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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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Rainboy Days Episode 7

3rd best character in swim outfit nice. But of course my favorite Tsuyoponnu doesnt even get in the water to take his jacket off :( That defeats the purpose of going to the beach :(

Hashiba was great as usual but why'd he make her put a towel and jacket on.


Erased Episode 1-7

I think I figured out who the Killer is in this show.

Satoru from a different timeline isn't it? If you remember I think it was either in episode 5 or 6 Satoru had the exact same eyes as the Killer when he was about to kill Kayo's Mom but Kenya stopped him.I think the Killer is Satoru from the future.Or in which a timeline where Kayo is alive.

But that's not assigning motive. Does that mean that he's responsible for all of the disappearances? I'm not sure if that would make sense.
Grimgar Episode 7

Our scrubs are growing up guys. They got some new equipment and skills, and what do you know, Ranta actually came across as somewhat likable for a bit.
Haruhiro, while not good with people, knows how to realize his own faults enough to be a decent leader.

Oh, and we learned there are female goblins. And that our heroes used to think they all looked alike.

BTW, in the LN, when asked about her type, Mary said my boy Moguzo. But in the anime, she gives a nondescript nothing answer.

Why you gotta do that show? Why you gotta cheat my man?


I'm reminded of that Easter Island statue in Night of the Museum, lol

Less than one week to go until Kizumonogatari. Has anyone in the Houston area bought theirs yet?
Majin Bone 10

With all the reuse of earlier footage this definitely seemed like a lower than usual effort episode, and the cutting back and forth between the fight and Saho reflecting in the cafe was kind of awkward. I liked how the episode solidified Shougo's character growth up to now though, and his newfound strong determination to fight. I hope we see more of Antonio's backstory soon; it looks like his frivolous personality may be concealing hidden depths.
Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Episode 7 They Were Called Goblin Slayers

The little goblin slayers is a cute group name and they should be proud of it. Now they can live the good life, no more living on little to know money or having bad equipment or having holes in their underwear etc. And with pro Ranta's haggling skills even more stuff that they can get.

I liked the friendship focus which made it the best episode yet. Haruhiro finally paying attention to Ranta's needs and actually promising to treat him somewhat better and listen to him was really heartwarming.

Friend LN stories are excellent literature and this has really raised the series to really high levels.
Majin Bone 10

With all the reuse of earlier footage this definitely seemed like a lower than usual effort episode, and the cutting back and forth between the fight and Saho reflecting in the cafe was kind of awkward. I liked how the episode solidified Shougo's character growth up to now though, and his newfound strong determination to fight. I hope we see more of Antonio's backstory soon; it looks like his frivolous personality may be concealing hidden depths.

Shougo's understanding of the situation causing him to treasure every second of his everyday life is one of the things I really like about Majin Bone.

In something like, say, Smile Precure, the whole monster-of-the week stuff is business as usual for the girls and they treat every day like nothing's about to go wrong. The villains in that feel like more of a nuisance to them than anything else.

In Majin Bone, the villains there feel like a legitimate threat and are taken very seriously. The way Shougo understands the danger and the possibility of his family and friends disappearing in an instant is something I haven't seen all that much in an anime. Especially in an anime aimed for children.
Grimgar 07

You know...there's more male fanservice in Grimgar than posts in this thread would lead you to believe. Anywho, at least the party has gotten to the point where they have strong confidence while fighting the gobbies.


Dimension W-7

I knew it. I knew Steve Jobs ran the Illuminati.
So this episode delves into Kyoma's background and I found it sort of surprising.
The fact that he went to college is a bit unusual and the reasoning for him joining the military made a lot of sense. Do Mira and Miyabi have the same VA? Anyway, Mira being so similar to Miyabi probably explains why Kyoma is so antagonistic around her.
It also served to re-enforce some character traits such as his aggressiveness. The flashback served to humanize him a great deal, especially seeing him interact with the other Grendels in such a friendly manner.

1/10 fluffy. Would not ear scratch.
I liked the introduction of the other Collectors and Easter Island looks like a shitshow of the highest order. Some of the exposition dumps still feel out of place but whatever.

Solid midriff. Had her on to the waifu pile.
The writing for the show doesn't flow well and that causes problems such as in episode 5 but it's still a pretty fun watch due to the visual design and characters.
Grimgar 07

You know...there's more male fanservice in Grimgar than posts in this thread would lead you to believe. Anywho, at least the party has gotten to the point where they have strong confidence while fighting the gobbies.

