The official Twitter account for the Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma anime series revealed on Sunday that the show's second season is titled Shokugeki no Sōma: Ni no Sara (Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: The Second Plate). The series will premiere this summer.
Looks bad/boring. Background work and coloring is atrocious.
Anyone know where in the Monogatari timeline Episode 8 of Koyomimonogatari fits in?
Why does the animation look so wonky? Like, it looks like some outsourced flashtoon rather than actual anime.
I think it's like the 11th or something?Koyomimonogatari 8
It seems to be just before Nadeko becomes crazy and after she met the "snake". So it's November 1?
It's by a French studio I think.
Mobile Suit Gundam - Iron-Blooded Orphans - 21
They really need to stop making those death flags less obvious. You could see this coming from a mile away.
Oh man, I think I'm gonna like this. the music is really good.
Same composer as Gundam Build Fighters and Haikyu.![]()
Hellsing Ultimate 1
Didn't realize the episodes were that long. Damn good though.
Watching it dubbed? Worth it just to hear Crispin Freeman's amazingly hammy performance.
Yes, this is good news.シンフォギアライブ@武道館2016最終日で発表!4期と5期製作決定!!
Holy christ, not just s4, they even announced Symphogear s5!
everyone is entitled to their own opinions...
personally I will be watching the anime of the season as it airs![]()
Watching it dubbed? Worth it just to hear Crispin Freeman's amazingly hammy performance.
Holy christ, not just s4, they even announced Symphogear s5!
Been watching Tokyo Ghoul on Netflix, because I heard a lot of hype for it as it was airing.
Jesus what a pile of shit this is. The characters are boring as fuck, nothing ever happens, the plot I believe only just started around episode 10 and even then it's a shitty one, the acting is hammy and bad, the world building is basic at best, all the decent gory parts are censored to hell and back and what the hell at the offensive gay stereotypes?
Literally the only redeeming feature of this show is its artwork and op/ed, everything else is a terrible rehash of every "dark" shounen action anime before it.
I'm also pretty sure that I'll be watching the anime of the season as it airs, and while I'm not sure what it is yet, I don't think it'll be that.![]()
If I were to wager a guess as to what the best TV anime of spring 2016 will be, I would guess it'll be one of the following:
Concrete Revolutio S2
Diamond is Unbreakable
Joker Game
Kagewani S2
Those seem to hold the most promise.
Dat soundtrack
MHA will grab all the "casual" anime viewers though.
I have a bad feeling about Concrete Revolutio S2.![]()