You guys said this about Guilty Crown? And I'm not sure I want to take the risk of trusting you again?
havent seen it but i think its p. much an edgier code geass with more lesbians
e: oh and ill cosign the wixoss recc again
You guys said this about Guilty Crown? And I'm not sure I want to take the risk of trusting you again?
i find monmusu kinda boring and uninspired at times *still buys every vol*Why not both?
You are making Rachne sad.i find monmusu kinda boring and uninspired at times *still buys every vol*
hey now, she's the only reason i still read it!You are making Rachne sad.
hey now, she's the only reason i still read it!
i find monmusu kinda boring and uninspired at times *still buys every vol*
You are making Rachne sad.
hey now, she's the only reason i still read it!
No one can resist dem legs.
Cross Ange is the new Code Geass, only better.
You guys said this about Guilty Crown? And I'm not sure I want to take the risk of trusting you again?
Wise.You guys said this about Guilty Crown? And I'm not sure I want to take the risk of trusting you again?
I feel a mixture of fondness and embarrassment whenever I think about Bakemonogatari, and I think I dropped Nise a few episodes in, but I will take that into consideration!
One series that has not been recommended yet is His and Hers Circumstances though this may be a controversial one.
How is it controversial? If I understand correctly, its KareKano (snipped name) in Japanese and the only thing I heard about it is how the anime just cuts off at the end and the manga continues well beyond that. Haven't read the manga, might get to that one day. Also, Full Moon Woshagote (I don't remember how to spell it) was another good one but that's enough shoujo for me in a lifetime lol.
End of Evangelion
So yeah.
People turned into Bioslime and boom, its over.
Da fuck was the point of anything?
I really enjoyed the kabe-don with Sakai and Yuuma in the last episode. It was so funny. Even Fumina was like "..wut" That was the highlight of this episode however. The fight was so bad and cringeworthy.
This season of Build Fighters has been buttcheeks.
Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. 1-2
DP would probably do a great job.
Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. 1-2
Second season is a direct continuation. It's been pretty interesting this far but I think a lot of people don't like it as much as the first. Tell us how you fare continuing directly from the first with no 13 week break.
I've no idea what this is, but this single image has done perhaps more to sell me on this than anything ever.
The one you currently have is the better of the two.Log Horizon: Season2, Episodes:13-22:
Again, thank you for the recomendation here guys, this has been really great so far and the story is really starting to take off. There are a lot of places to go with it...
Side note: How many episodes left in season 2? #23 is locked for Premium members only unfortunately, anyone know when that will unlock?
Which one GAF?
Which one GAF?
Which one GAF?
Bueno, transparencies.
If you're not a paying customer, everything on CR's on a 1-week delay. Log Horizon runs Saturday mornings US-time, so check back then.Side note: How many episodes left in season 2? #23 is locked for Premium members only unfortunately, anyone know when that will unlock
End of Evangelion
So yeah.
People turned into Bioslime and boom, its over.
Da fuck was the point of anything?
Since we're rolling out pics...
It's better to retain the sense of individuality and accept the inevitable pain of living then to live as a orange jelly. Or something. I need to rewatch this.
PSA: Anime OST Voting Thread going up next Saturday
FelixOrion is broken, i mean watching Blood-C and arjuna at the same time ...
Stay strong , felix !!
He's almost to the promised land.
Does Prison School start this coming season? :O
This season will be the best in a long time.)
The one you currently have is the better of the two.
The first one, the one you're using now is the superior one.
If you're not a paying customer, everything on CR's on a 1-week delay. Log Horizon runs Saturday mornings US-time, so check back then.
sweet, that's the one I was leaning towards....
Thank you, so next week, I'm going to have to pick a series to watch this week now on Crunchyroll...
So after Voices of a Distant Star, where should I look next for a good Anime series that has a good story/plotline, good relationships/love stories, it can be crude (I stumbled upon the holy boobs of Sekirei this weekend, but it's not on Crunchy, lol) and action/adventure to go alone with the story could be nice as well: I need to plot the series out now. For reference, my only Anime experience is SAO and Log Horizon. I really loved SAO and everything it offered. (Crunchyroll)
previous GAF recomendations:
Time of Eve
Flowers of Evil
Humanity Has Declined
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Attack on Titan
Psycho Pass
Cross Ange
Haibane Renmei,
Kino's journey,
the movie Millennium Actress
Shin Sekai Yori
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
That's ... quite accurate really .Imagine what would happen if you combined YuGiOh, Madoka, and Black Rock Shooter. Well fortunately you don't have to imagine since WIXOSS exists.
