Should I even expect more of this to go up? Media Blasters doesn't say anything about it on their website and this Vimeo upload is super weird.
Should I even expect more of this to go up? Media Blasters doesn't say anything about it on their website and this Vimeo upload is super weird.
why do they need to put sample on the image? Are people printing their own body pillows?
Yep, pretty much. It's technically another company under the holding company Section23, which has Sentai Filmworks, Maiden Japan, Aesir Holdings (who releases some old, retained ADV licenses) and the ADV Films label (which they had to put on the Elfen Lied BD, for some reason). I think the person who runs Maiden Japan is someone who was high up in ADV, Matt Greenfield.
Section23 does all their disc authoring themselves, so Maiden Japan discs are a lot like Sentai ones. Same subtitle style, same concerns, etc. Though the Maiden Japan BDs I do own (Oshii's Patlabor OVA, Patlabor 1 and 2) are actually very good.
In any case, it's great that Denno Coil has finally been licensed over here! Fantastic little series, I'll be more than happy to rewatch it on BD.
Also, Sentai is putting out And Yet the Town Moves on BD, for those of you who are interested (I know there's quite a few fans of it here. I ought to rewatch that as well, honestly).
why do they need to put sample on the image? Are people printing their own body pillows?
Good morning, where is everyone?
Probably still recuperating from how awesome the Gintama episode was. Again.
.. I know I am, at least. : P
We're all pitching in to support the terrifying CG idol future, right? RIGHT?
I probably actually will, but it probably so isn't hitting that target looking at how it's going so far...
[Gintama 2015] - 46
Well this week's episode of Gintama is only 17 minutes long. Surprise! I can only assume this is due to production difficulties. The remainder of the episode is just filler gags.
Good morning, where is everyone?
Nope on anime kickstarters. Fooled me once.We're all pitching in to support the terrifying CG idol future, right? RIGHT?
I probably actually will, but it probably so isn't hitting that target looking at how it's going so far...
[Gintama 2015] - 46
Well this week's episode of Gintama is only 17 minutes long. Surprise! I can only assume this is due to production difficulties. The remainder of the episode is just filler gags.
My goodness, I'm not sure if you guys like t or not, but if you haven't seen it yet, go check out the Uncharted 4 story trailer they put out about an hour ago...
Oh and it's Konosuba day!
Uncharted anime when?
[Dimension W] - 7
**Unmarked Spoilers within**
For the first time, the series has finally deemed to give us Kyoma's backstory and unfortunately, the way it was handled was far from satisfying. The biggest weakness with the material was the speed at which we tore through it. This rapid pace didn't allow any of the characters within it time to develop and the audience to develop any affection for them.
[Dimension W] - 7
This stands out most in the development of Miyabi, a character that the audience already knows is doomed to an ill-fate. When will writers of anime, and manga for that matter, learn to understand that you can't successfully develop a character and bond them to the audience in two minutes flat. That just isn't enough time for us to care when they inevitably die. What kind of character does Miyabi have? She's apparently a clutz and she likes Kyoma - that's literally all her character consists of - a true cipher, motivation for our hero to do a thing and go to a place. Just as bad is Kyoma's reaction to her fate, all we have time for is some brief howling and nashing from him before we have to jump into the 'main' story.
If you're key backstory is going to be so painfully thin and predictable then don't dedicate this much time to it - perhaps just hint at it in more subtle ways, such as how Cowboy Bebop gives you these brief flashes into Spike's past. It would honestly have been more effective to just give us dialouge-free scenes and let the audience work out what was going on - use the power of the visual medium and all that.
The larger point that I'm trying to get at is that if you're going to include serious, weighty material in your story than give it the respect it deserves in terms of time and energy. The flashback in episode 7 just felt perfunctory, an exercise in conveying the key story beats without making any real effort to develop into something more meaningful.
Shin Sekai Yori #1
The second show I'm watching due to AnimeGAF's old AOTY lists, it looks good and has a premise that might be interesting if handled correctly. The first scene really threw me off since it made me think I had just walked into Akira, but soon enough things changed to a different time and place.
It's also nice to see the show didn't just do an infodump on the girl who appears to be the protagonist (or at least our main POV character). I especially like it when you can learn about a character based on actions that don't appear to be staged as mere exposition devices. It's still way too early to say much else about the show though, so I guess I'll have to wait and see what else's in store.
Why not go straight to the source and watch Shirow's Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn and stop pretending Dimension W is a sci-fi show or even an action show?Dimension W is a series that I have very mixed feelings about. I watch and it enjoy it every week but I'd never really recommend it to anyone who doesn't share my particular weakness. My weakness is for near future/sci-fi action shows - this just happens to me the kind of pulp that I love. I'll readily admit that's not a terribly good reason to watch a series but that's just how I'm wired.
The problem for me is that there aren't that many works in this genre.
Goddamn this PV for the God Eater Meteorite Arc is so hype I feel like watching the entire series now.
Goddamn this PV for the God Eater Meteorite Arc is so hype I feel like watching the entire series now.
I also thought seeing Kyoma being friendly with the other Grendels was in stark contrast to how he is now. Kyoma's personality did a large shift after Easter Island and that was a short tidbit that conveyed that pretty well. His reaction to Albert leaving was also a good bit of visual storytelling in that you can see he felt betrayed by Albert bailing on him.
Goddamn this PV for the God Eater Meteorite Arc is so hype I feel like watching the entire series now.
This is what I was thinking towards the end of the episode. We got the flashback because we the audience didn't know anything about Kyo's past whereas the current arc seems to involve big people who presumably know about him and his past and what he was known for. Seemed like a good time to get the audience up to speed as well.They really didn't dedicate much time to his backstory at all, it was half an episode when they could have easily fleshed it into a full episode. I think the show did have to address Kyoma's background to some degree as he was going to Easter Island just like Cowboy Bebop delved into Spike's background whenever Julia or Vincent got involved. The flashback was mostly for context in that the audience knows shit went south on Easter Island and that it was the turning point for Kyoma's life.
>>>/v/My goodness, I'm not sure if you guys like t or not, but if you haven't seen it yet, go check out the Uncharted 4 story trailer they put out about an hour ago...
My goodness, I'm not sure if you guys like t or not, but if you haven't seen it yet, go check out the Uncharted 4 story trailer they put out about an hour ago...
Oh and it's Konosuba day!
Goddamn this PV for the God Eater Meteorite Arc is so hype I feel like watching the entire series now.
Wow another ex-BONES director on Kickstarter!
How can two trailers make me so happy
Oh and it's Konosuba day!
By making sure to have a hearty breakfast're the best (or one of them) why?