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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Dog Days Episode 4
Pretty decent. There were a couple of really weird/awkward shots and one fight scene in particular had really strange animation, but the rest of the episode was solid. No fan service this episode, thankfully. As of yet, the main character has no meaningful depth whatsoever, and I kind of really dislike him. But the Princess has at least something going for her, so we'll see what happens.
Hunter x Hunter - 85

Noooo! Hooly shit, this episode. That fucking cat lady is crazy! After what Gon said to Killua, the ending broke my heart, brutal ;_____;7
Digimon Adventure 1-54 + Movies 1 and 2 (Rewatch):

Nice write-up. I think Digimon (Adventure) was the by far best anime I saw in my childhood and it holds up really well. I certainly intend to show this my future children, as its one damn entertaining, kids-friendly—though far from overly careful—show that teaches quite a lot values.

I always hated how the Pokemon anime, which is widely regarded to be garbage anyways, and the Pokemon games were seemingly created by overly protective studios. Any serious topics like death is deemed inappropriate and glossed over most of the time. I mean, you wouldn't wanna have kids deal with something this awful, right? Nah, fuck that shit. Do it like Digimon Adventure and touch these topics respectfully, also allowing you to tell less moronic stories and have better world building.


No one actually likes Aroma. Which is why I'm glad episode 4 was a Kirara episode, and not a fucking Aroma ep.

If episode four had been about that freaking bird, rather than establishing Kirara, I would have dropped the series.

Speaking of which, you'd know, but considering Yuuko last year in my first Precure series...is it a pattern for the yellow Precure to be the best one or is it just a fluke that Honey and Twinkle are so much fun?


I'm thinking about it, and I think I actually might have preferred HxH's Greed Island arc to the Chimera Ant arc. At least, I remember it as fondly.
Hunter x Hunter - 85

Noooo! Hooly shit, this episode. That fucking cat lady is crazy! After what Gon said to Killua, the ending broke my heart, brutal ;_____;7

Pitou's (Cat Ant) gender is very much unknown. The only official information is from the HxH Character and World Data Book which calls Pitou a he but those aren't Togashi's words so you can't put to much faith in them. The biggest reason for the gender confusion is the changes to Pitou's chest and body proportions form the manga to 2011 anime. In the manga Pitou was completely flat, while in this Pitou always has some form of a chest. Doesn't help that Pitou uses Boku (Mostly used by males, but can be used by females) while referring to itself, adding another layer of confusion to the whole thing.
If episode four had been about that freaking bird, rather than establishing Kirara, I would have dropped the series.

Speaking of which, you'd know, but considering Yuuko last year in my first Precure series...is it a pattern for the yellow Precure to be the best one or is it just a fluke that Honey and Twinkle are so much fun?

If you want to know honestly, Yellows aren't always the best ones. Especially since Shiny Luminous is considered a yellow.

Lemonade isn't the best in Yes! 5 and GoGo, but she is the beginning of Yellows having better Stock footage than the others, and boy, there was an animator that loved his Lemonade. She's the Animation Lord of Yellows.

Pine most definitely isn't, granted it was the Peach and Passion show. Pine had zero Yellow priveleges.
Everyone was good in Heartcatch.
Muse was a shit.
It's only till Smile Precure where Yellows started a reign, but Rosetta got in the way of that.
Honey and now Twinkle are reestablishing the Yellow Reign.


Digimon Adventure 1-54 + Movies 1 and 2 (Rewatch):
Over the last week I took the time (too much, perhaps, given that I just watched 54 episodes and two movies in almost exactly one week) to revisit one of my favorite childhood shows, Digimon Adventure.

For people who don't know, the Digimon franchise is possibly my favorite franchise across any medium. Digimon was, while not my first anime, my introduction to watching anime in Japanese, to Japanese music, fandom, fanfiction, and quite a lot more, back in 2000. It's always held a special place in my heart, and while Adventure isn't even my favorite Digimon series, it's a sentimental favorite of mine. While I feel like the world and characters have never left me (I still regularly listen to the music, character image songs, etc), it had been probably at least 6-7 years since I watched Adventure, so I came into this rewatch with some amount of trepidation, but in the end, it completely lived up to my memories.

