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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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One series that has not been recommended yet is His and Hers Circumstances though this may be a controversial one.
Cardfight!! Vanguard G Episode 13 (engDub)

Hilarious mix of characters for this night out at Card Capitol. Flustered and embarrassed Chrono was just as hilarious as Tsuneto's moments. Sion sticking around too and having fun was nice. And as usual Kamui as the ring leader for them all, poor Shin.

I hope more of the old cast appears.


Slayer of Combofiends
One series that has not been recommended yet is His and Hers Circumstances though this may be a controversial one.

How is it controversial? If I understand correctly, its KareKano (snipped name) in Japanese and the only thing I heard about it is how the anime just cuts off at the end and the manga continues well beyond that. Haven't read the manga, might get to that one day. Also, Full Moon Woshagote (I don't remember how to spell it) was another good one but that's enough shoujo for me in a lifetime lol.


I've watched all of these except for Urusei Yatsura. I've found it in my search for romcoms or roms in general and what kept me from not watching it was because the synopsis says
they already marry each other early on
so there isn't that tug of war you usually see when a couple starts to form, which is seen in Kimagure Orange Road.

That's not actually correct at all. I'd suggest you re-consider a watch of the series as it's seriously great.
One series that has not been recommended yet is His and Hers Circumstances though this may be a controversial one.
I feel like that's generally a well regarded series. I've only seen episode 16.
If you have any more recs, please do go nuts and post them as a list if you can lol.
Anime rom coms aren't really my area of expertise as it's not a genre I often indulge in.
How is it controversial? If I understand correctly, its KareKano (snipped name) in Japanese and the only thing I heard about it is how the anime just cuts off at the end and the manga continues well beyond that.

Well that and the last bunch of episodes have severe budget and/or production issues. Though I'd still argue they aren't actually bad (recap bullshit aside, but recap episodes don't count anyways really).

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
End of Evangelion


So yeah.
People turned into Bioslime and boom, its over.
Da fuck was the point of anything?


Let’s talk about Gundam Build Fighters Try.I’ve wanted to get this off my chest because I’ve had a lot of ideas swirling around in my head the past few weeks. because I’m a great fan of Gundam Build Fighters and this show has been such non-stop disappointment .It’s a show that’s been mishandled all around with a saving grace here or there but overall resulting in a less than desirable product. I initially said I’d be fine with Try so long as it was half as good as GBF was but even that bar has yet to be cleared.

I suppose the best place to begin would be with the main cast. All around they’re just sort of lacking with in development and motivation.. Sei was chasing his father with his pursuit of gunpla and Reiji’s friendship with Sei and his rivalry with Tatsuya Yuuki drove him in his pursuit to be the best. There’s nothing of the sort present in Try as Fumina’s goals don’t posses the same emotional resonance as Sei’s, Sekai is more or less going along with the flow, and Yuuma’s impetus is the promise made to Fumina that he no longer had any intention to follow through on after having his soul stolen by a nameless bogeyman early on. I think this is largely due to the format of the show as there’s simply no time to maintain such a large cast effectively n 26 24 minute episodes. Every scrub team introduced eats up into this precious time as some sort of base motivation has to be given for scrub team’s participation. This was easier to handle in GBF due to the recurring nature of the secondary cast building into a larger whole. Resolution of conflict came quicker due to the nature of the 1v1 format and the battles themselves did not have to be as drawn out in order to give all of a team some screentime. Yeah, it’s not much typically but it adds up.

A part of me wishes the show was longer so the characters could be better defined. Without such time constraints, Fumina could be more than a gunpla girl and Yuuma could be something other than useless. There could be something more to Sekai than bog standard shounen protag. Their growth as a team could be seen as natural and believable rather than being met with “about fucking time” whenever it did happen in the show proper. I’m not going to pretend GBF was some bastion of deep characterization but the main cast did grow and had time to interact with one another in more natural ways. Try never seems to manage this, either by everything feeling like a series of loosely related events or, on the occasion it does manage to set the foundation for something meaningful, it’s cut terribly short. I was originally going to delve into each area a bit deeper but I think an examination of the previous two episodes will suffice.
I’d like to say I don’t know where to start with episode 21 but yeah, I do. It all gets back to the mishandling of the characters that we’re presented a fight that actually scratches the team battle itch what with a degree of teamwork and tactics on display but there’s no stakes to it. At all.

