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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Digimon Frontier: 6

Worst Character tries to get a ladder climbing pantyshot, only to get a slap for it. Izumi, you're my favorite character by far so far.

Episode ended on a cliffhanger with everybody falling. Obviously this means that they're all about to be separated, of course.


So I thought I'd post my latest haul here:

I also got 4 of these Kaguya bags as a bonus:

This is my Ghibli collection so far:

Probably adding 4 more soon or idk. Marnie pre-order is a lock I think.

Excellent pick ups Theo.

Not strictly winter anime but... I just finished Steins;Gate

This series was just... amazing. I laughed and cried and was addicted to this show. It was perfect.

You just finished one incredible series. Man that one will stick with me a long time. Its so good. Honestly cant figure out how some people didnt enjoy it. I loved everything about it so much!

At least Cross Ange went from Train Wreck to Legitimately good despite being Hark A Vagrant's STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS in animated form. CA is actually consistent and doesn't pull stupid out of its hat like Aldnoah constantly does.

But I WANT a trainwreck. So Aldnoah sounds like more fun to me.

Tomorrows Blu-ray and DVD releases in the US for the month of 03/03/2015. Links lead to Amazon unless it's an exclusive.


its kind of crazy how I see the release date but Im looking at those discs at home right now! They just ship everything out when they feel like it. With such a small market, companies dont seem to mind breaking shipping date. One of the best perks of being an anime collector.
Like when I showed Chuunibyo last month over a month earlier and people werel ike fffffffffuuuuuuuuuuu.

Its so good man.


Maturity, bitches.
I'll give 60p (that's worth about 30 of your American dollars I believe) to anyone brave enough to photograph themselves with that Boobies cap on their head while outside.


its kind of crazy how I see the release date but Im looking at those discs at home right now! They just ship everything out when they feel like it. With such a small market, companies dont seem to mind breaking shipping date. One of the best perks of being an anime collector.
Like when I showed Chuunibyo last month over a month earlier and people werel ike fffffffffuuuuuuuuuuu.

Its so good man.

The UK is the opposite, you see the release day come and go and wait at the door everyday for the postman to come, staring out of the window as the snowflakes cover the streets like a white blanket, but he does not come. Days go by as you are slowly driven insane by the lack of anime as you rock back and forth in your chair, grasping the armrest for dear life as your life flashes before your eyes...my dearest Blu-ray, where art thou?

The postman eventually turns up, slips the jiffybag (fuck jiffybags) into your letterbox, so you can finally watch your Anime...apart from the fact that you were dead the whole time...so who ordered the anime?


The UK is the opposite, you see the release day come and go and wait at the door everyday for the postman to come, staring out of the window as the snowflakes cover the streets like a white blanket, but he does not come. Days go by as you are slowly driven insane by the lack of anime as you rock back and forth in your chair, grasping the armrest for dear life as your life flashes before your eyes...my dearest Blu-ray, where art thou?

The postman eventually turns up, slips the jiffybag (fuck jiffybags) into your letterbox, so you can finally watch your Anime...apart from the fact that you were dead the whole time...so who ordered the anime?

quickest Ive seen is three days. Sometimes I get the tracking number email and I check it and its out for delivery and Im like :O


Gundam-The Origin 1



The many faces of Ramba Ral

This is easily the best product to come out of the UC since forever. It's certainly better than Tomino and Try's recent efforts. I didn't have much expectations going into this due to how awful Unicorn became but it instead gave me something I never knew I wanted. A heist OVA starring Ramba Ral and Char. Ramba instills a large amount of life into the OVA and prevents it from getting too bogged down into the politics. I don't remember much about him from the OG Gundam series but here he's so likable that he elevates the entire work. I now wish the rest of the OVAs followed him instead of Char.