Digimon Adventure is a fantastic show, and both of Hosoda's movies are extremely remarkable. The first movie, while quite short, makes a huge impact with what little time it has. Anyone who thinks you need a long story or a lot of character dialogue in order to form an emotional bond with characters should be strapped down to a chair and forced to watch the Digimon Adventure movie. It's an incredible triumph in storytelling, with some great visual flourishes, a fantastic soundtrack, and a completely engaging story.

Once we get into the show itself, Digimon Adventure is a really very solid adventure storyline. The first half of the show is a lot more laid back compared to the crazy action of the second half, but while the story doesn't really pick up until later, there's something I really love about the early episodes. I really enjoy seeing the characters struggling to live in the digital world. Episodes are often centered around the characters just needing to find food, deal with how tired they are, or find a way to survive. It's a very different feeling than you get in a lot of other series. A lesser show would have dropped the characters in the digital world and had them mostly be adjusted to it by the third episode, but Digimon Adventure constantly has the characters just struggling to get by. And the characters always do feel like kids who are completely out of their element. The Digital World itself is a wonderful location. The backgrounds in the show are extremely vibrant and colorful, and really paint a wonderful image of what the world looks like. Rewatching the show, I found myself asking what happened to the Toei who could make something that looks like this?

As the show transitions into the second half, the story becomes a lot more serious, and the characters start to grow a lot more. The story also takes a much darker turn, but more than that, Digimon Adventure is dark in a way that only a kids show can be. It understands what issues are important and scary to a child, and it builds on them effectively. The scenes of Phantomon and the Bakemon breaking down doors in order to carry kids out of their homes and separate them from their parents is genuinely terrifying stuff, but in a very every day way. The show also manages to deftly touch on a number of issues that can be very important to kids and that some shows shy away from, such as dealing with how Yamato and Takeru's family fell apart due to divorce, Koushirou grappling with the fact that he's adopted, Sora's complicated feelings towards her mother, and more. And I challenge anyone to not feel something with Sora's mother asks Piyomon if Sora hates her. And as we get into the final arc, seeing everything these kids go through can be pretty rough, especially when you keep in mind how young they are. The scene of Mimi building the graves for some of the characters who have died saving them is a moving moment.

Probably one of the bigger surprises compared to my memories was remembering in just how few episodes characters like Wizarmon and Whamon were. The characters stuck out so much in my memories that I just sort of remembered them being around for much longer, rather than only being in 3 or 4 episodes each. The same is also true for Leomon to a lesser extent. Something about how strong the writing was lead to those characters sticking around in my mind even 15 years later, and I would guess the same is true for a lot of other kid who watched Digimon growing up.

The main characters are all great. Even Yamato, who is probably my least favorite, has some good moments. The star of the cast is definitely Mimi, and not just for Ai Maeda's exceptional performance. Mimi's arc from the girl who didn't even like the idea of sleeping on the ground to leading an army of Digimon to arrive just in the nick of time at the final battle is one that is really exceptional. Pretty much every episode focused around Mimi is really strong, and I find that a lot of her insecurities speak to me really well. In general, part of what makes all the characters shine is that they each have some very realistic insecurities. Everyone grows up so much over the course of the series. The relationships between the chosen children and their Digimon also really sparkle. Tentomon and Koushirou are an amazing comedy due, and Jou/Gomamon make for a really bizarre team. The show really has 16 main characters, not 8, and each of them really do get their moment in the sun.

I would be remiss not to mention the excellent music, as well. Takanori Arisawa's soundtrack is great, with a lot of memorable pieces, and they're all used quite well over the course of the show.

Lastly, I decided to pick some of my favorite episodes. In broadcast order, they are:

6. Palmon Angrily Evolves!
21. Koromon, the Great Clash in Tokyo!
25. The Sleeping Tyrant! TonosamaGekomon
33. Pump and Gotsu are Shibuya-Type Digimon!
34. The Bond of Destiny! Tailmon
35. The Fairy of Odaiba! Lilymon Blossoms
36. Break Through the Barrier! Zudomon Sparks!
37. Perfects Attack Together! Sparkling Angewomon
46. The Counterattack of Metel Etemon
54. A New World

I bolded my number one favorite. There are plenty of other good episodes, but these are just the ones that immediately came to mind for me. The whole last part of the Vamdemon arc is pretty much without equal.

