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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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John Blade

Just wondering if any AnimeGaf here watch Divergence Eve and like the show? I am getting close of finish the show and have mix feeling toward it. I guess the boobies make you think the show is something else than it's.


As i said it's nothing but escuses to support the gameplay the show has.

And it's that addicting gameplay that made kancolle a sucess , not the world building.
And the collecting part.. not gonna forget the collecting part.

Let's not pretend the gameplay is what made Kancolle the biggest doujin success since Touhou.

[Gundam Build Fighters Try] - 21

Dear God I knew the fight was going to be shitty once I saw what Lucas was doing, I couldn't have guessed how bad it would be. Yikes.

- The animation was pretty poor for a fight this late into the show. Really, really disappointing.

- All the characters in this show are paper thin, regardless of how much or how little time we spend with them. The scene where all the teams 'challenged' each other in stadium really highlighted how flat and lifeless they all were. The dialogue during that scene was atrocious.

- On that same theme, the Gunpla Academy are pretty boring themselves, so watching them fight a character whose is solely defined by a line of dialogue spoken last season makes for a fight I can't care about. Remember, that's Lucas' entire reason for being a fighter - one remark by one character last season.

- Lucas Nemesis has been hyped up for ages as 'serious shit' but he wasn't really a contender. What was the point of the stupid stuff at the end of last episode where Sekai 'feels his power' if only leads to this outcome? He didn't take out a single Gunpla during his battle. It would have been far more interesting if Lucas was truly a better builder and fighter than the Gunpla Academy and all three of them had to work together to take him out and they only just managed to pull it off. Instead they barely broke a sweat.

- We've had two parters for far shittier fights than this, so the pacing in this show is really bizarre considering that surely this fight is more important.

- You know that Lucas can't beat the Gunpla Academy because stories don't work that way but it was fun to entertain that hope. You could watch the fight thinking "Maybe...just maybe..." However the second you see Lucas pull out teammates that are clearly non-characters it becomes certain that victory is impossible because you know he can't beat them 3 on 1. This robs the fight of any sliver of tension it could have had.

- Even though he's clearly a good builder and fighter his big strategy is to siphon of his team's Gunpla. This is pretty lame on a strategic level. His actual tactics during the fight are far more interesting and creative at least.

There are a lot of reasons that Lucas is lame, and that this battle is lame when compared to the best fights in the franchise. But what made this fight remarkable to me is that it went uninterrupted.

Ever since you made that post about Star of the Giants, I couldn't help noticing the way that Build Fighters Try would punctuate its battles with all these useless cuts to people watching in the audience or from the sidelines. In these battles, Meijin, Wilfrid, Sakai, Ral, Akira, and Gyanko never provided much meaningful insight into the fights, but they were there to fill time, and pad relatively uneventful fights out into multiple episodes.

This time, Meijin says, "This fight needs no commentary," before the start of the battle, which in light of the series to this point seems absurd. But then it actually happens. We never leave the perspective of the combatants for an instant from the start of the fight to its conclusion. And that causes the pacing of the fight to feel much closer to real-time than any other battle in the series to that point, or at least since Try Fighters qualified for the national tournament.

That doesn't make it a great fight, but given how things have been to this point, I'll take what I can get.
Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! Episode 9 Love is Stronger than Pride

Probably the least interesting baddie but the photo club continues to give some of the best moments to the cast. Ryou scene was the best one of the various au photos they took.

Opening convo of why they were friends with each other was probably the best plot focused moment too.


As i said it's nothing but escuses to support the gameplay the show has.

And it's that addicting gameplay that made kancolle a sucess , not the world building.
And the collecting part.. not gonna forget the collecting part.

the new "i only read playboy for the articles"


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
It of course helps that Parasyte is seinen series but even counting those I can't come up with too many examples at least now when I quickly try to think. Maybe I have just dementia already.
Maybe it's the new thing? Garo just had a sex scene (sort of) two weeks ago.


Saint Titanfall
Maybe it's the new thing? Garo just had a sex scene (sort of) two weeks ago.