I didn't expect Hamon to look this good or be voiced by Sawashiro.
I should mention that I liked the backstabbing and general chaos in the OVA too as the episode does a good job of showing how the colonies are destabilizing. There is smoke and fire everywhere and the sense that the Federation is just going clamp down. Many of the serious scenes are directed fairly well such as the intro with Zeon Deikum. The animation portrayed the very thin line between insanity and genius pretty well. Deikum's body twitches lead the viewer to think he's insane but it also portrays well the stress he's under.
The only sequence I think is really bad is Dozle
not liking the Federation firing on Char's Guntank. It's played too much as a comedic scene.
I also wasn't a fan of how heavily the OVA leaned on the CGI near the end although I did like the opening bit because the CGI was utilized in an effective manner of fast camera angles, something that would be very hard to to do with traditional animation.


Mitsudomoe is like snow in London.

It's never coming.
It was snowing where I am in the morning. You wake up thinking it might be a day off...but nope still have to go into work but instead of going to work and getting it over and done with I end up almost cracking my head open on the way there to boot, man...I hate snow :mad: You can take it!
quickest Ive seen is three days. Sometimes I get the tracking number email and I check it and its out for delivery and Im like :O
Yeah to be completely honest, I have received things early, like the GITS Steelbook, which I got a week and a half early or something, but usually I get things on the day or a bit later never really early...but I could just be remembering wrong :p
Absolute Duo 9
The teacher does badass stuff and a cool fight with the soldier's leaders, minus the whole disappearing wounds things
Cleveland Browns-Chan is doing something really stupid
Wolf's Rain 1-26+1-4 OVA:

That was pretty good. Not as flashy as modern shows and had kinda slow pace at times but there really wasn't episodes that felt like filler. Every episode progressed the plot or there was clear character development and bonding. Human side of the story was kinda shallow though and felt little forced at times. Also fuck that ending. So sad. Had also superb soundtrack but that is kinda expected when the composer is Yoko Anno.

Regarding of ending:
Blue should have made it to the paradise. =(


So I thought I'd post my latest haul here:

I also got 4 of these Kaguya bags as a bonus:

This is my Ghibli collection so far:

Probably adding 4 more soon or idk. Marnie pre-order is a lock I think.
Awesome collection, I want to get into collecting the Japanese Ghilbi Blu-rays but I've stuck to the UK releases for now since that's all I can afford at the moment. I'm a massive Ghibli fan, my favorite studio bar none (by the numbers I know, but what can I say...they release amazing films!) so I'd love to sink my teeth into their Japanese releases as time goes on. Here's my Ghibli Blu-ray colection right now.
Yeah, I own Nausicaa twice, Ponyo twice and Totoro three times :p


