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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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That sinking feeling when you realize two OVAs made 17 years ago look far better than Digimon Tri

Digimon Adventure The Movie

Love how visceral and raw the Digimon come across in this. Its almost very Godzilla or Jurassic Park like in that they are unstoppable forces of nature. It would be fun to see a full Digimon series that went down this path.

I forgot how adorable Hikari was with the whistle.

Digimon Our War Game

Hosada's rough draft for Summer Wars. Ive seen that comparison thrown around but fuck its true. Summer Wars does basically re-use the exact same plot, setting and art style.

Marked out big time for Omegamon when I first saw this. And all these years later I had the exact same reaction. Jesus I just realized how badly the dub butchered this thing.

So Adventure 02 next. I remember almost nothing about it except for Hikari and Takeru's hideous re-designs and armour digivolves being a thing.


Heavy object is that one mecha show with ohohohoho ojousama and big sphere mecha right ?

True. (She only appears now and then though)


Maturity, bitches.
Do we rate OPs/EDs on visuals or just the song?

If just the song than the only decent one this season is Pandora's.

Visually both the OP and ED from Osumatsu are great (I have a soft spot for stop motion EDs)

that was waaaaaaay too creepy for my liking. What the heck. No. No, no, no, no, no. And they even tried to make it look cute. NO.

What happened?

Do we rate OPs/EDs on visuals or just the song?

If just the song than the only decent one this season is Pandora's.

Visually both the OP and ED from Osumatsu are great (I have a soft spot for stop motion EDs)

Both visuals and music I guess.

The Osumatsu ED is really fun even with me not knowing what's being said.
The whole OST from that show is very good by the way, the background music fits really well.


I went and checked how much content is left and wow there is ALOT more content. I really hope the rest is animated because it sounds great.


Mine is pretty and pink
Just watched Redline, I have no idea how a movie of this production value about illegal racing got greenlighted but I'm damn happy it did.

The animation quality, art and OST was the thing for me that stood out the most and I must say that it was top-notch.
Story, well I wasn't expecting anything incredible and it really wasn't but it was better than most action flicks and better than I expected so what am I gonna say it's the only thing really that holds it from a 10/10 in my book.
Well to be fair it's at least a better story than mad max fury road ;)

Time to calm down a little and watch Rakugo.
Garo Crimson Moon Episode 19

So this guy is the main villain....

and he appeared way back in the first episode. Mostly just to laugh evilly, and then leave. He recently killed his teacher, because darkness.

Now, we're 19 episodes into those show, and we know basically nothing about his origins or why he's so obsessed with darkness.

So we finally get to this episode where they plan to flush out his character, and they reveal that he's Michinaga's brother, the evil aristocrat's brother.
They do this by showing a flashback that is less than a minute long, and literally just shows him being abandoned as a baby.

You know, that could make for a reasonably sympathetic villain, if they didn't wait so long, and didn't just show the act of his parents abandoning him. Why not actually dive into the reasons why they abandoned him?
For a show that wants to dive in social class, it sure veers away from every possibility to do so.
You do have to watch out for the Drop Bears though.


Awesome game. It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years.


Pandora 8

Nene is still looking up how to buy world peace. Good luck. Hard to tell what happened with her parents in the past (aside from her being dead). Reporter girl has a crew and seems to be catching a break kind of.


Gate ep.20
That was interesting. Why won't the glorious Nippon just go to town and destroy them? This whole plitical/family fight is starting to remind me of Classroom*Crisis more and more.
Oh and the loli thing is stupid, but completely inoffensive...
as of right now... hopefully he keeps his hands off of her.
The love for the Erased OP surprises me. It's so incredible unremarkable, it's not even funny anymore.

At least the ED has its visual even if the song went nowhere after the good first ~10s.

The Erased OP is better than the ED. The ED has striking visuals, but there's little sense of logic connecting one shot to the next and so it feels rather visually rambling and disorganized. The Erased OP has a really strong logical connection throughout that fits really well with the music and is thematically meaningful to the series. It's exactly the sort of thing I like to see.

Just watched Redline, I have no idea how a movie of this production value about illegal racing got greenlighted but I'm damn happy it did.

The animation quality, art and OST was the thing for me that stood out the most and I must say that it was top-notch.
Story, well I wasn't expecting anything incredible and it really wasn't but it was better than most action flicks and better than I expected so what am I gonna say it's the only thing really that holds it from a 10/10 in my book.
Well to be fair it's at least a better story than mad max fury road ;)

Time to calm down a little and watch Rakugo.

