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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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Just T

Luck & Logic 7

That Mana eating scene has to be one of the most unnecessary scenes I've seen all season. So much forced crap in this episode.


Arslan is one of those shows that I am so mixed on, I can't recommend it to other people. For everything I like about it, there' something I dislike. I have to wait and see what the next season entails.

Though I will say, if you can't handle bad CGI, Arslan is definitely not for you.
Can't say I wouldn't recommand it, but it's definetly not easy to convience other people to give it a fair chance unless they are already looking for this kind of show.
Well nintendoman, I appreciated your post about RWBY. I've been interested in it for a while but hemmed and hawed about watching it but those were some decent impressions that convinced me to give it a watch some time.

Write on whatever you want, it's not like there's a dearth of people writing diatribes on anime here.
I just really don't know what you're talking about. None of the characters in RWBY really feel fully formed, and there's a missing element of humanity and emotion to the entire series. I think you are substantially undercutting what is accomplished in the anime industry, and even in just this season there's more than a handful of titles that build their characters more in a single episode than RWBY's been able to accomplish with three seasons.

If we define RWBY as a "passion project"...what does that even mean? The creator's biggest passion was making Dead or Alive characters fight Final Fantasy characters. Eventually he wound up working with a company founded on making Halo machinima, and after years of working on that the opportunity to monetize an original property came about. Faced with creating original content almost every piece of RWBY is ripped from somewhere else, even on the most conceptual level, and often with little understanding to the meaning or use of the source material. If someone's passion project is an awkward mix of Harry Potter, Grimm fairy tales, and anime voiced by their favorite cosplay stars like Jessica Nigri that doesn't really mean very much to me.

Well, I was mostly comparing RWBY to the absolute bottom-of-the-barrel garbage when it comes to anime. I do mention that the characters aren't particularly developed all that much. I don't mean to say that one should watch RWBY over shows like Gintama, Hyouka, Kino's Journey, etc. I understand that the anime industry accomplishes a lot in single episodes with regards to characters, far more than RWBY does.

I'm not the biggest fan of Harry Potter or Grimm fairy tales, nor do I have much knowledge of cosplay stars to really understand where you're coming from. I was mainly referring to the fact that the entire RWBY project as an anime feels like something that seems to be near-impossible. This little ONA now has a large fanbase plus a lot of popularity in Japan. I know that really isn't something to write home about, but considering how RWBY started, I can't help but admire where it is now.

But that's just my perspective. Again, I don't mean to say that RWBY is anywhere close to a top-tier show. I just think its improvements are fairly remarkable and that the show is getting better.


Top 3 Shows are Heavy Object, Konosuba and Erased.


Grimgar ep.7
Goblins, goblins and more goblins. At least they are getting better and starting to shape up in battle. It looks like they are going to make an attempt to go after the
base that killed Mikoto earlier
and get Haru's sword back. Should be a good episode.
Yu Yu Hakusho - 107 & 108

Color me surprised, a few fairly lengthy and satisfying fights despite my previous concerns. There seem to be a lot of cut ones, which is to be expected. At least some of the short ones were good enough.
Nice to see the throwbacks to the Dark Tournament in how people have been affected and influenced by it both in defeat and victory making their resolve stronger than ever.


yes I like still shots

Having the fights taking place in the wild instead of the same arena is a good way to make it feel fresh and visually varied. The positive vibe and atmosphere of genuine joy of fighting - resulting in scenarios with a lot of heart and good sportmanship is something I appreciate.
It wasn't that frequent in the Dark Tournament, where a lot of people just had bad intentions. I assume this will all end in everyone looking past their differences and bonding over fighting despite who the actual winner is. Through fists, unity.

DanMachi 1

That was a pretty cool first episode. I liked it. Will keep watching. I'm a sucker for fantasy.

It's a surprisingly decent show. I entered into it without much in the way of expectations and though it certainly has a bunch of issues I just...had fun watching it. The characters are super endearing and the fights are surprisingly good. It was just a fun watch.


This. If you like something, elaborate and discuss.

Multi-page spanning in depth SAO episode analysis coming right up. I think 5 pages per episode is a safe limit.


RWBY: Volumes 1-3

So around the Internet I heard various things about this little ONA. Most of it was a lot of positivity towards its third volume. Usually, I would have ignored it, as it felt like business as usual at first. But as time went on the popularity started to feel different. People began saying the show took a darker turn, that it was no longer the typical battle-school show that it started off as.