The Idolm@ster TV series and Movie-fin
So I finally finished the show and I have to say that I that I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. As I’m sure most of you know, the TV series is based off the Idolm@ster franchise which centers around raising idols. There have been anime adaptation attempts in the past but my understanding is that they are not very good and this is the premiere ‘version’ and one of the best, if not straight out the best, idol show in existence. Idol shows have never been one of my genres of interest however I still decided to watch the show as I feel I need to broaden my viewing tastes (also I’m running out of decent mecha shows to watch). I also remember large amounts of praise being languished on the show at the time of airing so that coupled with my curiosity of the genre drew me in. I can say that even after watching the show, I’m still not that intrigued or invested in the genre. Nonetheless, I still very much liked the show even if I have some caveats. My overall positive feelings are due to the direction and character work moreso than the idol components of the show. In fact, I think some of the ‘idol’ components are the weaker aspects of the show.
The cast is obviously a big point of contention with these shows in that how do you properly develop over a dozen characters? And the answer I got out of this show, as with almost all ensemble shows, is unevenly. There are only so many characters you can properly develop even with a 26 episode run time. While I will admit I’m being a bit unfair as I previously noted not many ensemble shows do this correctly, I nonetheless still feel the uneven character work is detrimental because some of the characters barely even have speaking roles at times. Yukiho is properly shunted to the sidelines despite her fear of men never really being resolved. Iori is rarely even physically present in the backhalf. I understand that the point of these shows is to pimp out as many idols as they can but I feel a narrowed focus on a smaller core of characters would be more beneficial for the dramatic elements in the show. This shotgun approach detracts time away from the actual characters the show already has.
A case in point would be Chihaya’s arc in the latter half of the show. Since she doesn’t really get much attention prior to the article coming out, her drama comes off as hamfisted. While there certainly was foreshadowing, the show lays it all out at once and it comes off as “Oh so it’s Chihaya’s arc now?” instead of any proper buildup. Not only does this feel melodramatic in the actual writing of the arc but also how it's presented due to the concentration over a small number of episodes. That said, the climax of her arc is fucking fantastic as the animation, sound direction, and visuals really come together to give one great emotional punch. For example the light in the background represents her emotional state and how she's shining, if you will. This segmentation though is a problem with the 2nd half in general in that the show becomes more serial and serious but the arcs also feel truncated and not interrelated as well as they should be. I will admit that the show does try to make the arcs flow into each other but it’s not enough and the transitions are glaringly apparent.
The other problem with the 2nd half of the show is that the drama is way too heavy at times. It also is in many cases unnecessary, in the sense that the writers and directors could have told just as good if not a better story without the melodrama. The conflict with Jupiter’s production company for example is overbearing to the point of being groan worthy. Something I hate in writing is the protagonists being forced into rigged competitions. I understand the point of doing events like this is to make the audience want to cheer for the underdog however I feel like it’s a somewhat lazy and overused emotional manipulation method instead of just making the protagonist fail. For example in Haikyuu
Karasuno loses for the sole reason that the other team is better. Flat out. They don’t get to go home and say “What if the contest wasn’t rigged?”.
This was utterly frustrating in the first season of Gundam Build Fighters as well in that I want to see the protagonists win or lose in fair fights. It dilutes emotional pain of loss and, since in most cases these events backfire, also can hurt potential wins. For example, Tatsuya (in GBF)
losing in the finals didn’t feel like a proper victory for Reiji because Tatsuya was clearly not playing at his best
. There are other ways of making your protagonists the underdogs without resorting to direct sabotage. The Jupiter stuff was just superfluous. Hell, they could have turned the arc into a serious one dealing with other female idols competing against 765 Pro with 765 Pro struggling to adapt or the pressures of fame causing the girls to break down. The girls in the backhalf have to start wearing disguises due to their popularity but this aspect is never really brought up in any serious manner. Then there is also the drama with Haruka at the end which turned from a potentially great mono no aware arc into something much more melodramatic with
Producer-san’s injuries
, which at the time I felt was overkill. I’m glad though that I decided to wait until I saw the movie before writing my review because I’m more forgiving of the final arc now. Mainly because the point of the arc was to rip away the safety net, that is Producer-san, and make the girls come to a conclusion on their own. I still feel the arc was overbearing in how it presented Haruka dealing with the potential loss of her friends. The movie also had a similar problem with tone and how it handled the drama in the 2nd half. What’s worse is that the drama is oriented around the new girls and there really isn’t much of an incentive to really care about them as individuals. The only reason it even remotely worked for me was due to the connection with Haruka and how the failure of the new girls was a reflection of the failure of the old girls’ mentoring. The show as a whole doesn't balance the comedy and the drama all too well and of the two, the drama certainly feels like the weaker element.
There’s one thing that I was impressed with looking back, is how the show goes from establishing the idols’ trust in Producer-san to showing how they’ve become independent of him. This starts with Chihaya’s arc and goes straight through the movie. In the first few arcs, Producer-san is always there to fix the problems and help the girls stand up. Watching Kancolle has really given me an appreciation for Producer-san being an actual character and being proactive interference into the girls’ lives. However in Chihaya’s arc, it is Haruka and the idols that make Chihaya start to sing again. That’s mainly why I was fine with
Producer-san’s decision to leave in the movie as I felt that he had done all he could for the girls. It reminded me of Gordon Bombay’s decision to leave the Mighty Ducks in order to teach a new team.
While there might have been some underdeveloped characters, the show manages to develop the relationship inside 765 Pro to the point where it’s believable that these idols are friends. The cast does have a good amount of chemistry with each other and they play off each other fairly well even when broken down into smaller groups. Despite all of them being rivals, they also feel like a family due to the quality of the banter. Episodes like 9 and 15 where the idols are just interacting with each other are some of the most memorable for just that reason. In addition, characters such as Haruka, Miki, and Chihaya do get some solid character time to flesh out their characters. Haruka in particular really comes into her own in the 2nd half. The show over time cuts back on the ‘moe’ characteristics of all the girls and tries to embellish all the girls (something Cinderella Girls could learn from). You don’t for example see Haruka trip that much after a certain point or Miki sleeping everywhere.