Not really Parasyte is adaptation of an very old manga so it's not indicative of any trend. Garo is more the outliner here, which is what it pretty much is general in regards to it's liberal attitudes towards sex, the teasing oneesan character actually sleeping with mc and a bunch of other stuff.

It's more similar to kind of anime you'd find in the 80's which is people are noticing the similarities in oddness between Parasyte and Garo.


I just started watching Kotoura-san, goddamn I though it was a comedy, that was brutal, I should have paid more attention to the full genres enlisted.



Subete no aware

Akagi: So your friend started wearing a bra?


Akagi: Well, when girls grow up, their bodies start to change.


Akagi: But you know, some girls change sooner than others.


Akagi: You may feel left behind, but you'll become a young woman soon enough.


Fubuki: So it's okay that my friends are growing faster than me?


Akagi: That's right.
If that's what you have to tell yourself, sure.

I just started watching Kotoura-san, goddamn I though it was a comedy, that was brutal, I should have paid more attention to the full genres enlisted.

It's only the opening episode. And it was a glorious opening episode.
I just started watching Kotoura-san, goddamn I though it was a comedy, that was brutal, I should have paid more attention to the full genres enlisted.


The first half of episode 1 is practically one of the most depressing things in all of anime. I mean, they don't pull their punches with it at all. One thing after another goes wrong for this girl and they just keep piling despair over more despair on her life.

Then the mood whiplash happens.
Gundam Build Fihters Try 21

Man this sucked. Only thing cool about this fight were the Gundams themselves. Adou's especially is menacing.

But man this fight sucked.


Yoshida tends to draw with softer leads or color pencils, which lends themselves well towards such soft qualities. Personally, I really enjoy the poses he can come up with. Reminds me of Yasuo Otsuka a bit. Any fan should pick up his artbook, 'EST!' He's also a fantastic illustrator, who just doesn't get enough work.

Yea I think I have that artbook lying around somewhere. I remember it was a pain getting. His line work is really soft and reminds me of Ghibli a lot, such as Shinji Hashimoto.


Not only in the material but also how thick the lines are.
Akatsuki no yona - 21

Yona and her intimidating beast like starring powers that makes everyone hesitate is such a bullshit hability but i don't mind since yona is awesome.

As for yun , he is the best shield , the best bro , the most handsome bishonnen , you name it.

John Blade


I don't know what to say about this show really.....I don't know if I either hate the show or the stuff they're trying to talk about during the whole show (light speed travel, Ghoul monster, the main character past, space drama, too many organizations in the space station when you need just one, one of the character dying the worst way you want to die, boobies moving around unrealistic but still interesting to watch, and the WTF ending which basically just telling the audience the secrets of the universe is death in some way and the main female character wish to go back in time where all her friends is alive) is making the show confusing for me to try to understand at all except for the basic plot (if they is any).

What I can say from watching the show of season 1 is how god damn depressing the show is. This is weird and funny as the end of the show you have a cheerful music playing with the main character doing fun stuff (it's like they want the audience to feel a bit happy in the end). It's like who ever write the story and dialogue think that we should make the show very depressing and serious at the same time. I don't mind some depressing stuff pop in a show but doing it nonstop make me feel like I should stop watching this show and go watch a comedy to cool off a bit here.

For animation, it's kinda meh for me. The 2d animation is kinda basic (mostly on the character design) and the 3d animation range from okay at that time to basic bad for other (the Ghoul come up in my mind). For a show in 2003, it kinda make sense as it's those early anime show that try to mix both 2d and 3d with mix result and it didn't age as well when watching it now.

For character development, I think this might be the only positive side for the show but not much. The show is trying to create a deep psychology of the main character and you can see this during the whole show from her inhuman abilities (which you found out in 2nd episode), her social life with the other secondary characters in the show, and the conspiracy of the Ghoul and the connection with it to her and her father and the base. This might be the good side I will say in this show really.