We’re left to wonder if the Gunpla Academy can overcome the might of Lucas Nemesis but the problem becomes: Who gives a shit? I certainly didn’t. On one side we have a team that’s supposed to be the best of the best, a nigh untouchable team that’s so far above its competition that the national tournament feels like a formality. On the other, we have an unstoppable force, a champion from Europe that apparently overpowered any challenger with ease, a mysterious stranger that has come to interrupt the natural order of things in the tournament.

This gets back to the general mishandling of any and all characters in the show. For the life of me, I don’t understand why Lucas wasn’t put on the same trajectory Aila was in presentation. He’s effectively a successor to her in and, in fact, she was the one that put him on this course to begin with. We get glimpses of how strong he is but then we find out he’s reliant on refueling? Where did that come from? All it would have taken was the same sort of hushed whispers where one wondered what sort of trick there was to him that let him overpower his opponents so readily. The viewer could have entered episode 21 wondering what the secret of Lucas Nemesis was and to see how that mystery would unfold.

The Gunpla Academy is equally bothersome in this regard. Each member is effectively a rival to a member of Try Fighters but it never really feels that way, does it? Yuuma’s rival has given him nightmares and Shia is apparently rival of Fumina by decree of Lady Meijin alone (and a little bit of shipping nonsense with Sekai). Wilfrid and Sekai’s little rivalry is almost effective due to how simplistic it is. Simplicity isn’t a criticism either as it fits the characters well and making it needlessly over-complex would just be snore inducing.

If these rivalries were built correctly, we could start grasping at the sort of tension we experienced during each of Meijin Kawaguchi III’s battles in GBF. Like the Gunpla Academy now, it was a foregone conclusion he’d be in the finals but the difference is we wanted him there. One would cheer for Meijin Kawaguchi because of the unfulfilled promise of his match with Reiji so many episodes ago. In fact, the viewer would have felt cheated if that promise was never delivered upon and the show itself would have suffered. Were it handled right here, episode 21 would have some gravitas to it and a little bit of ambiguity would have went a long way. Would Try Fighters get to fully realize the burgeoning rivalry between then and the Gunpla Academy or would they be forced to square off against the invincible Lucas Nemesis? One could take a side and root for their team of choice but leave satisfied regardless of the outcome and entry to the finals would have been appropriately earned.

Speaking of which, let’s talk about episode 22. There’s so much bullshit in this one that it leaves me flustered. Try Fighters was outgunned, outfought, and straight up outclassed by Team Build Busters but due to plot armor and general contrivance, Yuuma bullshits his way to victory This isn’t detrimental to just Yuuma’s character but to the entire show alone. The best teams certainly aren’t entering the finals. Yeah, one could argue the win is all that mattered but that’s not what Build Busters thought. Did they demonstrate some foolish pride? Absolutely, but Sakai had come to fight Yuuma and fight Yuuma he would.
I’ve ran the episode through my head dozens of times trying to figure how it could be fixed and what I eventually settled on wasn’t the frantic slapfest we got but a beautiful loss from the Tryon 3. In my head, episode 22 plays out slightly differently than what we were given. Rather than waste time on Lucas Nemesis’ heart growing three sizes that day or the awkward hallway flirting between Sakai & Yuuma, it goes a little like this:

The entire episode is devoted to the conflict between Sakai & Yuuma. The beginning would play out similarly where the Tryon 3 goes all out and quickly eliminates Fumina and Sekai. This is important as given how the Tryon 3 is effectively piloted by Sakai alone we’d be presented with a scenario more analogous to a fight from the original Gundam Build Fighters, an intimate 1v1 fight to the finish.

The Lady Meijin would declare the fight over and a disappointing showing by Try Fighters but Meijin Kawaguchi himself would chide her because he knows Yuuma better than anyone else after helping him find his gunpla spirit, building off their encounter from episode 12.