Does this look like the face of mercy to you?
This was a 5-star buffet of character animation. My understanding is that most idol shows use CGI idols for the live performances and I’m utterly grateful that Idolm@ster avoids that, as the 2D animation really gives a vibrance to many of the performances. Chihaya singing her heart out in episode 20 would not have nearly the same amount of impact than if the performance was in CGI. This is because I feel 2D can portray the intricacies of body language better. Also having one consistent model for the characters, across both performances and everyday life, help with immersion. There are notable demerits to this 2D approach though as sometimes performances feel shorter than they should be or there will be odd cuts to the ceiling or background art in order to avoid focusing on the characters dancing. However I feel the positives outweigh the negatives.
The performance in episode 25 was insane, hell it was better animated than the concert in the movie. Many of the dancing cuts utilized animation techniques to display motion such as a heavy use of smears along with a reliance of dance choreography. I would be negligent if I didn’t mention Trigger working on episode 17. I’m sure people loved it to high heaven due to the Makoto focus but funnily enough I was actually more impressed with the animation in episode 18. The cut of Makoto in the carriage on the carousel was great though. A good number of notable animators are huge Idolm@ster fans and they came out of the woodworks for a few episodes. Yoh Yoshinari’s cuts in episode 25 for example were highly noticeable. I mean the below segment is almost identical to his work in Neon Genesis Evangelion.
There were numerous cases of changes in artstyle or lighting that help give individual sequences an extra ‘oomph’. The trailers for example look completely different than the rest of the show and due to the switch in art direction, those sequences are not only extremely fun on a visual level but also due to contrast, are more striking than they would be otherwise. Akira Amemiya and Megumi Kouno’s cuts in the trailers in particular were exceptional due not only the fluidity but also the shifts in things such as lighting and coloring.
The show as a whole had fairly high production values even in minor things such as the clothing of the girls. Something that is notable about KyoAni is how they make their works feel alive through smaller things such as making sure to mix up what their characters wear. I remember that being a notable thing for K-On! in that the director wanted the girls to dress like human beings and not just students all the time. Here a similar attention to detail is lavished on the clothing. There is also a lot of work done on the background settings as the girls are almost always going to different locations, which helps to present a sense of how big the industry is.
Another major aspect to the show is the use of music. What I’m talking about is not just the performances but the use of insert songs oriented around the idols. I’ll be frank, I didn’t like many of the songs as they felt like generic pop. That's really unfortunate as I like listening to J-Pop but not much really grabbed me. The ones I did like were the slower ballads with the heavier emphasis on vocals. I will admit the opening medley in episode 25 was godly though, the transition is smooth as a motherfucker. Still the way that the show highlights the music makes the work almost feel like a musical at times. It’s really something I've never seen in any other genre and it makes the work feel more interactive with the audience. The play with episode structure is slightly meta but it’s not detracting or distracting in the least. Due to the content of the show itself, the vocal insert songs feel like a natural extension of the work.

Ritsuko all day every day.
I would say the show is at its peak when it’s just goofing around. The trailers for example were the best part of the show. The characters might not be the most developed, but they sure are fun to watch. That notion of girls messing around is executed really well and highlights the dynamics with 765 Pro. While I do harp on about the drama, it’s honestly not that bad. I mean after Your Lie in April, this is downright mellow in comparison. It did surprise, and delight, me though how mono no aware the final arc and movie is. It's something that I feel holds the show back from reaching even loftier heights. I don’t think it’s as well done as say K-On!!, which was phenomenal, I will admit the show was still fairly good at dregging up emotions. On that notion, something I really have to applaud Nishigori, the director, on is that the show feels complete. It feels like he’s said all that he needs to say with the characters. That’s something remarkably rare in anime.


