Admiral Woofington

stolen from Trump thread
Rakugo 11
Who knew the DTL show of the season would also be the anime of the season.
PW just has harem "elements", not a full-on one though.Phantom World? Dunno how harem-ish it really gets but episode 1 even had a clever (read: lame) twist on the girl falls on MC trope. So it should suffice in that regard.
Testament of Sister New Devil seems up your alley. There's two seasons of it.
BAKAHowever, whenever he walks in on her naked, accidentally, she constantly says she will kill him a hundred times, with her usually hitting him with her magic. When she needs to be submitted due to the aphrodisiac effects of the pact, her most sensitive area is her breasts.
Has there been a shitty, trashy harem series in the past few seasons? Just want to some background noise on now that Daredevil is over and those are always the easiest to not pay attention to. lol
stolen from Trump thread
Have you seen My Bride is a Mermaid? As trashy shows go, I actually kind of enjoyed that one.
Pokemon Sun and Moon Legendaries revealed!
I was wondering why most of the time the teacher is always the best girl in harem shows?
My Bride is a Mermaid is trashy? Probably my favorite harem comedy harem. The show's focus is on comedy and there's no fanservice, so I'm not sure how it's trashy.
Cuz the teacher is always the Queen/Doctor smoking a pipe archtype and too mature to fall for the high school protagonist's cheesy shit, thus making her the true endgame.
My Bride is a Mermaid is pretty good if you don't mind excessive amounts of people screaming at each other.
Have you seen My Bride is a Mermaid? As trashy shows go, I actually kind of enjoyed that one.
Oh yeah, I remember that from ages ago. It was around the Jexhius loves Akikan era of animegaf I think. lolUh, Seto no Hanayome isn't trash it's a damn treasure.
The concession you make withanimeJapanese comedy
Oh yeah, I remember that from ages ago. It was around the Jexhius loves Akikan era of animegaf I think. lol
That must have been the start of the "girls as objects" era of anime.Uggh, that show man. Grape soda loli girl and all..
Erased 11
Actually a decent episode, except for the last minute. Unsure how they'll resolve everything with only one more episode though. I know it was never going to happen but it would be cool be see an alternate ending wherelol i have my memories again for reasonsSensei does get away with it, kind of like a BAD END in Steins Gate.
I liked the setup that if there is one more revival it has a lot more weight and moral ambiguity to it in that Satoru could now potentially fuck over some people''s happy futures just to get revenge on the killer. Great idea with the OP too though it looked a little weird at times.
With Rakugo and KonoSuba being received really well, and Swagamoto on the horizon... might say Studio Deen found a way.
PW isnt a harem tho and its actually *good*
Plenty. Asterisk War and the other Not-Asterisk War that came out last season should fulfill your trash harem needs.
If you just need trash without the harem theres also Konosuba
Unless Satoru is braindead, which he arguably sometimes is, I'm pretty sure how this will end.He didn't just got his memories back but a few days or so beforehand and has planned everything out with his mom and friends. So we'll get to see all our original victims ganging up on Mr Evil which would make for a decent resolution.
With Rakugo and KonoSuba being received really well, and Swagamoto on the horizon... might say Studio Deen found a way.
Unless Satoru is braindead, which he arguably sometimes is, I'm pretty sure how this will end.He didn't just got his memories back but a few days or so beforehand and has planned everything out with his mom and friends. So we'll get to see all our original victims ganging up on Mr Evil which would make for a decent resolution.
With Rakugo and KonoSuba being received really well, and Swagamoto on the horizon... might say Studio Deen found a way.
With Rakugo and KonoSuba being received really well, and Swagamoto on the horizon... might say Studio Deen found a way.
Like the whole present arc im still unsure what relevance any of those characters or events have to the overall plot.
The second season (motto to love ru) is significantly better than the first (the first was boring to me)Speaking of trashy harem shows, is Tu Love Ru darkness worth watching? I stopped after the first season.
Speaking of trashy harem shows, is Tu Love Ru darkness worth watching? I stopped after the first season.
In the last five years they have...what? Rozen Maiden: Zurückspulen is really all I see.They've been finding a way for several years now!
Arakawa Under the Bridge 01
Well I already knew the opening of this show is one of the best there is but at least so far the content itself is of similar pedigree. I was giggling throughout and finally lost it at the entire kappa conversation. Great stuff. Shaft is Gods.
But why do they have to use Kamiya for everything -_- I've grown tired of hearing his voice by now.
New pickups
Please don't be next Sawano. I hope he can keep his quality as good as Build FighterGuys we're getting two Hayashi soundtracks next season.
What a time to be alive!