Love, but Live: 12 - Please Understand
...In which a light sprain and a fever are enough to keep you out of school for several days. Truly, being idoru is suffering.
I'm just trying to imagine Nozomi's boob grabs as the locker room butt slap. But there is something kinda creepy about how they are how she enforces behavior among the girls.
Honoka did nothing wrong
lol, this background dialogue though
Student A: "Hey, did you do the handout for first period?"
Student B: "Nope."
story of my life
Love Live! School Idol Project END
Okay, it's over now.
Honestly, I just didn't like this season all that much. It's too bad, because I thought it started really really strong. I feel like by the end, the girls were just not
that great of friends. I mean, sure they all were tied to Honoka as their leader and the central reason for why they all joined the group, but the chemistry between bandmates(?) was just not that strong. Like, I just did not think that Umi and Kotori were *really* friends with the rest, the kouhai trio just spent the whole time just being pushed around by the third years, and especially Nico, in my mind I felt like she just was not the biggest fan of everyone else.
I know they only had 13 episodes to develop the 9 main characters, but honestly I actually felt like they spent a little too long. Like now that I think of it, what was even the point of the Akiba episode with Kotori, especially because they were going to use her as drama bait two episodes later? They should have at least given that time for the other girls to develop. Also the climax was just weak. Maybe they expected to make a second season here, but honestly if you name the show "Love Live" I expect the girls to at least show up AT the Love Live! In practically every other sports/performance show, even if our group isn't supposed to win, they're supposed to just *get* there period. Like, this is worse than Ash Ketchum getting rekt over and over again. At least he shows up to the Gyms and the Leagues.
I usually grab a few songs from these shows, especially ones that focus on music, but I just was not feeling the music for this one. Maybe I've listened to too many songs that sound similar, but the lyrics were fairly generic, the melodies were kinda awkward, and they just were not
catchy. I mean, I love to blast idol music on my radio down the highway like the next guy, but I just don't see myself doing that with these songs. Also, Start

ASH! is like their weakest song by far, why was it the choice for the climax?
Personally in the end, I felt like this show wasn't really like the other idol/music shows. I did keep thinking however, that the next closest thing I could compare this show to was
Little Busters.
Really, Little Busters, because they spent a lot of time trying to "rescue" and "recruit" the other club members. The focus of Love Live was converting the other 8 girls to the cause, not really performing at all.
If anything, this all just makes me want to watch
Wake Up! Girls again. That show was the shit.
Should you watch Love Live? Sure, if you want to see where the hype is. But there are really better idol shows out there. At least for this first season. To be fair, Symphogear season one was a mess, too, so I will watch a few episodes of season two.