Sailor Moon R 39-40

Chibs has gone all SkullGreymon on everybody, and Saphir perishes in the most tragic way possible. I liked seeing the sisters again, too.
This is proof that something can be both melodrama and done well. The emotions - from Chibs' birthday to a lost love, are all flaring wildly, but never lose their effectiveness because of it either. I've enjoyed this season, it's an improvement over the first in quite a few ways. Death Phantom is a hell of a chuuni name, though.


Yuru Yuri Nachuyachumi! OVA

The opening sketch, dat Engrish, dose manly girls, I wouldn't have minded if the whole OVA was like that. But anyway, the girls decide to go on a camping trip and most of the cast is invited too, lots of shipping, lots of bleeding noses from Chitose, Cooking Curry, Test of Courage, Moe Kaede, all wrapped up in just over an hour.

Moon Phase 1-3

I've never seen such a weird OP (slightly NSFW), still this started off quite well, I decided to watch it since it was on Netflix. A "Psychic" Photogropher who has no psychic powers sees a girl on top of an abandoned castle and decides to go and see her, she turns out to be
a Vampire with a split personality, and tries to make him her slave.
She is not allowed out of the castle, and the M.C tries to save her, seems pretty decent so far although it might just turn into one of the typical romantic comedies.
Yowamushi Pedal Grande Road Episode 20

If iMYzumi dies, bad writing. He's doing so good. I want him to win and not Onoda, he deserves it alot.

Manami and Onoda shopping together was amazing, and Manami's hair thingie, lol.

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Episode 4

There HE is, the best dragon, almighty Stardust Dragon, Where is Assault Mode even. I didnt know it wasnt Yusei's though unless I got spoiled from the games.


Hanamonogatari - Suruga Devil arc: Complete Box Set [Limited Edition] $49.98
Release Date: April 21st 2015
Format [Region]: Blu-ray [A|B|C]

Blu-ray Specs
  • Language: Japanese
  • Video: 16:9 Widescreen
  • Episode: SURUGA DEVIL Episodes 1- 5
  • Number of Disc: 2 Blu-ray Discs
  • Subtitles: English
  • Total Run Time: Approx. 150 min.
  • Rating: 16 UP
Bonus Contents
  • Textless Opening
  • Textless Ending
  • Episode 5 (OP/ED alternate version)
  • PV & CM Collections
Bonus Materials & Special Package
  • Deluxe Booklet
  • Pinup Postcard Set
  • Package Illustrated by AKIO WATANABE (character design)
*Bonus contents and materials subject to change.
SRP $64.98
Sales Price $49.98


Koufuku Graffiti 07

Food always tastes better when someone special cooks it for you.
Wasn't that episode 8?
There is going to be a twist at the end of this show. All the food actually tastes like shit and they were dillusional from all the yuri love.

Man pushes a woman down while others look on.

The woman's reactions vary from the following:

Completely fine with it.

Lewd thoughts running rampant.

Mildly bothered since the same man had already sucked on her bosom.

Wondering what he's going to use his right hand for.

And wishing she was the one being pushed down.


Awesome collection, I want to get into collecting the Japanese Ghilbi Blu-rays but I've stuck to the UK releases for now since that's all I can afford at the moment. I'm a massive Ghibli fan, my favorite studio bar none (by the numbers I know, but what can I say...they release amazing films!) so I'd love to sink my teeth into their Japanese releases as time goes on. Here's my Ghibli Blu-ray colection right now.

Yeah, I own Nausicaa twice, Ponyo twice and Totoro three times :p

I love your ghibli collection here! I need to group all of mine together instead of the way its spread out everywhere in alphabetical order.

Yuru Yuri Nachuyachumi! OVA

The opening sketch, dat Engrish, dose manly girls, I wouldn't have minded if the whole OVA was like that. But anyway, the girls decide to go on a camping trip and most of the cast is invited too, lots of shipping, lots of bleeding noses from Chitose, Cooking Curry, Test of Courage, Moe Kaede, all wrapped up in just over an hour.

