S2 airing in a few weeks!I still have to finish that show. I remember seeing a Gaiking girl in its OP.
S2 airing in a few weeks!I still have to finish that show. I remember seeing a Gaiking girl in its OP.
Cross Ange is a gift
See AnimeGAF?!? This is exactly what I was talking about!!
I still have to finish that show. I remember seeing a Gaiking girl in its OP.
You might want to turn away right now and watch something else.
What Is a Tulpa?
A tulpa is an independent consciousness in the mind, and is ultimately no different from you as far as how you think, act, perceive the world, etc. It isnt a demon, a spirit, or an external entity of any kind. A tulpa is an internal personality separate from your own, but just as human. They are sentient, meaning they have their own thoughts, consciousness, perceptions and feelings, and even their own memories.
A tulpa is essentially a mind that (usually) identifies with a form, created by an individual as a mental companion. Their form can be chosen by the creator of the tulpa, but it can also be left for the tulpa to decide on. It can communicate with you through mindvoice a voice in your head similar to the one you use when you think or talk in your head or using an imposed voice, that will be similar to the way you hear sounds from reality, but the imposed voice is still internal. Not only voice can seem like it comes from reality, you can learn to impose your tulpas form, which will allow you to see it as if its physically there, despite that it still is in your mind.
By being in your mind with you, they know you intimately like no external being can. You can decide to open to them everything about yourself, including your most intimate memories, your everyday thoughts and everything you know. There is no need to fear that they wont understand how you acted in certain situation that might seem bad or shameful; most tulpas are very understanding of their host due to how close they are.
why are you doing this
Yet no one died ever being too careful.A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
Vividred Operation 02
There is just something wrong with this yet I can't quite place it.
Vividred Operation 02
There is just something wrong with this yet I can't quite place it.
Maybe the part where hundreds of soldiers were dying because that blue girl hates tomatoes.
The text doesn't fit into the page borders which is infuriating me to the point where I don't want to read it.
I've familiarized myself with the source. Two episodes was enough of this lolDon't worry. You will by the end of the show.
Umm yeah, just finished the 2nd episode and watchedWTF is this show and why do so many of you watch it? #%$@$%#^attempted girl on girl rape and a little girl being split into two
Was I right about her organs though?
i think she just got raped by Jill. dont think they fucked up her reproductive organs.
Cross Ange #1
Got ya, I thought the blood meant something more, lookign too far ahead I guess.
Just finished #3... damn, talk about completely something different from SAO, Log Horizon and Gurren Legann, holy crap... I'm just waiting for there to be a plot somewhere, or does it play out like a late night skinemax (Cinemax) show? Hey, the last battle was pretty cool though.
The text doesn't fit into the page borders which is infuriating me to the point where I don't want to read it.
I've familiarized myself with the source. Two episodes was enough of this lol
I'm disgusted by all of you, recommending Cross Ange to strangers. That's dangerous.
Ping Pong the anime in real life
she was a pure virgin princess that got probed by a robot arm
Parasyte - 23
I'll take the long way to work tomorrow, in a tank spilling oil in the nearby rivers and lakes. All while firing guns and throwing my grandma's old television around.
Letting your entire carrier fleet get rekt. Shit Admiral underestimated the power of Wo-class.
Cross Ange #1:
I know like the others it will take a few episodes to get it, but did they justright away when they took her away to that place... That is crazy insane off the charts in Stephen King stuff right away...mutilate her reproductive organs
Finally making a good decision after several Mikewatch beatings.
Fate/Zero - 11
Haha I love how they just suddenly have a drinking party and discuss their ideologies. That and Riders crazy triumph card made this quite the interesting episode.
she was a pure virgin princess that got probed by a robot arm
Lots of bad anime on this page.
Front loaded. The second episode will look like shiny plastic.I don't even understand, why is TOHO pumping this much money into this:
Like what the fuck. It's not even just the backgrounds but also stuff like lighting and effects.
Hunter X Hunter is life.
10 episodes in, don't regret a single one.
Front loaded. The second episode will look like shiny plastic.