But are butts from old anime more erotic than new anime?
I never mentioned age, for the stupidity of anime transcends both time and space...but sure I could post some Gunbuster episode 2 gifs...wait that was boobs.
But are butts from old anime more erotic than new anime?
We've got ourselves a smart aleck right here. Yes, I've heard of animation, no it's still not impressive to me, not anything worthy enough to give it the time of day anyways.What people are referring to is primarily animation. You might have heard of this term from time to time.![]()
Speaking of Bones shows that have bad reputations but contain good animation. Is Heroman that good looking enough to warrant it appearing in the sakuga list spreadsheet?
Hmm I mean I can grab some good clips but the OP animation features some pretty impressive animation in it's own right.I just checked out the opening for Xam'd, as I usally do to get the jist of a show and I remembered the song instantly even-though I had seen the opening all but one time years ago so there's that. The show doesn't look all that great tho visually imo (cue people posting a million gifs)
Speaking of Bones shows that have bad reputations but contain good animation. Is Heroman that good looking enough to warrant it appearing in the sakuga list spreadsheet?
Just thinking about Xam'd and Heroman depress the fuck out of me. BONES is like the master of underdelivering at this point. If you expect one of their shows to be bad, they'll make the first few episodes good enough to the point of you thinking, "Maybe not this time", then bam, 10 episodes later you hate yourself for watching it in the first place.
I mean both shows had the potential to be fairly unique and good works on their own. Heroman could have been an adventure type of show across America with Joey and his companion. lol no. Xam'd's first half was fairly good even at times to be really good before it not only shat the bed, it shat in the hallway on the way to the bathroom. There were definitely some warning signs in the first half like how atrocious the world building was but goddamn that 2nd half is just a complete mess.
Hmm I mean I can grab some good clips but the OP animation features some pretty impressive animation in it's own right.
How about I put it like this - there are two straight episodes at the start of the show where every single episode contains that detail of animation. I suppose that's the real difference here. Everyone's familiar with seeing a 'sakuga cut' even in a fairly rough show but seeing it done consistently is the impressive thing.
I appreciate the honest explanation without jumping down my throat as I can often come across as abrasive when trying to make a point, appreciated.
I can see where you're coming from, I guess for me when I look at a show visually, I have to appreciate the whole image and while I can see the animation and detail being high, my hate for the character designs and such elements can often cloud my judgement, because the characters in Xam'd look ugly to me which may spoil the more 'picturesque' elements to the show. To further add to that, I've never been a fan of 'clean' and flashy animation I guess, the sheen often seen in modern shows puts me off. As such, things others may consider to be of high quality I'd find to be the complete opposite. Craftsmanship wise? I can appreciate that and you won't hear me contest that, but the whole image still may look 'ugly' to me.
This might be a random comparison, but when looking at Xam'd, the visuals remind me a lot of say...Rahxephon, which shouldn't come to me as a surprise I guess with a few people working on both (Takashi Tomioka directing the animation in many Rah episodes (3, 8, 16 and 23) as well as second key animation (episode 5, 12, 13, 23, 26) as well as key animation in episode 1 and 2 of Xam'd, and Rah's Producer (Masahiko Minami) also did some planning on Xam'd) and again, Rah was also not a looker outside of an episode or two but I've seen people who liked the animation in that show too...in fact in my write up of the show I too praised its visuals for the most part, but again I guess it's due to the whole aesthetic gelling with me. One of those things I guess![]()
I know .. i know
My first question would be do you like Kenichi Yoshida character designs?
I also wouldn't really associate the art direction of Xam'd with Rahxephon. Xam'd was much more colorful for example.
Kancolle 9
I was just about understanding this show and then they throw another spanner in the works. So we learn this week the girls can be "remodelled" which basically changes their physical features. Not like a bit of a nip and a tuck, but they can literally age overnight/ So they're not girls then but clearly machines. Wow.
Parasyte 21
Mkay, kinda confused since Shinichi.............woke up?