Moon Phase 1-3

I've never seen such a weird OP (slightly NSFW), still this started off quite well, I decided to watch it since it was on Netflix. A "Psychic" Photogropher who has no psychic powers sees a girl on top of an abandoned castle and decides to go and see her, she turns out to be
a Vampire with a split personality, and tries to make him her slave.
She is not allowed out of the castle, and the M.C tries to save her, seems pretty decent so far although it might just turn into one of the typical romantic comedies.

MoonPhase is great. It has some really SHAFT moments but Hazuki is adorable and Kouhei isnt as terrible as most MCs. There is an older vampire girl that may be to your liking as well.
the opening is from Dimitri of Paris and its certainly unique. I really love the soft spoken ed though. Reminds me of the singer who did the Pendrum themes. Its a pretty typical vampire show but Shaft does its best to make it stand out a bit.

Ah. So thats the next one.


That's not bad compared to some other series.

This is the same series that has the 600 dollar bluray box set.
The UK Limited edition with both movies cost me the equivalent of around $100 which was nice...apart from the fact that I didn't even like the show in the end :/ 7/10 at best.
Diebuster did it better :p.

I love your ghibli collection here! I need to group all of mine together instead of the way its spread out everywhere in alphabetical order.
Thanks! Which ones do you own? I had to have them all together :p Everything on my shelf is categorized as such, all the Evangelion stuff is together, all the Ghibli stuff is together etc. Speaking of Ghibli Blu-rays, I'm sad that they didn't release any more Ghibli steelbooks, but then I remember how much money I've inadvertently saved and shut my mouth :p


The UK Limited edition with both movies cost me the equivalent of around $100 which was nice...apart from the fact that I didn't even like the show in the end :/ 7/10 at best.
Diebuster did it better :p.

Thanks! Which ones do you own? I had to have them all together :p Everything on my shelf is categorized as such, all the Evangelion stuff is together, all the Ghibli stuff is together etc. Speaking of Ghibli Blu-rays, I'm sad that they didn't release any more Ghibli steelbooks, but then I remember how much money I've inadvertently saved and shut my mouth :p

I have everything except Pom Poko and Porco Rosso.
Absolute duo - 09

Bunny teacher without her limiter is GREAT ..

So Great .

Tor and julie fight was quite good and well animated .. i'm actully impressed because that fight was well done.

berserk mode in particular was excellent

And useless girl is useless but this time she makes DUMB decisions..damn the things an anime does to make a character revelant ...


Awesome collection, I want to get into collecting the Japanese Ghilbi Blu-rays but I've stuck to the UK releases for now since that's all I can afford at the moment. I'm a massive Ghibli fan, my favorite studio bar none (by the numbers I know, but what can I say...they release amazing films!) so I'd love to sink my teeth into their Japanese releases as time goes on. Here's my Ghibli Blu-ray colection right now.
Yeah, I own Nausicaa twice, Ponyo twice and Totoro three times :p
I also have 5 UK BDs and 4 US ones. Not that many duplicates though. They are getting replaced eventually. Next batch should be Grave, Nausicaa, Laputa, and the Yamadas

I see that lone JP BD there on your collection, and it's not Only Yesterday. Takahata weeps.
I have everything except Pom Poko and Porco Rosso.
But do you have Only Yesterday?

Its not still available?
Anyway the single volume releases are pretty nice still.
It was limited to 1000 numbered copies.


Absolute duo - 09

Bunny teacher without her limiter is GREAT ..

So Great .

Tor and julie fight was quite good and well animated .. i'm actully impressed because that fight was well done.

berserk mode in particular was excellent

And useless girl is useless but this time she makes DUMB decisions..damn the things an anime does to make a character revelant ...

She HAS a limiter? What was it?

I also have 5 UK BDs and 4 US ones. Not that many duplicates though. They are getting replaced eventually. Next batch should be Grave, Nausicaa, Laputa, and the Yamadas

I see that lone JP BD there on your collection, and it's not Only Yesterday. Takahata weeps.

