Maria really is an outlier among the witches. The witches don't seem like bad people, they're just as flawed as humans. And interesting the Ez is starting to show some doubts about what the heavens want her to do.

Yatterman Night 07

The Fisherman's Wife Part 4: The Fishening. I'm also loving that Galina is partway to constructing Omochama. Near the end of the show, I now have no doubt that Galina and Ally will don the mantle and show the Yatter Kingdom what being a hero is really all about - and they'll do it with Doronbo this time.

World Break 07

There are some clearly low budget parts in this episode, but the end fight was alright. And Sophie - the brown girl I was talking about last night - is American? She's secretly been my best girl for the series - even behind Yuu Kobayashi's near-reprise of her character from SYD - so knowing she's American gives her that extra "Aw yeah!" I don't know what it is with Japan and Russia, because another Russian girl showed up in this episode. Her understanding of Japanese habits is cute, though.
SHONEN HOLLYWOOD -HOLLY STAGE FOR 50- Episode 20 Prolonging Our Lives

Well as a Tomii fan kind of figured he would be out of the running. He already had his drama debut so I doubt they would have put him front and center. Shun Shun was my pick.

Kind of cried for Makki to lose his position just like that but at least he took it gladly and got to experience the emotion and grow from it. Probably everyone else too helping him along and singing with him as center like its the last song theyd ever perform. It would be just as emotional as the final event of a group before breaking up.
Fate kaleid 2wei specials 04 & 05


Don't ask me

Special 04 was trully pandering , but the show is self aware so it's ok ..
I thought they would forget about the reason of why they're doing this but they remembered !! It was an ending much expected considering "the fate of the warrior"

Special 04 was fine ....

Special 05 could have been full of possibilities but ultimately falled short because when didn't get to see bazet side of the story what a wasted opportunity !

what to do when you met a sleeping tiger ??

^^^Still tiger part was alright ...never give magical power to a tiger , the side effects clearly would be huge.

Special 05 was fine.. but it should have been longer


Koufuku Gaffiti 7

Cooking saury is hard. But not as hard as washing dishes apparently. Looks like Ryou might get a partner in cooking one day. Also, cats.

Cross Ange 20

Embryo is super dick. Ange remains good at stabbing and swearing. Jill always sucked. Hilda makes her own plans with Tusk. Rosalie just wants her Chris back. Sylvia remains hilarious. Salia should stop acting like anyone cares bout her. Momoka gets stuff done. People really need to stop ignoring her. It feels like no one cares about super-maid running around unopposed, which just leads to disaster for them.

Go Princess Precure 4

Can Kirara save this show? And the op keeps on changing. Looks like Puff/Armoa aren't going to stay secret. I'm starting to think most of the school is going to learn their identities. Kirara is one of those don't give a fuck people. Not even the oh so grand school princess can impress her. Good with nicknames though. Donuts? What is this, Fresh? Pretty passive reaction to a couple of girls beating up monsters three times their size. So someone gave her the perfume, and later the key. Probably Kanata. Guess she's not that attached to it. Kirara dreams big. And catches onto stuff fast. Looks like we have another one of those that are awesome even when not transformed. Twinkle has a solid transformation as usual. A throwing star attack is neat. Too bad she's still in doesn't give a fuck mode.

I don't know if Kirara has more depth than Haruka and Minami, but she's certainly more entertaining. She's looking like she's going to be this season's star by default.
Seiken tsukai no world Break - 07

Still some problems in the animation this week , but thankfully that didn't prevent the fight in the second part for being above average trending toward the good category. In fact it impacted some scenes toward the middle of the episode and that trully softenned the blow.

I don't have the words to explain this ..
As for the show itself , one should never learn about japan habits and customs by only reading manga , that's a recipe for problems
New girl is cool , I do agree that her frankness toward answering question trully made an excellent scene in the classroom .

Next week gonna be cool ...

Ps: my "CAJUN ALERT" detector activated during this episode , figure fans worldwide should be happy ..


Koufuku Graffiti 7

I want fish. Time to buy some seafood.

Nice to see Shiina and Kirin doing the cooking for a change. Even if the aftermath was less than ideal...
Hunter x Hunter - 82

This arc has been very good so far, I like how brutally the Chimera Ants treat humans. The fights in this was pretty cool, Killuas execute was nicely done with the whole view spin.
I got more respect for Kite, and while his mano a mano was great, the head shot with his gun left me unsatisfied. Oh and there's a pink Koala in a suit, I feel this is going to be great.


