Media Blasters is still a thing?
Are we sure?
Are we sure?
unfortunately.Media Blasters is still a thing?
Are we sure?
Media Blasters is still a thing?
Are we sure?
Media Blasters is still a thing?
Are we sure?
Active website says yes
While we're on Media Blasters, have there been any more licenses from them that they lost as of late (after 2013)?
Media Blasters was dead to me around the time they laid off 60% of its employees and became heavily reliant on Hentai. At that point, I knew they no longer had anything noteworthy to offer.
While I think Sentai is the worst of the NA companies with regards to video quality, I do respect them for going after titles that have a low chance of succeeding or proven bombs in the past, (Higurashi springs to mind).
I can only hope they don't screw up Higurashi's release when they finally get to it. Can't be any worse than Geneon's release anyway...right?
It's amazing that they actually had the balls to release Gintama here. Also dubbing the Benizakura movieWhile I think Sentai is the worst of the NA companies with regards to video quality, I do respect them for going after titles that have a low chance of succeeding or proven bombs in the past, (Higurashi springs to mind).
It's amazing that they actually had the balls to release Gintama here. Also dubbing the Benizakura movie
Since someone mentioned Media Blasters and UY, is AnimEgo still a thing?
Since someone mentioned Media Blasters and UY, is AnimEgo still a thing?
Since someone mentioned Media Blasters and UY, is AnimEgo still a thing?
All this discussion over Nisekoi.
Revolting really.
Yes they are! They've been releasing some of their titles on Blu-Ray recently through Kickstarter. They did Bubblegum Crisis as their first BD, and will be releasing Otaku no Video on BD soon. In addition, they have plans for Kickstarting BDs of Riding Bean and AD Police Files.
I was very happy with their release of Bubblegum Crisis, so I'm very excited to get a copy of their Otaku no Video BD!
AnimeEgo is indeed still a thing but they've long since stopped licensing anime. I think they do live-action films nowadays.
AnimEIgo is still alive. They do crowfounding right now for Otaku no Video Otaking Edition for Blu-ray. They release Bubblegum Crisis in Blu-ray and from what I heard, it's worth the money.
Ah neat.
I wonder if they still have the UY license. I'd love to get that set on DVD now. Back in they day they charged $40 for a VHS with only 2 episodes, or $80 for a laserdisc with 4 episodes.
Any guesses on which Anime this Winter Season you think will have the best first episode?
Any guesses on which Anime this Winter Season you think will have the best first episode?
What else is there to talk about right now?
Any guesses on which Anime this Winter Season you think will have the best first episode?
Dimension W I guess.
Any guesses on which Anime this Winter Season you think will have the best first episode?
How Media Blasters has turned to shit? Louzy Sentai releases? Mourning the loss of Geneon, ADV and Bandai? Quite a few options to be had.
@Crunchyroll: News: Crunchyroll to simulcast "Ooya-san wa Shishunki!" anime, series premieres January 10 at 7:30am Pacific Time http://got.cr/1mAjE5K
But Sentai are ADV. Always have been.
Except, I suppose, where ADV would shovel out vast numbers of licenses with relatively decent production values, now they do things relatively bare-bones instead.
Any guesses on which Anime this Winter Season you think will have the best first episode?
Sigh...kinda sad that certain show won't be re release now because of the lost license. Suck right now. I guess I am a bit lucky as I try to get them on the use market when it's cheap.
There's almost always a chance for a lost license to be picked up by another company. See Higurashi for example; the individual DVD volumes released by Geneon did terrible. The complete DVD collection distributed by Funimation did terrible. Yet here Sentai is, releasing a complete BD collection for whatever reason.
It's a weird industry.
It's all trash. Wonder which trash I'll end up watching on the flight to Cancun.
Well, this came out in November, so it looks like somehow they are still in fact a thing.
Any guesses on which Anime this Winter Season you think will have the best first episode?
There's almost always a chance for a lost license to be picked up by another company. See Higurashi for example; the individual DVD volumes released by Geneon did terrible. The complete DVD collection distributed by Funimation did terrible. Yet here Sentai is, releasing a complete BD collection for whatever reason.
It's a weird industry.
I think the BD's, the far more healthy climate in NA and the growing popularity of Higurashi through the manga and VN allowed for the anime series to get a second lease on life here in NA.
On the subject of, Higurashi might be the best example of how badly Geneon was doing by 2007. DVD menu screen's were just the cover of that particular volume with a shitty filter, the selection arrows weren't lined up with the menu choices sometimes. The english credits were a separate menu section rather then in the actual credits or at the end of a DVD. The english dub was crap, coming nowhere close to the original Japanese that in the case of Mela Lee and Grant George, is their worst performance. And this might just only be on my end but the DVD's fall out of the slots if moved too swiftly (IE moderate speed).
I'm still glad that I got it for the price I did but still, rarity does not excuse shoddy work like that.
That might explain in part why Sentai's picked up Higuarshi. They might have gotten a good price on it, too.
It's a pity we had to lose Geneon, since they had a pretty great catalog of titles. I wish they were still around if only so that Paradise Kiss would still be in print.
Honestly the bigger lose IMO is Bandai. They had the best catalogue out of everyone and then the Japanese side pulled the plug on them. And we are still waiting for Funimation and Sentai to get the materials to re-release everything.
Yea...it's kinda suck when Geneon went under. They got quite a few good anime license and they release are really good if you manage to get them. Hell, any of my Geneon title I own, they quality is pretty good.
Bandai messed up their K-ON release though. lossy audio
Both Geneon and Bandai would often outsource their dubs to the same companies. That usually meant Animaze or Bang Zoom and a good dub, but sometimes they'd outsource to Odex and we'd get something unfortunate.Yep, I miss them too. Their packaging was usually solid quality and the dubbing was normally pretty good as opposed to ADV.
But really, the biggest loss was Bandai. So many licenses lost and they got the best quality.
Sentai fixed K-On's audio in their release, thankfully.Bandai messed up their K-ON release though. lossy audio
Both Geneon and Bandai would often outsource their dubs to the same companies. That usually meant Animaze or Bang Zoom and a good dub, but sometimes they'd outsource to Odex and we'd get something unfortunate.
Sentai fixed K-On's audio in their release, thankfully.