Yuuma himself would realize he couldn’t rely on the team’s ace to carry the fight now nor could he rely on Fumina’s tactical prowess. Not only was the chance of confronting the person that put him off of gunpla about to disappear, so would any chance of ever fulfilling the promise he made to Fumina of entering the World Tournament together. He’d briefly entertain the notion of giving up before remembering what the Meijin taught him and desperately striking back at the Tryon 3. Rather than the bullshit close range combat of the actual episode, he’d use the Lightning’s speed and long range capabilities (I credit this part to strangedopamine who pointed out how much of an oversight this was in the show on twitter).

Being low on particles would remain for a reason I’ll get to shortly and force Sakai’s hand, not letting him run out the clock as a defensive battle against long range attacks would threaten to drain the last of his resources and result in a loss. With the support of his teammates who know why he’s in the tournament and recognize they wouldn’t have gotten this far without him, he’d engage Yuuma at last.

As I said, I’d imagine it to be the sort of 1v1 affair that’s high on emotion a la Reiji vs Fellini in the World Tournament in GBF. Rather than some inane boyfriends fighting hallway scene, the truth of Sakai’s motivation would come out during the fight (think Isamu & Guld) and appeal to Yuuma’s dormant competitive spirit while Meijin Kawaguchi looked on approvingly. Whether it be due to lack of ammo, damage, or being low on particles himself,Yuuma would be forced into the some sort of close range fight where the Tryon 3 would outclass him once again.

It’d go bad for Yuuma but he wouldn’t quit. He has too much to fight for at this point: pride, his rivalries, his promise to Fumina, etc. And then, just as Yuuma’s on his last legs and both machines are low on particles and down to physical attacks between one another, the Tryon 3 would go in for the kill. Yuuma would close his eyes and silently apologize to Fumina for not being able to keep his promise, not opening them until he heard the familiar refrain of “Battle Ended.” A dormant Tryon 3 would be standing over the damaged Lightning, having run out of particles as Sakai feared it would, leaving Yuuma the winner.

This is the sort of beautiful loss I’m referring to. Yuuma wouldn’t have won because he’s the best fighter or the best builder because guess what? He’s neither. He won because he refused to quit in the one time he rightfully could have without shame. He’s happy. Sakai’s happy because he found the Yuuma he’d been looking for all this time which was his reason for entering the tournament. More importantly, the viewer is happy because Yuuma didn’t manage some terrible asspull to win a fight he had no business winning thanks to plot armor and the needs of a terrible fucking story.

That said, that’s enough fanfic for today.


[Tenamonya Voyagers] - 1

Tenamonya Voyagers is a 4 episode OVA series from 1999 directed by Akiyuki Shinbo and animated by Studio Pierrot.

Or for those you living in the webm present here's the full sequence:

http://a.pomf.se/ydshpy.webm You can find the sound version here.

Pretty amazing stuff.

This looks great. Shinbo should have stayed in Pierrot to work on Naruto episode. ^_^

Is it known which was the last show he has "properly" directed ?

Nisekoi: 2

So we're playing the entire 'two people that hate each other fake dating' game, huh? OK. Just wondering how far this show can go on that premise. I can see it getting old quickly.

Slight spoilers I guess.
To infinity and beyond.

Kanye decides to look up AV girl material on the internet.

One of the links he visits is a furry porn site.

Gets caught red-handed by 50 and Moffle who both believe he is one.

This is why you don't look up questionable sites at work, folks.

Wait who is 50. The girl ? Sento ?

I've got to watch me those, really enjoyed the show.

End of Evangelion

So yeah.
People turned into Bioslime and boom, its over.
Da fuck was the point of anything?

Since we're rolling out pics...

It's better to retain the sense of individuality and accept the inevitable pain of living then to live as a orange jelly. Or something. I need to rewatch this.


How is it controversial? If I understand correctly, its KareKano (snipped name) in Japanese and the only thing I heard about it is how the anime just cuts off at the end and the manga continues well beyond that. Haven't read the manga, might get to that one day. Also, Full Moon Woshagote (I don't remember how to spell it) was another good one but that's enough shoujo for me in a lifetime lol.

