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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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What the fuck is this shit? Like what is this abomination, holy shit at this quality.

I understand that it's near impossible to recreate a Manga artist's art 1:1 but to not even at least get some of the details and design is just sad. This is probably one of the biggest things I wanted from the Tokyo Ghoul adaptation even with my expectations fuckin low. And once again Pierrot fucked up again and gave me this shit. The Arima from the manga looks sadistic and intimidating, but the anime version he looks like a wimpy dorito.

Good lord that is horrible.

OPM news is great. I've loved all of Madhouse's recent output.


In the narrow category of "non-kids' anime that haven't been simulcast in the past few seasons", this and Jinsei have been been claimed. The only one that hasn't is Amagi.

If some company picked up Amagi and, for the hell of it, Hyouka, the reactions would be interesting.

I still think that Hyouka will get picked up at some point. Likely by someone like Sentai or NISA. Hell, Sentai just picked up Windy Tales yesterday, which I never thought would be licensed by anyone! Stranger things have happened.

On another note, AnimEigo, who some of you may remember from their recent release of Bubblegum Crisis on BD, have a survey up! They're wondering whether to pursue BD releases or stick to DVD. Naturally I expect all of you to answer BD, otherwise I'll be very disappointed. They also have room for comments, so let them know that you want them to bring over Beautiful Dreamer and other Urusei Yatsura stuff. Oh, and Otaku no Video on BD would be nice too, though I have a feeling that might be on the way soon.


Shirobako 23

That was so totally worth the wait. Kinoshita is a boss and is hilarious.
Funny story, the editor is a douche! Kinoshita and Nogame have a heart-to-heart and resolve the differences in how they view the story. The compromise solution? TOKEN LITTLE SISTER PLOT DEVICE CHARACTER GO.

That final scene though. Oi-chan's reaction to zuka-chan-senpai walking in and all throughout her performance was just gut-wrenching. But in a good way! Definitely in a good way.

I will be sad when this show ends next week,.

I felt like putting Zuka in there was just a throw-in and felt completely flat without any impact. Would have much preferred if she wasn't in there.


Just take Cajunators earlier words to heart and watch whatever. Jexhius is obviously joking, but there is no "acceptable to watch" list of anime.

Listening to recommendations on what to watch and what to avoid is fine, but in the end, you are the one consuming and hopefully, enjoying what you watch. The phase to start watching shitty stuff for their shittiness alone comes later :D

I must admit, I'm not quite as relaxed as Cajun. With a limited amount of time to watch a limited amount of shows I really can't recommend or endorse people wasting their on bland boring anime.


Just take Cajunators earlier words to heart and watch whatever. Jexhius is obviously joking, but there is no "acceptable to watch" list of anime.

Listening to recommendations on what to watch and what to avoid is fine, but in the end, you are the one consuming and hopefully, enjoying what you watch. The phase to start watching shitty stuff for their shittiness alone comes later :D

Oh I get it, I was joking back about it. I'm a young patawon when it comes to this stuff, so I'm just learning on the fly. I guess from all my years of playing jrpgs, I'm surprised I haven't dug into this stuff sooner. I've always been a huge fan of cut scenes, even the realy long ones in Xenosaga and Star Ocean IV...


Shirobako 23

Is anything going to top this show for anime of the year 2015? I know it's early, but this show is so fucking good. So many plot threads playing out perfectly; I even teared up along with Aoi in the final scene. It was really touching. It's funny, really. I'm more likely to get emotional over really happy moments like that than anything sad like in KimiUso, even though I like those kind of tragic stories when done well.

What a fantastic series this has been. Season two, which feels like it almost has to happen given the sales, can't come fast enough.


I read online that Shirobako was designed with plans for Aoi making her way further up the corporate ladder, eventually becoming the director of an anime (her Seven Lucky Battle Gods anime?) herself. And given the sales, that may very well become reality.

As for me, I want more Shirobako so I can keep analyzing the shows-within-a-show in it. Maybe Musani can work on a light novel or a visual novel adaptation next.


Shirobako 23

Holy shit, the director fighting his way up the building was hilarious.

This will be a top 5 show for me for 2015 already.
Shirobako 23

The resolution with the author was really good, especially their reconciliation of the ideas and themes for the series.
I'm actually glad it didn't end up painting the original creator as overly controlling, and the whole situation ended up disturbingly similar to what I heard about Polar Bear Cafe's adaptation.

As for what happened with Zuka,
while the music and scene itself were really good, I don't really feel too much for her arc. I mean, last episode it showed her pretty much depressed over her job, and then suddenly everything goes well for her without her doing anything. Sure, the circumstances weren't nearly as contrived as I feared they would be, but she just got it and nailed it in one go, despite a lot of her earlier slip-ups. Along with Diesel and Misa, it really felt like all of them lucked their way into success, so I can't really feel too much watching them succeed.