Finally bath scene Ranta was what we always needed. Too bad it was so short.

The insert song this episode was also great.
Grimgar 7


Episode was ok once they got past the drama. Show works better when they aren't all hugging and exploring each other's feelings. I love how they're kind of a joke for only hunting goblins, but shit that's probably as good as they'll get anytime soon. Yume finally became useful with a bow. And Haru is a pretty competent dagger wielder now. There were some pretty visuals in the montage at the end though once again this show loves using music montages.

Maybe I spoke too soon. Maybe they will move on to another creature type before the end of the season. I'll miss them goburins if they do.


Rainbow Days 7

Lol at Hasiba's "put a jacket and towel on". He's like Bambi levels of innocence. Don't know if Tsyuo is the best boyfriend ever or the worst but he got some action this episode so props to him i guess. And finally Keichi's girl showed up.

Gundam IBO 20

They have someone who can draw the sea and the night sky really nicely, looked stunning at times.

Fair play to the show for giving Biscuit more focus. I thought he'd just get that one arc but nope. Makes sense that not everyone would just automatically follow Orga too.

Dimension W 7

Poor Mabuchi. Guess we know why he hates coils so much now.

Easter Island reminds me of Lex Luthor's kryptonite island from superman returns.


Don't you dare hate on my godlike archer. The child born from her union with Silas will bare great fruit.

In birthright it's feasible to level her to the point where she becomes good- like Donnel took a bit of time to get going. Conquest doesn't offer that flexibility though.

Russ T

Grimgar 07

More ass-shots and boob-shots of archer and mage respectively. Good job show. Ugh.

Ranta actually came off as almost kind of maybe a little likable for once. Doubt it'll last.


SNAFU S2 - End
God damn it. Season 3 when.

...Jokes aside, this has been an awesome series so far. All the characters conform to basic stereotypes seen often in anime, but said stereotypes are actually explored, explained and in contasnt evolution, focusing on the theme of "real things" and subverting said stereotypes by showing the audience (and the cast) that people are often way more than what we can see in them at first glance.

The whole thing about paradigms, how everyone has a biased view of people (including themselves), and how said mental images can't ever contain a person as a whole, as there're often parts of them we fail to notice (or ignore, either voluntarily or subconciously)... that is a theme that has been explored in other shows several times in the past. For example, Nozaki-kun did it through comedy (a character that gives off the image of being a certain way but is actually the complete opposite), and Evangelion did it through a brain-fuck plot which was a lot closer to SNAFU's way of handling things: People often don't want to be hurt, and sometimes that mask we wear and our own biased perception of the world can end up hurting others (and ourselves) pretty badly. People often fail to understand each other (and even themselves), and it's really easy to end up hurting those around us. The show works hard to point out that "knowing" a person is something that's done little by little, and that's bound to hurt us when we realize they might not be just the kind of person we thought they were; even when we "know" someone, they're always changing and growing, which means the breach between who someone "really" is and how we see them grows wider the less we interact with them.

People tend to wear lots of masks during their everyday lives, which varies between social circles, activities and even situations (hermeneutics, I guess?), and trying to comprehend someone as a whole is a really arduous (and perhaps even futile) task, which kind of ties into really caring for someone (as in a really close friend, relative or loved one): when we really want to understand the other, being aware that our mental image of who they are is bound to be broken to pieces in no time, and steeling ourselves for that while still pushing forward because yes, that person's important enough to us that we're okay with them seeing our "weak" and more intimate side to try and grasp them in a more meaningful and less superficial way.

There aren't that many shows that decide to tackle this kind of themes, so my hat's off to the people behind SNAFU, because it sure as hell is one of the better things I've seen among recent anime.


Rakugo 7

Seeing the little pieces of Bon's resentment pile up is fascinating to watch. There's almost a sense that he knows Sukeroku is holding him back and is a liability waiting to collapse but he can't toss away his friendship with him.

Another few nice moments were the Rakugo performances continue to bleed into the characters everyday actions, especially Bon's, maybe showing just how obsessed he's becoming with it.
Schwarzesmarken 07

This ending of this episode provides a good reason for NOT fucking your sister while being in love with her replacement and another woman. Bad shit always happens after you fuck a sibling. Theodor is a dumbfuck.
Besides the obvious?
I mean I feel it goes without saying that you shouldn't have sex with your sister no matter how hard she begs for the D, even if you're adopted into her family. But like I said, Theodor is a dumbfuck.

In my post I probably should have said 'another reason'.
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