Also wondering why they threw in the randomevent of him and Murano having sex..........I think they're still friends........
Kancolle 9
I was just about understanding this show and then they throw another spanner in the works. So we learn this week the girls can be "remodelled" which basically changes their physical features. Not like a bit of a nip and a tuck, but they can literally age overnight/ So they're not girls then but clearly machines. Wow.
Speaking of shows with horrible worldbuilding...
That's not horrible ..it's purposely set in the dark ...
Even the creators of the franchise can't explain the why and the how of most things ..everything is there in order to justify game mecanics , lol.
The description given was girls channeling the spirit of the ships or something along those lines. If they were literally human representations of the ships then half the cast wouldn't be in the show seeing as the real ships have sunk. Also this show has arrows that turn into planes through the power of fairy magic (that's not made up). Nothing is clear in this show.They are ships , i thought this was clear ... now gonna get them all.
It's quite interesting to compare it to iDOLM@STER, another show based on a game I was not familiar with before watching the series. iDOLM@STER I came away from as a new fan of the show, Kancolle just leaves me confused half the time. Also the handling of the player's character is done so much better in iM@S.Speaking of shows with horrible worldbuilding...
Yeah its a bit disconcerting, especially since if they wanted to draw "sexy" females, there was no need to choose this "cute" artsyle to them. Clashes with the rest of the art direction and screams "we want to make sure we still hit that 'moe' loving audience". A shame :/
Those Cross Ange, Grisaia, Gundam, Yuuki Yuna numbers ...Anime is more kaput than ever before.
Revolutionary Girl Utena 13
Those duels were all leading up to... something. I don't know who that guy is, or what unsealing him would mean, but I'm curious to find out.
Gekigangar 3 OVA
Is watching this before seeing anything from the main series the wrong order? Yes. Almost certainly yes. But I did it anyway. In the grand tradition that Exodus and Aerial Girls are carrying on today, one of the first shows-within-a-shows I'd heard of, simultaneously mocking, commenting and basking in the admiration of the circumstances that created it in the first place. I haven't seen a ton of 70s robot anime, but I can appreciate what it was doing here. In a lot of ways, it reminded me of what the Go-Busters Returns V-Cinema did for Sentai of the same era.
Starting tomorrow:
(Not the movies, but the three series leading up to them. This Amazon release linked them in my mind - all three movies have the same producer, so I'm going to watch all of their anime at the same time.)
Testament - 09
Can't see shit captain! That contract was disappointing.
At least glorious Zest made up for it
He's done some work on some of my favorite stuff when it comes to key animation (Whisper of the Heart, Porco, Only Yesterday, coincidentally my 3 favorite Ghibli filmsand Diebuster funnily enough) but in terms of his character designs? Hate is a strong word, but when looking at his designs on the table, yeah I hate them, without a shadow of a doubt in my mind. Doesn't sit well with me at all.
As i said it's nothing but escuses to support the gameplay the show has.That sounds like horrible worldbuilding.
During the show , it was shown numerous times that they were bound by rules just like ships.The description given was girls channeling the spirit of the ships or something along those lines. If they were literally human representations of the ships then half the cast wouldn't be in the show seeing as the real ships have sunk. Also this show has arrows that turn into planes through the power of fairy magic (that's not made up). Nothing is clear in this show.
It's quite interesting to compare it to iDOLM@STER, another show based on a game I was not familiar with before watching the series. iDOLM@STER I came away from as a new fan of the show, Kancolle just leaves me confused half the time. Also the handling of the player's character is done so much better in iM@S.
Eh, if every episode had been like the first, then yeah. But action happens so rarely and so briefly that it never really shows.xam'd was, and still is, a feast for the eyes
i only wish that the show itself was as good as the quality of its animation
Who is this Zest and why am I so captivated by her?
They spent so much time trying to be poetic and philosophical, they forgot to make characters that were interesting and fun to watch.
