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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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Yamishibai - 01

This was creepy as fuck. I approve.
Never ever remove things that look like talismans.

Yamishibai - 02

This too was creepy as fuck. Poor guy was just unlucky, he did nothing wrong.

Yamishibai - 03

Creepy #3. Not a strange family tradition at all... Not. at. all...

Yamishibai - 04

Fuck. I'm never going near one of those huge Canon office printers again.

Yamishibai - 05

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Fuck elevators. Fuck them.
Erased 1

The best first episode of the season so far.

As for the episode it was pretty great. The atmosphere, characters, OST, animation, and pacing were all balanced well with each other creating an intense and great episode. The revival sequences were fantastically animated and the way it makes those loud noises is fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed Satoru's character from what we've seen of him. Him being a antisocial individual was portrayed realistically and wasn't just a shut in neet like other anime try to portray it. I have to give props to the Voice Actor because he sounds so unreal when voicing the MC. It feels too realistic in a good way. Also the mom was pretty great as well. I hope for the love of me the show continues to be consistent and doesn't turn to shit down the line. Please let it be good I'm begging you.

Unless Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu or Dimension W come out with a top tier first episode, Erased will be the best first episode for me.


Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu 1
For me, this is definitely the best opening episode of the season so far. If the show manages to keep this up I can definitely see it becoming one of my favorite shows in quite a long time. All the main characters were fleshed out well and felt really interesting, the setting was great and I really enjoyed the actual Rakugo scenes. I was actually really impressed with how interesting they were, especially considering how it was basically around 10 minutes consisting entirely of one character talking.

The best part of the show by far were the performances of the voice actors though. Akira Ishida in particular delivered an amazing performance as Yakumo, and Yotaro's voice actor was also great. The Rakugo scenes in particular benefited tremendously from this.

There was one thing that bothered me, however. The pacing seemed too fast, especially in the beginning, where they introduce a lot of characters in a very short amount of time, which makes their introductions feel a bit rushed. I assume a part of this is due to the rather unusual format of the first episode though, so I'm hoping it will slow down a bit in the following episodes.

Is the translation as bad as the excerpts I've seen on Twitter make it out to be?
I'm no expert on Japanese, but the translation is definitely shaky. There are a couple of places where they deliberately did not translate some words and sentences. I assume this was done to preserve the feel of the show's period, but it is definitely something translators need to stop doing, as it feels rather unprofessional. Still, It's nothing that would ruin the show imo.
So this season so far is Erased vs Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu?(yeah i know still some shows not aired yet)

And it's A-1 vs DEEN? damn new year sure come with something surprising.
Man, nothing is grabbing me this season.

If Dimension W and Grimgar don't interest me at all, then I guess I focus on my backlog/watching classics.
So this season so far is Erased vs Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu?(yeah i know still some shows not aired yet)

And it's A-1 vs DEEN? damn new year sure come with something surprising.

That's not very surprising, since those two shows have always looked the most interesting out of the new ones airing this season.

Dimension W should be cool.
Grimgar...the LN is slow heat so i doubt first episode can make something very interesting.

Grimgar can make best use of its director's talent and its spectacular backgrounds if it focuses on atmosphere instead of what's likely to be a lackluster plot. I swear, if the first episode has a boatload of LN terminology...

Russ T

Grimgar can make best use of its director's talent and its spectacular backgrounds if it focuses on atmosphere instead of what's likely to be a lackluster plot. I swear, if the first episode has a boatload of LN terminology...

This is exactly what I'm hoping for. Those backgrounds are beautiful. Please don't ruin it with twenty minutes of exposition. ):
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu 01

I don't think this is for me. I didn't feel engaged at all in the nearly ten minute long performance, which I suppose is impressive in itself if the voice actor did it in one take. Perhaps its a lack of appreciation for Rakugo and the show is definitely not bad but I think it's too out there for me.


I skimmed through Gate S2 01 real quick and wow, they actually left that scene in. i was fully expecting them to imply it or not include it. It's about as graphic as they could get away with. Surprising.

I'll watch the full episode later to catch what else has changed.

Funny how Zorzal has been remade again. The novel version looks different from the manga one and neither look the same as the dude in the anime. About the only common points seems to be being built like a brickhouse and being blonde. And being a total dick.

The stuff about Bessara the crimelord was fun. Quick and to the point.
I need the motivation to watch Bardock's stuff today. Does Bardock: The Father of Goku's Japanese dub not sound like the actors recorded with pillows over their mouths or is it a choice between shitty sound quality or listening to the dub featuring Granny Frieza?


Gate ep.13
Alright, welcome back Gate. More of a he same as last year, but noticeable lack of Rory and his three harem girls. Looks like things are going to get crazy next week.