But do you have Only Yesterday?

It was limited to 1000 numbered copies.

Ok I dont have that one either.


Poet Centuriate
Hi, AnimeGAF! I'm Felix! I like anime! I hope we can be friends! Nice to meet all of you!

Attack on Titan 24

Starting with a flashback, are you kidding me?

Eren shut the fuck up you whiny piece of shit.

Get in
the damn Titan, Eren

Dat acrobatic shit


At least the last episode looks like it will be fun.

Shirobako 6

Even they know of anime's bleak 3D ridden future.

Honda and the Director is the best part of this show.

lol fucking Waiting for Godot

dat drift

Oh wow this Idepon nostalgia scene is gold

Ping Pong 6

He's a cold efficient killer. Fuck yeah.

Ping Pong Ding Dongs lol

Man, Kong's story is gonna be so good.

Hell, all of their stories are top tier, fuck yeah.

Mushi-shi Zoku Shou 16

Kinda a simple episode, but it was exactly what you expect of a Mushi-shi episode. I wanted to see how Ginko got into that shadow world though.

Parasyte 6

Dude is totally becoming Spider-man.

Shinichi looks pretty badass like this.

Well just tell him man. ffs.

Man, Maki-chan. You really want it.

Shit's so good.


It was pretty fuck but kinda a weird music video. Like, what. Tomorrow from There shits all over this song wise and grounded-ness but holy fuck this was some amazing shit, but I can't decide if I loved this or found it to be some of the weirdest stuff I've seen in a while.


And I heard there was this thing called the List? Like, it was made of the best anime ever or something? Like Bebop and DBZ? So, I watched a couple of them! I hope you wouldn't lead an innocent soul like me atray, AnimeGAF!

Blood-C 6

I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.

HOLY MOTHER OF GOD HAHAHAHAHAHA how are you that fucking dumb

jesus fucking christ this is the goriest fucking show

the fuck is up with her dad, what a douche

Oh great, coffee creep is here.

Yo, you got drugged.

This is some bizarrely 100% serious episode, considering what the others have been like.

"How did you know
I was Nono
?" Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh because you're the only one of the two whose
whereabouts have been established?
Like, come on. Seriously?


Serious mother of god this some gory shit

Body count is through the damn roof

There are definitely doujin based off this episode, I can feel it.

there go the best characters
, I guess. Show sucks now. Well, it sucks even more than normal. On the bright side, this episode has been so grimdark, there wasn't any of that damned singing. So there's that at least.

Arjuna 6

Fuck this GMO hate, you fucking anti-science fuckers

Is this show for real

I love how they just do voice overs to skim on the animation

Okay that's two dad's that are fucked up

Jesus Juna, how do you not see his metaphor, how are you that fucking basic

So now even school is killing you too? School too civilized for you, nature girl?

What's so fucked up about school, seriously, jesus christ.

Chris, you're a fucking nutjob. Actually you're all fucking nutjobs.

Yes, go into the creepy teacher's place. Even better, leave your girlfriend with the creepy teacher in his apartment. Fucking hell.

Easy and Happy are two different things but they're also not mututally exclusive, morons. Or bad. Fuck off.


your true voice is screaming like a madman

Tokio, what the fuck are you doing you fucking douche


Okay that enough. See you in another month (probably), AnimeGAF.


Ask Thoraxes!

Not a joke. I didnt buy it myself but AWESOMEBEAR did.
Pricewise, the separate releases are less money per episode. Im not a huge GL fan so I was ok missing the swag.

I guess enough people buy it at that ridiculous prize that it compensates for the fact that most people won't buy it? I just don't understand how this business model works, or how anyone could possibly think of buying this.


Arjuna is for real

real garbage

Also , don't drop Blood-C , you're not ready for the next episodes .

Nothing special

it's a
seal of her chest that went away with some magic drug

Lol thats amazing. So she is even more unhinged now?

Also Felix is approaching critical mass with BloodC and Arjuna. I hope he's ready.
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