And then, after all of that, we get to the second movie, Our War Game, and what a special movie it is. Hosoda's direction is exceptional, and the story moves at a pretty brisk pace. While it's a shame that half the cast don't really get to do anything, pretty much every scene is very strong, there are some wonderful little cuts between various moments (such as the cake being made as the missile is nearing its target), and the fact that they beat Diablomon by making him buffer is pretty awesome. I could write more about the movie, but I think everyone already knows how great it is, so I think I'll leave it at this for now.

Revisiting Digimon Adventure really made me feel like I could revisit my childhood. Watching the show has helped to cheer me up quite a bit, and I'm looking forward to rewatching 02. While I didn't like it nearly as much as the original, it does have some great moments, and it's also an important part of my life.
Been wanting to rewatch this, but its long and I figured it didn't hold up well. Maybe I was wrong about that second point?


Been wanting to rewatch this, but its long and I figured it didn't hold up well. Maybe I was wrong about that second point?

I watched the entire series recentlly (all 6 seasons + the 9 movies, only didn't watch the 3rd Xros Wars), and it holds up extremely well. Especially Adventure and Tamers.


If you want to know honestly, Yellows aren't always the best ones. Especially since Shiny Luminous is considered a yellow.

Lemonade isn't the best in Yes! 5 and GoGo, but she is the beginning of Yellows having better Stock footage than the others, and boy, there was an animator that loved his Lemonade. She's the Animation Lord of Yellows.

Pine most definitely isn't, granted it was the Peach and Passion show. Pine had zero Yellow priveleges.
Everyone was good in Heartcatch.
Muse was a shit.
It's only till Smile Precure where Yellows started a reign, but Rosetta got in the way of that.
Honey and now Twinkle are reestablishing the Yellow Reign.

So basically what I'm hearing is that I should watch Heartcatch because everyone's good in it. Then again, I liked everyone in Happiness Charge...well, Hime spent a third of the series being insufferable, but she got actual character development. I was okay with that tradeoff.
Been wanting to rewatch this, but its long and I figured it didn't hold up well. Maybe I was wrong about that second point?

I definitely feel like it holds up pretty well. I even felt like I had a new appreciation for certain moments that I didn't remember as much from the previous times I had seen it.


Between Leo's mask turning into cat ears, an overload of Nyan~, and developing her first precocious crush on Gal.

It's a wonder why my heart is still beating.


The M stands for Masochist

I find it pretty funny that instead of needing to be beaten up and waiting to get himself shot.

All it took was for a masochist fisherman to buddy up with a lolicon like Gal for him to get even more development than last time.


So basically what I'm hearing is that I should watch Heartcatch because everyone's good in it. Then again, I liked everyone in Happiness Charge...well, Hime spent a third of the series being insufferable, but she got actual character development. I was okay with that tradeoff.

Heartcatch is fantastic, it's the best Precure series by far IMO.


If you want to know honestly, Yellows aren't always the best ones. Especially since Shiny Luminous is considered a yellow.

Lemonade isn't the best in Yes! 5 and GoGo, but she is the beginning of Yellows having better Stock footage than the others, and boy, there was an animator that loved his Lemonade. She's the Animation Lord of Yellows.

Pine most definitely isn't, granted it was the Peach and Passion show. Pine had zero Yellow priveleges.
Everyone was good in Heartcatch.
Muse was a shit.
It's only till Smile Precure where Yellows started a reign, but Rosetta got in the way of that.
Honey and now Twinkle are reestablishing the Yellow Reign.

Luminous kind of sucked. Lemonade was awesome, but she had some really steep competition (though the animators definitely loved her). Pine was decent, but Passion stole the show. Sunshine was the weakest of Heartcatch, though that was mostly due to lack of screen-time and heavy competition. Muse was great. Peace was super great. Rosetta sucked. Took me awhile to warm up to Honey, though she did end up being good. Still below Princess and Fortune however. Twinkle is stomping the others with ease, though she doesn't exactly have any competition. Maybe Violin Lady will be worth something.

In a way I'm actually glad Kirara is awesome while Minami is a bore. For 3 shows in a row blue has been the best (Beauty, Diamond, Princess) and that gets tiring after awhile. Since pink is gonna pink yellow needed to step it up. Which she frankly she did in the first episode with only two lines.


