I think some of those action cuts are actually from the 2nd and maybe 3rd episode.
So it'll be Rolling Girls?
I think some of those action cuts are actually from the 2nd and maybe 3rd episode.
So it'll be Rolling Girls?
Gundam Build Fighters Try 23
It's astounding that while the first show is in the discussion of being one of the best products of the Gundam franchise that this show is in the discussion of being among the worst. Holy shit.
I dunno, seems like there's at least evidence in that the initial PVs look great and we know there's some great names in the mix. Like I keep saying, I think even if it ends up being incomprehensible on the actual story side, it'll be a spectacle to watch.I'm going to chose to be hyped for BBB. Not because I have any evidence or reasoning to support the idea that it's going to be a great show but because it's fun to believe in something.
Even if it's only an academic exercise.
The episode can't be that bad.
I haven't seen any of the real shitty Gundam productsbut I can't imagine Try is equally as bad as AGE, Seed Destiny or 00 S2/A Wakening of the Trailblazerbesides Char's Counterattack
I haven't seen any of the real shitty Gundam productsbut I can't imagine Try is equally as bad as AGE, Seed Destiny or 00 S2/A Wakening of the Trailblazerbesides Char's Counterattack
Lucchini will never do anything of note, will she ? I thought her moment came when she strapped the jet Striker but nooooope.
Isn't there going to be a Hollywood Attack on Titan movie too?
Isn't there going to be a Hollywood Attack on Titan movie too?
would watch camerons attack on titan
I'm going to chose to be hyped for BBB. Not because I have any evidence or reasoning to support the idea that it's going to be a great show but because it's fun to believe in something.
Even if it's only an academic exercise.
It seems Sony registered it as Attack on the Titan.
coming after avatar 6: the whitest mans burdenHe'll get to that right after battle angel
Can't tell if worse name or better
Can't tell if worse name or better
From my understanding, GBF TRY still has yet to do the one thing that truly defines a horrible sequel.
The retcon.
If GBF TRY retcons anything that happened in season 1 that people loved, then it will have earned its title of a horrible sequel.
If not, it's just a poorly made sequel, and nothing more.
Much worse. Attack on Titan is almost stylish again because of the poor English. Without the "the" it also rolls of the tongue better.
Attack on the Titan meanwhile has still the wrong meaning while also sounding dull as fuck.
I'm pretty sure being an inept downgrade all around with an unlikable main cast whose greatest win involved an asspull over the best gunpla in the show for plot reasons places it firmly in the horrible category. Then there's the terrible shipping nonsense, nonstop boring fights, Yuuma being a fuckhead, and the best thing about the show (Meijin Kawaguchi III!!!) being lifted from the first show threatens to taint that one by association alone.
Then there's rapey mantis dude from the beginning
Pretty sure the first show did plenty of that.
I diiiiiid it.Anyhow, thought it might be fun to toy with the idea of New Years resolution nonsense (past the universal one we all share of watching less anime) and having folk picking some backlog stuff to finally get to this year rather than putting off for one reason or another. More than likely its something popular that might engender some discussion rather than people talking past one another and, frankly, deadline pressure doesnt hurt. I wouldnt get too involved though given how life can throw one a curveball nor would I expect everyone to post about every episode watched but hey, theres still good stuff for most of us to watch yet.
To get us started, I took an informal poll of some people to help serve as an example. Something, say, like one long series, a couple short series, a handful of movies, or some sort of combination would be ideal. Its not meant to be a burden but rather that extra push to chisel away at the lingering part of the ol backlog.
- Cowboy Bebop
[*]Sailor Moon S
Pretty much the culmination of everything right with Sailor Moon: hilarious antics with great character chemistry, funny faces, a main villain who perfectly balances hamminess and sympathetic, plus Haruka and Michiru are the best characters, THE BEST. And thankfully no reset arc like the first third of R, and other things about R that sucked eggs. All y'all about to start on Hulu next week are in for a treat. Bonus best senshi:
I think there's as much reason to believe Blood Blockade Battlefront will be good as there is for just about any unaired anime. Rie Matsumoto is a proven capable, creative, and talented director, she has a strong team of artists working under her, most of all Shinji Kimura, and the trailers have all looked quite nice. Nothing guarantees it being good until it finishes airing, but if you can't look forward to seeing it, then you can't look forward to any anime.
I like how they use a super elaborate impact frame for.... a lighter being turned on. Lol.
Between this and Seraph of the End, I guess we'll have tons of great background screenshots for the Spring season!
Futurecard Buddyfight 100 antagonist may not looks as good as Kyoya Gaen but he still looks vastly fascinating. The images from the OP and ED for buddyfight 100 look amazing. I cant wait for april.
I think Yuuma might be more infuriating than Lynn Kaifun.
Attack on titan is an awesome name.Much worse. Attack on Titan is almost stylish again because of the poor English. Without the "the" it also rolls of the tongue better.
Attack on the Titan meanwhile has still the wrong meaning while also sounding dull as fuck.
Mayo Chiki Episode 1-13 END
Honestly, I don't know why I watched this. I pretty much hated the first episode, and the entire show follows the harem rom-com anime template to a tee.