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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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What happened? How did such a well directed show fart out a stinker? A lot of stupid things happened this episode like our MC being an idiot and trusting co-workers for no reason. It seems like everyone's IQ dipped this episode. It's still fine since best girl delivered best punch.
The whole thing is idiotic. Why the fuck would you bother confronting a suspected murderer anyway and doing stupid stuff like inviting him into your house?

This is atrocious writing.

I didn't think that part in particular was bad But Airi showing up two minutes later was dumb.

I hate this term but it's the best I can fine for what bothered me in the episode. It was "anime." Like everyone was stupid for no reason with a helpful batch of a lot of coincidence

And the way he escapes afterwards just to immediately encounter Airi literally behind the wall...whose justification also happens to be so...anime.

Coming back to the present time reminded me that Airi's interest in Satoru seemed questionable to begin with and reeked of merely setting up events later down the line.

This too, but I suppose it is an inherent weakness of time travel stories.


Erased episode 5

Another girl presumably dead. But it won't matter since their loss is never really dwelled upon, not for long, caught in the hurry of pressing events and with the promise that it can be fixed, that consequences can be averted, that suffering can be avoided. Which makes it a whodunit, I suppose, but even as this escapist mystery it fails, undone by lazy, contrived writing that is doomed to get worse as it goes.

The worst part of the episode, the one completely irredeemable scene that can never be repaired, is when Airi leaves the pizza on the ground. Why did she leave the pizza? There was no reason to shun the pizza. :c


The worst part of the episode, the one completely irredeemable scene that can never be repaired, is when Airi leaves the pizza on the ground. Why did she leave the pizza? There was no reason to shun the pizza. :c

She knew it was bad pizza. She made it, after all.

Russ T

Erased 05

Oh phew. Thank god everyone's just overreacting. Episode was still solid, even if a little, um, over-dramatic at times. That's not even the right thing to say. The first four episodes were dramatic as hell. More like, dramatic in the wrong way?

The Last Supper thing is hilariously on the nose, but I wonder if that's actually true for a Japanese audience. Bet it's more subtle over there where Christianity isn't so pervasive in all of the everything.

Anyway, definitely not outright bad at all. Y'all be clownin'.
Erased 5


So I didnt hate it as much as a lot of you but this was clearly the worst episode.

Parts were overly dramatic. Fucking lol at Airi's
dads backstory. Fired, shamed, ostracized and then finally divorced because of a stolen chocolate bar?
The Last Supper foreshadowing was painfully obvious.
Why would you confront a murder suspect in the first place? Airi's overreaction at the manager also felt eye roll worthy as well as her house being set on fire. And why doesnt Satoru read the damn note his mom gave him? Like bro.

The biggest reason I have beef with this episode is that I dont really care for the adult characters. Episodes 2-4 were endearing because of the children. Theyre charming and I loved Kayo and Satoru's interactions. So when you dont have them anymore and are instead brought into this ridiculous
fugitive story with things escalating in ways that are just plain stupid,
its tough to accept.

I'm worried about where the story will now go, but I dont want to be all DOOMED at this point. Still invested in Hinazuki.

Back to the plot,
seems like in this timeline, Kayos death and the kidnappings are separate events? I was pretty upset that Kayo did die. I really thought her family would move or something. Seemed like she was beaten to death too. Her moms smile when she was taking out the trash was infuriating.
I need to see justice!


Erased - 5

Enjoyed it but not the highs of episode 2, 3 and 4 and lower than 1, so far clearly the weakest episode. But I did want to
meet the present day characters again, shame that's basically one character. Hope she's not killed off for shock but doubt it since they had to CUT TO NEXT WEEK.
Though it did get pretty lazy writing in hindsight, I'll overlook it for now unless they get super stupid and pull a Jessica Jones on me.

Though I was under the impression Satoru's revival was totally random unless I missed something in a previous episode?

Parts were overly dramatic. Fucking lol at Airi's
dads backstory. Fired, shamed, ostracized and then finally divorced because of a stolen chocolate bar?