Shirobako 23

The resolution with the author was really good, especially their reconciliation of the ideas and themes for the series.
I'm actually glad it didn't end up painting the original creator as overly controlling, and the whole situation ended up disturbingly similar to what I heard about Polar Bear Cafe's adaptation.

As for what happened with Zuka,
while the music and scene itself were really good, I don't really feel too much for her arc. I mean, last episode it showed her pretty much depressed over her job, and then suddenly everything goes well for her without her doing anything. Sure, the circumstances weren't nearly as contrived as I feared they would be, but she just got it and nailed it in one go, despite a lot of her earlier slip-ups. Along with Diesel and Misa, it really felt like all of them lucked their way into success, so I can't really feel too much watching them succeed.

Disagree in regards to Misa and Diesel. Both leveraged their connections/networks whereas Zuka refused to. You have to create your own luck, and that means creating opportunities.
I still think that Hyouka will get picked up at some point. Likely by someone like Sentai or NISA. Hell, Sentai just picked up Windy Tales yesterday, which I never thought would be licensed by anyone! Stranger things have happened.

Windy Tales is a TFO show, which Sentai/Maiden Japan have been partnering with for a while for shows like Patlabor and Reindeen. Given the relationship between them, it's not that surprising now.
Death Parade 11

The ice skating scene was beautiful to look at with a lot of gorgeous animation but for me personally the girls story (can't even remember her name) lacked emotional impact. She was very reserved during the whole series and ended up feeling rather bland.
The episode itself was very somber and felt surprisingly restrained compared to some of the earlier episodes. I suppose they are going to crank it back up again for the last episode. Kinda sad this already ending, Death Parade turned out to be my favorite series of the season.


Death Parade 11

The ice skating scene was beautiful to look at with a lot of gorgeous animation but for me personally the girls story (can't even remember her name) lacked emotional impact. She was very reserved during the whole series and ended up feeling rather bland.

This is part of why I think this episode worked particularly well. The figure skating is the one time we see this character—who is oftentimes as emotionally reserved as even Decim—truly express herself and elicit joy through her performance. It was an excellent contrast to seeing her past unfold, and then seeing the tragedy which reveals why she seems so expressionless at times. It was also a good juxtaposition between how often she expressed her distaste for the conflicts people subjected to the games were having, and then how she really thinks of what it means to get along with other people once her memories fully returned.
Disagree in regards to Misa and Diesel. Both leveraged their connections/networks whereas Zuka refused to. You have to create your own luck, and that means creating opportunities.

Hrmm, you're pretty much right in that regard. I can't really disagree with how they were proactive with their connections, even if it was just through Aoi. I think I only found issue with the lack of focus on their growth, compared to Ema or Aoi.


Disagree in regards to Misa and Diesel. Both leveraged their connections/networks whereas Zuka refused to. You have to create your own luck, and that means creating opportunities.
Mr. Sugie starring as 'The Voice Of Reason':

https://boards.4chan.org/a/thread/122442319/#p122444836 said:
This is part of why I think this episode worked particularly well. The figure skating is the one time we see this character—who is oftentimes as emotionally reserved as even Decim—truly express herself and elicit joy through her performance. It was an excellent contrast to seeing her past unfold, and then seeing the tragedy which reveals why she seems so expressionless at times. It was also a good juxtaposition between how often she expressed her distaste for the conflicts people subjected to the games were having, and then how she really thinks of what it means to get along with other people once her memories fully returned.

While this is all true and the point of her character might precisely be to punctuate that it is difficult to know/ connect with other people, I still wish they would have given her a bit more of a personality in the preceding episodes.
Don't get me wrong, I do think the episode worked well and brought its message across. I just think the emotional impact could have been higher.


Windy Tales is a TFO show, which Sentai/Maiden Japan have been partnering with for a while for shows like Patlabor and Reindeen. Given the relationship between them, it's not that surprising now.

I know they've been partnering with them for a while, I'm just surprised that it was picked up at all. I love Windy Tales, but it's not exactly the most marketable show for a North American audience. I wonder if it was a part of a package deal?
Shirobako 23

Director is the best. Funny Story guy getting his due felt so good.


"I just got one step closer to my dream!" ... ;______;

Fantastic episode. Its going to be difficult to top this show as AOTY 2015.


Garo - 17
Incredible. They built up Leon's relationship with Lara exceptionally well over the past several episodes. It didn't feel forced at all, and gave Leon an excellent path to grow. I must say, I'm extremely surprised at this turn of events.
For Lara and her family to die like that - thats dark. Unexpected too.

Second half of Garo continues to impress and take the story in directions I had not expected.