Well, it has to do with why KareKano got shitcanned Masami Tsuda and Hadeki Anno had serious disagreement over the direction of the series, the mangaka felt there was too much comedy and not enough romance and blocked a second season from ever being made. Though before that things had gotten contentious enough for Anno to leave the series and Kazuya Tsurumaki stepped up and gave us the very controversial Episode 19.
context? aren't people like into furries and stuff?

Think it's rather about the girl's young age.

Your avatar shows you have suffered lol. Any recs you could give me if you watch romcoms?

Well KareKano is by far the best romcom I'd say, at least of the ones where the romance really is the major focus. May be the only one which focuses on the romance and I actually really enjoyed.

Hyouka isn't directly a romcom but there certainly are both elements in there and I'd recommend it universally anyways.

Other than that I've only got the film 5 Centimeter per Second as romance recommendation. You won't find much comedy in that though.

Of ones that don't really focus too much on the actual romance there's e.g. Nodame Cantabile that I recently finished.

Yikes, RIP Save 'N Quit, until you return anyways (ain't permanent, right?)
It’d go bad for Yuuma but he wouldn’t quit. He has too much to fight for at this point: pride, his rivalries, his promise to Fumina, etc. And then, just as Yuuma’s on his last legs and both machines are low on particles and down to physical attacks between one another, the Tryon 3 would go in for the kill. Yuuma would close his eyes and silently apologize to Fumina for not being able to keep his promise, not opening them until he heard the familiar refrain of “Battle Ended.” A dormant Tryon 3 would be standing over the damaged Lightning, having run out of particles as Sakai feared it would, leaving Yuuma the winner.

This is the sort of beautiful loss I’m referring to. Yuuma wouldn’t have won because he’s the best fighter or the best builder because guess what? He’s neither. He won because he refused to quit in the one time he rightfully could have without shame. He’s happy. Sakai’s happy because he found the Yuuma he’d been looking for all this time which was his reason for entering the tournament. More importantly, the viewer is happy because Yuuma didn’t manage some terrible asspull to win a fight he had no business winning thanks to plot armor and the needs of a terrible fucking story.

That said, that’s enough fanfic for today.
This is an episode 22 I would have loved to have been given.
I really enjoyed the kabe-don with Sakai and Yuuma in the last episode. It was so funny. Even Fumina was like "..wut" That was the highlight of this episode however. The fight was so bad and cringeworthy.

This season of Build Fighters has been buttcheeks.


Serial Experiments Lain 4:
Well, Lain is certainly changing quite a bit, and everyone seems to be noticing it. Some of those scenes in the latter part of the episode were pretty creepy, and it's also got to be disconcerting for everyone around her.
The way she tells her father about how the border between worlds isn't clear cut, and then she does something to the guys in the car after that seems to be connected to that, but I don't exactly what it is yet.

This episode remained pretty atmospheric, and the Wired is explored in a bit more detail. We also learn why kids should never be playing online games. Nothing good ever comes from it. This was another episode that flew by, and at the end I was like 'oh, it's over already?'

There are some really, really atmospheric episodes coming up. Be prepared.

But no one can't forget about Yeezus.

No matter how much of an asshole he tends to be.

Well I didn't forget him. (Assuming we're speaking of Kanye here.)


TBH I really wish Leopard got a fuller outfit in the show. Some scenes are really uncomfortable.

But then I look back at original and I wonder how did it even manage to get aired in my country during kidslot.


Let’s talk about Gundam Build Fighters Try.I’ve wanted to get this off my chest because I’ve had a lot of ideas swirling around in my head the past few weeks. because I’m a great fan of Gundam Build Fighters and this show has been such non-stop disappointment .It’s a show that’s been mishandled all around with a saving grace here or there but overall resulting in a less than desirable product. I initially said I’d be fine with Try so long as it was half as good as GBF was but even that bar has yet to be cleared...
You know, you need to post in the Gundam Build Fighters Try thread!