Oh wow I completely overlooked this. Yeah that's the dumbest thing I've seen in a while.
Erased - 5

Enjoyed it but not the highs of episode 2, 3 and 4 and lower than 1, so far clearly the weakest episode. But I did want to
meet the present day characters again, shame that's basically one character. Hope she's not killed off for shock but doubt it since they had to CUT TO NEXT WEEK.
Though it did get pretty lazy writing in hindsight, I'll overlook it for now unless they get super stupid and pull a Jessica Jones on me.

Though I was under the impression Satoru's revival was totally random unless I missed something in a previous episode?

Yeah they are but seems like the drastic revivals happen when a particularly negative event occurs.
Erased 5
because of a stolen chocolate bar?

I was really confused by this too. I chalked it up to being something cultural that I just wasn't getting but the writing could actually just be bad. Not sure on this one.

Her moms smile when she was taking out the trash was infuriating.I need to see justice!

I think (read: hope) this is, if anything, a confirmation that Satoru is a very unreliable narrator. We see things through his eyes. That's probably a bad thing as far as the mystery goes though, if it ends up obscuring key details. :l It would have been interesting if Kayo's mom wasn't the one abusing her, but also getting abused - but that's not possible thanks to the arbitrary scene from Ep. 3 where we see Kayo getting her face shoved into the ice bath. :l

I hope Satoru's mom gets murdered again so it's doubly driven home just how bad people dying truly is.

People die when they are killed!


Erased 05

Oh phew. Thank god everyone's just overreacting. Episode was still solid, even if a little, um, over-dramatic at times. That's not even the right thing to say. The first four episodes were dramatic as hell. More like, dramatic in the wrong way?

The Last Supper thing is hilariously on the nose, but I wonder if that's actually true for a Japanese audience. Bet it's more subtle over there where Christianity isn't so pervasive in all of the everything.

Anyway, definitely not outright bad at all. Y'all be clownin'.

It's just obviously cheesy and terrible when earlier the lazy, indulgent imagery was mostly covered up by good sustained direction. But even there people ripped on evil red eyes or evil grins or w/e, and here it's replicated, but without the assurance that there's something worth watching. It doesn't help that the writing is bad, too, culminating with the chocolate story mentioned above.


Trapeze (空中ブランコ [Mid-air Balanço]) aka Welcome to Irabu's Office - Episode 7

Didn't really like this episode that much. The yakuza angle is pretty novel, but the way it was handled felt a bit weak. I did like the idea that in the end both guys bonded over having a weird "problem" and they were represented as fellow puppies. It was kinda cute. The exaggerated fear of edges somehow just didn't click with me though. It was fun seeing the ep1 scene again from the other side though. I appreciate how well constructed the show is from a planning stand point.

Trapeze (空中ブランコ [Mid-air Balanço]) aka Welcome to Irabu's Office - Episode 8

Now this was solid. I guess I just relate more with the episodes where I feel I understand the disorder a bit more. Here the anxiety over whether you left something running or forgot something that could cause an accident is presented in a way which felt super real to me. Meanwhile the actual story itself is totally over the top and the way it ended was a happy coincidence worthy of a Looney Tunes special. Irabu was kind of a dick in this episode though. He was even trying to take out the competition! Lol.


The whole thing is idiotic. Why the fuck would you bother confronting a suspected murderer anyway and doing stupid stuff like inviting him into your house?

This is atrocious writing.

So you can find him and lead the police to him. It's actually a pretty standard trope for these kinds of stories.

That said, the episode as a whole was pretty flawed on multiple levels. Part of it was execution. People already pointed out the hamfisted symbolism that didn't have to be hamfisted, but what about failing to animate
Airi's reaction to her house being on fire
? Someone mentioned that the episode was outsourced before, and I could see a lot of what happened seeming extra stupid because they weren't handled by as talented an individual or studio. Even so, the way this episode played out is frustrating.

It's always tough to say why a show is good, but for me, the last three episodes were strong because they could quietly focus on the characters. Satoru had to fight this ticking countdown timer in his head to prevent this murder despite being a small child locked into a defined routine, and he also had to put himself out there in a way he wasn't comfortable with in order to get to know someone everybody had been overlooking. It created a great sort of tension and release, a grounded and meaningful emotional rollercoaster built out of everyday moments.