Garo - 18

Seriously, that was hype as fuck.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 35



Not as good as the OVA version or the manga but I don't think anyone expected it to be, that is one of the GOAT mindgame fights - topping it on a TV schedule would be quite the feat, even if there were some neat things about the direction and animation this episode. I find that the best mindgame fights are ones using games everyone knows like Poker, or Rock Paper Scissors in Kaiji. The real test, we all know is how they handle DIO's World
Koyasu DIO will make it better

DP still did a GOOD job, and that's what I expect from them the whole way through - a great, solid full adaptation of one of my favorite series.

..Too bad about the stupid censoring though. Next episode should be great.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders 35

OVA won this match handily as expected. I think one of the things missed was that in the OVA Star Platinum had a specific sound cue when summoned so the brief glimpses of it had an aural quality that was much more satisfying than shit just sorta happening like in this ep. Jotaro never really came close to OVA Jotaro's level of swagger either which was important given the battle of wills that was going on.
I got to like episode 13 or so... Is it worth going through to the end if I'm already kind of bored with it, even if it does fall off?

Not really, I liked the opening episodes but it kind of falls apart, but maybe it was always kinda bad. Unless you want to see 100 "Are you the real Shinichi" scenes then you should probably just read the manga.
Not really, I liked the opening episodes but it kind of falls apart, but maybe it was always kinda bad. Unless you want to see 100 "Are you the real Shinichi" scenes then you should probably just read the manga.

Alright, glad I fell behind then lol. I just got so bored of so much time being spent on that stuff and less on the really tense moments the first 8 or so episodes brought. It's a shame it ended up like this, but I guess I'll check out the manga.


Aniplex series for the Spring being simulcast include Gunslinger Stratos, Nisekoi:, F/SN UBW part 2, and Plastic Memories.

I'm also pretty certain that CR will get all the shows it already has - SNAFU, Kinmosa, Grisaia - while Funi picks up DxD BorN.

That still leaves plenty of series open for the picking, but we know nearly all of them are going to go somebody.
Jojo 35

Hah hah hah, that was so bad it was good. So... bizarre.
Jotaro is so much a fucking rock emotionally speaking than even against a badass ultimate veteran gambler, he can reduce him to shouting, sweating, to a blahbering mess and finally knock him out with just a bluff. He is basically a Gary Stu in that regard.


Jojo 35

Hah hah hah, that was so bad it was good. So... bizarre.
Jotaro is so much a fucking rock emotionally speaking than even against a badass ultimate veteran gambler, he can reduce him to shouting, sweating, to a blahbering mess and finally knock him out with just a bluff. He is basically a Gary Stu in that regard.

You should check out the OVA ep if you haven't. It's a much more focused experience without the constant breaks due to narration cutting in. It manages things better as d'arby feels much more in control yet Jotaro can't be swayed so the resolution feels a little more natural and isn't as drawn out.


Alright, glad I fell behind then lol. I just got so bored of so much time being spent on that stuff and less on the really tense moments the first 8 or so episodes brought. It's a shame it ended up like this, but I guess I'll check out the manga.
The manga is pretty much just as bad as its adaptation, I'd recommend just outright skipping the series entirely.
Death Parade 11

Goddamn, that skating scene was beautiful and really touching. Think the best part of it is seeing that Decim is just standing there in the background, as stoic as he always is. Need a webm of the scene.

That's the second show today to make me emotional. Some good end of season shit here, might have to re evaluate what shows I liked best this season.


Alright, glad I fell behind then lol. I just got so bored of so much time being spent on that stuff and less on the really tense moments the first 8 or so episodes brought. It's a shame it ended up like this, but I guess I'll check out the manga.

2nd cour has much less of the lovey dovey stuff I would say. I thought first cour was just poor and the second one a bit better. Make of that what you will.

Jojo SC 35

That Jotaro swag.
Well this season continues to deliver. Even if plot is still barely there, the enemies and their stands are much more satisfying antagonists. Will have to check that OVA as here as usual some of the dialogue and some scenes did indeed feel drawn out but it was still a great ep, probably my favourite so far.

Though I'm getting awfully confused on the general visibility of stands. When Star P broke Barbie's finger, they seemed to imply that neither Avdol nor D'arby could see him. (And he was standing in place not moving fast)

Shirobako has one ep left correct ? Time to catch up.
Though I'm getting awfully confused on the general visibility of stands. When Star P broke Barbie's finger, they seemed to imply that neither Avdol nor D'arby could see him. (And he was standing in place not moving fast)

No, they could see it. What made you think otherwise?


For real though, everyone watching JoJo without having seen the OVAs should check out the third ep of the '93 series. Great direction and much more visually interesting than the TV eps, the kind of thing you can mention whenever that strange question of best individual episodes of whatever comes up!

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