Great Teacher Onizuka 04-05

These people are a bit daft, aren't they ? I get that those are late 90's or something but surely photoshop or something akin to it, wasn't exactly black magic to the common people even back then. Couple that with the general knowledge that Onizuka's class bullies their teachers on the daily basis and the whole touched up photos drama fell flat for me.

Second episode focused on the bullying of Yoshikawa and Onizuka's response to it. An eye for an eye, a butt for a butt indeed.


I liked this part of the arc as you got a taste for the sort of thing the Hunter Association actually did rather than just run an exam and give out licenses.
Digimon Adventure 1-54 + Movies 1 and 2 (Rewatch):
Over the last week I took the time (too much, perhaps, given that I just watched 54 episodes and two movies in almost exactly one week) to revisit one of my favorite childhood shows, Digimon Adventure.

For people who don't know, the Digimon franchise is possibly my favorite franchise across any medium. Digimon was, while not my first anime, my introduction to watching anime in Japanese, to Japanese music, fandom, fanfiction, and quite a lot more, back in 2000. It's always held a special place in my heart, and while Adventure isn't even my favorite Digimon series, it's a sentimental favorite of mine. While I feel like the world and characters have never left me (I still regularly listen to the music, character image songs, etc), it had been probably at least 6-7 years since I watched Adventure, so I came into this rewatch with some amount of trepidation, but in the end, it completely lived up to my memories.

Digimon Adventure is a fantastic show, and both of Hosoda's movies are extremely remarkable. The first movie, while quite short, makes a huge impact with what little time it has. Anyone who thinks you need a long story or a lot of character dialogue in order to form an emotional bond with characters should be strapped down to a chair and forced to watch the Digimon Adventure movie. It's an incredible triumph in storytelling, with some great visual flourishes, a fantastic soundtrack, and a completely engaging story.

Once we get into the show itself, Digimon Adventure is a really very solid adventure storyline. The first half of the show is a lot more laid back compared to the crazy action of the second half, but while the story doesn't really pick up until later, there's something I really love about the early episodes. I really enjoy seeing the characters struggling to live in the digital world. Episodes are often centered around the characters just needing to find food, deal with how tired they are, or find a way to survive. It's a very different feeling than you get in a lot of other series. A lesser show would have dropped the characters in the digital world and had them mostly be adjusted to it by the third episode, but Digimon Adventure constantly has the characters just struggling to get by. And the characters always do feel like kids who are completely out of their element. The Digital World itself is a wonderful location. The backgrounds in the show are extremely vibrant and colorful, and really paint a wonderful image of what the world looks like. Rewatching the show, I found myself asking what happened to the Toei who could make something that looks like this?

As the show transitions into the second half, the story becomes a lot more serious, and the characters start to grow a lot more. The story also takes a much darker turn, but more than that, Digimon Adventure is dark in a way that only a kids show can be. It understands what issues are important and scary to a child, and it builds on them effectively. The scenes of Phantomon and the Bakemon breaking down doors in order to carry kids out of their homes and separate them from their parents is genuinely terrifying stuff, but in a very every day way. The show also manages to deftly touch on a number of issues that can be very important to kids and that some shows shy away from, such as dealing with how Yamato and Takeru's family fell apart due to divorce, Koushirou grappling with the fact that he's adopted, Sora's complicated feelings towards her mother, and more. And I challenge anyone to not feel something with Sora's mother asks Piyomon if Sora hates her. And as we get into the final arc, seeing everything these kids go through can be pretty rough, especially when you keep in mind how young they are. The scene of Mimi building the graves for some of the characters who have died saving them is a moving moment.

Probably one of the bigger surprises compared to my memories was remembering in just how few episodes characters like Wizarmon and Whamon were. The characters stuck out so much in my memories that I just sort of remembered them being around for much longer, rather than only being in 3 or 4 episodes each. The same is also true for Leomon to a lesser extent. Something about how strong the writing was lead to those characters sticking around in my mind even 15 years later, and I would guess the same is true for a lot of other kid who watched Digimon growing up.