This episode was all overblown melodrama from the moment that garbage bag gets tossed outside, with tons of barely-justified coincidence papering everything together, and it now feels like all that precise mood-building from early on got tossed out. I'd like to go back again, but at this point, is it really possible? The stakes have changed significantly.

This could have worked a lot better if Satoru wasn't immediately fingered as a red-handed suspect at the end of episode 1, but I guess that wouldn't have hooked readers as much when the story was just starting out. I'm sure there's some way for the story to get back on track, but it's very easy now for things to fly off the rails entirely.


I think (read: hope) this is, if anything, a confirmation that Satoru is a very unreliable narrator. We see things through his eyes. That's probably a bad thing as far as the mystery goes though, if it ends up obscuring key details. :l

it's hard for me to actually give it credit for doing so when it has had no trouble giving evil fucking grins to everyone, even when they weren't in Satoru's sight, or when Satoru didn't suspect anything of them, and so on and so forth.
Oh wow I completely overlooked this. Yeah that's the dumbest thing I've seen in a while.

I was really confused by this too. I chalked it up to being something cultural that I just wasn't getting but the writing could actually just be bad. Not sure on this one.

I really hope theres more to it, like we later find out he's a wife beater and he was a real shit head or something. Cause its pretty stupid the way it is now.

I think (read: hope) this is, if anything, a confirmation that Satoru is a very unreliable narrator. We see things through his eyes. That's probably a bad thing as far as the mystery goes though, if it ends up obscuring key details. :l

I doubt it. I'm expecting the
trauma from watching Airi die will trigger another revival and he will get a chance to start a new time line. Hopefully he will have exhausted all the bad ends and will now work towards good solutions.


Yeah they are but seems like the drastic revivals happen when a particularly negative event occurs.

If that's the case
I can already see what's happening next week then.

I'm also still bothered that he couldn't give two shits about saving his friend who's suppose to be the third victim.
This could have worked a lot better if Satoru wasn't immediately fingered as a red-handed suspect at the end of episode 1, but I guess that wouldn't have hooked readers as much when the story was just starting out. I'm sure there's some way for the story to get back on track, but it's very easy now for things to fly off the rails entirely.

I don't even think him being a suspect would have been awful if he had came to the future and had to figure out how to go back and solve the issue with the pressure of the police trying to capture him.

Instead though, we have the killer immediately concerned with getting found out so he goes out of his way to kill someone else when Satoru was already being blamed. The killer goes out of their way to ruin the situation they set up earlier - which wasn't the greatest from a narrative standpoint to begin with.
If that's the case
I can already see what's happening next week then.

I'm also still bothered that he couldn't give two shits about saving his friend who's suppose to be the third victim.

I completely forgot about him too lol. That poor kid.
Maybe saving Hinazuki would prevent all of the murders from happening?
This could have worked a lot better if Satoru wasn't immediately fingered as a red-handed suspect at the end of episode 1, but I guess that wouldn't have hooked readers as much when the story was just starting out.

I'd think a murder followed by the main character being sent to the past would have sufficed as a hook.
Erased 5

I saw absolutely nothing wrong with this episode. People being naive is not inherently bad writing.

I will say
getting your life turned upside-down over a stolen chocolate bar and then portraying the scene as anything more than absurd is dumb,
but there's no problem with it working as shaping a little girl's personality and how that affected her growth, turning her into the trusting person she is at near-adult age.

Russ T

Erased 5

I saw absolutely nothing wrong with this episode. People being naive is not inherently bad writing.

You're crazy. I agree with your second sentence, but this episode was tonally opposite to the previous three episodes.

Though I wonder if that's the point, 'cause episode one was sorta similarly bombastic. Past is subdued and subtle and all about characters, while present is big and bombastic and all about things happening all the time.

I don't necessarily think that's a good idea. But it kinda fits? Sorta? Not really. Kinda?

Anyway, yeah, the episode was by far the worst episode so far.

...But to say it's bad seems a bit ridiculous.


Erased 5

I saw absolutely nothing wrong with this episode. People being naive is not inherently bad writing.