So out of curiosity, I went back in. I had actually started watching RWBY around Fall of last year, and my comments could be summed up as many others who dislike this show. Awkward CG (outside of the fight scenes, anyway), over-the-top quirky characters, less-than-stellar voice acting, probably the most basic bare-bones type of anime story and setting you could get, it was all there. I didn't hate it, per say, but I definitely felt no urge to continue it. Until now, anyway.

I jumped back into the show on Netflix, finished the first two volumes, went to Crunchyroll and started and finished Volume 3.

And I have to say, I was surprised.

Around the last third of Volume 2 was when I began to get invested in the storyline. Whatever moments of awkward quirkiness was followed by set-up to a much larger story. Volumes 1 and 2 can pretty much be entirely described as set-up, really. More questions are raised than answers given, and nothing truly remarkable or crazy enough happens to really recommend the show to anyone.

But where RWBY succeeds where many other modern anime LN high-school battle-shounen shows fail, is in one crucial area. Pay-off.

Volume 3 takes everything established in the previous two volumes, and sets things into motion with them. Things are much more tense in the show now, more than they've ever been before. The lore of its world has been expanded upon and the implied connections it has to many of the main characters are genuinely intriguing. Volume 3 ends with everything I knew about the show changed. I don't want to spoil much, but I can tell that Volume 4 is definitely going to have a much different tone than that of the first two volumes. This isn't just a high-school battle-shounen show anymore. This is an adventure.

I'll stop talking about that now though, as I feel the less one knows what happens in Volume 3, the better.

Don't take this as I'm saying that Volume 3 pushes the show into 100% top-tier anime status though, because it most definitely isn't that. While the CG in Volume 3 is definitely an improvement, I can't say that you'll react the same way towards it that I did. While the voice-acting has also improved, with big-name VAs such as Yuri Lowenthall and Vic Mignogna on the project, it can still be pretty iffy. The characters, while not as bland and uninteresting as they start out as, are still pretty basic.

You've got the stuck-up rich girl, the tough but mostly stoic and silent type with a dark past, the perky main character, the tough and caring older sister, the loser boy with a big heart, the bully jock, the hyperactive comedy girl, etc.

While they all get some development, it's nowhere near as much as I've seen it in other much better shows. But the good thing is, when it comes to anime, "some development" is still a lot more than many other shows can say. The show doesn't back out on any choices it makes. Where the show is at now, it isn't joking around with anything.

It's honestly difficult for me to recommend RWBY, as in order to get to the good stuff, one has to have the patience to sit through the 3+ hours of set-up of Volumes 1 and 2. Do I think that it's worth it? Well, yeah. But whether you'll feel the same way depends on how much of a chance you're willing to give the show. I wouldn't say that Volumes 1 and 2 are pure garbage, per say. The fight scenes are genuinely impressive all the way through, with some legit good choreography. They're all fast-paced, chaotic, and great fun to watch. But it definitely has its flaws.

What I probably like the most about RWBY however, is the passion behind it and what that passion has earned Rooster Teeth. On paper, the entire project sounds like some fanboy dream. That dream has evolved into an ONA that has actual legit VAs in Japan dubbing it. The fact that Rooster Teeth is continuing to give their all towards this project in the name of Monty Oum after his tragic death last year just to continue that dream, is something I can't help but admire.

RWBY most definitely isn't for everyone. It's easy to get angry at something like it being an overall very popular show. But what I see in RWBY isn't a soulless sell-out made to pander to an audience to bring in the cash. I see a passion project that became something bigger, and is continuing to get bigger. For that, I respect it. The show has me invested enough to be excited for Volume 4, and when it comes, I hope it keeps me invested.

Whether you'll get invested in RWBY, I can't say. What I can say is that the show has evolved from what it used to be, and that's one of the best things that can happen to any anime.

All I can say is give the show a shot, and if you're patient enough to sit through the show's flaws and its set-up, you'll definitely be rewarded for it.

This sums up my thoughts pretty well. I'd recommend that anyone looking to get into the series just blow through all three volumes - it feels very much like a "Part 1", which I think was the creator's intention.

I just really don't know what you're talking about. None of the characters in RWBY really feel fully formed, and there's a missing element of humanity and emotion to the entire series. I think you are substantially undercutting what is accomplished in the anime industry, and even in just this season there's more than a handful of titles that build their characters more in a single episode than RWBY's been able to accomplish with three seasons.

If we define RWBY as a "passion project"...what does that even mean? The creator's biggest passion was making Dead or Alive characters fight Final Fantasy characters. Eventually he wound up working with a company founded on making Halo machinima, and after years of working on that the opportunity to monetize an original property came about. Faced with creating original content almost every piece of RWBY is ripped from somewhere else, even on the most conceptual level, and often with little understanding to the meaning or use of the source material. If someone's passion project is an awkward mix of Harry Potter, Grimm fairy tales, and anime voiced by their favorite cosplay stars like Jessica Nigri that doesn't really mean very much to me.