Neo Member
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Episode 9

WHY DO THEY HAVE TO DRAMATIZE EVERYTHING I SWEAR that anime was so good in the first 7 episodes but then that whole boring childhood friend crap began and argh it brings a little bit of story in it but I didn't want no story because the anime was good as it was!! Suddenly Eriri got the most screen time (and dear lord in heaven I hate that girl) instead of Megumi who's the best char in this anime but was pretty much in the background in episodes 8 and 9.
I hope the last two episodes will be better... :(
Let’s talk about Gundam Build Fighters Try.

The no-stakes nature of Try is very detrimental to the series as you can basically predict how the show will progress 5-6 episode in advance, GBF had the same problem but it was mitigated by the qualifying stages of the World Tournament and the early fights with Tatsuya. Even when you know the outcome of a battle beforehand, know how an episode reaches that outcome can still be satisfying but I found Episode 22's battle to be a less than satisfying way of reaching that outcome.

As I mentioned on Twitter the way Lightning Fb fights in Episode 22 made no sense for the type of role it has (A high speed long-range attacker), in fact it goes against what Yuuma has been doing the entire time which was sticking to his role, which although boring, at least made sense in the context of the series. In GBF this wasn't really a problem as the Star Build Strike was an all rounder, so it had the freedom to fight in whatever way it wanted, it didn't matter if the match would end in a Build Knuckle as all the way up until that point, Reiji was fighting in different ways to gain victory using all the various strengths of the Gunpla and at one point, Sei's knowledge of Gundam stories (still love when Ral mentions that :p).

It'll be interesting next week as Episode 23 can be directly compared to GBF's Episode 23 in that it is the preparation episode for their respective final battles. While GBF's was more laid back in nature it had some important pieces of character progression be seen with Sei and Reiji having an informal battle or Tatsuya's talk about the final along with the huge amounts of references that pleased fans of the series. With the way Try is going, I don't expect it to be nearly as strong as that but we can only wait and see.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Episode 6

Does Yusei Fudo truly believe that, among all the cards out there, that there is no useless card?! I think there are lots of useless cards personally.

Also he's pretty aged, 18 yr old lead for a YGO?!

Im glad to finally know what the marks on the folks mean and such


Catching up on Psycho Pass 9.

I really enjoyed the little exchange between the reporter and that cyborg guy about cyborg bodies.


Slayer of Combofiends
Well, it has to do with why KareKano got shitcanned Masami Tsuda and Hadeki Anno had serious disagreement over the direction of the series, the mangaka felt there was too much comedy and not enough romance and blocked a second season from ever being made. Though before that things had gotten contentious enough for Anno to leave the series and Kazuya Tsurumaki stepped up and gave us the very controversial Episode 19.

Well I'm glad that mangaka stood up for the manga cause I honestly detest it when director's just change the direction of the anime, whatever the reason is. The whole damn reason as to why the manga is even getting an anime is because of the manga itself! So why the hell would you bother changing it?! I understand if its too short so you have to compensate, that's a good reason, but otherwise it just sucks to see changes happen.

Well KareKano is by far the best romcom I'd say, at least of the ones where the romance really is the major focus. May be the only one which focuses on the romance and I actually really enjoyed.

Hyouka isn't directly a romcom but there certainly are both elements in there and I'd recommend it universally anyways.

Other than that I've only got the film 5 Centimeter per Second as romance recommendation. You won't find much comedy in that though.

Of ones that don't really focus too much on the actual romance there's e.g. Nodame Cantabile that I recently finished.

Hyouka is that one where the girl tries to figure out the stuff in his grandpa's book right? I'll give it a try again. 5 cm has been recommended to me time and time again so I'll give it a try.


Let’s talk about Gundam Build Fighters Try.
Pretty good write up. When you say the 3v3 format leads to less development of the Try Fighters, I'd add that there's also less development of the supporting cast and rivals. Even though my distaste for his choice of gunpla is well known, Gyankid was far more developed than any of the chumps in Sekai's corner. The same goes for Kirara who totally outclasses Sekai's sister in the character department. And then of course there's the multiple instances of Try attempting to introduce strong rivals and then getting rid of them the very next episode. This happened to both Lucas Nemesis and Junya Inose. There had been glimpses of them earlier in the show but they only began hyping them up as extreme challenges the episode before they are defeated.

