Like, even just shooting a few random thoughts toward this produces the following:
Cooking for someone is a geisture by and itself. All Pancakes that I'm familiar with also contain sugar, or are covered with mapple syrup or something similar. So they are sweet, one way or another. Giving sweet things as a gift of affection has been around since... I dunno, around the time humans invented methods of making fire?
Syrup also doubles as a sticky, sweet substance that can be used for all kinds of suggestive images and actions. You can also bring in some other nice stuff like strawberriers and whipped cream.....
Now if there is something beyond this, I have no idea, but I'd say that is more than enough.
But why just Pancakes? Couldn't all that apply to many deserts as well? Regular cakes? Cookies? Brownies?
Is it just the fact that Pancakes are eaten as an actual breakfast meal and therefore it's a good choice?
I feel like I should watch Yami to understand all this.
I also feel like that last sentence is a paradox.