Is that really important though?

I mean, I don't think a passion project is defined by how original it is, or hell, even how good it is. I feel it's defined by what the creator(s) put into it and how that comes across within the project itself. If I put my heart and soul into something completely unoriginal, would the fact it means little to you stop it from being a passion thing?

I can't speak truly for the people behind the series, but RWBY comes across very much as a labour of love - the people behind it just seem to give the impression that they absolutely love doing what they're doing - and I think it's prevalent through the series itself. Even with all of its many imperfections.

I feel like I'm talking a bit of romanticised bollocks a bit here - "magic" and "soul" and all that jazz - but with this viewpoint coupled with the success that the series has enjoyed, I find it difficult to not be a little enamoured with it. Plus, I feel like the team want to keep pushing themselves to keep improving the series, and I can't help but admire that.

Also, sorry if the first part seemed a little combative!


Mine is pretty and pink


Twitter comment from the original creator, saying 1-5 of manga about Yakumo's past being animated in this cour. (The original manga will have 10 volumes in total.) She says it depends on the reputation of this season's success whether they can make its 2nd season (with Yotaro) or not.

Saw this on reddit about Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, really hoping studio deen will adapt the next five volumes too in a second season.
I mean, fuck, I'd probably just be like "This anime gets 20 out of 10 stars for having the MC and his main love interest get together over the course of the show without any romance drama bullshit and be in a relationship for the remainder of it"

I can count on one hand the number of times an anime has actually gone ahead with a romantic relationship and continued after the fact. It shares that honor with Cavalry so if those are the two anime I can name off the top of my head that can break out of their shell to do this than Rest of Anime? Step up your fucking game.
I mean, fuck, I'd probably just be like "This anime gets 20 out of 10 stars for having the MC and his main love interest get together over the course of the show without any romance drama bullshit and be in a relationship for the remainder of it"

I can count on one hand the number of times an anime has actually gone ahead with a romantic relationship and continued after the fact. It shares that honor with Cavalry so if those are the two anime I can name off the top of my head that can break out of their shell to do this than Rest of Anime? Step up your fucking game.

Watch better anime? Maybe if you extend beyond trashy LN harems you will find better stuff.


Up to the Kyubei arc in Gintama now, and I'm continuously impressed with how the standard has not dropped in the near 80 episodes that I've gone through. So fucking good.

The way it's written is so clever as well. Not only is it funny as hell, but the comedic hijinks warm you up to the characters so that when the serious arcs arrive, the dramatic moments carry even more weight. Love it.


The more I think about it, the more I realize that it was no accident that the director of Sword Art Online is directing Erased. They have a number of things in common, especially the first season of SAO which firehawk loved so much.


The more I think about it, the more I realize that it was no accident that the director of Sword Art Online is directing Erased. They have a number of things in common, especially the first season of SAO which firehawk loved so much.

Based Ito's direction, Yuki Kajiura soundtrack, and A-1 Pictures.

Damn, by the point I joined these forums I only ever saw him commenting sardonically on SAO.

But let’s ignore that, because we’ve ignored it for the last 10 weeks anyway. The worst scene in the history of fiction plays out and just as all hope seems lost, Kirito gets a power up from the guy who invented the game in the first place.

So true. The attempted redemption of mister "I can't even fucking remember why the hell I'm forcing thousands to die via my online game" is about as despicable as it gets.
I'm probably in the minority on this, but does anyone else prefer watching shows after all episodes are out? I just really like binge watching now. Maybe it's because of Netflix, maybe it's because I get impatient waiting each week; I don't know. It's weird because it doesn't bother me as much watching live action shows weekly.

It's a surprisingly decent show. I entered into it without much in the way of expectations and though it certainly has a bunch of issues I just...had fun watching it. The characters are super endearing and the fights are surprisingly good. It was just a fun watch.
Awesome, thanks for the quick impressions!
I'm probably in the minority on this, but does anyone else prefer watching shows after all episodes are out? I just really prefer binge watching now. Maybe it's because of Netflix, maybe it's because I get impatient waiting each week; I don't know. It's weird because I it doesn't bother me as much watching live action shows weekly.

Honestly, this was how I did it for the longest time and I still prefer it that way most of the time. It just lets me keep everything in my head closer to when I watched it.

I mainly started watching weekly so I could talk about the shows with people when it was more fresh.

That'll learn me.


Special A ep.3
Making bento is tough for those typical alpha brawler females, lol. I guess they are jumping on this ship straight away, and the comedy was good as well.