I will say
getting your life turned upside-down over a stolen chocolate bar and then portraying the scene as anything more than absurd is dumb,
but there's no problem with it working as shaping a little girl's personality and how that affected her growth, turning her into the trusting person she is at near-adult age.

It's not so much that as it was too on the nose to the point of being hilarious and just plain uninteresting for most of the episode.


Trapeze (空中ブランコ [Mid-air Balanço]) aka Welcome to Irabu's Office - Episode 9

Wanted to punch this guy in the face. While I somewhat sympathize with child actors who struggle through life because of their unbalanced upbringing and perspective from being in the limelight at a young age, I still find this sort of character to be super douchey. The way he treats people around him and his manager is just gross. And that smile... ffffffff.

Again, the tight construction of the overall setting that frames the entire series pays off here because once he gets the script for the audition, the feeling that this is one small corner of an interconnected world is there again.

Trapeze (空中ブランコ [Mid-air Balanço]) aka Welcome to Irabu's Office - Episode 10

Best episode yet. Everything about this episode was masterfully executed. In fact, I would go as far as to say this felt less like a Trapeze episode and more like a stealth Mononoke episode. The actual symptom being treated here is secondary - the real issue was the owner's own perspective on himself and his delusion. It really reminded me of how Mononoke would use a haunting as an excuse to do a character study on a person and "unmask" the reality behind that delusion in the process. The exact same thing was accomplished here.

Also, Irabu has an awesome car. I feel the more we learn about Irabu, the more he seems like a really rad, arrogant, and chill dude rather than the weird hermit-like character he seemed initially. It's just hard to imagine that since most of the time we're looking at him represented as a giant talking bear or something.


Erased 5

I saw absolutely nothing wrong with this episode. People being naive is not inherently bad writing.

I will say
getting your life turned upside-down over a stolen chocolate bar and then portraying the scene as anything more than absurd is dumb,
but there's no problem with it working as shaping a little girl's personality and how that affected her growth, turning her into the trusting person she is at near-adult age.

But that's exactly the issue.

There's nothing wrong with people being naive.
So when Airi says, "I trust you because I don't think you would kill your mom," I believe her. That's naive, but it also reflects that she was there shortly before the murder and saw them interacting (she could actually serve as a viable alibi for Satoru). It even could play into her crush on him. That's a perfectly fine reason.

But then the author doesn't trust in that explanation, and has to invent some absurd story about a man's life being ruined over a chocolate bar to justify something I already totally bought into. By overexplaining the character's motivations, he made her seem less real.
You're crazy. I agree with your second sentence, but this episode was tonally opposite to the previous three episodes.

Though I wonder if that's the point, 'cause episode one was sorta similarly bombastic. Past is subdued and subtle and all about characters, while present is big and bombastic and all about things happening all the time.

I don't necessarily think that's a good idea. But it kinda fits? Sorta? Not really. Kinda?

Anyway, yeah, the episode was by far the worst episode so far.

...But to say it's bad seems a bit ridiculous.

Episode 2-4 were buildup. Nothing would have progressed if Satoru continued to delay the inevitable and the mystery wouldn't be interesting if the tone remained subdued throughout when the very first episode did not have that tone. That's the way I see it at least.

Do I think this is great pay-off? I think it could have been done better and was a bit predictable, but it was fine, and good enough to build up the true culprit.


Evangelion ep.25-END
WTF did I just watch and what did any of it even fucking mean? There was no ending here, just a mental monolog about nothing. No answers, no discoveries, no conclusion only increased confusion on what any of it even meant. What a waste. Talk about bad episodes, this was 100,000,000,000 X worse than anything seen in Erased today.

Ok, now tell me how brilliant and amazing this was supposed to be because obviously I missed the boat somewhere...
But that's exactly the issue.

There's nothing wrong with people being naive.
So when Airi says, "I trust you because I don't think you would kill your mom," I believe her. That's naive, but it also reflects that she was there shortly before the murder and saw them interacting (she could actually serve as a viable alibi for Satoru). It even could play into her crush on him. That's a perfectly fine reason.

But then the author doesn't trust in that explanation, and has to invent some absurd story about a man's life being ruined over a chocolate bar to justify something I already totally bought into. By overexplaining the character's motivations, he made her seem less real.