Log Horizon: Season2, Episodes:13-22:
Again, thank you for the recomendation here guys, this has been really great so far and the story is really starting to take off. There are a lot of places to go with it...
Side note: How many episodes left in season 2? #23 is locked for Premium members only unfortunately, anyone know when that will unlock?
Which one GAF?
Attack on Titan 25 END
But okay, overall impressions. Well, this was. Okay. It's such a strange dichotomy of awesome and shit. There's some really great moments and animeation one episode and then slidehsows and boring as exposition and pacing issues. Shitty dub, though with a few good actors. Erin's dub actor in particular is a grating son of a bitch and perfectly exemplifies the angsty, grimdark teenager shonen nature this show is. Make no mistake, the show is decent, and the ending and beginnings are good, but there's undercurrent of trite edginess through out.
His entire posts got nuked.Just noticed Save N' Quit got banned.
Did he turn off the power while saving again?
You stopped right before the best episode of the entire franchise then !I feel a mixture of fondness and embarrassment whenever I think about Bakemonogatari, and I think I dropped Nise a few episodes in, but I will take that into consideration!
Does any of our francophone pals (R_thanatos, you here?) know what kind of quality releases to expect from the publisher AB Disques? Because the price per episode is making this Saint Seiya BD-BOX they are going to sell a pretty irresistible product (if they continue to offer similar prices for the following packs, that is)!
That's ... quite accurate really .
Season 2 of log horizon is 25 episodes.
At this point we have caught up with the light novel so this is likely the end of the road, unfortunately.So only 2 more episodes. Did they already write a 3rd season, or is it not known if they are continueing the story yet?
They really need to make this one a game, lol. It could be soo good. Thanks again for the referral on this one..
a good Anime series that has a good story/plotline, good relationships/love stories, it can be crude (I stumbled upon the holy boobs of Sekirei this weekend, but it's not on Crunchy, lol) and action/adventure to go alone with the story could be nice as well(Crunchyroll)
previous GAF recomendations:
Time of Eve
Flowers of Evil
Humanity Has Declined
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Attack on Titan
Psycho Pass
Cross Ange
Haibane Renmei,
Kino's journey,
the movie Millennium Actress
Shin Sekai Yori
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
At this point we have caught up with the light novel so this is likely the end of the road, unfortunately.
Out of that list, I'd go with TTGL, Fate/Zero or Katanagatari. As as side note, finding even decent love stories in anime that is no focused on them is a pretty tall order in general. Most action series don't either have any or just have a clueless protagonist assemble a harem with no winners in sight, ever.
As a random non-crunchy entry, I'd recommed looking up Macross Frontier. It was good in many fronts.
As GAF's number one Sword Art Online fan I know best what appeals to the SAO fan in all of us.
It's Wake Up Girls! Zoo.
So after Voices of a Distant Star, where should I look next for a good Anime series that has a good story/plotline, good relationships/love stories, it can be crude (I stumbled upon the holy boobs of Sekirei this weekend, but it's not on Crunchy, lol) and action/adventure to go alone with the story could be nice as well: I need to plot the series out now. For reference, my only Anime experience is SAO and Log Horizon. I really loved SAO and everything it offered. (Crunchyroll)
previous GAF recomendations:
Time of Eve
Flowers of Evil
Humanity Has Declined
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Attack on Titan
Psycho Pass
Cross Ange
Haibane Renmei,
Kino's journey,
the movie Millennium Actress
Shin Sekai Yori
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Glad you hmm didn't hate it. ;p Certainly not a show without significant flaws but it managed to execute its hype moments and twists so well I kinda tend to forget about them.
Wake up Girls huh? Wait, I just Google imaged that..... Umm, yeah, umm, are they all idols?
This one?
Voices of a Distant Star
I didn;t realize this was a "classic" anime when entering, very intersting short story, that is for sure. Sad story, but hard to feel the emotion deeply because of it being a short film with no character build up, backstory or progression.
Also, is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann the same as Gurren Lagann? Garren Lagann is the only one on Crunchy..
Does any of our francophone pals (R_thanatos, you here?) know what kind of quality releases to expect from the publisher AB Disques? Because the price per episode is making this Saint Seiya BD-BOX they are going to sell a pretty irresistible product (if they continue to offer similar prices for the following packs, that is)!
Maybe it's just me, but I consider it a lot better than Makoto Shinkai's other works precisely because of how short and concise it is.Voices of a Distant Star
I didn;t realize this was a "classic" anime when entering, very intersting short story, that is for sure. Sad story, but hard to feel the emotion deeply because of it being a short film with no character build up, backstory or progression.