For story and plot development, I will say it's generic and nothing too special. They is some interesting idea but it didn't develop that much really and once you start to notice what is going to happened, you kinda know what is going to happened.

For now, I have to say the show is okay or meh for me. They isn't many thing special about it and the fan service they did to the show won't really help much or might make it worst as it might make the audience to think it will be those show that see boobies popping around while the story is more into the happy and action tone. What make me puzzle is this show is popular in Japan that they make another season which I now have to watch it. Man...I hope it isn't more depressing from the trailer they show at the end of this series.

Did anyone here watch this show and like it? Kinda want to discuss a bit here but because this is a very old show (2003) that might be hard.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Koufuku Graffiti 7
Grilled saury episode.
Not much food this time. The foodgasm still deliver.

Cinderella girls 7

Most of the episode visual looks bleak to fit the mood, but producer-san smile picture save the day.
Well, that's one problem solved. Who's going to be the focus in the next episode?
Did anyone here watch this show and like it? Kinda want to discuss a bit here but because this is a very old show (2003) that might be hard.

I've seen it.
Divergence Eve is very bad...
I'd rate it below blade and soul in term of crappiness and goddamn i hated blade and soul.

Why is divergence eve crap ?
- The setting ...
I wish i could say why but it's been a while since i've watched this show. i watched it when it was airing so it has been a while , but from memory it might , one boring world to look at
- The first episode
I've never seen a first episode that told me to GO AWAY like that one... A confusing battle , painfull technobablle , bland dialog , and it wasn't pretty
-The ending song/animation
Yes you're talking about it .. the sheer disconnect between the ending song and teh rest of the show, i thought it was a joke at first , but that was intentionnal
-The story

I wish i could describe in words what the story is about ..i don't even know why there are 2 seasons of this thing. But one thing for sure , after 11 years , i can't recall it.
But on the back of my mind , all i remember is that i couldn't understand some people interest for the thing and that i've argued about it on IRC , because i really couldn't understand WHY people loved in this show and why they seemed to like it.
Also on the back of my mind , i ve some feeligns of disgust that are appearing..i dunno why.

I've dropped this show. it's horrible ,it's a bad anime.

It's bad for your health. Some people just don't realise how divergence EVE is crap , or maybe everyone has forgotten or want to forget.. It's horrible ..i can't even recommand for a so bad it's good or for THE LIST.

Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere - 3

Well, I understand a LITTLE bit on what's going on in this show now.

Show's still pretty weird though.

The MC in how bright he is pretty enjoyable at the very least.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Parasyte 21

Hey, they banged. Before the show ended too.
That's not something that happens in anime a lot.

Its an 80s manga adaptation. You think I'm joking, but go back and watch 80s movies. Sex scenes right before the climax. :lol
Gundam Build Fighter Try 21

Full Cloth finally animated!? Just a straight up fight with no nonsense commentary til it was over!? Actually interesting "but wait there is more" at the end!? About time Try Fighters cause you were putting me to sleep. This whole championship has been fairly uninteresting with it always coming down to one person to win or duels and w/e bs but this was a good one... and the last 5 minutes of the fight against the triplets was cool too lol. Still not great but at least we got more hints at peoples secret moves.

Aldenoah Zero 20
This show kinda hit a hardcore standstill huh... went from interesting to the same stuff each week. Common mix it up, wheres the plot twists, wheres the super scientific ways to beat enemies that I think are really smart cause I am not smart enough to question the "science" behind their reasoning!?


There are a lot of reasons that Lucas is lame, and that this battle is lame when compared to the best fights in the franchise. But what made this fight remarkable to me is that it went uninterrupted.

Ever since you made that post about Star of the Giants, I couldn't help noticing the way that Build Fighters Try would punctuate its battles with all these useless cuts to people watching in the audience or from the sidelines. In these battles, Meijin, Wilfrid, Sakai, Ral, Akira, and Gyanko never provided much meaningful insight into the fights, but they were there to fill time, and pad relatively uneventful fights out into multiple episodes.