Is there any way to watch SNAFU in the UK? The impressions posted recently have me intrigued.

Should be on Crunchyroll UK, no?

It's a great psychological looks into friendships, relationships and social status and is just great stuff to watch.
So true. The attempted redemption of mister "I can't even fucking remember why the hell I'm forcing thousands to die via my online game" is about as despicable as it gets.

I'm astounded by how many times the show attempts to make him seem like he was a nice noble guy all along. Why was he even the guy who trapped everybody in the first place then?

They should have made the real villain of SAO a GLaDOS-esque AI villain that went rogue or something. That would have been a fun twist. Say that the guy who made the game was being held hostage by his own AI and that he was being framed.
I'm probably in the minority on this, but does anyone else prefer watching shows after all episodes are out? I just really like binge watching now. Maybe it's because of Netflix, maybe it's because I get impatient waiting each week; I don't know. It's weird because it doesn't bother me as much watching live action shows weekly.

Awesome, thanks for the quick impressions!
Im less likely to finish a show when all its episodes are added in one big chunk versus watching it weekly, Im still behind on G no Reconguista for example. Also thats a lot of time to carve out of ones schedule if say they choose to watch 40 anime in a season, 40 times full chunks of each show is a mighty tall order.

Only anime on netflix I did that for was Devil is A Part Timer, and TTGL.


Special A ep.3
Making bento is tough for those typical alpha brawler females, lol. I guess they are jumping on this ship straight away, and the comedy was good as well.

Should be on Crunchyroll UK, no?

It's a great psychological looks into friendships, relationships and social status and is just great stuff to watch.

Nah, licencing limitations.

I mean it sounds great. I think I've seen the second series available elsewhere, it's the first series that's proving to be a head-scratcher. :/


I'm probably in the minority on this, but does anyone else prefer watching shows after all episodes are out? I just really like binge watching now. Maybe it's because of Netflix, maybe it's because I get impatient waiting each week; I don't know. It's weird because it doesn't bother me as much watching live action shows weekly.

I prefer it that way but I get impatient so sometimes I watch it weekly.
DanMachi 2

So is every deity a female, or have I missed something? Not that that's a bad thing, but I do find it strange. Also, I'm beginning to think Bell isn't a normal human.
Demigod, maybe?

Edit: Oh wait, elephant dude is a god, right?

DanMachi 3

Yeah, I'm really liking this. Bell is a great character. The fight with Gorilla Homunculus was nice too.

I like that the gods and goddesses come from different mythologies. I wonder if scheming chick is Aphrodite?


If you're looking for something with a vaguely medieval setting, you can try Garo the Animation, which is set in a fantasy kingdom inspired by medieval Europe, or perhaps Maria the Virgin Witch, which is set in actual medieval Europe, albeit with fantasy elements.

gonna look into both of those and see what they are about. thanks for the recommendation
Rakugo 7

Miyokichi :(

I thought Shin would be upset that Bon didnt tell him about
the tour with master
but he seems fine with it. I do like that Bon is now starting to really enjoy performing and even has dreams and aspirations about what he wants to do in rakugo.

I'm also kind of confused about Miyokichi's relationship with the master.
Is he sleeping with her too?
I didnt really understand when she was first introduced in the show.


Dimension W 6-7
Lastly, Loser is cool as fuck. I wish we saw more of him. I thought the kid that calls him Papa was a boy? Or does he have multiple kids.

I think that's been the same girl, Elizabeth, since the first time we saw her. Just wearing different disguises. First as a boy, then her goth outfit, and we saw her briefly in the previous episode without any disguise.


Mine is pretty and pink
Rakugo 7

Miyokichi :(

I thought Shin would be upset that Bon didnt tell him about
the tour with master
but he seems fine with it. I do like that Bon is now starting to really enjoy performing and even has dreams and aspirations about what he wants to do in rakugo.

I'm also kind of confused about Miyokichi's relationship with the master.
Is he sleeping with her too?
I didnt really understand when she was first introduced in the show.

Miyokichi is the masters
side thing shh shh don't tell my wife
At first I thought he wanted to pair Kiku and Miyo together but after this episode I think it was more about him sending her off to be with Kiku as a one time thing or something like that.
Because of that the question
asked by the master about his relationship with Miyo seems to have made him want to distance himself more from Miyo as before that moment he was totally fine with going out with her.

Sakurako theory spoiler
or he has no feelings for Miyo and loves Sakurako and that's why he's going out shopping cloth for him, takes care of him when he's drunk and letting him sleep on his lap.