I disagree that it made her seem less real, but I sort of agree that it wasn't necessary unless it comes up later. It's perfectly fine as backstory and for fleshing her out as a character, but maybe it could have come up at a more opportune time.

That being said, it was like a minute if that. Hardly obtrusive IMO.
Evangelion ep.25-END
WTF did I just watch and what did any of it even fucking mean? There was no ending here, just a mental monolog about nothing. No answers, no discoveries, no conclusion only increased confusion on what any of it even meant. What a waste. Talk about bad episodes, this was 100,000,000,000 X worse than anything seen in Erased today.

Ok, now tell me how brilliant and amazing this was supposed to be because obviously I missed the boat somewhere...




And for the love of God, if you do watch the movies, don't watch 3.33.

John Blade

Evangelion ep.25-END
WTF did I just watch and what did any of it even fucking mean? There was no ending here, just a mental monolog about nothing. No answers, no discoveries, no conclusion only increased confusion on what any of it even meant. What a waste. Talk about bad episodes, this was 100,000,000,000 X worse than anything seen in Erased today.

Ok, now tell me how brilliant and amazing this was supposed to be because obviously I missed the boat somewhere...

Go watch the movie for this and you will get a good understanding about it (not the newer one but the end of evangelion). But I bet you will get even confuse and won't answer all your questions about the show.
Evangelion ep.25-END
WTF did I just watch and what did any of it even fucking mean? There was no ending here, just a mental monolog about nothing. No answers, no discoveries, no conclusion only increased confusion on what any of it even meant. What a waste. Talk about bad episodes, this was 100,000,000,000 X worse than anything seen in Erased today.

Ok, now tell me how brilliant and amazing this was supposed to be because obviously I missed the boat somewhere...

Time for end of evangelion


Evangelion ep.25-END
WTF did I just watch and what did any of it even fucking mean? There was no ending here, just a mental monolog about nothing. No answers, no discoveries, no conclusion only increased confusion on what any of it even meant. What a waste. Talk about bad episodes, this was 100,000,000,000 X worse than anything seen in Erased today.

Ok, now tell me how brilliant and amazing this was supposed to be because obviously I missed the boat somewhere...

Evangelion ep.25-END
WTF did I just watch and what did any of it even fucking mean? There was no ending here, just a mental monolog about nothing. No answers, no discoveries, no conclusion only increased confusion on what any of it even meant. What a waste. Talk about bad episodes, this was 100,000,000,000 X worse than anything seen in Erased today.

Ok, now tell me how brilliant and amazing this was supposed to be because obviously I missed the boat somewhere...

I mean the episode ended with an explosion.

That's not something anyone should've expected. It's way over the top.

It's a mystery thriller, and it didn't end
with some kind of big citywide explosion from a rip in the time stream after Satoru fucked up reality with his time jumping. No, it ended with a minor explosion from a house fire.

That's absolutely something I expected after the frantic chase scene in the first episode. This is not tonally inconsistent.

Russ T

A frantic chase scene to easily establish his power and exactly what it's used for, followed by an entire episode of him hanging out with his mom.

Yep that leads to a big explosion pretty smoothly.

Suffice it to say, I completely disagree.


That was ultimate shit tier. I can't even believe what I was even watching a shit ton of nothing. Ultimate shit tier ending, now I know why it was a classic. What is the point watching the movie if it is more of nothing. The writer was on one hell of a trip when he came up with that.


That was ultimate shit tier. I can't even believe what I was even watching a shit ton of nothing. Ultimate shit tier ending, now I know why it was a classic. What is the point watching the movie if it is more of nothing. The writer was on one hell of a trip when he came up with that.

I've given you the weapons, Nintendoman, now use it here.
That was ultimate shit tier. I can't even believe what I was even watching a shit ton of nothing. Ultimate shit tier ending, now I know why it was a classic. What is the point watching the movie if it is more of nothing. The writer was on one hell of a trip when he came up with that.

The movie isn't more of nothing. It actually gives you some answers and properly continues from episode 24.


