The Lego movie should have been nominated.
That and The Book of Life would have been better nominees than Big Hero Six.
The Lego movie should have been nominated.
The Lego movie should have been nominated.
Even if it was nominated, Kaguya still should have won.
It's really a pity that the academy doesn't take animation seriously.
The pity is that people take the academy seriously.
On Tournaments
I just wanted to drop a few thoughts on Tournament Arcs in general. I know that they generally have a bad reputation and that's not undeserved. Rather than writing a story where characters travel from location to location with some goals and fight bad guys along the way you simply toss out all the work of actually creating a story and just have an endless series of fights in one location. Moreover, in a tournament you know that the main good guys will have to fight the main bad guys in the final round and so every other round should be completely tension free as you know the outcome in advance.
Now there are a number of reasons why The Dark Tournament isn't a boring series of pointless fights against scrubs until the 'main event':
- Firstly, the aforementioned production values really help. While Shinbo's episodes stand head and shoulders above the rest on a whole the fights look pretty decent throughout.
- The pacing is certainly a god send. Each individual round will generally be two episodes at the most and sometimes they'll be far shorter than that.
- Most fights have an interesting and unique gimmick both from the hero character and the opposing fighter. This is important to stop us from getting bored of the action.
- There are things going on besides the main fights e.g. Yusuke's training.
- The tournament is heavily weighed against the heroes. In other words, the tournament is actively trying to screw the main heroes. I know people can find this plot device annoying but it is extremely useful. Most people have a clear sense of what is just and unjust so when the heroes are treated unfairly it makes the audience more sympathetic to their cause. In addition it's another source of tension.
- The composition of the hero team varies wildly depending on their circumstances. Sometimes they'll fight as 5 against 5, other times they'll only have 3 or less available to bring to the fight because of outside reasons. This adds more tension to each individual round.
- For the most part, the fights are tense. You actually don't know for sure which members of the hero team will triumph over which competitor because many fights are fairly close. Crucially, sometimes the heroes will lose a round so you can't be sure they'll just streamroll the whole thing. Theoretically some of them could even die although considering the nature of this show I always considered that impossible.
- The characterisation of the other fighters is surprisingly robust. Considering how little time some of them get I feel they all look and feel sufficiently different from each other to make them stand out as defined characters who could theoretically exist outside this structure.
- With regards to the last two points, Gundam Build Fighters Try could really learn a thing or three from YYH. Every single fight feels like our main team vs faceless goods who we know they're eventually going to be beat with some kind of super-robot move. The opponents feel flat and boring. Heck, you just need to go back to Gundam Build Fighters to see a near-perfect representation of a classic tournament arc.
Absolute Duo - 07
Unlike the girls, the plot never got rolling
I love that theme. Thanks for posting it!
Sorry for the late reply, I agree 100%. It's probably my favourite anime film I've seen, but I still think Perfect Blue is the better film, but a lot harder to digest for many, naturally with the content it has. It goes without saying that both are amazing films. I agree with you on the soundtrack too! Both the tracks Run and Rotation from Millennium Actress are amazing.
It really is a beautiful film, one that pulls you in from that start and enchants you with its beautiful story about enjoying life to its fullest and holding on to those precious memories. As they say, its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Ha, I've never felt that when watching something to be honest, I guess I kind of enjoy darker stuff overall. No doubt I've seen things that have made me sick and depressed in anime, but I've never had the need to counterbalance it, even with Texhnolyze. I guess it stems from me only watching a single show at any given time. If it works for you, that's great obviously!![]()
What if I told you I was also excited for Fractals, [C], Galilei donna, Real Drive and Umineko no Naku Koro ni...
Do you still think I am not a curese?
How did useless girl do this episode? I half expect her to be useless and/or get wrecked in the love department.
You talking about the huge-chested, shy girl? She's starting to find her resolve because she wants to protect her duo partner like Tor does Julie and stop being dead weight.
Still on the harem losing side, but she wants to take part in the Tor-bowl. She keeps getting blocked by the rest of his harem.
Can her official name be Cleveland Browns-chan?
care about the oscars brehs
Durarara x2 7
Interesting but holy shit, the animation was terrible. Some parts of the episode was literally slideshows and jumping between frames. Considering sales of this season, I can see it getting worse if later seasons get lower budget.
Can I watch Gatchaman Crowds without having seen any of the previous Gatchaman series? I wanted to watch this one because of Kenji Nakamura's involvement.
Rolling Girls 6
Awesome episode. I just love how ridiculous everything is.
But why did Chiaya turn into an octopus tho
I love this show. Its a solid fantasy adventure with a great cast of characters.
Hyouka - 6
Chitanda gets mad in math class and isn't really sure why, but she is curious as to why her math teacher would get their lesson plan wrong. Why? I don't know, her curiosity is bordering on neurotic.
This was the first episode that didn't really set my world on fire. It was adequately directed, but what was actually there felt so bare bones and irrelevant that it felt hard to care. Can't really think of much else to say!
Big Hero 6 just snubbed Kaguya LAWL
Yona is a pleasant surprise I have to say. I was interested in it to begin with but I didnt expect it to be so dark! Especially since it has those lighter comedic moments and SD/chibi style sometimes. Its actually kind of distracting.
lol, at least the other 6 that were asked had reasonable answers.
The Lego movie should have been nominated.
A lot of them were either "it was what the kids enjoyed" or "I abstain"
Whether the kids enjoyed it because I can't critically analyze a movie about cartoons is extremely silly.
"you're one of the good ones"why would i care what 80 year old white dudes think about movies?
Where is that from?
It really is just a reminder of why the oscars are probably even less valid than peoples choice.
I don't think it's quite a Worfing.Log Horizon 20
Alright I hate using my phone to type but I just gotta comment about Nyanta getting hit with the Worf effect hard this episode smh. Wasn't he levels ahead of the girl?
The oscars, a scathing parody, By Craig "ConanThe3rd" McLeod;
[Dr Weird Theme]
Well, gee, I dunno, man, I mean after last time,,,
Alright, I do sorta trust the voting committee this time...
See, the academy voters are so completely out of touch with the market it's hilarious. So blaming it on hot blooded Americans is unfair.The Academy Awards are for red-blooded American* films. None of this Chinese crap!
But seriously, I've got to feel bad for GKIDS. They've been sending out these excited e-mails about their two Oscar nominations (Kaguya and Song of the Sea), and they both got snubbed. Injustice in action.
That's the thing though. These people consider animated films to be a kid affair still. Some of them will not admit it lest it affects their gravitas but they will not watch them unless they are forced to either by their children or Disney telling them to see them or kiss their money goodbye.A lot of them were either "it was what the kids enjoyed" or "I abstain"
Whether the kids enjoyed it because I can't critically analyze a movie about cartoons is extremely silly.
There's no Oscar equivalent that voted by Journalist?
Log Horizon 20
Alright I hate using my phone to type but I just gotta comment about Nyanta getting hit with the Worf effect hard this episode smh. Wasn't he levels ahead of the girl?
Oh, and on Aldnoah, if Inaho still NTRs Slaine after all this I will laugh myself dead.
And I'm sick of Princesses in wheelchairs
What are the next shows you are hyped for?