Your alternative to the Tryon fight is interesting too but an ending like that would only be more satisfying than what we got if they actually did use the attempts at character development for Yuuma that you wrote about. I almost feel like they have forgotten that Yuuma was once afraid of battle. If you hadn't watched the first few episodes and then watched one of the Try battles of this tournament you'd never be able to guess that. I've said this before but his character would work so much better if he was more timid like Sei.
Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Episode 9

I SWEAR that anime was so good in the first 7 episodes but then that whole boring childhood friend crap began and argh it brings a little bit of story in it but I didn't want no story because the anime was good as it was!! Suddenly Eriri got the most screen time (and dear lord in heaven I hate that girl) instead of Megumi who's the best char in this anime but was pretty much in the background in episodes 8 and 9.
I hope the last two episodes will be better... :(
Sorry , what is the point of this show without the drama ?
It's certainly not romance , or any kind of education.
There are references of anime and games left and right but they are underused .
So ....???

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Episode 6

Does Yusei Fudo truly believe that, among all the cards out there, that there is no useless card?! I think there are lots of useless cards personally.

Also he's pretty aged, 18 yr old lead for a YGO?!

Im glad to finally know what the marks on the folks mean and such
I've played yugi-oh for 5 years ( was regionnal champion ), i can tell you without a doubt that there are a LOT of useless cards.

You can't trade them because they are so common they don't have value.
You can't use them because they can't be used in a combo.
You can't even put them in your deck or side deck because you can't even discard them in battle.
Goddamit , YES , there are a lot of useless cards.

Want a list ? It's long.




Koufuku Graffiti - 10

Pizza chaaaaaaaaaan! one of us! one of us! This episode was really sweet with her extreme shyness and getting motivation to change. I know what I'm eating later tonight

Cant wait for this episode.

Not sure if this was known but Looks like Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls is going to be split cour with the second half in July

I guess I'm only following JoJo into the next season now.

I hope there is Mirei, Koume, and Syoko in it. Stop teasing me!

Meanwhile, I just watched Yozakura Quartet shortly after Rolling Girls and found it much better! The action definitely keeps me entertained, but the most important difference from Rolling Girls is that the characters aren't boring. Rolling Girls is 10 episodes in and I still can't think of very many interesting traits the main characters have. They have very little chemistry with each other which is something Yozakura Quartet handles way better.

YQ is legit awesome and it has Ao Nanami in it. She is definitely better than anyone in Rolling Girls except Chiaya.

Very interesting art style if nothing else (and there doesnt seem to be much else except fanservice)
Still gonna watch.

Date A Live 07


And there's also another little sister, so it's adopted sister vs real sister :p




Never got around to watching this but Id like to. Though I say that about a lot of stuff. I hate working all the time.

Date A Live 09

Heh. Guess that explains the clock...

Kotori got her own secrets as well and some info about those organizations gets revealed too.

Best girl forever. The rest of the show is kind of meh until Kurumi spiced it up.

a show about the Ginzuishou?


Yuru Yuri OVA

Face it Himawari and Sakurako, the universe wants you together. There's no escaping it. Anyway, it was nice hour of Yuru Yuri.
Yona of the Dawn 10:
Gija seems pretty cool, and it looks like he and Hak are going to have some funny interactions. Yona sure is surrounding herself with a lot of guys, and the opening/ending make it look like there will only be even more around her.

The focus of this episode meant that we didn't get as much time developing Yona or Hak, but it was important in order to set up the new character, and the scene of his departure was pretty well done. I thought this episode as a whole was handled pretty well, with some nice facial expressions throughout and effective usage of the soundtrack.
Really gotta give props to the Digimon franchise for properly including the protagonists families frequently. None of that "oh yeh my parents are working over seas".


Boogiepop Phantom 10-12 END

Boogiepop Phantom is a psychological drama/horror, produced in 2000 by Madhouse and directed by Takeshi Watabe, who worked in that capacity on Slayers, Slayers NEXT, Slayers TRY, Slayers Revolution, Slayers Evolution-R and a plethora of other shows that didn't happen to star Xellos in them and are therefore irrelevant. It is based on a series of popular light novels penned by Kouhei Kadona. If wiki is to be trusted, it is apparently one of the franchises that popularised this widely beloved format.