Redline should have ended after the title card. Everything after that was curiously slow for what was supposedly a celebration of speed, and the attempts within that slowness to flesh out characters were unconvincing. I had already checked out before the main race got underway, and the ending didn't help matters. If we're talking about action films, I'd rather see something like Sword of the Stranger, which doesn't have an amazingly rich story but is effective at hitting the emotional beats it wants to hit. Even Boruto has a more engaging narrative than Redline.
Norn9 Episode 8

The war in this is pretty intense combined with the mysterious father issue.

For the war, the in air flying jets scene versus some weird mech inspired creations was pretty stunning. It kind of makes me wish we had more jet firefights in anime.

But this scifi story though
they did that many resets in the span of 6000 years?! It seems to suggest people will always war to exhaustion. Surely they need to look beyond Resets


I haven't read the manga, but I honestly don't know if anyone is serious about their crazy killer speculation in Erased, because the answer is really, really obvious.

Let's go over the clues.

1. The killer is someone known to Satoru's mom.
2. The killer is an adult male at the time of the initial murders, judging by his build in the scene where we see him.
3. The killer knows that murdering Hiromi will make it impossible for the police to suspect him.
4. The killer is not Yuuki.

That leaves literally one person.

That's my exact thought on who the culprit is.


This is the problem I've always had. One of his best bros gets murdered too and his only about line about him has been. "He probably got killed cause he sorta looks like a girl." I just don't get the importance of Kayo why does he think preventing her death will stop everything else?

Holy shit Satoru is a shitty fucking friend.

I think from a character perspective it makes a lot of sense. This isn't -really- about logically figuring out how to solve a murder or save someone who got killed. It's about the psychological scars Satoru has as an adult. His biggest regret in life is that Kayo is the one who "slipped by" in the sense that he always thought he should approach her but didn't, and then she got murdered. That bothers him and the fact that someone he knew got accused of the murder made it worse. He wants to fix that, the Revival being based on his mother's murder is just a fantasy/excuse in the narrative to force the scenario into action.


Erased: 8
Great episode, with a more suspenseful first half and more mundane second half. Lots of nice moments. My favorite part was the breakfast scene when Kayo thinks back to all the previous breakfasts she had, it was genuinely moving.

Rakugo: 8
Quiet a bittersweet episode. They are moving up in the world of Rakugo and yet they are drifting apart. And Kikuhiko's job means he has to break up with Miyokichi and he went about it in a douchebag way. Finally I thought their conversations on the future of Rakugo and how Rakugo had to compete with other entertainments was very interesting.
Majin Bone 20

Really loving these Nakashima episodes. Several lovely cartoony touches this time around.

I wonder who the Nepos man on the inside is. We really haven't been introduced to anyone in the lab aside from the director, Anna, and Leonard, and I'd be shocked if it was any one of them, so I'm assuming it's someone we haven't seen yet. Or maybe it's that one guy who said the angry Engrish line last attack.


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2: Sword of Destiny

With a middling script, lackluster combat, a single interesting character, and some really shoddy fx, this has all the hallmarks of a bioware rpg.
His name is pronounced "Rugen" pretty clearly (and that's how it's translated on DVD), and "Wilhelm" never turns up anywhere. The picture in the first episode points to him being the same historical figure, but the name change could either be something lost in translation or more intentional fuzziness to separate the real world from the world of the show.

I didn't dig out the DVDs to check but I did grab my artbook:

It says コンラートレントゲン (KONRAATO RENTOGEN) which is closer to the German pronunciation of Conrad Röntgen, although why they went without the Wilhelm I don't know.

I can't take a screenshot right now, but I'm in the middle of Fantastic Children 10 and it shows a copy of Rugen's dissertation marked "W. Conrad Rugen". So even in the show it looks like his first name is meant to be Wilhelm, even if it's rarely used.


Assassination Classroom S2 03-04

Finally catching up on this. Episode 03's lighting was awful, damn. It felt like the whole episode was way too dark and I kept squinting my eyes. I know most of it happened at night, but still, I think they messed up a bit there.

Episode 04's daily routine, however, went back to normal. And not just the lighting -- I very much enjoyed how this show can go to its serious (though admittedly still somewhat silly) episodes back to normal classroom episodes very swiftly. Itona being on Terasaka's group is the best, and the jokes were damn good on the latter half, with the codenames.

I also was talking to a friend yesterday about a bunch of kanji that japanese people learn very early that we would likely never use or see being used, and I exemplified with Ito/thread. Not only did they use 2min of the episode to talk about japanese naming, they used Itona as an example and showed the Ito kanji... Serves me right.
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