Luminous kind of sucked. Lemonade was awesome, but she had some really steep competition (though the animators definitely loved her). Pine was decent, but Passion stole the show. Sunshine was the weakest of Heartcatch, though that was mostly due to lack of screen-time and heavy competition. Muse was great. Peace was super great. Rosetta sucked. Took me awhile to warm up to Honey, though she did end up being good. Still below Princess and Fortune however. Twinkle is stomping the others with ease, though she doesn't exactly have any competition. Maybe Violin Lady will be worth something.

In a way I'm actually glad Kirara is awesome while Minami is a bore. For 3 shows in a row blue has been the best (Beauty, Diamond, Princess) and that gets tiring after awhile. Since pink is gonna pink yellow needed to step it up. Which she frankly she did in the first episode with only two lines.
Precure rating wars. What have I done?
So basically what I'm hearing is that I should watch Heartcatch because everyone's good in it. Then again, I liked everyone in Happiness Charge...well, Hime spent a third of the series being insufferable, but she got actual character development. I was okay with that tradeoff.

Luminous kind of sucked. Lemonade was awesome, but she had some really steep competition (though the animators definitely loved her). Pine was decent, but Passion stole the show. Sunshine was the weakest of Heartcatch, though that was mostly due to lack of screen-time and heavy competition. Muse was great. Peace was super great. Rosetta sucked. Took me awhile to warm up to Honey, though she did end up being good. Still below Princess and Fortune however. Twinkle is stomping the others with ease, though she doesn't exactly have any competition. Maybe Violin Lady will be worth something.

In a way I'm actually glad Kirara is awesome while Minami is a bore. For 3 shows in a row blue has been the best (Beauty, Diamond, Princess) and that gets tiring after awhile. Since pink is gonna pink yellow needed to step it up. Which she frankly she did in the first episode with only two lines.

On this, I have no idea if Pink will ever be best for me. I mean it's been since Heartcatch for me. Hibiki was good shit, but not my favorite, but Pinks have taken a considerable downfall in quality for me since Smile, and the shift in ending styles has not done them any favors to me.

And I was really upset that Rosetta ultimately ended up not being as good as she was introduced.

Precure rating wars. What have I done?

We're not that deep into things yet!


Cross Ange - 20

Today Embryo-sama taught me that if you can't
torture someone into submission, just make them achieve 50 times the power of a single orgasm.

Was top-quality entertainment as always.

Also Tusk's purity is a miracle of this world. He should've gone for it.





However he's not saying never. Keeping his options open for his harem plan.
Shirobako 19

Seeing the old vets in their younger days with how they made animation back then was great to see. Funny how Ookura turned out as an adult. The whole flashback was moving.

Awesome episode. Andes Chucky ending just made this episode even better.


Cross Game - Final

As far as I remember, I never cried for any anime, but this show nearly made me cry twice, once at the first episode, another at the last. I can't believe I almost skipped this show. The last 3 episodes are the most exciting ever happened in any sport anime I watched. Definitely a great anime. I am glad they are allow 50 episodes to build up the story.


Anyone here has seen Wolf's Rain? Was wondering what to watch next and it seemed kinda intriguing.

Saw that ages ago, don't remember too much. Only the general impression that it was worth watching. No AOTY material and the end part was definitely a bit weird by average anime standards (whatever the hell those are) , but it was... not bad? Good-ish? You could definitely do worse.

It's gonna be a harem end at this point. Ange as the leader, Tusk as the real mastermind of the harem plan, Salamander, Salia (so tsundere for Ange), Momoka, and Hilda.

There's no escaping this 6-sided situation.

I'd be okay with this. As long as Tusk doesn't earn Ange-exclusivity, I'll consider it a "win". Hilda should definitely be there.


Gold Member
Slightly OT but, does anyone know if Code Geass and R2 will ever come out in north America so it doesn't cost us an arm and leg to import it? I just finished it and it's awesome. I would buy it in a heartbeat if some kind of complete collection would be released in NA.


Just finished Ghost in the Shell season 1 last night. It was pretty good, but I think I'm going to fit in a couple other series before watching season 2. I'm thinking Haibane Renmei for the first time and then maybe a rewatch of Berserk and Serial Experiments Lain.

Also recently finished JoJo season 1. Starting on Stardust Crusaders sometime in the near future.


Slightly OT but, does anyone know if Code Geass and R2 will ever come out in north America so it doesn't cost us an arm and leg to import it? I just finished it and it's awesome. I would buy it in a heartbeat if some kind of complete collection would be released in NA.

Funi rescued the license in 2013 so there's likely something coming eventually.
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