Maturity, bitches.
Hello every-nyan. How are you? Fine thank you. I wish I were a bird.


P.S. This show is disgraceful.


Gate ep.13
Alright, welcome back Gate. More of a he same as last year, but noticeable lack of Rory and his three harem girls. Looks like things are going to get crazy next week.

I remember when I thought GATE was about silly fights between tanks and horses. Then a lot of anime happened and i stopped watching.


Koukaku no Pandora Episode 1:

Well, this is certainly the most anime show I have watched this season and I will at least credit with having a fun energy that quite a few shows are lacking this season. Put it to you this way, this is trash but at least it isn't the fucking grey globule that is a shitty LN adaptation.


It's just as good as before. I really like the new opening, even if the ending is not as good as the old one, imo. Rest of the episode was the usual stuff. Good. :3


Heavy Object ep.14
Yup, this is still a damn good show. Funny we are going to get a captain/princess rivalry, lol. Looks like things are going to get ugly in the city next week, good stuff.


I just took a peek at the Gate Manga and compared the current episode with it's chapter counterpart. Well, the anime has been censored quite a bit. I acutally didn't know there was so much explicit violence and lewdness in it. :0
Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven

So I decided to look up what the worst rated show on MAL was because I make bad decisions, and it was this. Mars of Destruction is the #3, by the way. This is pretty much the same thing, some dumb Idea Factory game and the same director and just complete nonsense. Like there's hardly anything to talk about but it fails so spectacularly in every area that it feels like they had to have been trying to do so, and not in a way that its fun to shit on like Garzey's Wing or Rail Wars either, in the way where I am questioning why this was made.

At least you can see shit you'd never see in even the most bottom of the barrel shows like scenes cutting randomly before they are even over.
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu - 01

While I'm pretty indifferent about the Rakugo itself, I did get infected by Yotarou's (sudden?) newly found passion for it, and ambition to succeed. By the end of the episode I was invested enough in all three main characters to want to see their journey.

At the start of Yotarou's 10 minute rakugo debute I was rather uninterested, but I got more invested the further it went on and ended up enjoying it.
I think the main reason was how I had to use my imagination to translate the words told, to images, for an unusual length of time. Which I find a bit funny in a visual medium.
I also liked the few moments when the camera was focusing on the subtle body movements, I wish it was more consistent throughout the performance though.

Whenever "The Boss" spoke, I couldn't shake off Saikawa from The Perfect Insider and I was just waiting for him to pull out a cigarette and say something deep.



Sölf;191650059 said:
I just took a peek at the Gate Manga and compared the current episode with it's chapter counterpart. Well, the anime has been censored quite a bit. I actually didn't know there was so much explicit violence and lewdness in it. :0

The manga pretty much equals Berkserk on that front. The very opening chapter has *very* explicit scenes of the Imperial Dragon riders tearing through the civilians at Ginza. The bandits that Rory murdered on her introduction were up to much more than just robbing etc. The 'Special Region' ain't a happy place.


The manga pretty much equals Berkserk on that front. The very opening chapter has *very* explicit scenes of the Imperial Dragon riders tearing through the civilians at Ginza. The bandits that Rory murdered on her introduction were up to much more than just robbing etc. The 'Special Region' ain't a happy place.

If I wouldn't prefer watching anime over reading manga, I would probably just switch over. The difference and therefore the overall feeling between the normal scenes and the brutal ones is just "better" in the manga, imo. But I still have so many other things to read. Maybe someday I will catch up with Yona... xD


Well...I am half way of Great Teacher Onizuka and man...loving it quite a bit. Getting more better as I continue watching.

Have you tried watching the J-drama version? This is one of the very few series, along with Nodame Cantabile and Nana, where it's enjoyable in all three mediums of manga, anime, and J-drama.
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu 1
Wow, that performance segment was fantastic. Well acted and animated and it made me laugh several times. This lived up to the hype.

Someone should tell Firehawk that Kobayashi is in this.


Well...I am half way of Great Teacher Onizuka and man...loving it quite a bit. Getting more better as I continue watching.
I would recommend checking out the manga after finishing the series because there is a lot more chapters left. Plus if I recall correctly the anime has an original ending.


Very unfortunate, but yeah, the manga expanded more with certain characters than the anime did. Though I didn't like the ending, the anime was funny and good enough for me to overlook it, unlike other anime original endings.

John Blade

Have you tried watching the J-drama version? This is one of the very few series, along with Nodame Cantabile and Nana, where it's enjoyable in all three mediums of manga, anime, and J-drama.

I haven't but I heard good impression of the 1st live action show. I might look into it as the anime is very good to watch.

Also, do anything want to make my avatar? Just something to ask but don't know if anyone here don't mind to make one for me. Just need a shout out of this.
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