Boogiepop is a show like a few others and it is hard to describe it without doing it a disservice. Imagine the weirdness of darker Serial Experiments Lain with the non-linear and character switching narrative of Baccano and you'll get the general idea. The story begins in a cryptic fashion, with a a giant beam of light shooting towards the sky, knocking out electricity in the city and in the process changing the lives of a number of its inhabitants. A month later, with the disappearance of several people, rumours start to mount about the one purported to be behind that phenomenon, the Shinigami or the titular Boogiepop.

Boogiepop follows a sizeable, largely female cast and tells its story in mostly an episodic format, shifting focus from one character to another in every episode, with each of those having to deal with various supernatural events stemming from the beginning scene of the show. Most of them tend to appear later or earlier in the series but only for a small cameo appearance. While these episodic stories are mostly self contained, during them, the show slowly introduces the viewer to the bigger, overarching story and to a number of recurring characters, whose importance grows along with the episode count.

Be warned though, for the plot of this series is a confusing and mightily convoluted riddle, that will only start making sense towards the very end. But it is there, with all the pieces of the puzzle falling into place, where Boogiepop Phantom manages to shine at its brightest. I particularly loved episode 11 and the conclusion to the story of Manaka, a character who was the very definition of enigma up till that point. It managed to expertly assemble the previously strewn hints and bits information into one cohesive, disturbing, touching and excruciatingly sad story. For a mushy bastard like me, it doesn't get much better.

Another thing that BG manages to nail is the atmosphere. Like many shows of its ilk, it is not a high budget show but it thankfully manages to lift itself up with good art direction. While the night scenes being pitch black come off as no surprise; even during the day, the show manages to maintain its creepy and disturbing atmosphere with a sepia like colour choices. There is even a very neat plot reveal concerning this particular palette of colours. This is further amplified by the clever use of sound effects, of silence and of an OST that consists mainly of elektro music (and other similar genres that I'm honestly not capable of discerning). I confess to not liking this style of music very much but it worked very well within the confines of the series.

I think my biggest gripe with the show and I feel like a broken record here, having hurled the same complaints against many other series, is that it fails to resolve a multitude of plot threads introduced in the story. Boogiepop often alludes to the series of murders from five years ago, yet the viewer barely learns anything more about that event, even though its intrinsically linked to the current narrative. The same fate befalls Saotome's story or the plot line with the mysterious doctor, who seemed to be the one of the main forces behind the supernatural occurrences but is apparently dealt with in a 4 second, blink and you miss it flashback, never to be mentioned again. Even the truth about the opening scene, the beam of light that sets into motion the entire story, is shown in a few vague glimpses with no proper explanation as to what exactly transpired there. Not being a fan of episodic shows, I can't help but feel BG could do without a few of those self contained stories and instead devote more time to tying more of the loose ends and to the fleshing out of some of the more important characters. Like for example to Kirima Nagi or to a certain other character whose importance I don't want to spoil. Their past endeavours have been only lightly touched upon but are of crucial importance to fully grasping the story. It would also serve the purpose of getting the viewer more attached to them as they've very little screen time before pivotal moments of the series roll in. Having finished the show, I learned that it apparently serves as a sort of epilogue to the novels and while this explains this peculiar state of things, it doesn't make it any less disappointing. As a singular piece of entertainment, Boogiepop is incomplete and will leave the viewer thirsty for more answers.

The series also has some shoddy writing here and there and sometimes an over reliance on beating you over the head with its themes but nothing really major.

Boogiepop Phantom is a good show, one that requires constant attention and rewards multiple rewatches but it unfortunately suffers from being only a chunk of a larger story. It's immensely satisfying - when it decides to unravel its secrets and all the more frustrating when it refuses to. It doesn't quite reach the heights of Lain for me but if you're looking for a show with similar vibe, consider giving it a spin

I totally missed
the appearance of Touka and of two different Boogiepops
in the opening 2 episodes during my first and second watch.
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