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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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Fantastic Children was the victim of a very peculiar set of circumstances in the West.

For whatever reason, it was announced as licensed by Bandai before it even aired - a particularly rare thing to happen in 2004 unless your show was one of the various Geneon co-productions. Furthermore, no-one really had a clue what it was - if I remember rightly the show's website wasn't up and running yet, or at least there was just generally very little awareness that the show even existed. There was a fair amount of discussion as to whether it was a retitling of the then-recent Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children anime for the Western market! As pre-licensing was relatively rare in those days there was much more of an attitude in the circles of fandom I moved in that such shows were not to be touched by most fansubbers, so FChildren quickly fell into obscurity as a result.

Its promotion in Japan, as I remember, was heavily based around two things that are essentially meaningless to Western audiences - that Nippon Animation were animating it (in particular because they also did Future Boy Conan) and Takashi Nakamura was directing (the Ghibli link was played up here).

Regardless of the quality of the show, its old-school character designs combined with the marketing mess above rather doomed it to obscurity - an enormous shame, really.

The character design coupled with the lack of action and lack of any kind of fanservice was a death sentence.

From the New World kinda suffered from the same problems, people complaining the first half was too slow and the DVD sold next to nothing.
I wouldn't expect the Ace Attorney anime to use music from the games. It may, but Kaoru Wada has been announced to be the composer for the anime, so it'll likely have mostly if not entirely original music.

I'm sure there will be a lot of original music (Kaoru Wada is too talented a composer to be doing the show otherwise), but I'm also sure that we'll get some game music. The Ace Attorney games have a really recognizable and memorable soundtrack, so it would be pretty unlikely that Wada doesn't do some new arrangements of those songs for certain moments where they would fit.


The character design coupled with the lack of action and lack of any kind of fanservice was a death sentence.

From the New World kinda suffered from the same problems, people complaining the first half was too slow and the DVD sold next to nothing.

Yeah not a big fan of those.

Also, someone please strangle Helga soon.

Just T

Gintama: 310

Katsura is a fool haha but pretty good episode, I liked the scene with the Shinsengumi. Next episode looks exciting.


Yeah not a big fan of those.

Also, someone please strangle Helga soon.

She's quite a polarizing character, personally I enjoyed her melancholy atmosphere in the first half, and the second part of the show puts her behaviors in perspective.

I know a lot of people who watched it and were frustrated with her character though, I can see the show not making a good impression if you don't end up liking her, since she's pretty much the show central character.


Konosuba - 06

Bwahahaha. I lost it right at the beginning when Aqua tried to pretend she wasn't involved and started to 'whistle'.
Battle was also hilarious, with the various 'strategies' of varying competence. Why is this only 10 episodes...

John Blade

Trying to watch Ep 2 of Watamote and it's starting to be hard to watch of what she is trying to do. I just stop a bit and try to go back watching later today. Man...so much stuff make me feel uncomfortable.

Because of my old fashion style, I might stop stop watching any of the anime I own and go watch A little Princess- Sara. A weird thing as this is recommend to watch from the list under Emma A Victorian Romance. I am actually start to like it even before watching just from the intro music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNHVrhRkDE4). Very touching tune. Unfortunately, it isn't release on DVD here in North America but it was shown in Asia and part of Arabic country and France. Guess I found an anime I am going to watch this month.

Yeah not a big fan of those.

I wouldn't say I particularly like the Fantastic Children character designs in the abstract, but they're fitting for what the show wants to be. In general I like that Takashi Nakamura has more of a European influence to his art and animation than most Japanese directors and animators.

Also, someone please strangle Helga soon.

There are certainly plenty of characters in the show who want to do that! I feel that Helga works well as a locus point for mysteries though.
Konosuba - 06

Eh, gonna drop it here. Didn't have any good jokes this time around and the characters' 'humorous' traits are outplayed and stale now. It got some pretty looking visals for the action scenes at least. A pity the character design is rather ugly with just about the blandest mc.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Tatami Galaxy Finished

Great series. Dragged a bit in the middle and the final scene wasn't terribly satisfying but overall a very strong work whose literary roots show through thanks to Yuasa's unrestrained direction. As I said before, what came cross as haphazard or random in one episode or another eventually all converged in a single, coherent point. It's very rare for anime to be as conclusive as Tatami Galaxy; rare, indeed, for serialized television in general. I'm glad I gave this a second chance.


I don't watch a lot of anime but I used to love Lupin III back in the day. Just caught up on Part 4 on crunchyroll. What a fantastic show. Really brought me back.

Erased was recommended to me so I'm watching that now.


Are there more our there other than me that have not traveled the Code Geass roller coaster? I would need support through that ride.

I don't watch a lot of anime but I used to love Lupin III back in the day. Just caught up on Part 4 on crunchyroll. What a fantastic show. Really brought me back.

Erased was recommended to me so I'm watching that now.

Welcome, Erased is an excellent watch. If you want sone fun comedy, check out Konosuba on Crunchyroll too. Sword Art Online (first 15 episodes at least) is a good reference to watch on Crunchyroll.
Do people like code geass or am I being memed on

Code Geass was legit. The first season was a legit good anime.

The second season was also a legit good anime, but not for the same reasons.

It's one of my all time favourite shows. Code Geass was a ride I'll never forget.


Code Geass was probably one of the first animes I've watched - if not the first - outside of the stuff that ran in TV when I was a child and the classic One Piece, Bleach, Naruto triangle.
Though thingking about it a bit more, I probably watched it before Bleach.


I'm surprised when anyone unironically likes Code Geass.

I am surprised that some folks are still shocked by this. Always quite a polarizing series and there are divisive elements for multiple reasons, to be sure, but Code Geass wouldn't be even half as popular -nor pretty commercially successful- if a lot of people didn't sincerely enjoy it.


Are there more our there other than me that have not traveled the Code Geass roller coaster? I would need support through that ride.

Welcome, Erased is an excellent watch. If you want sone fun comedy, check out Konosuba on Crunchyroll too. Sword Art Online (first 15 episodes at least) is a good reference to watch on Crunchyroll.
Thanks for the recommendations. Added them to my Q

John Blade

Never watch Code Geass and most likely not interested in watching it right now with the backlog of anime I need to get through right now.


Code Geass is very good at being most of what Taniguchi wanted it to be:

Entertaining instead of realistic, more over-the-top than subtle, theatrical rather than cerebral, etc.

Whether that is good or not, of course, depends on the individual viewer's tastes.
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