as long as they don't overly pander to fujoshis
as they don't overly pander to fujoshis
Teaser visual for All Out!! anime adaptation:
insert innuendo here
Oh, so mens' sports are the new FOTM or something? I'm not much of a fan, but as long as they don't overly pander to fujoshis I think they're still better off than all the isekai/high school with powers LN nonsense.
breh take a look at that ass. Thats just the first visual.
It's not like they have genitals anyways.All out of underwear it seems.
It's not like they have genitals anyways.
Monogatari SS - Ep. 5-6
Episode 5 was one of the best episodes I have seen in a while. Give me more episodes like this, and this show is 10/10 for me.
6 was a recap and really pointless, because it recaps everything we knew about Hanekawa before the new arc, after her new arc is already over.
Apperently there are more episodes like this, but I'm just going to skip them.
I disagree wholeheartedly with this statement.penises are too icky
Oh, so mens' sports are the new FOTM or something? I'm not much of a fan, but as long as they don't overly pander to fujoshis I think they're still better off than all the isekai/high school with powers LN nonsense.
Flavor Of The MonthI don't know what FOTM means, but male sports anime aimed at female audiences has been a long-standing tradition going back to at least Prince of Tennis. That field can certainly produce some good works such as Haikyuu and Yowamushi Pedal.
You gotta at least appreciate their balls though.penises are too icky
So many sports anime <3
I disagree wholeheartedly with this statement.
All this talk just made me think what'd happen if anime actually went and used a male version of big-breast-related tropes, but I guess our lovely double-standard society would riot if guys called each other out on the size of their junk, we had guys who were really embarassed about it and especially if we'd have gainaxing apply to them as well.
All this talk just made me think what'd happen if anime actually went and used a male version of big-breast-related tropes, but I guess our lovely double-standard society would riot if guys called each other out on the size of their junk, we had guys who were really embarassed about it and especially if we'd have gainaxing apply to them as well.
But yeah, girls groping each other, the whole thing about drinking milk, self-concious big or small-breasted girls and seeing them flail about all the time is all a-ok.
Hajime no Ippo, everyone makes fun of Ippo for having an elephant dick.
Dicks don't even exist in anime 99% of the time.
Oh, so mens' sports are the new FOTM or something? I'm not much of a fan, but as long as they don't overly pander to fujoshis I think they're still better off than all the isekai/high school with powers LN nonsense.
I'm not much of a fan, but as long as they don't overly pander to fujoshis
It's Sentai.Hm? By who?
It's not Sentai is it!?
Hm? By who?
It's not Sentai is it!?
You have a monogatari avatar and you're conplaining about pandering?
This is like one of those corrupted wishesMaiden Japan, which I believe is a label associated with Sentai.
I don't know what Dennou Coil is, but it certainly isn't Hyouka.
Yo did thatjust use acockroachas a sword? Turned up the vibrance on my tv, so much better. Great episode.spine
I don't know what Dennou Coil is, but it certainly isn't Hyouka.
did you add the sixth one specifically so someone would call it out or what.
I just spammed it and clicked post there's no ulterior motive here!
This is like one of those corrupted wishes![]()
Any opinions of Miss Hokusai film?
I'm sold.It's Serial Experiments Lain meets Studio Ghilbi. And it has children with beards nuking the shit out of each other and a ugly as shit hacker grandma.
You have a monogatari avatar and you're conplaining about pandering?
I missed th rest of the comments on the page, where have we gone wrong here?
DTL will be all over this and provide some play by play for ya
I missed th rest of the comments on the page, where have we gone wrong here?
Russ T has already explained it, but I guess I'll chip in anyway.
Monogatari has some great character development, which is the reason I like the show in the first place. I'm one of many who constantly warn others of Nisemonogatari and its rampant fanservice, and the reason for that is what we are aware that it isn't one of the series' aspects that deserves any praise and can upset watchers.
However, seeing the cast bond with each other and grow in overly stylized and exaggerated but still relatable ways is what sucked me into Monogatari as a series, and what got me to stick with it in the first place. Does it have unfortunate fanservice that doesn't do much for the plot? Yes. But the show doesn't hinge on that and has many interesting things in it that make the series worth it.