Those idol agency's are getting the youth hooked early. It's like cigarettes but worse somehow for your health
Those idol agency's are getting the youth hooked early. It's like cigarettes but worse somehow for your health
Fantastic Children 7
I do have a question: Where exactly is the Southeastern Archipelago that is the main setting for the series supposed to be in the world? Obviously it's a fictional location, but it's still supposed to correspond to some rough location on Earth, right? It's singled out in this episode as not being in Europe, and the island Thoma lives on seems pretty remote and tropical, but the majority of the country seems to be European in culture.
I don't really understand the complaint about cliffhangers. Why are they bad? Just, in general? They've never bothered me.
Notice how the episode ended on a really good note but they decided to start a new scene at the end that kind of takes the wind out of the sails just so there is a setup for the next episode you were going to watch anyway?
Notice how that scene at the beginning of the episode probably would have been way better if it wasn't revealed to have happened at the end of the last episode?
That's why. The killer angle doesn't interest me at all. Its not even trying to be suspenseful or anything.
Erased - 08
These "Get a grip! You're 29!" remarks Satoru makes about himself are quite humorous in the right context but this episode it was rather creepy. I'm still trying to think if he was thinking about s.th. completely innocent and maybe the translation for that phrase isn't perfectly suited but it damn sure seemed to imply some sexual fantasizing going on. And...yeh, what? You really are 29 and I don't see why your mind would wander there when it's your mom and a 10 year old girl. I'd rather expect this kind of laughter to heighten his mood because he's glad Hinazuki's having a good time and his mother is so good at dealing with kids.
This is why I love this anime so much. Its so pleasing. But noo the arc is over but we got such an awesome SasuNaru scene for the ending. The animators knows what Kishimoto was planning since day one, as Sasuke said, they were destined for each other.
Erased 08
Thatscene. Goddamnit, my heart. As for what you guys say is creepy about Satoru, I like to think that the fact that he is in a young body affects him a bit in a way.breakfast
Yeah, that's my take on it too.
The fact that he tries to "snap out of it" kind of makes me think it is actually what's happening there. Of course this is all wishful thinking. Maybe the manga goes into it?
Erased 08
As for what you guys say is creepy about Satoru, I like to think that the fact that he is in a young body affects him a bit in a way.
Tomorrow I will watch the greatest anime movie of all time!
Tomorrow I will watch the greatest anime movie of all time!
Critic Consensus: Look on Gods of Egypt, ye filmgoers, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of this colossal wreck, boundless and bare. The lone and level sands stretch far away. (Apologies to Shelley.)
Scamp anime preview is up, man, next season looks packed as hell.
Not even that many Magical High School LN adaptations, so weird!
Officially, Papan and Kokkuri Islands are just in "the South".
My guess is they're supposed to be analogous , at least in style, to the Ryukyu Islands off Japan (known as the "Southwest Islands" sometimes, like Papan and Kokkuri are the "Southeast Islands"). Thoma's martial art style is supposed to be kenpo i.e. vaguely Asian, although that doesn't explain why the mainland so close by is so heavily Western in nature.
I guess I'll just have to accept that Fantastic Children geography has no real parallel in real-world geography despite Europe existing in both!
Freezing ep. 2-3
I still have no idea what is going on, but it appears the MC has a sister fettish and the heroine is a complete tsun tsun with a soft spot for just this one man. With that being said, I haven't cringed this much at stuff I'm watching since Cross Ange, and I think this one is actually even a step above Angelisa-sama.... This $hit is brutal....
Rosario + Vampire S2 ep.1-3
Hopefully, annoying imouto goes away soon. Not bad episodes overall, but pretty standard stuff. At least ep.3 finally brought out some harem craziness, especially that that scene with our MC grabbing one mom's boob and pulling a Tusk with his face buried in the other. Sooo funny, Lol.
Tomorrow I'll watch the redline for the first time, heard it's pretty cool.
Its history isn't quite the same either, since X rays were discovered by someone similar to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, but not quite.I guess I'll just have to accept that Fantastic Children geography has no real parallel in real-world geography despite Europe existing in both!
Its history isn't quite the same either, since X rays were discovered by someone similar to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, but not quite.
The real world parallels - yet not exactly - do seem crafted to give the setting a deliberate off-kilter feel, which works to the story's favor I think.Well yeah, it's fiction, but it's a bit confusing when some parts of the world have a parallel to the real Earth and other parts don't.