People who hate Heroman are fucking communists. Best alien bad guys. No bullshit reasoning just "let's fuck them up because why not"
Actually no. The reason they came to Earth was because Denton sent signals out to space in the hopes that aliens would answer.
And they did.
He's done some work on some of my favorite stuff when it comes to key animation (Whisper of the Heart, Porco, Only Yesterday, coincidentally my 3 favorite Ghibli filmsand Diebuster funnily enough) but in terms of his character designs? Hate is a strong word, but when looking at his designs on the table, yeah I hate them, without a shadow of a doubt in my mind. Doesn't sit well with me at all.
I can't think of anyone capable of producing better lines in the anime industry than Kenichi Yoshida at the moment. Hs characters are full of life as a result. What exactly is it that you dislike about his designs? I'm genuinely curious.
they clearly had nothing better to do and didn't even care. The situation arose and they said "because why not"
so point stands.
I can't think of anyone capable of producing better lines in the anime industry than Kenichi Yoshida at the moment. Hs characters are full of life as a result.
Parasyte 21
Hey, they banged. Before the show ended too.
That's not something that happens in anime a lot.
Yeah, Ayumi Kurashima did the character designs in Xam'd right? She did a lot of work on Rah as well and yeah the designs in Xam'd is very reminiscent of the characters in a show like Eureka Seven, and yeah I don't like it at all. More power to people who do however, it is very distinct so I can see how some would take a liking towards it.Well it's no surprise then that you hate the Xam'd character designs as Kurashima straight ripped his style for the show.
I've always been a huge fan of his designs to the point of suffering through OKG and GReco.
I would love to be able to articulate my feelings into tangible words, I really would but I struggle to find the appropriate words and emotions other than 'hate' to describe it. I guess if I tried to pinpoint it, perhaps its due to how vacant the characters always look? Bah, I don't even think that's it! They just look ugly as hell to me. The way he draws hair, the sketchy nature of the line work...I'm just throwing out possibilities here...even I don't know! D: I've always hated it, as soon as I saw G no Reconguista (Holy fuck I spelt that right without looking or typing it in the past :O), I too felt hate in my gut.I can't think of anyone capable of producing better lines in the anime industry than Kenichi Yoshida at the moment. Hs characters are full of life as a result. What exactly is it that you dislike about his designs? I'm genuinely curious.
Yeah. I really don't actually remember that many sex scenes in any anime. Kinda weird actually.
Well a lot of series dodge the relationship issue and dance around it for the entire run.
Parasite is a seinen series so its not super surprising.
I should note that I love the way he does hair in that it looks gooey. Really distinctive. Also almost all of his characters stand apart from another visually. Well other than the Anemone predecessor in OKG.
Although Yoshida is of course quite good, I have to say my favorite character designer at the moment is Naoyuki Asano (Shiranpuri, Saint Young Men). The linework and sketchiness of his designs really appeal to me.
I would love to be able to articulate my feelings into tangible words, I really would but I struggle to find the appropriate words and emotions other than 'hate' to describe it. I guess if I tried to pinpoint it, perhaps its due to how vacant the characters always look? Bah, I don't even think that's it! They just look ugly as hell to me. The way he draws hair, the sketchy nature of the line work...I'm just throwing out possibilities here...even I don't know! D: I've always hated it, as soon as I saw G no Reconguista (Holy fuck I spelt that right without looking or typing it in the past :O), I too felt hate in my gut.
Just a decent way too cut quickly to the aftermath and show the strain on shinichi's psyche.Parasyte 21
Mkay, kinda confused since Shinichi.............woke up?
Also wondering why they threw in the randomevent of him and Murano having sex..........I think they're still friends........
Parasyte 21
Hey, they banged. Before the show ended too.
That's not something that happens in anime a lot.
It of course helps that Parasyte is seinen series but even counting those I can't come up with too many examples at least now when I quickly try to think. Maybe I have just dementia already.