This time, Meijin says, "This fight needs no commentary," before the start of the battle, which in light of the series to this point seems absurd. But then it actually happens. We never leave the perspective of the combatants for an instant from the start of the fight to its conclusion. And that causes the pacing of the fight to feel much closer to real-time than any other battle in the series to that point, or at least since Try Fighters qualified for the national tournament.

That doesn't make it a great fight, but given how things have been to this point, I'll take what I can get.
You're certainly right about that. The urge to cut away to a spectator in the middle of a fight is something that anime directors seem to be addicted to.
Shin Mazinger Z 6-7

That Photon Beam. Glad that Ankokuji interrogation turned out to be a ruse, since he seemed like a pretty cool guy. Ashura seemed pretty badass when they first appeared, going one-on-one with Mazinger, but the utter beatdown kind of dulled that.

Kouji ruining everything. Twice.
Kancolle 09

Glad to see one of the ships go Kai Ni. Even if I think that Kai Ni is over-rated and her sister ships have better ones. Oh and Mogami cameo so now I've seen all the ships I care about the most!


Ouch garo got smacked around

Good thing they already confirmed the second season, haven't watched it since Alfonso da gawd stepped up in ep 12, need to catch up.

Also ost release next week, can't wait to hear dat Gaia theme.... had no idea MONACA where full of Namco composers lol...

Andrew J.


Akagi: So your friend started wearing a bra?


Akagi: Well, when girls grow up, their bodies start to change.


Akagi: But you know, some girls change sooner than others.


Akagi: You may feel left behind, but you'll become a young woman soon enough.


Fubuki: So it's okay that my friends are growing faster than me?


Akagi: That's right.
If that's what you have to tell yourself, sure.

And at the end, she's ordered to go through puberty.
I just started watching Kotoura-san, goddamn I though it was a comedy, that was brutal, I should have paid more attention to the full genres enlisted.


If the rest of the series was like that first episode that show would be amazing. I still thought it was pretty good, but could have been better. Even if they just got rid of the grandpa the should would have been better for it.
Its an 80s manga adaptation. You think I'm joking, but go back and watch 80s movies. Sex scenes right before the climax. :lol

They are going backwards in anime industry when it comes to portraying sex lol. In west we are going other direction (something like Game of Thrones could not have aired in the 80s). Dunno about Japanese dramas though as I don't watch them. Maybe it's just anime thing.
Well, most sex scenes are just waste of time in live-action series or movies, so I'm not really sad about the lack of such scenes. It's just kind of questionable turning anime characters into some asexual creatures because it threats to damage the marketability of a character.
Well, most sex scenes are just waste of time in live-action series or movies, so I'm not really sad about the lack of such scenes. It's just kind of questionable turning anime characters into some asexual creatures because it threats to damage the marketability of a character.

Oh. Definitely you don't need them in every show just to be there but especially if you have show that is mainly about relationships and so on it's kinda weird how rare they are even in those. Sex is pretty integral part of human relationships.


Bit of an odd cover that.

Also DVD in 2015 lol.

I don't see whats wrong with DVD. Personally, I'm a Blu-ray or nothing person (unless I'm collecting a series, as in that case everything is a-OK including LaserDiscs lmao) as I'm in it for the best quality and don't mind paying the premium (plus a lot of the older shows and movies have tacky covers as nobody gave a shit back then).

But the fact is, sales figures show that most anime in the UK sell better on DVD than Blu-ray by a huge margin, so much so that even Manga are now releasing a lot of shows on DVD only. Fairy Tail was released on Blu-ray for 8 parts and is now DVD only from part 9 onwards. Plus I think DVD is fine for a documentary of this kind imo. Also, you laugh, but I bet you'd eat up a UK DVD release of Mitsudomoe and YuruYuri :p

Fact is, Blu-ray is a failure for anime in the UK, and the sales prove such.


Maturity, bitches.
I'd buy those on DVD just to shove down the distributor's throat.

Oh and it's a documentary? I thought they just decided to give the film a really weird name a bit like 'Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie'.
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