Personal speculation about where the story might lead and speculation from the length of the source material :
Also wonder when the double suicide (Shinjuu) is going to happen I can almost already guess how it's going to play out, well might not even happen in this season. As this anime will adapt volumes 1-5 of 10 ( 8 is out ) but I haven't read the Manga so all this is speculation.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
So with Grimgar are we supposed to assume if they had played RPG's in their real world life that they would completely forget about it here?

Cause I still don't know how the fuck they are confusing role responsibilities. Does the LN go a lot faster?

Just T

Towa no Quon: 6

Hmm I thought this would of had a bit more impact in some way, kinda underwhelmed. Well it was a visual treat.
SNAFU S2 - End
God damn it. Season 3 when.

...Jokes aside, this has been an awesome series so far. All the characters conform to basic stereotypes seen often in anime, but said stereotypes are actually explored, explained and in contasnt evolution, focusing on the theme of "real things" and subverting said stereotypes by showing the audience (and the cast) that people are often way more than what we can see in them at first glance.

The whole thing about paradigms, how everyone has a biased view of people (including themselves), and how said mental images can't ever contain a person as a whole, as there're often parts of them we fail to notice (or ignore, either voluntarily or subconciously)... that is a theme that has been explored in other shows several times in the past. For example, Nozaki-kun did it through comedy (a character that gives off the image of being a certain way but is actually the complete opposite), and Evangelion did it through a brain-fuck plot which was a lot closer to SNAFU's way of handling things: People often don't want to be hurt, and sometimes that mask we wear and our own biased perception of the world can end up hurting others (and ourselves) pretty badly. People often fail to understand each other (and even themselves), and it's really easy to end up hurting those around us. The show works hard to point out that "knowing" a person is something that's done little by little, and that's bound to hurt us when we realize they might not be just the kind of person we thought they were; even when we "know" someone, they're always changing and growing, which means the breach between who someone "really" is and how we see them grows wider the less we interact with them.

People tend to wear lots of masks during their everyday lives, which varies between social circles, activities and even situations (hermeneutics, I guess?), and trying to comprehend someone as a whole is a really arduous (and perhaps even futile) task, which kind of ties into really caring for someone (as in a really close friend, relative or loved one): when we really want to understand the other, being aware that our mental image of who they are is bound to be broken to pieces in no time, and steeling ourselves for that while still pushing forward because yes, that person's important enough to us that we're okay with them seeing our "weak" and more intimate side to try and grasp them in a more meaningful and less superficial way.

There aren't that many shows that decide to tackle this kind of themes, so my hat's off to the people behind SNAFU, because it sure as hell is one of the better things I've seen among recent anime.
When I finished watching SNAFU S1 I knew I had found a gem. Every year would pass, and I wouldn't find a substitute. You know, every season I'd go "I wonder if this will be my season's SNAFU". It never happened until 3 years later when we got this second season, that was EVEN BETTER than the previous one. It hurts that it ended on such a huge cliffhanger that very likely won't be answered for another few years (if ever in anime form). I'll be waiting for it, always on the lookout for my next SNAFU of the season.

Grimgar 07

SNAFU this is not. But it is still pretty good emotionally, this is more a show about kids dealing with personal issues in a fantasy world than it is them exploring it. The episodes have been getting increasingly better each week in that regard, and for the first time I actually have very little to complain about Ranta. Is it too little too late for him though, idk? All of the others are progressing too learning new skills and Mary has integrated well with everyone. Haruhiro has become a leader that everyone can count on, prioritizing personal safety and strength build up over taking risks, even if that came at the cost of being ridiculed by everyone else in town. I enjoyed seeing the characters getting better and armour as the episode went on, and I'm enjoying how this one is a slow burn. This would be good if it got more seasons. The source material is translated right? I feel like I remember some of you talking about it.

And that's it again from me today folks. Gotta hit the books again for tomorrow. I'll watch Gundam IBO and Dimension W then.


Nah, licencing limitations.

I mean it sounds great. I think I've seen the second series available elsewhere, it's the first series that's proving to be a head-scratcher. :/

Everything comes to a head in season two. Like Clannad, season 1 is a big set-up for the events of season 2.

Acchi Kocchi ep.10-END

Finishing off some backlog tonight. This show was just so damn funny and chill throughout. I I was a good MC and watching her shy love for him was hilarious throughout. It took awhile, but I'm glad I took Vajun's advice to watch this one since it was so good!


I'm also kind of confused about Miyokichi's relationship with the master.
Is he sleeping with her too?
I didnt really understand when she was first introduced in the show.

I don't think so, Geisha aren't prostitutes, and dont advertise themselves that way. The Master and her may be in an illicit relationship, or not, but it's not implicitly 'part of the job wink wink nudge nudge' or something
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