Evangelion ep.25-END
WTF did I just watch and what did any of it even fucking mean? There was no ending here, just a mental monolog about nothing. No answers, no discoveries, no conclusion only increased confusion on what any of it even meant. What a waste. Talk about bad episodes, this was 100,000,000,000 X worse than anything seen in Erased today.

Ok, now tell me how brilliant and amazing this was supposed to be because obviously I missed the boat somewhere...

That was ultimate shit tier. I can't even believe what I was even watching a shit ton of nothing. Ultimate shit tier ending, now I know why it was a classic. What is the point watching the movie if it is more of nothing. The writer was on one hell of a trip when he came up with that.



The first thing I noticed was wrong was this scene. The audio makes it sound like Satoru is hearing this but the visuals show that he's watching this through the window due to the fogging effect. So the police are keeping something like an abduction quiet. Why? Who knows. This kinda comes off like a Japanese cultural thing so whatever. Appearances are more important than keeping people informed apparently. We also have the bloodhound friend who is 5 to ten years smarter than his actual age and figures everything out.

Come the fuck on.
Many of these characters just don't seem like actual human beings. The mother smirking when she throws out Kayo's stuff? Come the fuck on. Instead of having the mother be worried about her daughter or even miss her, the show instead goes for the hamfisted 'I'm a bad person route' when it was unnecessary instead of reeling it in to possibly make the mother into something more than a 2D villain. The direction when Satoru sees the mittens comes off as overdone and poorly handled for a number of reasons.

About as subtle as a dick punch.
The first is that the transition to the flash forward is awkwardly placed and just thrown into Satoru running creating a visual jumble. The visual pan up doesn't actual match Satoru's vision so it's unnecessarily conflicting camerawork. You then have the change in artstyle that again along with the other things happening in the scene detracts from what should have been an emotional moment as you have a fish-eye pan up, Satoru running, the crows picking at the bags, and the usual 'sketchy' art for emotional moments all cut together into a five second window that is just a mess. The reaction itself by Satoru feels out of place as I would expect something closer to a growing sense of depression and anger rather than shock.
This fugitive angle makes no fucking sense. Are the cops somehow even more incompetent than their US counterparts? How does he outrun a bunch of cops who are virtually on top of him? Was he an Olympic runner in one of his Revivals? The show 'conveniently' skips over this probably because it wouldn't have made sense anyway.

He would be ashamed.
The framing aspect as a whole never made sense because Satoru would have had a clear alibi at the time of the murder unless the police don't know how to check how long someone's been dead. The police then don't use GPS tracking to find Satoru despite him having his phone on him the entire time. Why? I don't know. The show even confirms that GPS tracking as a thing as Airi apparently knows about it. I'm not expecting a hardcore fugitive story but the police here come as buffoons. Then there is the manager.

Who has a picture of the Last Supper in their house? Is the a born again Christian?
? So you invite a known suspect, that possibly murdered his mother, over to your house? Just so you can trap him for the police? Why? Why? Why? Satoru himself acts like an idiot by going over to his boss's house despite not knowing whether it was a trap or not. Were they not keeping track of Satoru's colleagues? The people he might go to for support? The police of course don't barricade the building but instead decide to talk their time having a nice conversation with the manager. Satoru gets away and miraculously runs into Airi. Why Airi was in the neighborhood near her manager's house, who knows. I guess the manager's neighbor was in the mood for some pizza. Airi of course believes Satoru and takes him home.

What game is this idiot playing?
Satoru decidest to go out in public during the day because he's not a known fugitive. Apparently just being on TV isn't enough to make a person cautious. The manager of course decides to play hero I guess because he wants to fuck Airi? Despite then possibly ratting her out to the police too. You were worried about her but you also suggested for her to help out the fugitive that you suspected killed his mother? Baka nano?

Over a goddamn chocolate bar? lol Japan
So Airi's story is supposed to make her reasons for helping Satoru clear although it left me a bit cold. I can sort of excuse that as a cultural gap thing. They didn't even really need this story either. What pissed me off was the ending. I almost rolled my eyes out of my skull. Why does the killer still have the mother's cellphone? Of course the episode has to end with Airi being in danger for no reason. This was insulting. It was as if the writer needs to haphazardly throw in thriller elements just to make sure the work doesn't become boring.
Baka nano?
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