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Osomatsu-san isn't based on an ongoing manga right, just a revival of an older one?
A really old one
Osomatsu-san isn't based on an ongoing manga right, just a revival of an older one?
Did Bakemono even break 100k?
Osomatsu-san isn't based on an ongoing manga right, just a revival of an older one?
Gonna assume that the 2 cour extension *probably* won't be the last we see of Osomatsu. I don't think anyone expected this. Hosanna was worried that no one would even know about the show before it aired...
Did Bakemono even break 100k?
Osomatsu-san isn't based on an ongoing manga right, just a revival of an older one?
Gonna assume that the 2 cour extension *probably* won't be the last we see of Osomatsu. I don't think anyone expected this. Hosanna was worried that no one would even know about the show before it aired...
Wow, those sales are absolutely unreal. When was the last time a show sold that well?
Osomatsu-san isn't based on an ongoing manga right, just a revival of an older one?
Gonna assume that the 2 cour extension *probably* won't be the last we see of Osomatsu. I don't think anyone expected this. Hosanna was worried that no one would even know about the show before it aired...
what 2 cour extension?
Unless I am remembering, Osomatsu started as a 1 cour show but quickly got extended. As in, it wasn't planned that way originally and more episodes were ordered.
Love Live season 2 vol. 1 sold 116,896 copies. I think Osomatsu-san vol. 1 is second to that.
The length of Osomatsu-san wasn't announced when it started, but it must have been planned as a 2-cour show. You can't change plans that quickly.
Huge drop after that though. Other than the 70k final volume, the rest didn't even crack 60k each.
The length of Osomatsu-san wasn't announced when it started, but it must have been planned as a 2-cour show. You can't change plans that quickly.
My mistake then.
Wow this was one of the more touching stories in the show and it was about an umbrella.
that feel when you see something that can't be unseen
Who could this mysterious masked man possibly be?
I still don't know who Mr. Bushido is.
didn't realize another regular was going through gintama. How are you liking it Jarmel?
Sports anime are my homoerotic sanctuary, I'm excited for this one.Teaser visual for All Out!! anime adaptation:
insert innuendo here
Rugby looks pretty cutthroat, even more than football.
It's kill or be killed.
I don't think kicking someone is a legal move in rugby...
I don't think soccer fields are nearly as big as anime makes them seem either, but they find a way
Rugby looks pretty cutthroat, even more than football.
I don't think kicking someone is a legal move in rugby...
It's about setting an example. Kill one to warn a hundred.
where's my cricket anime
Same here. Overlord was really damn good.Just finished watching season one of overlord and I need season 2 in my life right NOW. That show was waaaay better than I expected it to be.
Just finished watching season one of overlord and I need season 2 in my life right NOW. That show was waaaay better than I expected it to be.
It's kill or be killed.
well its a sport played mostly by rapists & wife beaters
wait i thought that was nrl or afl
cricket would be the only sport anime thing where everything being super drawn out would be completely accurate
cricket would be the only sport anime thing where everything being super drawn out would be completely accurate