The main characters are all great. Even Yamato, who is probably my least favorite, has some good moments. The star of the cast is definitely Mimi, and not just for Ai Maeda's exceptional performance. Mimi's arc from the girl who didn't even like the idea of sleeping on the ground to leading an army of Digimon to arrive just in the nick of time at the final battle is one that is really exceptional. Pretty much every episode focused around Mimi is really strong, and I find that a lot of her insecurities speak to me really well. In general, part of what makes all the characters shine is that they each have some very realistic insecurities. Everyone grows up so much over the course of the series. The relationships between the chosen children and their Digimon also really sparkle. Tentomon and Koushirou are an amazing comedy due, and Jou/Gomamon make for a really bizarre team. The show really has 16 main characters, not 8, and each of them really do get their moment in the sun.

I would be remiss not to mention the excellent music, as well. Takanori Arisawa's soundtrack is great, with a lot of memorable pieces, and they're all used quite well over the course of the show.

Lastly, I decided to pick some of my favorite episodes. In broadcast order, they are:

6. Palmon Angrily Evolves!
21. Koromon, the Great Clash in Tokyo!
25. The Sleeping Tyrant! TonosamaGekomon
33. Pump and Gotsu are Shibuya-Type Digimon!
34. The Bond of Destiny! Tailmon
35. The Fairy of Odaiba! Lilymon Blossoms
36. Break Through the Barrier! Zudomon Sparks!
37. Perfects Attack Together! Sparkling Angewomon
46. The Counterattack of Metel Etemon
54. A New World

I bolded my number one favorite. There are plenty of other good episodes, but these are just the ones that immediately came to mind for me. The whole last part of the Vamdemon arc is pretty much without equal.

And then, after all of that, we get to the second movie, Our War Game, and what a special movie it is. Hosoda's direction is exceptional, and the story moves at a pretty brisk pace. While it's a shame that half the cast don't really get to do anything, pretty much every scene is very strong, there are some wonderful little cuts between various moments (such as the cake being made as the missile is nearing its target), and the fact that they beat Diablomon by making him buffer is pretty awesome. I could write more about the movie, but I think everyone already knows how great it is, so I think I'll leave it at this for now.

Revisiting Digimon Adventure really made me feel like I could revisit my childhood. Watching the show has helped to cheer me up quite a bit, and I'm looking forward to rewatching 02. While I didn't like it nearly as much as the original, it does have some great moments, and it's also an important part of my life.


Yatterman Night Episode 7:

Right, pretty sure that Team Rocket reject is now on several sex offender lists because ye gods that was getting unconformable at points.


Go! Princess Precure 04

So, Kirara didn't take long to establish that she's the best of the new Precure. So much swag I can hardly believe she's a Precure. Saved me from dropping the show right away, at the very least. She doesn't solve my underlying issues with 2/3 of the team being bland and uninteresting, the fairies annoying, and the villains being unthreatening, though.

Note I said villains unthreatening instead of heroes overpowered as I said yesterday. That's because Kirara managed to land a blow before she even became Cure Swagger, I mean Twinkle.
Go! Princess Precure 04

So, Kirara didn't take long to establish that she's the best of the new Precure. So much swag I can hardly believe she's a Precure. Saved me from dropping the show right away, at the very least. She doesn't solve my underlying issues with 2/3 of the team being bland and uninteresting, the fairies annoying, and the villains being unthreatening, though.

Note I said villains unthreatening instead of heroes overpowered as I said yesterday. That's because Kirara managed to land a blow before she even became Cure Swagger, I mean Twinkle.

>Hating Puff

Yet another person who sees the light that is Kirara.

Speaking of which, going back on the whole "white-washing" character designs, I like to point to something in this image.

There's some major changes in the images, with the right side being the broadcast version. HOWEVER, what's most important is the first set of images. In the previews, Minami ate a chocolate donut. HOWEVER, IN THE BROADCAST VERSION, IT'S NO LONGER CHOCOLATE! There is a major conspiracy with the color brown folks, and the fact that it has reached donuts solidifies this as a new problem in anime.
Pafu is harmlessly cute most of the time. The bird, Aroma, is constantly annoying. Generally speaking, ending sentences in your name as a quirk is going to rub me the wrong way.

No one actually likes Aroma. Which is why I'm glad episode 4 was a Kirara episode, and not a fucking Aroma ep.
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